

EvilP 更新于 2024-12-13 23:27:12,共有条回复论坛链接


“My dearest envoys,” - Ylwari’s words were woven with great care, each syllable a note meant to deliver the exact tone and message she wished to convey - “I hear your concerns and I must admit the situation seems to be far more serious than even our lieges believe it to be. It is even more imperative, then, that we stand united against the oncoming storm.” - she paused for a moment, then continued - “When I’d stood before Her Majesty Amelchia, She spoke to me not from the position of a monarch or a ruler but of someone who was willing to sacrifice their own dreams if it meant that Jadame — and everything it has to offer — is preserved for the generations to come.” - Ylwari stopped for a second to reveal a scroll with what appeared to be a mix of draconic runes, elven writing and minotaur seals - “In order to do so She, alongside the rest of Triumvirate of Alvar, has permitted me to provide any of you and your lords with full military, civilian and magical support our people have to offer should you join our cause. She has also granted me the right to share the call for help we have received from Garrote Gorge.”


The sight of the decree from the Triumvirate surprised the envoys. While it wasn’t uncommon for different missions to carry direct missives from their lieges, the Alvar Pact, as a nation, has rarely — if ever — invoked their laws on what could have been considered a countrywide scale, preferring to let local powers form treaties and then relay the results of such negotiations to the capital city, effectively forming a flexible network of fiefdoms. However, the diplomats’ musings had to wait as Ylwari continued her speech.


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  • 术士:伊尔瓦里(Ylwari,外交特长战役英雄),格拉斯托(Glastor),修女黛拉(Sister Deira)
  • 领主:克里塔,纳瓦尔之女(Creta, Daughter of Navarr),德维尔(Devir),瑞亚(Rhea),背叛者泰拉里斯(Tellaris the Betrayed)


  • 穴居人(Troglodyte):数量众多,可以使用比近战伤害低的短距离远程攻击(Viscous Spit,喷口水);
  • 地狱穴居人(Infernal Troglodyte):两种升级模式的可以选择削弱目标的攻击或者防御;
  • 剧毒穴居人(Toxic Troglodyte):(大概应该是主动远程技能的附带效果);
  • 渗透者(Infiltrator):可以传送攻击,同时可以选择是否攻击后返回原位置(会降低伤害);
  • 诡计渗透者(Guile Infiltrator):可以隔空攻击(全图?暗影打击,Shadowstrike);
  • 阴冷渗透者(Bleak Infiltrator):可以隐身?(阴影面纱,Veil of Shadows);
  • 三级兵暂缺;
  • 牛头怪(Minotaur):产量低,数值高,士气永远为正,可以使用1X3格的线性伤害(大满贯,Grand Slam),但是会降低伤害;
  • 牛头怪领主(Minotaur Lord):对自己使用buff(不屈意志,Unyielding Will)
  • 牛头怪先锋(Minotaur Vanguard):可以抢先反击?(先发制人,Pre-emptive Strike);
  • 美杜莎(Medusa):远程兵种,无射程惩罚,降低伤害的散射(箭雨,Arrow Barrage);
  • 美杜莎雕塑家(Medusa Sculptor):近战伤害不减,近身石化目标(Petrification);
  • 美杜莎女王(Medusa Queen):更强的远程伤害;
  • 九头蛇(Hydra):普通攻击可以同时击中前方三格的敌军,主动技能可以打身边所有的敌军(降伤害,旋风打击,Whirlwind Strike);能力随回合数而增强?
  • 冥府九头蛇(Chthonic Hydra):可以自行回复生命值;
  • 地狱九头蛇(Infernal Hydra):可以降低被攻击目标的攻击力;
  • 赤龙(Red Dragon):强力飞行兵种,魔法免疫,龙息攻击两格;主动技能可以攻击更大范围(硫磺袭击,Sulphurous Assault);可以振奋友军(加攻击或者士气?心灵之火,Inner Flame)
  • 黑龙(Black Dragon):可以俯冲敌军?(dive into)
  • 白化龙(Albino Dragon):龙的技能看后面是三个都能用心灵之火和大范围的硫磺袭击,但没有dive的演示;

上古纪元#Prophecy#12#宿命 中立生物

EvilP 更新于 2024-12-12 23:11:37,共有条回复论坛链接

“Thine temper betrays thee. Hath thee no land to protect? Hath thee no kin to shield? Apply thyself. ‘Tis no time for pettiness. Aeons ‘fore thine lives had begun, this world had seen many calamities.” The Oracle waved their hand and the mirror next to them had begun to ripple, as if they had disturbed a water surface. Images of spherical contraptions that seemed both mechanical and magical in nature appeared to watch as many enemies clashed against one another, undead dragons among them. The constructs seemed both alien and familiar in shape, as if subconsciously they were known to the envoys on some fundamental, core level. Once the vision was gone from the mirror, the Oracle continued.


“Order must be maintained. Thine quarrels shall only lead to thine ancient protectors deeming you as part of mayhem thine lords wish to eradicate — if this convocation fails.” Silence reigned once again. What had been a warning the first time, now almost seemed like a threat from forces far older than anyone else gathered there, including the ancient treant. Finally, after what had felt like an eternity, Ylwari addressed everyone in the plaza.


宿命 - Impending Fate - 3阶奥术魔法

A wave of temporal energies bursts across the battlefield, dealing damage to all enemies. At higher levels the amount of damage dealt is increased.


世界观察者 - Worldwatcher - 6级中立兵种

These constructs often accompany Sentinels一perhaps they are made by them. They claim their mission is simply to observe the world and report to their makers, to see if anything needs to be fixed. But why are simple observers so well equipped for battle?


龙巫妖 - Lich Dragon - 8级中立兵种

Undead dragons come to existence in places where enormous amounts of necrotic energies radiate close to their resting places. As such, for all the power they have, risen dragons are surprisingly simple and unambitious一more beasts guarding their graveyards than rulers.



EvilP 更新于 2024-12-12 00:07:01,共有条回复论坛链接

“The song is discordant.” Elder Tss’kish’s words echoed throughout the plaza. “Where harmony used to reign, tethers and false notes appear. All that mana - wild, chaotic, volatile - brings ruin to Mycelium. Nightmarish shapes not of this world take form, then freeze and shatter what has been a part of our song for centuries. Should they continue to do so, the song will be broken and the barriers taken down. Do not let the song go silent.”


What were previously just whispers between the entourage of each respective envoy, has now turned into a cacophony of squabbles and arguments. The Oracle spoke again, this time raising their hand to draw everyone’s attention to themselves.


召唤化身 - Summon Avatar - 1阶中性魔法

The hero manifests the power of their soul through an avatar, whose stats are based on the hero's spellpower and knowledge. Only one allied Avatar may be present at a time.


化身 - Avatar - 3级中立兵种

There is a unique mastery invented by Jadame scholars, an art of expressing one's soul not through word or song, but directly. The creature cast this way is a uniquely tremulous and powerful Embodiment.


召唤原初遗存 - Summon Primal Remnant - 5阶原初魔法

A burst of life energies infuses nearby flora, summoning a stack of primal remnants to aid your hero in combat. At higher levels more remnants are summ one ed and it costs less mana to cast.


原初遗存 - Primal Remnant - 5级中立兵种

Before there was time and truth, and magic, the world was in a state of primal chaos - least that's what followers of Hksmilla believe. Some of this world's entities seem to hail back to those primordial times.


上古纪元#Prophecy#10#渗透者 九头蛇
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上古纪元#野外设施#Troglodyte Throne
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上古纪元#宝物介绍#Milos' Curse
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上古纪元#野外设施#Twilight Bloom
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上古纪元#宝物介绍#Power of the Dragon Father
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上古纪元#野外设施#Trophy Hunter's Den
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上古纪元#魔法介绍#Cleansing Ray
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上古纪元#魔法介绍#Fatal Decay
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上古纪元#宝物介绍#Shadow of Death
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上古纪元#兵种介绍#Dread Knight
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上古纪元#野外设施#Abandoned Mansion
EvilP 更新于 2024-10-31 21:35:14,论坛链接
EvilP 更新于 2024-10-31 04:51:49,论坛链接
上古纪元#魔法介绍#Umbral Grip
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上古纪元#问答# Orange
EvilP 更新于 2024-10-28 01:11:28,论坛链接