

EvilP 更新于 2023-11-02 01:12


  • ​​Fanstratics Troop: Banshee
  • 兵种介绍:女妖
  • Forever terrified, forever terrifying, forever horrified, forever horrifying... is the ghostly Banshee. Easily one of the most unique Troops on the Battlefield, this tortured soul is highly mobile and possesses a terrifying scream able to disrupt armor, flesh, and spirit. Under typical conditions, a fearful Enemy Division will suffer reduced Defense when targeted by this wrathful spirit. Under atypical conditions, a fearful Enemy Army will suffer reduced Defense when any Enemy Division is targeted by this wailing apparition. More often than not, the process Justin and I follow is a set of thumbnails, a rough, and a final render. Typically, the drawing comes together in the final render, but this instance, upon seeing the rough, I knew it was going to be a winner. Some concepts are difficult. Some concepts are easy. This one came together easily and early. For those who want to see Justin create the drawing, you can always watch a VOD of his Twitch stream.
  • 鬼魅般的女妖,永远处在惊骇与恐惧之中,也永远让人感到惊骇与恐惧。这种受到折磨的灵魂是战场上最为独特的兵种之一,它们有着高度灵活性,并掌握一种能瓦解护甲、血肉与灵魂的可怖哀嚎。在特定情况下,被这种愤怒的灵体所攻击的敌方部队会受到防御力的降低;而在特定的情况下,当任何一支敌方部队成为这种哭泣幽灵的目标时,敌方全体都会遭受防御力的降低。
  • Fanstratics Question: Bile Worm doesn't look like a typical demon. Does this mean that the style of the Inferno faction will be different than in Heroes 3? Or will the rest of the units of this faction be more classic.
  • FST问题:Bile Worm看起来不像一个标准的恶魔,这是否意味着该阵营会与H3的地狱城不太一样?还是说该阵营的其他单位都会更传统一些?
  • I thought I could make the Infernals more creative than their predecessor, so I’m doing my best to mix it up. There will be classic devils and demons, along with new and different Troops.
  • 我想让该阵营更具创意一些,会有标准的魔鬼与恶魔,也会有一些全新的不同单位。
  • HoMM3 Question: Why is the Gorgon image like a bull?
  • H3问题:为什么蛮牛(戈尔贡)看起来像公牛?
  • The Gorgon was inspired by the Dungeons & Dragons ‘Gorgon’, which was derived from Lybian Beast described by Edward Topsell in his 1607 zoological text, ‘The Historie of Foure Footed Beasts’. You can read a good summary here by F. Wesley Schneider.
  • 因为蛮牛的造型受到DND里的戈尔贡的启发,而这又能追溯到17世纪英国牧师爱德华·托普赛尔(Edward Topsell)在1607年的著作《四脚兽的历史》中所描述的利比亚野兽。
弗拉基喵尔 回复于 2023-11-03 11:41:
wudevils 发表于 2023-11-3 09:55

wudevils 回复于 2023-11-03 09:55:
