EvilP 更新于 2023-10-01 16:06
- Fanstratics Troop: Unicorn.
- 兵种介绍:独角兽
- Beauty is a word rarely used when describing any Troop from any Faction. Concerning Thornwood Unicorns, the term is a perfect fit. While an arguably unremarkable fighter, this magnificent warrior has a chance to Blind an Enemy Troop with each Assault. Under proper circumstances, this ability is assured and able to turn the tide of any battle. When we started work on this Troop, Justin forgot to make her anthropomorphic, leading to a sheet of thumbnails for a stereotypical Unicorn. Before I could correct his mistake, another sheet of thumbnails appeared in my inbox, along with Justin's self-realization. Nevertheless, she turned out great, making for one of the most unique Unicorns I've ever seen. Good stuff. For those who want to see Justin create the drawing, you can always watch a VOD of his Twitch stream.
- 人们很少使用美丽来形容某个派系的某个兵种,但对于Thornwood的独角兽来说,这却是个绝佳的形容词。尽管作为斗士并不出色,但这神奇的战士每一击都有几率致盲一个敌方单位。使用得当,这一能力可以力挽狂澜,反败为胜。
- Fanstratics Question: I don't mean to be offensive, but what exactly made you decide to copy-paste the "skeletal structure" of HoMM3? What do I mean: 16 heroes for each faction with 8 hero cap on the adventure map, 8 (plus one) factions that can be loosely (or even strongly) associated with 8 existing original factions of Heroes 3, with probably 7 types of units.
- FST问题:恕我冒昧,但你为何要如此重复H3的基础架构,我是说类似于每个派系16个英雄,每张地图限招8个英雄,8+1个派系,且每个派系7个兵种。
- With any 'spiritual successor', people will expect certain levels of familiarity. Deviating from the HoMM3 structure, without good reason, runs the risk of breaking the 'spiritual successor' promise made to the public. Hence, my decision to embrace consistency.
- 毕竟是H3的“精神续作”,若无必要,自然要保留这些类似的设定,以避免打破对公众的承诺。
- HoMM3 Question: Did you used to play HoMM before working for New World Computing or did you discover it while working there?
- H3问题:你在来NWC工作之前玩过英雄无敌系列么?
- I did. Technically, I started with King’s Bounty on the Sega Genesis, but my first real ‘Heroes’ experience started with HoMM2. I completely missed HoMM1.
- 玩过。最早是在世嘉MD(美版叫做Sega Genesis)上玩的国王的恩赐,而我真正第一次接触的英雄无敌是2代,我没玩过1代。
- HoMM3 Recollection: Demo Map and Map Makers (part 2 of 2).
- H3拾遗:测试地图和地图制作者