英雄世界 - 游戏人的家英雄无敌专题站 http://www.heroworld.net/ 中国最早最权威的英雄无敌个人网站 - 游戏人的家专题站 Heroes of Might and Magic Heroworld sice 1999.10.18. All rights reserved. zh-CN Wed, 15 Jan 2025 15:49:34 GMT heroesv@gmail.com (EvilP) http://www.heroworld.net/logo.gif 英雄世界 - 游戏人的家英雄无敌专题站 http://www.heroworld.net/ 上古纪元#发饼即将恢复 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1839 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1839 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426465 hoe Tue, 14 Jan 2025 20:33:38 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><p>今天就这么段虫子,同时还有个投票问大家最想看啥,目前的结果最高的是48%的种族信息。</p> <video width="100%" height="410" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20250115.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video></div> 上古纪元#一些野外建筑 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1838 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1838 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426455 hoe Tue, 07 Jan 2025 01:37:44 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><p>这些并不是官方Discord频道的正式更新,而是某个制作组成员的<a href="https://t.me/mont_heroes/1400">Telegram频道</a>里的爆料。至于官方的爆料频道大约要到月中才会恢复。</p> <p>以下内容原文是俄文,不保证和实际使用的英文完全相同。</p> <video width="100%" height="365" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20250107.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4 class="al">永恒之龙 - Eternal Dragon</h4> <p class="eo">Allows you to transform dragons into powerful bone dragons.</p> <p>可以在这里把活龙转化成死龙(巫妖龙)。</p> <div class="ac"><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20250107-Golden.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20250107 Golden"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20250107-Golden.webp" alt="20250107 Golden"></a><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20250107-Sliver.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20250107 Sliver"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20250107-Sliver.webp" alt="20250107 Sliver"></a></div> <h4 class="al">无尽金卷 - Endless golden scroll</h4> <p class="eo">Teaches hero a random rare attack spell</p> <p>随机教英雄一个高等级的攻击魔法(比如末日)。</p> <h4 class="al">无尽银卷 - Endless silver scroll</h4> <p class="eo">Teaches hero a random rare global map spell</p> <p>随机教英雄一个高等级的冒险地图魔法(比如飞跳)。</p></div> Fanstratics月报#45#2025-01#项目终结 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1837 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1837 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426447 fst Wed, 01 Jan 2025 09:17:30 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><div class="quote"> <p class="eo">Hey, All. I hope each of you is safe and healthy. This is my last Fanstratics newsletter.</p> <p>我希望你们每个人都平安健康。这是我的最后一期Fanstratics月报。</p> <p class="eo">Previously, (Newsletter #44), I touched upon my continuing health issues and the perpetual lack of progress. I have tried numerous approaches to alleviate my collection of conditions, with mild degrees of success, but my accumulated experience and research point to the obvious. My illness is more than likely permanent, and I will likely never again be what I was when I started this project.</p> <p>之前(第44期),我谈到了我持续的健康问题和长期缺乏进展。我尝试了多种方法来缓解我的一系列病症,取得了一定程度的成功,但我积累的经验和研究表明,情况显而易见。我的病很可能是永久性的,我可能再也不会像开始这个项目时那样了。</p> <p class="eo">While my spirit is willing, my flesh is weak, and I need to be honest with myself and those of you who subscribed to this newsletter. My chances of finishing Fanstratics are remote. Thus, I am concluding development.</p> <p>虽然我主观上愿意继续,但我的身体无法承受,我需要对自己和订阅者诚实。我完成Fanstratics的机会很小。因此,我结束了开发。</p> <p class="eo">As for the future, considering my physical and mental decline, I need to step back and figure out what I can and cannot accomplish. I have enjoyed writing the HoMM3 Recollections, and I think I could turn them into a memoir. We’ll see what happens.</p> <p>至于未来,考虑到我的身心衰退,我需要退一步,弄清楚我能完成什么和不能完成什么。我很喜欢写《英雄无敌3回忆录》,我想我可以把它们写成回忆录。我们拭目以待吧。</p> <p class="eo">In my welcome email to these newsletters, I said this would be a journey. Not all excursions are successful.</p> <p>在我对这些时事通讯的欢迎邮件中,我说这将是一次旅程。但并非所有的旅行都是成功的。</p> <p class="eo">Take care.</p> <p>保重。</p> </div> <p>来源:<a href="https://www.fanstratics.com/fstnewsletter45">https://www.fanstratics.com/fstnewsletter45</a>,以下由HeavenK翻译。</p> <ul class="quote"> <li class="grey">​​Fanstratics Troop: Crossbowman</li> <li class="bold"><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/artwork/fanstratics/ConceptArt_Crossbowman.webp" rel="colorbox" title="Fanstratics Crossbowman"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/artwork/fanstratics/thumbs/ConceptArt_Crossbowman.webp" class="fr" alt=""></a>兵种介绍:弩手</li> <li class="eo">Vulnerable up close, but solid from a distance, Allegiant Crossbowman do not pursue prestige. Tasked with eroding advancing combatants, or finishing off opponents engaged with Allegiant melee Troops, Crossbowman take pride in their ‘implied assistance’. Able to occasionally fire two crossbow bolts, in the time most ranged Troops can only fire one, these stoic marksmen quietly delight when demonstrating their exceptional training. There isn’t much more to say, other than... it’s been a joy working with Justin. Hopefully, we will work again in the future. :-)</li> <li class="acc">Allegiant弩手在近距离时较为脆弱,但远距离时却十分坚固,他们不追求声望。弩手的任务是消灭前进的战斗人员,或是与Allegiant近战部队交战的对手,他们以这种“默认协助”为荣。这些坚忍的神射手偶尔能够发射两支弩箭,而大多数远程部队只能发射一支,他们在展示自己出色的训练时会暗自高兴。除了与Justin合作很愉快之外,没有什么可说的了。希望我们将来能再次合作。:-)</li> </ul> <ul class="quote"> <li class="grey">HoMM3 Question: You have mentioned Redcaps as an alternative Tower unit. There is also documentation of a Will-o&apos;-Wisp unit for the Fortress that was cut. Were there any other units cut during the development stage?</li> <li class="bold">HoMM3问题:您提到Redcaps是塔楼城的候选单位。还有文档记录了壁垒城的Will-o&apos;-Wisp单位被削减。在开发阶段是否还有其他单位被削减?</li> <li class="eo">In the initial stages, when I was creating the factions, numerous other Troops were included in the first draft. Far too many for me to recall. Specifically, I remember the Redcaps and Will-o-Wisps because they were two of the last I cut in the final draft.</li> <li class="acc">在最初阶段,当我创建派系时,第一稿中包括了许多其他部队。太多了,我记不清了。具体来说,我记得红帽子和鬼火,因为它们是我在最终稿中最后删掉的两个。</li> </ul> <ul class="quote"> <li class="grey">HoMM3 Question: Why did you replace the Phoenix in HoMM3, prior to the Conflux?</li> <li class="bold">H3问题:为什么在H3在元素城之前(在壁垒用绿龙)取代了凤凰?</li> <li class="eo">Thematically, I thought the Green and Gold Dragons were a better fit. This also allowed me to use the Phoenix for the Conflux in the latter expansion, where I thought it was a better fit.</li> <li class="acc">从主题上讲,我认为绿龙和金龙更合适。这也让我可以在后面的资料片的元素城使用凤凰,我认为它更合适。</li> </ul> <ul class="quote"> <li class="grey">HoMM3 Recollection: RollerCoaster Tycoon</li> <li class="bold">H3拾遗:过山车大亨</li> <li class="expand">点击展开长文</li> <li class="eo hidden"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20250101-RollerCoasterTycoon.webp" alt=""></li> </ul></div> 上古纪元#年度听劝总结 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1836 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1836 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426445 hoe Tue, 31 Dec 2024 14:16:12 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><div class="ac playerwrapper"> <div class="playmask" data-bid="BV1rC6nYvESR"></div> <img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241231-Cover.webp" alt=""> </div> <h3><a href="https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1rC6nYvESR/">bilibili</a>,<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOPWbg6_jfo">youtube</a></h3></div> 上古纪元#音乐试听 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1835 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1835 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426430 hoe Mon, 23 Dec 2024 01:48:31 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><div class="ac playerwrapper"> <div class="playmask" data-bid="BV1J8CMYqEnh"></div> <img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241222-Cover.webp" alt=""> </div> <h3><a href="https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1J8CMYqEnh/">bilibili</a>,<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nylunHejIak">youtube</a></h3></div> 上古纪元#Prophecy#22#结束 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1834 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1834 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426428 hoe Sun, 22 Dec 2024 16:30:47 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><p class="eo">The day after</p> <p>一天后……</p> <p class="eo">Ylwari passed the outer walls of the town and was on her way back to Alvar. Benjamin provided her and her entourage with the highest quality provisions for the road, along with all other luxuries he could, and let her know that she’s welcome in his estate anytime she wishes to make a journey to Ravenshore. However, the generosity of House Loudrin was the last thing she could think of right now.</p> <p>伊尔瓦里穿过城镇的外墙,返回阿尔瓦。本杰明为她和她的随行人员提供了最优质的旅行用品,以及他所能提供的所有便利,从而让她知道,只要她想前往拉文肖尔(鸦岸),他的庄园随时欢迎。然而,劳德林家族的慷慨并不是她现在最关注的事情。</p> <p class="eo">The Oracle’s words echoed in her mind. A warning like that was very rare as the Oracle was not known for such a direct approach; and yet she couldn’t shake off the feeling that it was granted to her for a reason: that there may be something she will have to watch out for in the future. But what? How do all of these things connect? Where do the insects come into play here?</p> <p>神谕的话语在她脑海中回荡。这样的警告非常罕见,因为神谕并不以如此直接的方式而闻名;然而,她无法摆脱这种感觉,即神谕给她这样的警告是有原因的:她将来可能需要提防一些事情。但会是什么呢?所有这些事情是如何联系在一起的?昆虫在这里又在哪里发挥作用?</p> <p class="eo">“I will deal with these as they come.” - She thought - “What matters now is informing The Triumvirate of our success. I only hope this Armistice will last. It has to.” For the first time in her life, Ylwari felt that she will have to be more than a simple envoy. She will have to understand how quickly allegiances can change and what can compel such a transformation. However, that’s a story for another time…</p> <p>“我会处理这些问题。” - 她想 - “现在最重要的是将我们的成功告知三头同盟。我只希望这次停战能够持续下去。它必须持续下去。”伊尔瓦里有生以来第一次感到,她不能只做一个简单的使者。她必须了解效忠关系可以多么迅速地改变,以及什么可以促使这种转变。不过,那是另一个故事了……</p> <details> <summary>22天全文,点击展开</summary> <p class="eo">Life in Ravenshore has never looked busier. After rising to prominence, the Loudrin family used their wealth to develop what used to be a small fishing village into a bustling port town that&apos;s been quickly becoming the primary trade hub of the continent. It was no surprise to Ylwari to learn that the diplomatic summit would happen there — after all the Loudrins welcomed everyone in their town in the name of commerce.</p> <p>拉文肖尔(鸦岸)的生活从未如此忙碌。在声名鹊起后,劳德林家族利用他们的财富将曾经的一个小渔村发展成一个繁华的港口城镇,并迅速成为大陆的主要贸易中心。当伊尔瓦里得知外交峰会将在那里举行时,她并不感到惊讶 - 毕竟劳德林家族以商业的名义欢迎任何人来到镇里。</p> <p class="eo">She&apos;s finally reached Amelchia&apos;s Plaza. It seemed like an odd location for the talks to take place, yet at the same time choosing the very heart of the town was in Benjamin&apos;s style — a display of his family&apos;s influence and the metaphorical crossroads Jadame has found itself at. The other delegates and their entourage were also present:</p> <p>她终于到达了阿梅尔奇亚广场。这似乎是一个奇怪的会谈地点,但选择镇中心却是本杰明的风格——这既能展示他家族的影响力,又隐喻了贾达姆大陆当前正处在命运的十字路口。其他代表及其随行人员也出席了会议:</p> <ul> <li class="eo">The Templars were represented by Anastasia, also known as "the Meek" by the commoners: she was a shy, gentle girl with luscious blonde hair knit so tightly as to look like a golden serpent slithering down her robe;</li> <li>圣殿骑士的代表是阿纳斯塔西娅,平民也称她为“温柔者”:她是一个害羞、温柔的女孩,一头浓密的金发紧紧地扎在一起,看起来就像一条金色的巨蟒在她的长袍上滑行;</li> <li class="eo">The Guild chose Oona as their envoy — she was an old, deathly looking witch surrounded by what one could describe as a shroud of sincerity and wisdom;</li> <li>公会选择欧娜作为他们的使者 - 她是一个年老、面目可憎的女巫,周围包裹着一层可以形容为真诚和智慧的面纱;</li> <li class="eo">The Fey sent none other than Elder Tss&apos;kish — a mighty and old treant, whose knowledge spanned centuries, including secrets long lost since the fall of Silence upon the world. Assisting him was a young faun called Gingertail, famous for her common encounters with outsiders.</li> <li>妖精派来的不是别人,正是长老茨基什 - 一个强大而年长的树人,他的知识跨越了几个世纪,包括自世界陷入沉寂以来早已失传的秘密。协助他的是一位名叫姜尾的年轻牧神,她以与外来者经常接触而闻名。</li> </ul> <p class="eo">Ylwari&apos;s musings were interrupted by the host&apos;s bellowing voice echoing from beneath the centre of the plaza:</p> <p>伊尔瓦里的沉思被从广场中心下回荡的主人的低沉嗓音所打断:</p> <p class="eo">"Greetings, my dear guests!" — Benjamin Loudrin uttered as the statue of the Dragonqueen opened itself up, revealing the red-skinned elf as he swiftly emerged from its depths.</p> <p>“您好,我亲爱的客人!” — 伴随着本杰明·劳德林的致辞,龙后雕像缓缓打开,红皮肤的精灵从其深处现身。</p> <p class="eo">"Charming as always." — she thought. As soon as he got on the ground, Benjamin approached each group of envoys and welcomed them as was common in their lands: a bow with hands joined as if for a prayer for the Templars, a magical sigil representing Naira for the Dead, a hearty whistle for the Feyfolk and a gentle kiss on Ylwari&apos;s hand followed by the elf whispering "Alvar Diruil", usually translated to "Peace to Alvar". Afterwards he returned to the statue and said:</p> <p>“一如既往的迷人。” — 她想。一登上地面,本杰明就走近每一组使节,以他们土地上的常见方式欢迎他们:双手合十鞠躬,仿佛在为圣殿骑士祈祷;为死者画上代表奈拉的魔法印记;为妖精族吹一声热情的口哨;在伊尔瓦里的手上轻轻一吻,然后精灵低声说“阿尔瓦 迪鲁伊尔”,通常翻译为“愿阿尔瓦和平”。之后他回到雕像前说道:</p> <p class="eo">"I wish to thank you all for arriving on such a short notice - my family and I are honoured to be your hosts and to be able to show you the vision of the future that is our beautiful town of Ravenshore" — he continued — "However, the splendour of House Loudrin is not the main concern of this summit. I&apos;ll let the real star speak." As soon as these words left the elf&apos;s mouth, all eyes were set upon the young medusa. She slithered towards the statue, her mind brimming with the message she carried.</p> <p>“非常感谢大家这么快赶来——我和我的家人很荣幸成为你们的东道主,并向你们展示我们美丽的拉文肖尔镇的未来愿景” — 他继续说道 — “不过,劳德林家族的辉煌并不是这次峰会的重点。我让真正的主角发言。”这些话一出口,所有的目光都集中在年轻的美杜莎身上。她滑向雕像,脑海里充满了她携带的信息。</p> <p class="eo">"As all of you are aware" — she stated — "The threat we face is something we have never seen before on Jadame. It goes without saying that should we fail to unite, everything and everyone we love will be lost. However, disharmony and disunity plague us, causing strife where there should be understanding. I reckon that my words could be seen as false charms hurled at you for the sake of Alvar&apos;s political interests Alvar. This is why I have asked the esteemed Loudrins to invite the one being on the continent that speaks neither for the rulers nor for the people but for the Forefathers themselves."</p> <p>“你们都知道” - 她说道 - “我们面临的威胁是贾达姆上前所未有的。毋庸置疑,如果我们不能团结起来,我们所爱的一切和每个人都会消失。然而,不和谐和不团结困扰着我们,在本该相互理解的地方却引发了冲突。我想,我的话可能会被视为是为了阿尔瓦的政治利益而向你施展的虚假魔法。这就是为什么我要求尊敬的劳德林邀请大陆上唯一一个既不代表统治者也不代表人民,而是代表先祖们说话的人。”</p> <p class="eo">Nobody noticed when the Oracle — a slender, fully cloaked, loosely resembling an elf creature that&apos;s been veiled in complete mystery to most people living in Jadame — had shown up next to Ylwari, including the young medusa. Next to them was a mirror that gently shimmered with a blue glow, as if it was magically enchanted. Then the Oracle spoke.</p> <p>没有人注意到,神谕 - 一个身材苗条、全身披着斗篷、有点像精灵的生物,对大多数生活在贾达姆的人来说,它完全是一个迷 — 已经出现在伊尔瓦里旁边,包括年轻的美杜莎自己。他们旁边是一面镜子,镜子散发着淡淡的蓝光,仿佛被施了魔法。然后神谕说话了。</p> <p class="eo">“And so all of you hath come as the prophecy hath foreseen. We bid you welcome amongst this strife that hath stricken us all. We shalt allow each of you to speak here before this vessel as it shalt reveal thine truth of that which you wish to plead for.” — the Oracle stretched his hand towards Anastasia — “Speak, child — hast thou brought truth or strife? Is thy Sun a ray of hope or a scathing flash of anguish?” The young girl approached them, a small bird settled on her shoulder as if it was a tree branch, her modest but elegant dress dragging itself across the cobblestones as she moved. She greeted the Oracle and addressed the others, her voice trembling.</p> <p>“诸位都如预言所料而来。在这场所有人共同面临的袭击即将来领之时,我们对诸位的到来表示欢迎。我们将允许你们每个人在此神器前发言,它将揭示你们希望祈求的真相。”——神谕者向阿纳斯塔西娅伸出手——“说吧,孩子——你带来的是真相还是冲突?你的圣阳将成为希望之光,又或是一道痛苦的闪光?”年轻的女孩走近他们,一只小鸟像停在树枝一样停在她的肩膀上,她朴素而优雅的裙子随着她的移动在鹅卵石上拖曳。她向神谕者打招呼,并向其他人讲话,她的声音颤抖着。</p> <p class="eo">“Be-beloved envoys” — Anastasia seemed even smaller than before as she talked — “I am just a simple mess-simple messenger. The Lords of Dawnbreak asked me to deliver their worries and to plead on th-their behalf. I hope my message will be heard.” — she stopped for a second and turned towards the Oracle — “But before I share it, perhaps the others could be introduce-introduced, as well? If it isn’t a problem, o-of course! I wouldn’t wish to exhaust you, Your Grace.” she stammered, looking at the figure with warmth and a strange soothness. If seeing an inquisitor was a cause for alarm, Anastasia’s gentle aura invoked a feeling of complacency and happiness.</p> <p>“尊敬的使者们”——阿纳斯塔西娅说话时看起来比平常更年幼了——“我只是一个普通的信使。破晓之主请我传达他们的忧虑并为他们祈求。我希望我的消息能被听到。”——她停顿了一下,转向神谕——“但在我分享之前,也许可以介绍一下其他人?如果这不是问题的话,当然!我不希望让您疲惫,大人。”她结结巴巴地说,带着温暖和奇怪的平静看着那个身影。如果看到审判官会让人感到恐慌,那么阿纳斯塔西娅温柔的气息会让人感到满足和幸福。</p> <p class="eo">Ylwari couldn’t shake a feeling that magic was involved, but didn’t say anything. Innocence doesn’t have to be a cover for miraculous enchantments, even if it seems like it. The Oracle spoke again.</p> <p>伊尔瓦里无法打消这里有法术影响的想法,但她什么也没说。对方表现出的天真不一定是魔法掩饰的结果,尽管确实很值得怀疑。此时,神谕又说话了。</p> <p class="eo">“Young thou may be, yet thy heart seems to harbor grace. There shan’t be any harm in accepting thy plea. Come.” The Oracle then beckoned Oona to step forward. She looked frail, yet each step carried a sense of certainty and experience, a vast contrast to the priestess that came before her. Ylwari could tell that the old witch has seen many things and knew many truths, yet would shroud them in secret at any moment if necessary. This time was no different from the perspective of someone as adept in diplomacy as Ylwari. However, something seemed odd – Oona appeared to be in pain.</p> <p>“你虽然年轻,但内心却胸怀慈悲。接受你的请求不会有什么坏处。来吧。”然后,神谕示意欧娜走上前来。她看起来很虚弱,但每一步都带着一种确定和经验的感觉,与她面前的女祭司形成了鲜明的对比。伊尔瓦里可以看出,老巫婆见多识广,但如果有必要,她随时都会把它们隐藏在秘密之中。从伊尔瓦里这样精通外交者的角度来看,这次应该也是一样。然而,情况似乎有些奇怪 —— 欧娜看起来很痛苦。</p> <p class="eo">“The youngling’s gesture is much appreciated. Lady Lia did the right thing by choosing you. You show great promise.” Oona’s overall presence caused unease around the other envoys as if they had to continuously resist being compelled to speak their truest mind so it came as no surprise that her mildly patronising words startled the young girl, as if a needle pierced her mind. Anastasia’s stance became more defensive and her muscles tensed; all could feel the stakes had risen a notch. The Oracle gazed upon the witch and the priestess, uttering no word yet giving them a disappointed look. “Nightshade…” Ylwari stepped in. “Dear envoys, stay calm – please.”</p> <p>“非常感谢这位年轻人的举动。莉亚夫人选择你是对的。你很有前途。”欧娜的存在让其他使节感到不安,好像他们必须不断控制自己以免说出最真实的想法,所以毫不奇怪,她那略带居高临下的话语让这个小女孩吃了一惊,就像一根针刺穿了她的脑海。阿纳斯塔西娅的立场变得更加防御,浑身肌肉绷紧。所有人都能感觉到事态变得严重了。神谕者注视着女巫和女祭司,一言不发,却给了他们一个失望的表情。“夜影……”伊尔瓦里插话道。“亲爱的使者们,请保持冷静。”</p> <p class="eo">“I am sure Lady Oona meant well. If I may?” Ylwari put her hands on both envoys and nodded to reassure them, her skin smooth to the touch like alabaster, her snakes reflecting the light on their iridescent scales, her presence an equaliser between the two of them — like a gentle, parently touch during a bad dream. The tiniest, fresh traces of Nightshade magic could be felt within Anastasia and flickers of holy dust gleamed on Oona’s face — like little specks of mercury poisoning one another. She focused on them and drew them out. Once that was done, the Oracle whispered something in a language long forgotten by the others and a pristine dome had been raised around the plaza.</p> <p>“我相信欧娜女士是好意。请允许我?”伊尔瓦里把手放在两位使者身上,点头安慰他们,她的皮肤像雪花石膏一样光滑,她的蛇那色彩斑斓的鳞片上反射着光线,她的存在让两人之间保持平衡——就像做噩梦时感受到了父母温柔的抚摸。阿纳斯塔西娅体内可以感受到最细微、最新鲜的夜影魔法痕迹,欧娜脸上闪烁着圣尘——就像毒害彼此的水银斑点。她专注于将它们抽取出来。当一切完成后,神谕用其他人早已遗忘的语言低语了几句,广场周围立刻竖起了一座崭新的穹顶。</p> <p class="eo">“As imbalance threatens thine convocation, there I have raised a barrier that shall keep peace. Should anyone outside — or inside — try to interrupt thine musings, they shan’t succeed.” The Oracle’s power was tremendous. To erect such a barrier required powers only few beings in Jadame were capable of. “Could they be a vessel of the Forefathers?” Ylwari’s thoughts were interrupted by the Oracle’s speech.</p> <p>“由于不平衡威胁着​​集会,我竖起了一道屏障来维持和平。如果外面或里面的任何人试图打断你的沉思,他们都不会成功。”神谕的力量是巨大的。要建立这样的屏障需要的力量,只有少数贾达姆的生灵具备这种能力。“他们会是先祖的使者吗?”伊尔瓦里的思绪被神谕者的讲话所打断。</p> <p class="eo">“Thine proceedings may continue.” — they said, their voice dispassionate — “Speak, young sapling. Thou beheld thyself in quiet this entire time — a feat I do not remember you for.” Elder Tss&apos;kish was a massive creature, the tips of his crown gently touching the top of Oracle’s dome, like the canopy of a forest beneath the calm sky. Very few treants could reach the size he did, but not many of them stayed in the world long enough for that to happen. To have him referred to as a young sapling was very amusing to Ylwari. The Elder’s steps shook the ground a little bit as he approached the rest of the envoys alongside his escort.</p> <p>“请继续发言。”——他们说道,言语中不带一丝感情——“说吧,年轻的树苗。你一直都保持着沉默——我记得这不是你的风格。”长老茨基什是一个巨大的生物,他的头顶轻轻触及神谕者穹顶的顶部,就像平静天空下森林的树冠。很少有树人能长到他那么大,而这些树人中存活至今的就更少了。把他称为一棵年轻的树苗对伊尔瓦里来说很有趣。长老的脚步震动了地面,他和他的护卫走近了其他使者。</p> <p class="eo">“Our Mycelium sings, my friend. It speaks of pain, of sorrow and of nothingness. It sent me to remind the sproutlings of the consequences. I bring that song with me so that you may grant it your voice, old friend.” As soon as the ancient treant was done talking, the Oracle put their hand on its bark and started chanting, their body not their own but rather an extension of something greater.</p> <p>“我们的菌丝体在歌唱,我的朋友。它讲述着痛苦、悲伤和虚无。它派我来提醒幼苗们后果。我把那首歌带在身边,这样你就可以让它发出你的声音,老朋友。”古树人话音刚落,神谕者便把手放在树皮上开始吟诵,他们的身体并非自己的,而是某种更伟大事物的延伸。</p> <p class="eo">“A tyme of stryfe and woe shall follow the ‘Aege of Shefar,’ and in this Aege, all shall fall to naught as the gates of chaos are opened unto Enroth. And this shall be a sygn unto ye — when the elemental forces of the Earth, the Wind, the Fyre and the Water shall freely roam your lands, to usher death and destruction upon theyr wings, ye shall have entered the fynale Aege, ‘the Aege of Purification.’ Once this Aege hath begun, there shalt be no recourse. For lo’ the lords of the Earth, the Wind, the Fyre and the Water both giveth lyfe unto thee and stryketh lyfe from thee. In tymes of stryfe the cycle of destruction cannot be avoided and thyne only repose shall be death. However, in tymes of harmony those that gather in allyance shall stand the possibility of surviving the purification and warding off the end of the ‘Aege of Shefar’ to enjoy a prolonged era of peace.”</p> <p>“一段充满斗争和悲哀的时期将紧随‘谢法尔时代’之后,在这时代中,一切都将化为乌有,因为混沌之门将在恩洛斯的大地上打开。这是给你们的一个预兆——当土、风、火、水四大元素之力自由地在你们的土地上漫游,将死亡和毁灭降临在你们的羽翼上时,你们将进入最终纪元,‘净化之时代’。一旦这个时代开始,就再也没有办法了。因为看哪,土、风、火、水四大元素领主既赐予你们生命,又夺取你们的生命。在纷争的时代,毁灭的循环是无法避免的,他们唯一的安息就是死亡。然而,在和谐的时代,那些团结在一起的人将有可能在净化时代中幸存下来,并避开“谢法尔时代”的终结,享受一段长久的和平时代。”</p> <p class="eo">The silence in the plaza was deafening — anyone present would think that all sound had been suddenly drained out of the dome they were in. Ylwari looked around — Oona, Anastasia and Gingertail were all pale as they understood the implications of the prophecy. Mr Loudrin kept a nonchalant smile, but it was clear to her that it was a facade to hide the panic behind his eyes. Only the Oracle and the treant remained calm and focused.</p> <p>广场上一片寂静——在场的任何人都会认为他们所在的圆顶突然间失去了所有的声音。伊尔瓦里环顾四周——欧娜、阿纳斯塔西娅和姜尾都脸色苍白,因为他们明白预言的含义。劳德林先生保持着漠不关心的微笑,但她很清楚,那只是掩饰心中恐慌的幌子。只有神谕和树人保持着冷静和专注。</p> <p class="eo">“Thine worries are understandable and I shan’t deny that a grim fate awaits should we not adhere to the warnings.” The Oracle remained as dispassionate as they had been since the start of the council. Oona and Ylwari gently nodded. However, not everyone could maintain the same composure.</p> <p>“你的担忧是可以理解的,我不否认,如果我们不遵守警告,我们将面临可怕的命运。”神谕仍然像会议开始以来一样冷静。欧娜和伊尔瓦里轻轻地点了点头。然而,并不是每个人都能保持同样的冷静。</p> <p class="eo">“How can you expect us to talk about proph-prophecies or peace, when there are monsters am-among us?!” Anastasia was shaking, her uneasiness replaced with anger.</p> <p>“当我们中间有怪物的时候,你怎么能指望我们谈论预言或和平呢?!”阿纳斯塔西娅颤抖着,她的不安被愤怒所取代。</p> <p class="eo">“What would you have us do, child - stab each other here and now, so that the rest of the continent would fall to chaos? — Oona seemed displeased with the priestess — “You need to spend less time around that Fiery Catalina and her cries for violence.” With the situation quickly devolving into ceaseless bickering, Ylwari decided to take control of the situation.</p> <p>“孩子,你想让我们做什么?——现在就互相捅刀子,让大陆的其他地方陷入混乱吗?”——欧娜似乎对女祭司很不满——“你需要少花时间和那个火热的卡塔琳娜以及她对暴力的呼喊在一起。”随着局势迅速演变为无休止的争吵,伊尔瓦里决定控制局面。</p> <p class="eo">“Dear envoys, please — this is not the time for philosophical debates. You may have different views but our goal is a common one. If we don’t put our differences aside, there will be nothing to come back to.” — she continued — “Don’t you both enjoy the revelry as your people — our people — partake in festivities on the continent whenever they happen? Don’t you wish we could focus on the beauty of the upcoming Equinox in one of the Jadamean markets? All of that just gone in a blaze of conflict if we let our emotions cloud our judgement.”</p> <p>“尊敬的使节们,请停下——现在不是进行哲学辩论的时候。你们可能有不同的观点,但我们的目标是一致的。如果我们不把分歧放在一边,那么事态将无法挽回。”——她继续说——“你们俩难道不享受你们的人民——我们的人民——在大陆上参加节日的狂欢吗?难道你们不希望我们能专注于即将到来的春分在贾达姆安市场的美丽吗?如果我们让情绪蒙蔽了我们的判断力,那么所有这些都会在冲突中消失。”</p> <p class="eo">Ylwari’s words, infused with that soothing ripple in her voice, ended up striking true. Both the priestess and the witch looked at each other, then at her and the others, moved away from each other and turned pensive. Seeing the opportunity to take control of the ongoing debate, Ylwari continued.</p> <p>伊尔瓦里的话,带着她声音中那种抚慰的涟漪,最终成为了现实。女祭司和女巫互相看了一眼,然后看着她和其他人,彼此走开,变得若有所思。看到有机会控制正在进行的辩论,伊尔瓦里继续说。</p> <p class="eo">“Furthermore, the latest events across the continent resulted in our most esteemed minds left completely perplexed — they cannot understand why the fauna acts this way. Many of their schools have also been raided by the insects, leading to even more speculation as to what these phenomena across the continent mean. My lieges back in Alvar have decided to increase security of the colleges, temples, observatories and universities as it was initially believed to be intentional acts of sabotage, but the chaotic nature of these attacks makes it incredibly difficult to predict where this…hive will strike next. Reports also indicate that some of the scholars are missing — I&apos;m worried for their whereabouts.”</p> <p>“此外,最近大陆上发生的事件让我们最受尊敬的智者完全困惑不已——他们无法理解为什么动物会这样。他们的许多学校也遭到昆虫的袭击,这导致人们对大陆上这些现象意味着什么有了更多的猜测。我们阿尔瓦的君主决定加强学院、寺庙、天文台和大学的安保,因为人们最初认为这是某种故意破坏行为,但这些混乱性质使得蜂巢的下次袭击很难预测。报告还显示,有一些学者失踪了——我很担心他们的下落。”</p> <p class="eo">Ylwari looked around the plaza, her snakes gently sticking their tongues out as if to measure what impact her news left upon the gathered envoys. It was a calculated move as while all of them had different views and perspectives on philosophical and religious matters, none would accept the loss of brilliant minds that were hard at work harnessing what little knowledge they could from the readings in the stars left behind by the Forefathers. Surprisingly, Anastasia was the first one to respond.</p> <p>伊尔瓦里环顾广场,她的蛇轻轻地伸出舌头,仿佛在衡量她的消息对聚集的使节们产生了什么影响。这是一个经过深思熟虑的举动,无论他们对哲学和宗教问题有怎样不同的看法和观点,没有人会接受损失智者这种事,更不用说这些智者正在努力利用祖先留下的星象数据一点点地获取知识。令人惊讶的是,阿纳斯塔西娅是第一个做出反应的人。</p> <p class="eo">“I know ho-how important the scholars are, but what about the small-smallfolk? On the way here I witnessed the horrors f-first hand: families torn to-to shreds, blood and gore on the roads, houses on fire, cattle felled or gone m-m-mad. These people need our help too. If we ignore and leave them to their fa-fates, then even if we avert the crisis, there will be nobody lef-left to s-save. Lady Zenith and her Lightweavers sent aid to who-whoever we were able to reach out to, but our supplies aren’t sizable enough to provide for everyone — sooner or la-later hunger will take hold of every-hold of everyone affected by these.”</p> <p>“我知道学者们有多重要,但那些平民百姓怎么办?在来这里的路上,我亲眼目睹了恐怖的场面:家家户户都被撕成碎片,道路上血流成河,房屋着火,牲畜被砍倒或发疯。这些人也需要我们的帮助。如果我们忽视他们,任由他们自生自灭,那么即使我们避免了危机,也不剩几个人活着等待救援。泽尼丝女士和她的织光者们向我们能够联系到的所有人送去了援助,但我们的物资不足以满足所有人的需求——迟早饥饿会吞噬每一个受此影响的人。”</p> <p class="eo">She may have been the youngest among the gathered diplomats, but compassion for the poor and the hardworking was the one trait the priestess expressed in abundance — the result of her roots as an initiate. Hushed whispers of approval were exchanged among the envoys’ guards, which were then quickly silenced as Oona had chosen to address the council.</p> <p>她可能是聚集此处的外交官中最年轻的,但对穷苦大众的同情是这位女祭司所表现出来的一种特质——也是她作为一名教徒的根基。使节的卫兵们低声议论并表示赞同,但很快,随着欧娜准备向议会发表讲话,卫兵们的议论声就消失了。</p> <p class="eo">“Your words may come from a place of concern and worry, but how much truth do they carry?” - Oona disregarded Anastasia’s plea, focusing entirely on Ylwari’s message - “My fellow brethren have discovered strange activity in our lands: odd sigils placed on the ground in villages, unnatural magic traces covering corpses, rumours of spies infiltrating our guilds. Moreover, the Duskmire Swamps have been a place of absolute chaos lately, with the hydras there acting excessively aggressive, as if enticed to do so. What can you tell us about that?"</p> <p>“你的话语可能出自担忧和担忧,但其中又有多少是真实的?”——欧娜无视阿纳斯塔西娅的恳求,全神贯注于伊尔瓦里的消息——“我的同胞们发现我们的土地上有一些奇怪的活动:村庄的地面上贴着奇怪的符号,尸体上覆盖着不自然的魔法痕迹,有传言说间谍渗透到了我们的行会中。此外,暮色沼泽最近一片混乱,那里的九头蛇表现得过于激进,好像被引诱一样。你能告诉我们什么?”</p> <p class="eo">All eyes were set upon Ylwari now. She had to think of something as - to her knowledge - none of this activity was approved by the Spymaster nor the rest of the Triumvirate. Could these be connected to the insectoid activity in any way? However, this wasn’t the end of accusations towards her lords.</p> <p>现在所有人的目光都集中在伊尔瓦里身上。她不得不想点办法,因为据她所知,这些活动都没有得到间谍大师和三头同盟其他成员的批准。这些活动是否与昆虫活动有任何关联?然而,这并不是对她领主的指控的结束。</p> <p class="eo">“The song is discordant.” Elder Tss’kish’s words echoed throughout the plaza. “Where harmony used to reign, tethers and false notes appear. All that mana - wild, chaotic, volatile - brings ruin to Mycelium. Nightmarish shapes not of this world take form, then freeze and shatter what has been a part of our song for centuries. Should they continue to do so, the song will be broken and the barriers taken down. Do not let the song go silent.”</p> <p>“歌声不和谐。”长老茨基什的话在整个广场回荡。“曾经和谐的地方,却出现了束缚和虚假的音符。所有这些法力——狂野、混乱、不稳定——给菌丝体带来了毁灭。不属于这个世界的噩梦般的形状形成,然后冻结并粉碎了几个世纪以来我们歌曲的一部分。如果他们继续这样做,这首歌将被打破,障碍将被拆除。不要让这首歌沉寂。”</p> <p class="eo">What were previously just whispers between the entourage of each respective envoy, has now turned into a cacophony of squabbles and arguments. The Oracle spoke again, this time raising their hand to draw everyone’s attention to themselves.</p> <p>之前只是每个特使随从之间的耳语,现在变成了争吵和争论的嘈杂声。神谕者再次开口,这次举起手来吸引所有人的注意力。</p> <p class="eo">“Thine temper betrays thee. Hath thee no land to protect? Hath thee no kin to shield? Apply thyself. ‘Tis no time for pettiness. Aeons ‘fore thine lives had begun, this world had seen many calamities.” The Oracle waved their hand and the mirror next to them had begun to ripple, as if they had disturbed a water surface. Images of spherical contraptions that seemed both mechanical and magical in nature appeared to watch as many enemies clashed against one another, undead dragons among them. The constructs seemed both alien and familiar in shape, as if subconsciously they were known to the envoys on some fundamental, core level. Once the vision was gone from the mirror, the Oracle continued.</p> <p>“你们的脾气已经失控。难道你们没有需要保护的土地?难道你们没有需要保护的亲人?接受现实吧。现在不是小题大做的时候。在遥远万古,你们的生命开始之前,这个世界就已经经历了许多灾难。”神谕者挥了挥手,他们旁边的镜子开始泛起涟漪,仿佛搅动了水面。球形装置看起来既像是机械,又像是魔法造物,它们似乎在观看着许多敌人的冲突,其中就有不死的龙。这些构造物的形状看起来既陌生又熟悉,仿佛使节们在某种核心层面的潜意识中认识它们。当镜子里的景象消失后,神谕者继续说道。</p> <p class="eo">“Order must be maintained. Thine quarrels shall only lead to thine ancient protectors deeming you as part of mayhem thine lords wish to eradicate — if this convocation fails.” Silence reigned once again. What had been a warning the first time, now almost seemed like a threat from forces far older than anyone else gathered there, including the ancient treant. Finally, after what had felt like an eternity, Ylwari addressed everyone in the plaza.</p> <p>“必须维持秩序。如果这次集会失败,这些争吵只会让你们的古代保护者认为你们是其希望消灭的混乱的一部分。”沉默再次笼罩了整个世界。这是他们第一次收到这种来自比聚集在那里的其他人(包括那位古老的树人)更古老力量威胁的警告。最终,在渡过了一段像是永恒般漫长的时间后,伊尔瓦里向广场上的所有人发表了讲话。</p> <p class="eo">“My dearest envoys,” - Ylwari’s words were woven with great care, each syllable a note meant to deliver the exact tone and message she wished to convey - “I hear your concerns and I must admit the situation seems to be far more serious than even our lieges believe it to be. It is even more imperative, then, that we stand united against the oncoming storm.” - she paused for a moment, then continued - “When I’d stood before Her Majesty Amelchia, She spoke to me not from the position of a monarch or a ruler but of someone who was willing to sacrifice their own dreams if it meant that Jadame — and everything it has to offer — is preserved for the generations to come.” - Ylwari stopped for a second to reveal a scroll with what appeared to be a mix of draconic runes, elven writing and minotaur seals - “In order to do so She, alongside the rest of Triumvirate of Alvar, has permitted me to provide any of you and your lords with full military, civilian and magical support our people have to offer should you join our cause. She has also granted me the right to share the call for help we have received from Garrote Gorge.” </p> <p>“我最亲爱的使者们,”——伊尔瓦里的话语非常谨慎,每个音节都传达着她想要传达的准确语气与信息——“我听到了你们的担忧,我必须承认情况似乎比我们的君主们认为的更加严重。因此,我们更需要团结起来,共同对抗即将到来的风暴。”——她停顿了一下,然后继续说——“当我站在阿梅尔奇亚女王面前时,她不是以君主或统治者的立场对我说话,而是以一个愿意牺牲自己梦想之人的立场对我说话,即便这意味着需要牺牲贾达梅以及其上的一切,才能守护我们的子孙后代。”——伊尔瓦里停顿了一下,展示了一张卷轴,上面似乎是巨龙符文、精灵文字和牛头怪印章的混合体——“为了做到这一点,她与阿尔瓦三头同盟的其他成员一起,允许我为你们和你们的领主提供我们人民所能提供的全面军事、民事和魔法支持。同时,如果你们愿意加入我们的事业。她还授予我分享我们从加洛特峡谷收到求助的权利。”</p> <p class="eo">The sight of the decree from the Triumvirate surprised the envoys. While it wasn’t uncommon for different missions to carry direct missives from their lieges, the Alvar Pact, as a nation, has rarely — if ever — invoked their laws on what could have been considered a countrywide scale, preferring to let local powers form treaties and then relay the results of such negotiations to the capital city, effectively forming a flexible network of fiefdoms. However, the diplomats’ musings had to wait as Ylwari continued her speech.</p> <p>看到三头同盟的法令,使节们大吃一惊。虽然不同的使团直接携带来自其领主的信函并不罕见,但阿尔瓦以国家名义签署的条约很少,即便个别情况下,它们也不愿以国家整体签署法律条约,而是更愿意让地方掌权者签署条约,然后将此类谈判的结果传达给首都,从而有效地形成了一个灵活的封地网络。然而这次,外交官们陷入沉思,等待着伊尔瓦里继续她的演讲。</p> <p class="eo">“There are as many opinions among dragons as there are scale colours shared between them.” - Ylwari’s mention of dragonkind spurred hushed whispers that quickly died off as she continued - “Yet the one thing I believe they all have in common is their pride and belief that few beings on the continent can threaten them. To have them in Garrote Gorge sending calls for aid to Her Majesty — whose ideals they had considered beneath them — alerted Her near immediately. Our investigation into the matter has revealed that many eggs were stolen — Her Majesty’s brethren slain or driven mad by old magic. Whether this is the work of some higher intelligence or just a series of accidents remains to be seen, but it is clear to us that it’s an act meant to throw the region into disarray and shatter the alliance we’ve worked so hard to achieve.”</p> <p>“龙族们有很多种不同的观点,就像它们鳞片的颜色一样。”——伊尔瓦里提到龙族时,传来一阵低语,但很快便消失了,她继续说道——“但我相信它们都有一个共同点,那就是骄傲和信念,即大陆上很少有生物能威胁到它们。它们在加洛特峡谷向女王陛下发出求助,考虑到它们曾认为女王陛下的理想不值得它们尊重,这种反差几乎立刻就引起了女王陛下的警觉。通过调查,我们发现许多蛋被偷了,而女王陛下的兄弟们则被杀或被古老的魔法逼疯了。这究竟是某种更高智慧的杰作,还是一系列意外,仍有待观察。但我们很清楚,这种行为让该地区陷入混乱并破坏了我们努力建立的联盟。”</p> <p class="eo">A new emotion entered the plaza: fear. Dragons were thought to be immense juggernauts capable of destruction, whilst near impervious to it. To learn that not only many of them had been destroyed, but that their precious eggs were taken? A few hours ago Ylwari would have been called a liar, a fraud, but now? After everything that had been shared between the council, the terror of something slaying dragons in droves was just another tune of the cataclysmic choir the Oracle had presented them with — and yet Ylwari wasn’t done relaying the dire findings.</p> <p>一种新的情绪进入了广场:恐惧。人们认为龙是巨兽,能够造成破坏,但几乎不受破坏的影响。得知不仅许多龙被毁灭,而且它们珍贵的龙蛋也被拿走了?如果是在几个小时前,伊尔瓦里会被称为骗子、欺诈者,但现在呢?在议会分享了所有这些事后,成群结队的龙被某种东西杀死的恐怖只是神谕呈现给他们的灾难合唱团中的又一曲调——然而伊尔瓦里还没有将这些可怕的发现全部传达完毕。</p> <p class="eo">“In addition to what I have shared so far, there’s one more matter you need to be made aware of. Many centuries ago, Alvarian elves abandoned most of the ancestral holdings they had inherited from the ancient Vori for reasons nobody seems to remember anymore. Those monuments to the past had been sealed off due to disrepair and remained undisturbed until recently. Reports from the Frozen Keeps talk of mystical forces that have ransacked many of them, leaving strange markings and extremely high magical readings scattered across them. We were made aware of them shortly after one of our agents suddenly stopped sending us missives but we have not been able to track them down since the incursion into the ruins. Their activity also aligns with what the envoys of Shadowspire and the Murmurwoods have reported in their accusations. Who knows what their goal was — and what they have stolen from there? I wish I knew, but so far it remains a mystery that will have to be solved sooner rather than later. What I can assure you of — dear envoys — is that whoever is behind these renegades does not act on Triumvirate’s orders.”</p> <p>“除了我到目前已分享的内容之外,还有一件事需要让你们知道。许多世纪以前,阿尔瓦里安精灵因为一些已无人记得的原因,放弃了他们从古代沃里人那里继承下来的大部分遗产。这些过去的纪念碑因失修而被封锁,直到最近才被外人打扰。来自冰冻要塞的报告称,神秘的力量洗劫了许多纪念碑,留下了奇怪的标记和极高的魔法读数。在我们的一名间谍突然停止向我们发送信件后不久,我们就意识到了他们的存在,但自从他们入侵废墟以来,我们一直无法追踪到他们。他们的活动也与暗影尖塔和低语森林使者们所控诉的内容一致。无人知晓他们的目标是什么——他们从那里偷了什么?我希望我知道,但到目前为止,这仍然是一个谜,必须尽快解决。我可以向你们保证——亲爱的特使们——这些幕后之人并非听从于三头同盟的命令。”</p> <p class="eo">The ruins in question dated all the way back to the times close to the Silence and were attributed to ancient Vori settlers. Whoever had chosen to meddle with them was more than aware of the secrets they could potentially contain.</p> <p>这些遗址的历史可以追溯到寂静时代,并与古代沃里定居者相关。无论是谁选择干涉它们,都很清楚它们可能蕴含的秘密。</p> <p class="eo">“I presume you have a contingency prepared for that.” Oona was the first one to speak and Ylwari was more than willing to indulge her.</p> <p>“我想你已经为此做好了准备。” 欧娜是第一个开口说话的人,而伊尔瓦里非常愿意纵容她。</p> <p class="eo">““It is true. As long as there’s suspicious activity in places long forgotten and forbidden, and the insectoid raids persist, I&apos;m afraid the continent will remain in chaos. This is why we wish to offer the following plan.” — Ylwari stopped for a second, pulled out another official missive from Triumvirate, then started reading it.</p> <p>“这是真的。只要在被遗忘和禁止的地方有可疑活动,并且昆虫袭击持续存在,那么大陆恐怕将继续处于混乱之中。这就是我们希望提供以下计划的原因。”—— 伊尔瓦里停顿了一下,拿出三巨头的另一封官方公函,然后开始阅读。</p> <p class="eo">“By the power vested in us through the admiration and trust of our people, we — Queen Amelchia of the Stygianscales; Grand Architect Balthazar, Son of Balthazar and Chieftain of His Lair; and Master Caspair Silvertongue, Patriarch of the Alvarian Elves — hereby wish to invite all, who would seek to protect Jadame from threats that would leave it forever scarred, to join us in laying down weapons against each other and raising them against those whose desire is to destroy our beloved continent. Should this Winter Armistice we propose come into effect, our borders will be open to you and our relics of power will be at your full disposal. In return we ask that your archives and banks of wisdom become open to us so that we can evaluate the threats clawing at our people and seek out the strange perpetrators you may have witnessed. We reserve the right to withdraw from this agreement should any side try to abuse it to harm another member of this Armistice.”</p> <p>“凭借人民的钦佩和信任赋予我们的力量,我们——冥鳞的女王阿梅尔奇亚;大建筑师巴尔萨泽,巴尔萨泽的儿子和他巢穴的酋长;以及阿尔瓦利亚精灵族长卡斯帕尔·西尔弗顿格大师——在此邀请所有想要保护贾达姆免受永世创伤威胁的人化干戈为玉帛,加入我们共同对抗那些想要摧毁我们心爱大陆之人。如果该冬季停战协议生效,我们的边界将向你们开放,我们的强大神器将完全由你们使用。作为回应,我们要求你们的档案和智慧库向我们开放,以便我们评估其对我们人民的威胁,并找出你们可能目击到的那些奇怪肇事者。如果任何一方试图滥用本协议来伤害本停战协议的另一名成员,我们保留退出本协议的权利。”</p> <p class="eo">“Alvar diruil.”</p> <p>“愿阿尔瓦和平。”</p> <p class="eo">As soon as Ylwari was done reading, the entire plaza burst into a cacophony of sounds. What the Triumvirate suggested was seen as preposterous to many, blasphemous to some and impossible to a few of them. A difficult task was ahead of her.</p> <p>伊尔瓦里诵读完毕,整个广场就爆发出刺耳的声音。三头同盟的建议在大多数人看来是荒谬的、亵渎神明的、同时也是不可能的。一项艰巨的任务摆在她面前。</p> <p class="eo">Ylwari looked around — the chaos that she had witnessed was enormous. As she had expected, Anastasia and Oona were bickering with one another, accusing each other of monstrous acts, their lords disrespecting the Dusk Treaty and going as far as to suggest the insectoid threat was just a diversion created by their masters to allow free conquest of Jadame by either the Church or the Guild. What surprised the young medusa was that Gingertail and Benjamin were also arguing with one another, the former calling the latter delusional if he thinks the Fey will allow his entrepreneurs anywhere near the forest even if it’s just to seek knowledge. The wording behind the missive put everyone in disarray and it was clear that personal animosities and prejudices will always ignite conflict.</p> <p>伊尔瓦里环顾四周——她目睹了巨大的混乱。正如她所料,阿纳斯塔西娅和欧娜正在互相争吵,互相指责对方派系的暴行,他们的领主不尊重《黄昏条约》,甚至暗示昆虫威胁只是他们的主人制造的转移注意力的手段,以便教会或公会可以自由征服贾达姆。让这位年轻的美杜莎感到惊讶的是,姜尾和本杰明也在争吵,前者称后者是一片妄想,以为只要以寻求知识为幌子,妖精就会允许他的主子靠近森林。信函背后的措辞让每个人都陷入混乱,很明显,个人的仇恨和偏见总是会引发冲突。</p> <p class="eo">“Dear envoys, once again I’d like to-” But nobody listened to her this time. Unable to get through their shouts, Ylwari was ready to simply wait it out, but the Oracle had other plans. They raised their hand and once more the plaza felt drained of sound.</p> <p>“亲爱的使节们,我想再次——”但这次没有人听她的话。无法让喊声传遍整个广场,伊尔瓦里只得等待,但神谕者却另有打算。他们举起了手,广场再次陷入了寂静。</p> <p class="eo">“Thine blood burns too hot within thee and thine temper needs constant reminding of what’s at stake. Were it not the fate of the continent that shall be decided here, thine bloodlust would have already devoured this place. Remind thyself that it is not thine future thy must protect here, but of thine younglings and prospects. Should this convocation fail, the beauty of this place shall be gone.”</p> <p>“你们的热血过于沸腾,你们的脾气需要克制,切记提醒自己什么才是利害攸关的。此刻如果不是需要你们来决定大陆的命运,你们的嗜血欲望早就吞噬了这个地方。提醒自己,你们在这里要保护的不是你们自己的未来,而是你们种族的幼崽和前途。如果这次集会失败,这个地方的美丽将不复存在。”</p> <p class="eo">The Oracle used the mirror once again, showcasing an animal that hasn’t been seen for a long time: a kittenhorn. These little playful creatures used to be a common sight on Jadame in ancient times, yet nowadays only a handful of their hunting grounds remain in this world. To be reminded of something so primal, majestic and yet fading away because of mortal pettiness gave everyone a moment of clarity. Oona was the first to speak.</p> <p>神谕者再次使用镜子,展示了一种很久没见过的动物:小角猫。这些顽皮的小动物在曾经是古代贾达姆的常见景象,但如今,世界上只剩下几个供它们的生存狩猎的场所。想起如此原始、神奇却因凡人的琐碎而消亡的东西,让每个人都顿时清醒了过来。欧娜第一个开口了。</p> <p class="eo">“By the power vested in me by my fellow scholars in the Necromancer’s Guild of the Shadowspire Chapter, I, Shadespinner Oona, pledge our allegiance to your cause and solemnly swear to help you uncover the truth behind these matters.” The necromancers being the first to agree surprised Ylwari, yet she was glad to have their support.</p> <p>凭借暗影尖塔战团死灵法师公会的学者们赋予我的力量,我,影纺者欧娜,宣誓效忠你们的事业,并庄严宣誓帮助你们揭开这些事情背后的真相。” 死灵法师们率先表示同意,这让伊尔瓦里很惊讶,但她很高兴得到他们的支持。</p> <p class="eo">“We shall join our song with yours for it is change that has always guided the Mycelium and it is change that shall keep it safe. Let our choir aid you with their music and our forests show you the way.” The Elder’s words resonated with power and greatness, and were joined by his entourage thumping their closed fists against their chests - a union of gentleness of the forest wind and ferocity of its guardians.</p> <p>“我们将与你们一起歌唱,因为正是变化一直引导着菌丝体,也正是变化将保证它的安全。让我们的合唱团用他们的音乐帮助你们,让我们的森林为你们指明方向。” 长老的话语充满了力量和伟大,他的随从们也用紧握的拳头捶胸顿足——这是森林之风的温柔和守护者之凶猛的结合。</p> <p class="eo">All eyes were set on Anastasia. She could be seen calculating her decision — after all, such alliances, however fickle, held great power and would leave a lasting impact on the pages of history. After a short moment, she answered, her voice steady for the first time:</p> <p>所有人的目光都集中在阿纳斯塔西娅身上。可以看出她在计算自己的决定——毕竟,这样的联盟,无论多么变幻无常,都拥有巨大的力量,并将在历史的篇章上留下持久的影响。片刻之后,她回答道,她的声音第一次变得平稳:</p> <p class="eo">“As the Chalice dictates and as the light is mighty, I, Anastasia, Priestess of the Sun and envoy to my lords in Dawnbreak, pledge my powers and those of our beloved Order to your service. Let the powers that be know that, however strange this land is, we shall protect it with the same fervor as the cause we believe in.”</p> <p>“正如圣杯的指引与光明的力量,我,阿纳斯塔西娅,圣阳女祭司和黎明破晓领主的使者,承诺将我的力量与我们挚爱的教团为您服务。让当权者知道,无论这片土地多么奇怪,我们都会以我们所信仰的事业的热情保护它。”</p> <p class="eo">As soon as Anastasia said her words, the Mirror next to the Oracle lit up with the sigils of Forefathers, as if binding them all to their agreement. Their actions were watched and from now on they would be held responsible for breaking the armistice. Ylwari was relieved that she had achieved the results her lieges desired. She drew everyone’s attention to herself and started speaking.</p> <p>阿纳斯塔西娅一说完,神谕旁边的镜子就亮了起来,上面写着先祖的印记,仿佛要把他们都约束在协议里。他们的一举一动都受到监视,从现在起,他们将对破坏停战协议负责。伊尔瓦里松了一口气,因为她已经实现了领主们想要的结果。她把所有人的注意力吸引到自己身上,开始说话。</p> <p class="eo">“I am extremely grateful that we have managed to come to an agreement between one another. I know that it wasn’t an easy decision to make and I hope we all get to reap the benefits of such mutual exchange.” As she was preparing to slither towards other envoys to thank them in person, the Oracle raised their hand one final time and spoke:</p> <p>“我非常感激大家能够达成协议。我知道这不是一个容易做出的决定,我希望大家都能从这种相互交流中获益。”当她准备滑行向其他使节并亲自感谢他们时,神谕最后一次举起手说道:</p> <p class="eo">“Be wary - thine pledge is henceforth worth more than thy might have thought. The consequences of breaking thine alliance shall be more severe than you expect.” They lowered their hand and the barrier formed by them followed, indicating the end of the council.</p> <p>“要小心——从今以后,你们的承诺比想象的更有价值。破坏联盟的后果也比想象的更严重。”他们放下手,他们形成的屏障也随之而来,标志着会议的结束。</p> <p class="eo">As diplomats started thanking Ylwari for her decisive and gentle approach to the meeting and dispersing to their lounges prior to their departure, her own thoughts were elsewhere. “I have to talk to the Oracle. There may not be another chance.”</p> <p>当外交官们开始感谢伊尔瓦里在会议上采取的果断而温和的态度,并在离开前回到他们各自的休息室时,伊尔瓦里的心思却在别处。“我必须和神谕谈谈。可能没有另一个机会了。”</p> <p class="eo">Ylwari’s thoughts got interrupted by snow - the herald of Winter Equinox, also known as Winter Solstice in Jadame: a name that varied between its many cultures. There was no time to waste. She slithered across the plaza to rejoin Benjamin and the Oracle, who were on their way to leave it for the Loudrin Estate.</p> <p>雪打断了伊尔瓦里的思绪——这是冬分的预兆,在贾达姆中也被称为冬至:一个在不同的文化中有不同含义的名字。没有时间可以浪费了。她悄悄地穿过广场,与本杰明和神谕会合,他们二人正要离开广场前往劳德林庄园。</p> <p class="eo">“What brings your attention here, little dreamer?” - The Elf and his wits were always quick and it was no different this time. - “I thought I’d assist you and the Oracle a little bit, mayhaps there’s something you wish to ask but haven’t yet.” - Yet hers were just as quick. - “Fancy a stroll with us in that case, miss Ylwari?”</p> <p>“是什么吸引了你的注意,小梦想家?”——精灵和他的智慧总是很敏锐,这次也不例外。——“我想我也行可以帮你和神谕一点忙,你们还有些想问但没来得及问的事。”——然而她的反应也一样快。——“那你想和我们一起散步吗,伊尔瓦里小姐?”</p> <p class="eo">The town was a sight to behold. Ylwari remembered times from before the Loudrins, when it was but a couple of huts and fishermen, and history records indicated Templar influence in the area of what could be considered the founding stones of the town. To see it as a prospering multicultural port was impressive not only upon entry but even whilst casually traversing across its streets.</p> <p>这个小镇美不胜收。伊尔瓦里记得劳德林之前的时代,那时这里只有几间小屋和渔夫,历史记录表明圣殿骑士曾在小镇发展之初富有影响力。无论是刚进入这里,又或是在城中随意穿行时,都会为看到这座城市发展成为一个繁荣的多元文化港口而感到印象深刻。</p> <p class="eo">They reached the main road leading to the estate and stopped for a moment. “What’s thy worry, child?” - The Oracle could sense Ylwari was here for a purpose and not to ponder about the cityscape. - “I’ve been meaning to thank the illustrious Mr Loudrin for assistance. Without his influence and connections I’m afraid this council would not have gone so well. However, I wish to ask: what part do you play in this, dear Oracle? What did Benjamin ask of you to bring you here?”</p> <p>他们到达通往庄园的主干道,并停留了一会儿。“孩子,你担心什么?” - 神谕可以感觉到伊尔瓦里来这里有其目的,并非为了观察城市景观。 - “我一直想感谢杰出的劳德林先生的帮助。如果没有他的影响力和人脉,恐怕这次会议不会进行得这么顺利。但是,我想问:您在这其中扮演什么角色,亲爱的神谕?本杰明请您来这里做什么?”</p> <p class="eo">The Oracle chuckled, surprising the young medusa a little bit as they were impassive until this very moment. They looked at the sea and said:</p> <p>神谕笑了,让年轻的美杜莎有点惊讶,因为在此之前他们始终面无表情。他们看着大海说:</p> <p class="eo">“Tis our task to watch the events as they unfold and to announce the folly should they not be unveiled and acted upon. The young elf was merely an instrument to reveal thine tasks at the most opportune time.” - They looked at the sky and continued - “However, be wary, Young Ylwari, for conflict brews at thy very heart. Minds and souls alike shall be engulfed in it, and the very fabric of reality shall be torn apart. When? We cannot tell as time does not flow as it should whenever these are concerned. We shall observe thy actions with great interest.”</p> <p>“我们的任务是观察事件的进展,并告知如果不探究并采取行动的话,将会酿下何种愚蠢的结果。年轻的精灵只是一个在最合适的时间揭示你们任务的工具。”——他们望着天空,继续说道——“然而,要小心,年轻的伊尔瓦里,因为冲突正在你们的心中酝酿。思想和灵魂都将被吞噬,现实的结构将被撕裂。我们无法知道具体的日期,因为每当涉及到这些事情时,时间就不会像它原本那样流逝。我们会非常感兴趣地观察你们的行动。”</p> <p class="eo">The day after</p> <p>一天后……</p> <p class="eo">Ylwari passed the outer walls of the town and was on her way back to Alvar. Benjamin provided her and her entourage with the highest quality provisions for the road, along with all other luxuries he could, and let her know that she’s welcome in his estate anytime she wishes to make a journey to Ravenshore. However, the generosity of House Loudrin was the last thing she could think of right now.</p> <p>伊尔瓦里穿过城镇的外墙,返回阿尔瓦。本杰明为她和她的随行人员提供了最优质的旅行用品,以及他所能提供的所有便利,从而让她知道,只要她想前往拉文肖尔(鸦岸),他的庄园随时欢迎。然而,劳德林家族的慷慨并不是她现在最关注的事情。</p> <p class="eo">The Oracle’s words echoed in her mind. A warning like that was very rare as the Oracle was not known for such a direct approach; and yet she couldn’t shake off the feeling that it was granted to her for a reason: that there may be something she will have to watch out for in the future. But what? How do all of these things connect? Where do the insects come into play here?</p> <p>神谕的话语在她脑海中回荡。这样的警告非常罕见,因为神谕并不以如此直接的方式而闻名;然而,她无法摆脱这种感觉,即神谕给她这样的警告是有原因的:她将来可能需要提防一些事情。但会是什么呢?所有这些事情是如何联系在一起的?昆虫在这里又在哪里发挥作用?</p> <p class="eo">“I will deal with these as they come.” - She thought - “What matters now is informing The Triumvirate of our success. I only hope this Armistice will last. It has to.” For the first time in her life, Ylwari felt that she will have to be more than a simple envoy. She will have to understand how quickly allegiances can change and what can compel such a transformation. However, that’s a story for another time…</p> <p>“我会处理这些问题。” - 她想 - “现在最重要的是将我们的成功告知三头同盟。我只希望这次停战能够持续下去。它必须持续下去。”伊尔瓦里有生以来第一次感到,她不能只做一个简单的使者。她必须了解效忠关系可以多么迅速地改变,以及什么可以促使这种转变。不过,那是另一个故事了……</p> </details></div> 第二轮谈拢!保罗回归! http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1833 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1833 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426426 hoe Sun, 22 Dec 2024 15:31:29 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><div class="ac playerwrapper"> <div class="playmask" data-bid="BV1DHCNYLEpH"></div> <img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241222-Cover.webp" alt=""> </div> <h3><a href="https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1DHCNYLEpH/">bilibili</a>,<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7UiZws6vL0">youtube</a></h3> <p>完整的Q/A和音乐制作人采访视频:<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQiZw3wlQ3c">youtube</a>,内容待大佬总结……</p> <p>回顾:最初在游戏刚公布时,保罗在youtube上回复说在五月份第一轮和UBI因为时间原因和价格因素没谈拢,随后几天又透露在谈第二轮,之后就没有了下文。然后今天22号大料和部分人预测的一样是保罗回归,并且视频上还有Heroes Orchestra项目的人出现,应该也参与了音乐制作,毕竟原本就说了第一轮没谈拢的原因就有工期不足。</p> <p>youtube上给的主要制作人名单(看起来萝卜王真要盖房子去了):</p> <ul> <li class="eo">Paul Anthony Romero — the iconic composer of the Might and Magic series, returns to grace us all with his legacy with his new original music for Olden Era;</li> <li>保罗·安东尼·罗梅罗:魔法门系列的标志性作曲家,将带着他为上古纪元创作的新原创音乐回归,为我们带来他的传奇;</li> <li class="eo">Cris Velasco — known for his legendary tracks from games such as God of War, Starcraft II, Borderlands, Bloodborne and Mass Effect, Cris will bring his unique vision and power music into the halls of Olden Era;</li> <li>克里斯·贝拉斯科:以《战神》、《星际争霸2》、《无主之地》、《血源诅咒》和《质量效应》等游戏中的传奇曲目而闻名,克里斯将把他独特的视角和强大的音乐带入上古纪元的殿堂;<span class="acc">Cris Velasco曾经为黑暗弥塞亚做过音乐。</span></li> <li class="eo">Mateusz Alberski and Heroes Orchestra — a marvelous team of musicians and long-time fans of the series and its music who have previously worked with Paul Romero on orchestral adaptations of in-game soundtracks. Mateusz and his Heroes Orchestra will be responsible for the beautiful orchestrations of the melodies composed by the Maestros. </li> <li>马特乌什·阿尔贝斯基和英雄管弦乐队(Heroes Orchestra):一支由音乐家和该系列及其音乐的长期粉丝组成的出色团队,他们曾与保罗·罗梅罗合作改编游戏配乐。马特乌什和他的英雄管弦乐队将负责为大师创作的旋律进行美妙的编曲。</li> </ul> <hr> <div class="ac"><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241222-02.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241222 02"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241222-02.webp" alt="20241222 02"></a><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241222-04.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241222 04"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241222-04.webp" alt="20241222 04"></a><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241222-09.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241222 09"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241222-09.webp" alt="20241222 09"></a><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241222-11.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241222 11"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241222-11.webp" alt="20241222 11"></a><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241222-13.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241222 13"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241222-13.webp" alt="20241222 13"></a><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241222-15.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241222 15"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241222-15.webp" alt="20241222 15"></a></div> <p>视频带的游戏画面片段中出现了圣殿大弓的第三配色,那大概率天使要打野了?</p></div> 上古纪元#Prophecy#21# ? http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1832 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1832 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426420 hoe Sat, 21 Dec 2024 15:46:02 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><p class="eo">Ylwari’s thoughts got interrupted by snow - the herald of Winter Equinox, also known as Winter Solstice in Jadame: a name that varied between its many cultures. There was no time to waste. She slithered across the plaza to rejoin Benjamin and the Oracle, who were on their way to leave it for the Loudrin Estate.</p> <p>雪打断了伊尔瓦里的思绪——这是冬分的预兆,在贾达姆中也被称为冬至:一个在不同的文化中有不同含义的名字。没有时间可以浪费了。她悄悄地穿过广场,与本杰明和神谕会合,他们二人正要离开广场前往劳德林庄园。</p> <p class="eo">“What brings your attention here, little dreamer?” - The Elf and his wits were always quick and it was no different this time. - “I thought I’d assist you and the Oracle a little bit, mayhaps there’s something you wish to ask but haven’t yet.” - Yet hers were just as quick. - “Fancy a stroll with us in that case, miss Ylwari?”</p> <p>“是什么吸引了你的注意,小梦想家?”——精灵和他的智慧总是很敏锐,这次也不例外。——“我想我也行可以帮你和神谕一点忙,你们还有些想问但没来得及问的事。”——然而她的反应也一样快。——“那你想和我们一起散步吗,伊尔瓦里小姐?”</p> <p class="eo">The town was a sight to behold. Ylwari remembered times from before the Loudrins, when it was but a couple of huts and fishermen, and history records indicated Templar influence in the area of what could be considered the founding stones of the town. To see it as a prospering multicultural port was impressive not only upon entry but even whilst casually traversing across its streets.</p> <p>这个小镇美不胜收。伊尔瓦里记得劳德林之前的时代,那时这里只有几间小屋和渔夫,历史记录表明圣殿骑士曾在小镇发展之初富有影响力。无论是刚进入这里,又或是在城中随意穿行时,都会为看到这座城市发展成为一个繁荣的多元文化港口而感到印象深刻。</p> <p class="eo">They reached the main road leading to the estate and stopped for a moment. “What’s thy worry, child?” - The Oracle could sense Ylwari was here for a purpose and not to ponder about the cityscape. - “I’ve been meaning to thank the illustrious Mr Loudrin for assistance. Without his influence and connections I’m afraid this council would not have gone so well. However, I wish to ask: what part do you play in this, dear Oracle? What did Benjamin ask of you to bring you here?”</p> <p>他们到达通往庄园的主干道,并停留了一会儿。“孩子,你担心什么?” - 神谕可以感觉到伊尔瓦里来这里有其目的,并非为了观察城市景观。 - “我一直想感谢杰出的劳德林先生的帮助。如果没有他的影响力和人脉,恐怕这次会议不会进行得这么顺利。但是,我想问:您在这其中扮演什么角色,亲爱的神谕?本杰明请您来这里做什么?”</p> <p class="eo">The Oracle chuckled, surprising the young medusa a little bit as they were impassive until this very moment. They looked at the sea and said:</p> <p>神谕笑了,让年轻的美杜莎有点惊讶,因为在此之前他们始终面无表情。他们看着大海说:</p> <p class="eo">“Tis our task to watch the events as they unfold and to announce the folly should they not be unveiled and acted upon. The young elf was merely an instrument to reveal thine tasks at the most opportune time.” - They looked at the sky and continued - “However, be wary, Young Ylwari, for conflict brews at thy very heart. Minds and souls alike shall be engulfed in it, and the very fabric of reality shall be torn apart. When? We cannot tell as time does not flow as it should whenever these are concerned. We shall observe thy actions with great interest.”</p> <p>“我们的任务是观察事件的进展,并告知如果不探究并采取行动的话,将会酿下何种愚蠢的结果。年轻的精灵只是一个在最合适的时间揭示你们任务的工具。”——他们望着天空,继续说道——“然而,要小心,年轻的伊尔瓦里,因为冲突正在你们的心中酝酿。思想和灵魂都将被吞噬,现实的结构将被撕裂。我们无法知道具体的日期,因为每当涉及到这些事情时,时间就不会像它原本那样流逝。我们会非常感兴趣地观察你们的行动。”</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241221-1.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>北之呼唤 - Boreal Call</h4> <p class="eo">Sometimes the barrier between the Material World and Realm Between Realms grows so thin, abominable horrors spill out through the cracks. Defeat its guard to obtain Grand Shoths.</p> <p>有时物质世界和界域之间的障碍会变得薄弱,令人憎恶的恐怖从裂缝中溢出。击败它的守卫以获得Grand Shoths。</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241221-2.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>空灵知识 - Ethereal Knowledge</h4> <ul> <li class="eo">Set of 2: Grants extra Spellpower and Knowledge</li> <li>2件:获得额外的咒力和知识;</li> <li class="eo">Set of 4: All friendly effects from spells and abilities have unlimited duration.</li> <li>4件:本方所有的持续性法术效果和技能效果将会获得无限的持续时间;</li> </ul></div> 上古纪元#Prophecy#20#仙女龙 羽蛇 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1831 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1831 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426417 hoe Fri, 20 Dec 2024 15:39:46 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><p class="eo">“I am extremely grateful that we have managed to come to an agreement between one another. I know that it wasn’t an easy decision to make and I hope we all get to reap the benefits of such mutual exchange.” As she was preparing to slither towards other envoys to thank them in person, the Oracle raised their hand one final time and spoke:</p> <p>“我非常感激大家能够达成协议。我知道这不是一个容易做出的决定,我希望大家都能从这种相互交流中获益。”当她准备滑行向其他使节并亲自感谢他们时,神谕最后一次举起手说道:</p> <p class="eo">“Be wary - thine pledge is henceforth worth more than thy might have thought. The consequences of breaking thine alliance shall be more severe than you expect.” They lowered their hand and the barrier formed by them followed, indicating the end of the council.</p> <p>“要小心——从今以后,你们的承诺比想象的更有价值。破坏联盟的后果也比想象的更严重。”他们放下手,他们形成的屏障也随之而来,标志着会议的结束。</p> <p class="eo">As diplomats started thanking Ylwari for her decisive and gentle approach to the meeting and dispersing to their lounges prior to their departure, her own thoughts were elsewhere. “I have to talk to the Oracle. There may not be another chance.”</p> <p>当外交官们开始感谢伊尔瓦里在会议上采取的果断而温和的态度,并在离开前回到他们各自的休息室时,伊尔瓦里的心思却在别处。“我必须和神谕谈谈。可能没有另一个机会了。”</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241220-1.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>仙女龙 - Faerie Dragon - 5级中立兵种</h4> <p class="eo">They may seem sweet and cheerful, yet faerie dragons are anything but that. Prone to mischief and tricks, they are one of the few creatures wielding the raw energies permeating Enroth.</p> <p>它们看起来可爱且愉快,但仙女龙的本性并非如此。它们喜欢恶作剧和耍花招,是少数能够运用遍布恩洛斯的原始能量的生物之一。</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241220-2.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>羽蛇 - Couatl - 6级中立兵种</h4> <p class="eo">These feathered serpents oftentimes rely on their sheer power and hail back to older, more primal times一 their scales make them highly impervious to spells altering one&apos;s essence.</p> <p>这些羽蛇常常依靠它们纯粹的、可以追溯回更古老、更原始的时代的力量——它们的鳞片使它们对改变人性的法术具有很强的免疫力。</p></div> 征服之歌资料更新 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1830 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1830 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426415 soc Thu, 19 Dec 2024 18:44:49 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><p>发现资料有错误和未更新可以在<a href="http://gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&amp;tid=319144">游戏人的家论坛</a>或者<a href="https://tieba.baidu.com/p/7835706128">贴吧</a>反馈,或者加QQ群252181718,@EvilP。官方的更新说明里有好几条都是1.3的。其它地方有没啥还不知道的改动等随后慢慢排查了。</p> <p>至于那个蛋疼到死的技能树什么时候真的无聊看看能不能整个更新后的。随机事件的序列和条件也超烦,有查询需求的可以看<a href="https://soc.th.gl/zh-CN/random-events/Arleon/AMerchantsDemands">soc.th.gl</a>,我就不整了。</p> <p>已的更新如下:</p> <ul> <li>DLC新种族瓦尔尼的<a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/soc/727.html">兵种</a>,<a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/soc/730.html">行使者</a>,<a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/soc/728.html">城建</a>,<a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/soc/729.html">研究</a>。</li> <li>以及<a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/soc/694.html">13个新宝物</a>,<a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/soc/731.html">7套宝物套装</a>,6个新冒险建筑。</li> <li>平衡性修正如下:</li> <li>披屋的猎手产量从4变为3;</li> <li>掠夺技能:新增+5%/+10%/+15%战后掠夺的金币,额外金币从+200% / +400% / +500%变为+50% / +100% / +200%</li> <li>瑞文费尔:初始兵力从10弓手,改为8弓手1法夜怒灵;</li> <li>伊瑟尔·埃尔纳琳:初始兵力从4法夜精灵4法夜怒灵,改为1法夜贵族3法夜精灵;</li> <li>啃食者,法夜的大酋长:初始兵力从2公羊战士改为2女王守卫;</li> <li>亚利昂科技改动:<ul> <li>银辫子:2级从+10防御变成+1秩序,3级从+1秩序变成获得护盾;</li> <li>高贵的守护者:2级从+10防御变成变成+1创造,3级从+1秩序变成获得法术抵抗;</li> <li>更强大的十字弓:2级从+10远程防御变成+1伤害,3级从+1伤害变成获得灵动;</li> <li>歌手服装:2级从+10防御变成+5生命值;</li> <li>剑与盾:1级从+1伤害变成+2伤害,3级从+2伤害变成+5生命值;</li> <li>长弓:2级从+10远程攻击力变成+1混沌,3级从+1混沌变成+2伤害;</li> <li>比赛场地:2级从+10防御变成+1秩序,3级从+1秩序变成获得激励;</li> </ul></li> <li>洛斯科技改动:<ul> <li>以皇后之名:2级从+10防御力变成+5主动性,3级从+5主动性变成获得背信弃义;</li> <li>视角药水:1级从+10远程攻击力变成+1伤害,2级从+1伤害变成+1攻击距离和致命距离,3级变成获得等待;</li> <li>神圣专注:1级从+1毁灭变成+3伤害,2级从+10防御力变成+5主动性,3级从+5主动性变成获得激励;</li> <li>点燃精神:1级变从+10防御力成+3生命值,2级从+10近战攻击变成+1部队移动力,3级变成获得法术抵抗;</li> <li>延长悬浮:3级从+1奥术精华变成获得虚灵;</li> </ul></li> <li>巴里亚科技改动:<ul> <li>强效火药:1级从+10远程攻击力变成+1伤害;</li> <li>削尖的长矛:2级从+10近战攻击力变成+3生命值,3级从+2生命值变成+1毁灭;</li> <li>火炮的咆哮:2级从+10远程攻击力变成+1秩序,3级从+1秩序变成获得护盾;</li> <li>为风笛调音:2级从+10防御力变成+3生命值;</li> <li>野蛮的力量:2级从+10近战攻击力变成获得威吓;</li> <li>增强感官:2级从+10近战攻击力变成+1部队移动力,3级从+1战场移动力变成+1毁灭;</li> <li>训练恶犬:1级从+10近战攻击力变成+1伤害;</li> </ul></li> <li>拉纳科技改动:<ul> <li>古代仪式:2级从+10远程攻击力变成+3生命值;</li> <li>强化外壳:2级从10防御力变成+5生命值,3级从+1毁灭变成获得前线战士;</li> <li>巨龙的咆哮:2级从+10近战攻击力变成+1部队移动力,3级从+1战场移动力变成+10伤害;</li> <li>捕食者本能:1级从+10近战攻击力变成+2伤害;</li> <li>强化外骨骼:1级从+10防御力变成+5生命值;</li> </ul></li> </ul></div> 上古纪元#Prophecy#19#野外设施 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1829 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1829 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426413 hoe Thu, 19 Dec 2024 16:18:30 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><p class="eo">“By the power vested in me by my fellow scholars in the Necromancer’s Guild of the Shadowspire Chapter, I, Shadespinner Oona, pledge our allegiance to your cause and solemnly swear to help you uncover the truth behind these matters.” The necromancers being the first to agree surprised Ylwari, yet she was glad to have their support.</p> <p>凭借暗影尖塔战团死灵法师公会的学者们赋予我的力量,我,影纺者欧娜,宣誓效忠你们的事业,并庄严宣誓帮助你们揭开这些事情背后的真相。” 死灵法师们率先表示同意,这让伊尔瓦里很惊讶,但她很高兴得到他们的支持。</p> <p class="eo">“We shall join our song with yours for it is change that has always guided the Mycelium and it is change that shall keep it safe. Let our choir aid you with their music and our forests show you the way.” The Elder’s words resonated with power and greatness, and were joined by his entourage thumping their closed fists against their chests - a union of gentleness of the forest wind and ferocity of its guardians.</p> <p>“我们将与你们一起歌唱,因为正是变化一直引导着菌丝体,也正是变化将保证它的安全。让我们的合唱团用他们的音乐帮助你们,让我们的森林为你们指明方向。” 长老的话语充满了力量和伟大,他的随从们也用紧握的拳头捶胸顿足——这是森林之风的温柔和守护者之凶猛的结合。</p> <p class="eo">All eyes were set on Anastasia. She could be seen calculating her decision — after all, such alliances, however fickle, held great power and would leave a lasting impact on the pages of history. After a short moment, she answered, her voice steady for the first time:</p> <p>所有人的目光都集中在阿纳斯塔西娅身上。可以看出她在计算自己的决定——毕竟,这样的联盟,无论多么变幻无常,都拥有巨大的力量,并将在历史的篇章上留下持久的影响。片刻之后,她回答道,她的声音第一次变得平稳:</p> <p class="eo">“As the Chalice dictates and as the light is mighty, I, Anastasia, Priestess of the Sun and envoy to my lords in Dawnbreak, pledge my powers and those of our beloved Order to your service. Let the powers that be know that, however strange this land is, we shall protect it with the same fervor as the cause we believe in.”</p> <p>“正如圣杯的指引与光明的力量,我,阿纳斯塔西娅,圣阳女祭司和黎明破晓领主的使者,承诺将我的力量与我们挚爱的教团为您服务。让当权者知道,无论这片土地多么奇怪,我们都会以我们所信仰的事业的热情保护它。”</p> <p class="eo">As soon as Anastasia said her words, the Mirror next to the Oracle lit up with the sigils of Forefathers, as if binding them all to their agreement. Their actions were watched and from now on they would be held responsible for breaking the armistice. Ylwari was relieved that she had achieved the results her lieges desired. She drew everyone’s attention to herself and started speaking.</p> <p>阿纳斯塔西娅一说完,神谕旁边的镜子就亮了起来,上面写着先祖的印记,仿佛要把他们都约束在协议里。他们的一举一动都受到监视,从现在起,他们将对破坏停战协议负责。伊尔瓦里松了一口气,因为她已经实现了领主们想要的结果。她把所有人的注意力吸引到自己身上,开始说话。</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241219-1.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>风玫瑰 - Wind Rose</h4> <p class="eo">Dating back to the times shortly before the Silence, the orrery atop every wind rose can guide you exactly where you need to go. When visited, fully reveals the map.</p> <p>可以追溯到寂静时代之前不久,每个风玫瑰顶上的天文仪可以引导你准确地去你需要去的地方。访问后,地图将完全显示。</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241219-2.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>马厩 - Stables</h4> <p class="eo">Large, small, wide and thin — all manners of mounts can be seen here, not merely horses. Restores movement points and grants additional movement to each visiting hero until the end of the week.</p> <p>大、小、宽、瘦——这里可以看到各种各样的坐骑,而不仅仅是马。恢复访问英雄移动点数,并获得额外的移动能力,直到本周结束。</p></div> 上古纪元#Prophecy#18#角猫 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1828 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1828 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426411 hoe Wed, 18 Dec 2024 15:50:07 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><p class="eo">“Thine blood burns too hot within thee and thine temper needs constant reminding of what’s at stake. Were it not the fate of the continent that shall be decided here, thine bloodlust would have already devoured this place. Remind thyself that it is not thine future thy must protect here, but of thine younglings and prospects. Should this convocation fail, the beauty of this place shall be gone.”</p> <p>“你们的热血过于沸腾,你们的脾气需要克制,切记提醒自己什么才是利害攸关的。此刻如果不是需要你们来决定大陆的命运,你们的嗜血欲望早就吞噬了这个地方。提醒自己,你们在这里要保护的不是你们自己的未来,而是你们种族的幼崽和前途。如果这次集会失败,这个地方的美丽将不复存在。”</p> <p class="eo">The Oracle used the mirror once again, showcasing an animal that hasn’t been seen for a long time: a kittenhorn. These little playful creatures used to be a common sight on Jadame in ancient times, yet nowadays only a handful of their hunting grounds remain in this world. To be reminded of something so primal, majestic and yet fading away because of mortal pettiness gave everyone a moment of clarity. Oona was the first to speak.</p> <p>神谕者再次使用镜子,展示了一种很久没见过的动物:小角猫。这些顽皮的小动物在曾经是古代贾达姆的常见景象,但如今,世界上只剩下几个供它们的生存狩猎的场所。想起如此原始、神奇却因凡人的琐碎而消亡的东西,让每个人都顿时清醒了过来。欧娜第一个开口了。</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241218-1.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>小角猫 - Kittenhorn</h4> <p class="eo">These cute cat-like creatures are actually ancient. They hail back from the times when crystals had minds and songs could change reality, and carry a bit of those primordial times with themselves still, occasionally. driving people insane 一 be it glee or rage. </p> <p>这些可爱的猫科动物其实很古老。它们来自于那个水晶仍具有思想、歌声可以改变现实的时代,偶尔也会带着一些原始时代的气息。让人们疯狂——无论是欢乐还是愤怒。</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241218-2.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>流浪者之路 - Wanderer&apos;s Way</h4> <p class="eo">Set of 2: Eliminates terrain penalty.</p> <p>二件:消除地形惩罚。</p></div> 征服之歌瓦尼尔DLC上线 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1827 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1827 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426408 soc Tue, 17 Dec 2024 17:00:00 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><p>STEAM:<a href="https://store.steampowered.com/app/3260210/">https://store.steampowered.com/app/3260210/</a></p> <p>价格:原价12刀/48RMB,1月1日前8折,合9.59刀/38.4RMB</p> <div class="ac playerwrapper"> <div class="playmask" data-bid="BV1GEkHYbEma"></div> <img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241218-Cover.webp" alt=""> </div> <h3><a href="https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1GEkHYbEma/">Bilibili</a>,<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j_YoiLtkMk">youtube</a></h3></div> 上古纪元#Prophecy#17#预告22 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1826 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1826 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426406 hoe Tue, 17 Dec 2024 15:37:16 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><p class="eo">Ylwari looked around — the chaos that she had witnessed was enormous. As she had expected, Anastasia and Oona were bickering with one another, accusing each other of monstrous acts, their lords disrespecting the Dusk Treaty and going as far as to suggest the insectoid threat was just a diversion created by their masters to allow free conquest of Jadame by either the Church or the Guild. What surprised the young medusa was that Gingertail and Benjamin were also arguing with one another, the former calling the latter delusional if he thinks the Fey will allow his entrepreneurs anywhere near the forest even if it’s just to seek knowledge. The wording behind the missive put everyone in disarray and it was clear that personal animosities and prejudices will always ignite conflict.</p> <p>伊尔瓦里环顾四周——她目睹了巨大的混乱。正如她所料,阿纳斯塔西娅和欧娜正在互相争吵,互相指责对方派系的暴行,他们的领主不尊重《黄昏条约》,甚至暗示昆虫威胁只是他们的主人制造的转移注意力的手段,以便教会或公会可以自由征服贾达姆。让这位年轻的美杜莎感到惊讶的是,姜尾和本杰明也在争吵,前者称后者是一片妄想,以为只要以寻求知识为幌子,妖精就会允许他的主子靠近森林。信函背后的措辞让每个人都陷入混乱,很明显,个人的仇恨和偏见总是会引发冲突。</p> <p class="eo">“Dear envoys, once again I’d like to-” But nobody listened to her this time. Unable to get through their shouts, Ylwari was ready to simply wait it out, but the Oracle had other plans. They raised their hand and once more the plaza felt drained of sound.</p> <p>“亲爱的使节们,我想再次——”但这次没有人听她的话。无法让喊声传遍整个广场,伊尔瓦里只得等待,但神谕者却另有打算。他们举起了手,广场再次陷入了寂静。</p> <div class="ac playerwrapper"> <div class="playmask" data-bid="BV1F2kHYgEWo"></div> <img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241217-1.webp" alt=""> </div> <h3><a href="https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1F2kHYgEWo/">预告视频</a></h3> <p class="acc">预告时间为22号CET时间下午4点,即北京时间23点。至于是放音乐还是放种族(名)啥的,不知道,喜欢的猜自己慢慢猜。</p></div> 上古纪元#开发日志#6#随机图和模版 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1825 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1825 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426404 hoe Mon, 16 Dec 2024 16:14:47 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><p>来源:<a href="https://steamcommunity.com/games/3105440/announcements/detail/705473316618503071">Devlog #6: A sneak peek into Olden Era’s templates and the Random Map Generator</a></p> <p class="eo">In our last devlog, we showed you the arena mode. It is only natural to continue with what is most likely the hidden gem of the Heroes of Might &amp; Magic franchise. That is, of course, the random map generator and the templates it provides. Our approach, while very similar to what you might be used to from past Heroes games, focuses more on the quality of the maps, rather than the quantity. But fear not! There will be a very vast template pool you can choose from in Olden Era! Be advised, this is all very technical and it could change in the future!</p> <p>在我们的上一篇开发日志中,我们向您展示了竞技场模式。继续开发《魔法门之英雄无敌》系列中最有可能隐藏的瑰宝是很自然的事情。当然,就是随机地图生成器及其提供的模板。我们的方法虽然与您在过去的《英雄无敌》游戏中可能习惯的方法非常相似,但更多地关注地图的质量,而不是数量。但不要害怕!上古纪元将会有一个非常庞大的模板池供你选择!请注意,这都是非常技术性的,并且将来可能会发生变化!</p> <div class="ac"><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241216-1.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241216 1"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241216-1.webp" alt="20241216 1"></a></div> <p class="eo">Keep in mind, all names are subject to change, and there will be many more templates added! We are planning to create not only very different templates, but also different sizes for each of these templates.</p> <p>请记住,所有名称都可能会更改,并且还会添加更多模板!我们计划不仅创建非常不同的模板,而且还为每个模板创建不同的尺寸。</p> <h4 class="al">为什么我们需要一个好的地图生成器?</h4> <p class="eo">Why do we need a good map gen?</p> <p class="eo">In essence, a good map generator is one of the primary tools used by the community to ensure replayability of the older games in the series such as Heroes 3, Heroes 5 or Heroes 7. We can see that in cases where such a tool was missing, such as Heroes 4 and 6, which are far less popular than the other three and have a much smaller following as a result. Having a well-established and well-adjusted map generator means that players can play the game over and over again without feeling like they’re continuously running into the same routine.</p> <p>从本质上讲,一个好的地图生成器是社区用来确保《英雄无敌3》、《英雄无敌5》或《英雄无敌7》等系列老游戏的可重玩性的主要工具之一。我们可以看到,在缺少此类工具的情况下,比如《英雄无敌4》和《英雄无敌6》,它们的受欢迎程度远远低于其他三部,因此粉丝也少得多。拥有一个完善且经过良好调整的地图生成器意味着玩家可以一遍又一遍地玩游戏,而不会感觉自己不断陷入相同的例程。</p> <p class="eo">Furthermore, out of all the feedback we received, all of the interviews we conducted, and all the talks we had, we discovered some issues with Heroes3&apos;s map generator (and all the other Heroes of Might &amp; Magic games, not just Heroes3): Our rough estimates say about 15% of the matches played are borderline unwinnable due to the randomly generated map being too unfavorable. Some of the points here are:</p> <p>此外,在我们收到的所有反馈、我们进行的所有采访以及我们进行的所有谈话中,我们发现了英雄无敌 3 的地图生成器(以及所有其他《魔法门之英雄无敌》游戏,而不仅仅是英雄无敌 3)的一些问题:粗略估计,由于随机生成的地图过于不利,大约有 15% 的比赛处于无法获胜的边缘。这里的一些要点是:</p> <ul> <li class="eo">Crossroads too far from the starting castle and with uneven distance for all players (e.g. one player has it within the reach of their town, another has to spend 2 turns to get there)</li> <li>十字路口距离起始城堡太远,并且对所有玩家来说距离不均(例如,一个玩家在自己的城镇范围内有十字路口,另一个玩家必须花 2 回合才能到达那里)</li> <li class="eo">Impossible to form a unified strike force to eliminate guards because the spawn zone doesn&apos;t have enough external dwellings</li> <li>由于生成区没有足够的外部兵种产地,无法形成统一的打击力量来消灭守卫</li> <li class="eo">The main hero can&apos;t be upgraded to a high enough level because not enough experience and attributes are available in the spawn zone</li> <li>主要英雄无法升级到足够高的等级,因为初始区域没有足够的经验和属性</li> <li class="eo">Roads shifted to the edges of the zone, making significant parts of the area difficult to access due to terrain penalties</li> <li>道路转移到该区域的边缘,由于地形影响,该地区的大部分地区难以进入</li> <li class="eo">Paths blocked by very strong neutral squads</li> <li>道路被非常强大的中立小队封锁</li> </ul> <h4 class="al">那么我们做了什么来改善这一点呢?</h4> <p class="eo">So what did we do to improve this?</p> <p class="eo">Regarding the direct comparison between Heroes 3 RMG and ours. We generally have a similar feature set (i. e. biomes), and we tried to both make it more robust and expand it. Here are a few examples:</p> <p>关于英雄3 RMG和我们的直接比较。我们通常有类似的功能集(即生物群落),我们试图使其更加强大并扩展它。以下是一些示例:</p> <p class="eo">Our RMG: </p> <p>我们的RMG:</p> <ul> <li class="eo">Guarantees that paths won&apos;t be blocked by a random enemy.</li> <li>确保路径不会被随机敌人阻挡。</li> <li class="eo">Provides control over ease of accessibility of different objects. E.g. one could ask for a sawmill to be placed near the starting city, for a road between two cities or for a powerful item tucked away in a corner.</li> <li>提供对不同对象的可访问性的控制。例如,人们可以要求在起始城市附近放置一个锯木厂,在两个城市之间建立一条道路,或者在角落里放置一个强大的物品。</li> <li class="eo">Has a flexible system for mandatory content. The original has something similar for mines, and they are indeed the most obvious target for such a system — after all, the player needs a sawmill no matter what. But we can and do use it for much more — dwellings, hero stats, visibility — you name it. It is a key instrument for designing fair map templates.</li> <li>具有灵活的强制内容系统。原作中的矿藏也有类似的东西,它们确实是这种系统最明显的目标——毕竟,无论如何,玩家都需要锯木厂。但我们可以而且确实将它用于更多用途——住宅、英雄统计数据、可见度——凡是你能想到的。它是设计公平地图模板的关键工具。</li> <li class="eo">Ensures that distance between the starting town and the higher value biomes (ex. treasure zones) is kept similar for all players.</li> <li>确保所有玩家的起始城镇和更高价值的生物群落(例如宝藏区)之间的距离保持相似。</li> <li class="eo">Allows you to select what types of Pandora Boxes can be found in each biome.</li> <li>允许您选择每个生物群落中可以找到的潘多拉魔盒类型。</li> <li class="eo">Allows full control over what artifacts can and cannot show up. This also includes spells, units, heroes and skills.</li> <li>允许完全控制哪些工件可以显示和不能显示。这还包括法术、单位、英雄和技能。</li> <li class="eo">Lets you disable and enable biome types that will be generated (e.g. no lava)</li> <li>允许您禁用和启用将生成的生物群落类型(例如没有熔岩)</li> <li class="eo">Mandatory objects will be customizable. For instance we’ll be able to set a certain amount of dwellings, or mines for a biome.</li> <li>强制对象将是可定制的。例如,我们将能够为生物群落设置一定数量的住宅或矿藏。</li> </ul> <h4 class="al">RMG 的技术方面让您变得轻松!</h4> <p class="eo">Technical side of RMG made easy for you!</p> <p class="eo">To start with we have tooling to analyze map templates. It is possible to examine a generated map in much greater detail than from a player’s perspective (for instance to see object value distribution, which objects are random and which are mandatory, exact zone boundaries etc.). More importantly we have tools to analyze the maps statistically. One could simulate a thousand generations and calculate the average number of Dragon Utopias in a specific zone. These tools offer us a much more precise generation than we were used to having in previous heroes installments, which also means that any anomalies you would normally find will be quickly dealt with (e.g. waterfall decoration spam in Conflux biomes or excess amount of singular mountain peaks).</p> <p>首先,我们有分析地图模板的工具。可以比从玩家的角度更详细地检查生成的地图(例如查看对象值分布、哪些对象是随机的、哪些是强制的、精确的区域边界等)。更重要的是,我们拥有对地图进行统计分析的工具。人们可以模拟一千代并计算出特定区域中龙之国的平均数量。这些工具为我们提供了比之前的英雄分期更精确的生成,这也意味着您通常会发现的任何异常情况都将得到快速处理(例如,Conflux 生物群落中的瀑布装饰或过多的单一山峰)。</p> <h4 class="al">关于品种和控制</h4> <p class="eo">On the variety and control</p> <p class="eo">Let&apos;s go with a simple example. Say you want to generate pictures of cats in funny costumes. Your artist drew a bunch of cats as well as hats, mustaches, glasses, and whatnot. You then might just throw a random number of random items on a cat. It will probably look rough — two pairs of glasses, one shoe and a wig peeking through a beret. Unless you are into that sort of look, you establish some rules: either zero or two shoes, no more than one pair of glasses, no tall wigs with berets. But then if you add too many such rules, establishing a rigid cat dress code, you will end up with just a handful of different cats.</p> <p>让我们来看一个简单的例子。假设您想生成穿着滑稽服装的猫的照片。你的艺术家画了一群猫以及帽子、胡子、眼镜等等。然后你可以向猫扔随机数量的随机物品。它可能看起来很粗糙——两副眼镜、一只鞋子和一顶从贝雷帽里露出的假发。除非你喜欢那种造型,否则你会制定一些规则:要么是零双鞋,要么是两双鞋,不超过一副眼镜,不能戴带贝雷帽的高假发。但如果你添加太多这样的规则,建立严格的猫着装规范,你最终只会得到少数不同的猫。</p> <p class="eo">What is the point of generating them randomly then? Generating HoMM maps is not that different from this perspective. For every big and little thing you usually have to ask yourself, how random should it be? It goes for zone borders, elevation regions, city placement, road graphs, quantities of resources and strength of the guards. This is what we believe is the key difficulty in any sort of procedural generation. You want things to be varied and diverse, but you also want them to make sense.</p> <p>那么随机生成它们有什么意义呢?从这个角度来看,生成 HoMM 地图并没有什么不同。对于每一件大大小小的事情,你通常都要问自己,它应该有多随机?它适用于区域边界、海拔区域、城市布局、道路图、资源数量和守卫力量。我们认为这是任何程序生成的关键困难。你希望事物是多种多样的,但你也希望它们有意义。</p> <p class="eo">These goals are somewhat contradictory, so one has to balance them.</p> <p>这些目标有些矛盾,因此必须平衡它们。</p> <div class="ac"><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241216-2.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241216 2"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241216-2.webp" alt="20241216 2"></a></div> <p class="eo">Name of the templates is subject to change</p> <p>模板的名称可能会更改</p> <p class="eo">Mandatory content is something that has to appear in a zone no matter what. As in one of the examples above: you want the player to have access to wood early. You can then ask for a mandatory sawmill — and it will appear in the zone no matter what. Better yet, you can ask for that sawmill to be near the player’s castle spawn and the generator will try to oblige. You can also ask for a mandatory object from a list. You could ask for [sawmill, quarry, gold mine], and one of them will appear. On top of that, this list can be expanded — so for example if you want, say, four tier 6 dwellings to show up in the starting area, you can do that. Random content is the rest of the map. We have a bag of things that might appear. And the generator takes things from that bag randomly. This bag can be different for each zone and the items in it may obey certain rules. For instance a treasure zone bag can have a larger percentage of expensive items.</p> <p>强制性内容是无论如何都必须出现在区域中的内容。正如上面的示例之一:您希望玩家尽早获得木材。然后你可以要求强制锯木厂——无论如何它都会出现在该区域中。更好的是,你可以要求锯木厂靠近玩家的城堡生成点,生成器会尽力满足。您还可以从列表中请求强制对象。你可以询问[锯木厂、采石场、金矿],其中之一就会出现。最重要的是,这个列表可以扩展 - 例如,如果你想要,比如说,四栋 6 级住宅出现在起始区域,你可以这样做。随机内容是地图的其余部分。我们有一袋可能会出现的东西。生成器随机从那个袋​​子里取出东西。每个区域的这个袋子可能不同,并且里面的物品可能遵循一定的规则。例如,宝藏区包中可能含有较大比例的昂贵物品。</p> <p class="eo">An important part of the design of our generator is flexibility. Usually when we asked the game design specialists, if we want a certain thing to work in one of two ways they said: let&apos;s do a customizable switch in the config. For instance one could customize directly in a template the win conditions of the map, whether the player is allowed to hire new heroes, whether or not certain items are allowed to appear. We believe this customizability will make the RMG useful for a single player setting. On top of it all, it is possible to generate a map of any size supported by the game (and even some unsupported).</p> <p>我们发电机设计的一个重要部分是灵活性。通常,当我们询问游戏设计专家时,如果我们希望某件事以两种方式之一工作,他们会说:让我们在配置中进行可定制的切换。例如,人们可以直接在模板中自定义地图的获胜条件,是否允许玩家雇用新英雄,是否允许某些物品出现。我们相信这种可定制性将使 RMG 对于单人游戏设置非常有用。最重要的是,可以生成游戏支持的任何尺寸的地图(甚至一些不支持的尺寸)。</p> <p></p> <h4 class="al">那么你将如何玩旧时代呢?</h4> <p class="eo">So how will you play Olden Era?</p> <div class="ac"><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241216-3.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241216 3"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241216-3.webp" alt="20241216 3"></a></div> <p class="eo">We will provide many templates to straight up pick from, so you will always be able to discover something new. However, we have our own map editor for you to create and save your own custom maps, with your own requirements! On this though, there will be a separate devlog in the future, as it is still a work in progress, and we are trying to improve on it as much as possible before sharing it entirely!</p> <p>我们将提供许多模板供您直接选择,因此您始终能够发现新的东西。但是,我们有自己的地图编辑器,供您根据自己的要求创建和保存自己的自定义地图!不过,在这方面,未来将会有一个单独的开发日志,因为它仍然是一项正在进行的工作,我们正在努力在完全共享它之前尽可能地改进它!</p> <p class="eo">Speaking of singleplayer, something highly requested is the campaign, which will also have its own separate devlog. We are aiming to give you the first few missions of the campaign, as well as the map editor itself, in EA. So do expect a lot more information about these as we get closer to EA!</p> <p>说到单人游戏,人们强烈要求的是战役,它也将有自己单独的开发日志。我们的目标是在 EA 中为您提供战役的前几个任务以及地图编辑器本身。因此,随着我们距离 EA 越来越近,请期待更多有关这些的信息!</p> <div class="ac"><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241216-4.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241216 4"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241216-4.webp" alt="20241216 4"></a></div></div> 上古纪元#Prophecy#16#猫头鹰小屋 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1824 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1824 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426402 hoe Mon, 16 Dec 2024 16:12:44 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><p class="eo">““It is true. As long as there’s suspicious activity in places long forgotten and forbidden, and the insectoid raids persist, I&apos;m afraid the continent will remain in chaos. This is why we wish to offer the following plan.” — Ylwari stopped for a second, pulled out another official missive from Triumvirate, then started reading it.</p> <p>“这是真的。只要在被遗忘和禁止的地方有可疑活动,并且昆虫袭击持续存在,那么大陆恐怕将继续处于混乱之中。这就是我们希望提供以下计划的原因。”—— 伊尔瓦里停顿了一下,拿出三巨头的另一封官方公函,然后开始阅读。</p> <p class="eo">“By the power vested in us through the admiration and trust of our people, we — Queen Amelchia of the Stygianscales; Grand Architect Balthazar, Son of Balthazar and Chieftain of His Lair; and Master Caspair Silvertongue, Patriarch of the Alvarian Elves — hereby wish to invite all, who would seek to protect Jadame from threats that would leave it forever scarred, to join us in laying down weapons against each other and raising them against those whose desire is to destroy our beloved continent. Should this Winter Armistice we propose come into effect, our borders will be open to you and our relics of power will be at your full disposal. In return we ask that your archives and banks of wisdom become open to us so that we can evaluate the threats clawing at our people and seek out the strange perpetrators you may have witnessed. We reserve the right to withdraw from this agreement should any side try to abuse it to harm another member of this Armistice.”</p> <p>“凭借人民的钦佩和信任赋予我们的力量,我们——冥鳞的女王阿梅尔奇亚;大建筑师巴尔萨泽,巴尔萨泽的儿子和他巢穴的酋长;以及阿尔瓦利亚精灵族长卡斯帕尔·西尔弗顿格大师——在此邀请所有想要保护贾达姆免受永世创伤威胁的人化干戈为玉帛,加入我们共同对抗那些想要摧毁我们心爱大陆之人。如果该冬季停战协议生效,我们的边界将向你们开放,我们的强大神器将完全由你们使用。作为回应,我们要求你们的档案和智慧库向我们开放,以便我们评估其对我们人民的威胁,并找出你们可能目击到的那些奇怪肇事者。如果任何一方试图滥用本协议来伤害本停战协议的另一名成员,我们保留退出本协议的权利。”</p> <p class="eo">“Alvar diruil.”</p> <p>“愿阿尔瓦和平。”</p> <p class="eo">As soon as Ylwari was done reading, the entire plaza burst into a cacophony of sounds. What the Triumvirate suggested was seen as preposterous to many, blasphemous to some and impossible to a few of them. A difficult task was ahead of her.</p> <p>伊尔瓦里诵读完毕,整个广场就爆发出刺耳的声音。三头同盟的建议在大多数人看来是荒谬的、亵渎神明的、同时也是不可能的。一项艰巨的任务摆在她面前。</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241216-1.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>心灵之歌 - Inner Song</h4> <p class="eo">3 Items: When allied units use abilities, they no longer end their turns.</p> <p>三件:当本方单位使用主动技能时,他们不再消耗回合。</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241216-2.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>猫头鹰小屋 - Owl Hut</h4> <p class="eo">Owls are known for wisdom and can share it if asked. Stay long enough and it will show you its games. Grants a skill to each visiting hero. If they already know this skill, levels it up instead.</p> <p>猫头鹰以智慧而闻名,它们愿意在被请求时分享智慧。停留足够长的时间,它会向你展示它的游戏。为每个来访的英雄授予一项技能。如果他们已经掌握这项技能,则改为升级。</p></div> 上古纪元#Prophecy#15#沃里废墟 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1823 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1823 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426398 hoe Sun, 15 Dec 2024 14:18:39 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><p class="eo">“In addition to what I have shared so far, there’s one more matter you need to be made aware of. Many centuries ago, Alvarian elves abandoned most of the ancestral holdings they had inherited from the ancient Vori for reasons nobody seems to remember anymore. Those monuments to the past had been sealed off due to disrepair and remained undisturbed until recently. Reports from the Frozen Keeps talk of mystical forces that have ransacked many of them, leaving strange markings and extremely high magical readings scattered across them. We were made aware of them shortly after one of our agents suddenly stopped sending us missives but we have not been able to track them down since the incursion into the ruins. Their activity also aligns with what the envoys of Shadowspire and the Murmurwoods have reported in their accusations. Who knows what their goal was — and what they have stolen from there? I wish I knew, but so far it remains a mystery that will have to be solved sooner rather than later. What I can assure you of — dear envoys — is that whoever is behind these renegades does not act on Triumvirate’s orders.”</p> <p>“除了我到目前已分享的内容之外,还有一件事需要让你们知道。许多世纪以前,阿尔瓦里安精灵因为一些已无人记得的原因,放弃了他们从古代沃里人那里继承下来的大部分遗产。这些过去的纪念碑因失修而被封锁,直到最近才被外人打扰。来自冰冻要塞的报告称,神秘的力量洗劫了许多纪念碑,留下了奇怪的标记和极高的魔法读数。在我们的一名间谍突然停止向我们发送信件后不久,我们就意识到了他们的存在,但自从他们入侵废墟以来,我们一直无法追踪到他们。他们的活动也与暗影尖塔和低语森林使者们所控诉的内容一致。无人知晓他们的目标是什么——他们从那里偷了什么?我希望我知道,但到目前为止,这仍然是一个谜,必须尽快解决。我可以向你们保证——亲爱的特使们——这些幕后之人并非听从于三头同盟的命令。”</p> <p class="eo">The ruins in question dated all the way back to the times close to the Silence and were attributed to ancient Vori settlers. Whoever had chosen to meddle with them was more than aware of the secrets they could potentially contain.</p> <p>这些遗址的历史可以追溯到寂静时代,并与古代沃里定居者相关。无论是谁选择干涉它们,都很清楚它们可能蕴含的秘密。</p> <p class="eo">“I presume you have a contingency prepared for that.” Oona was the first one to speak and Ylwari was more than willing to indulge her.</p> <p>“我想你已经为此做好了准备。” 欧娜是第一个开口说话的人,而伊尔瓦里非常愿意纵容她。</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241215-1.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>红木瞭望台 - Redwood Observatory</h4> <p class="eo">Known for their enormous size, redwood trees make for a perfect vantage point. Removes the fog of war in a huge radius around it.</p> <p>红杉木以其巨大的体型而闻名,是完美的观景点。消除其周围巨大半径内的战争迷雾。</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241215-3.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>沃里废墟 - Overgrown Vori Ruins</h4> <p class="eo">During their prime, the Vori Elves have founded many outposts and towns in Jadame. The abandoned holds and their descendants are all that remains of their presence on the continent now. Grants a very large amount of gold and resources after defeating its guard.</p> <p>在沃里精灵的鼎盛时期,他们在贾达姆建立了许多前哨和城镇。如今,废弃的堡垒和他们的后代是他们在大陆上存在的唯一遗迹。击败守卫后,可获得大量黄金和资源。(这个建筑昨晚开始时用的是<a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241215-2.mp4" class="cblink">这个视频</a>,后来换成了上面那个)</p></div> 上古纪元#Prophecy#14#龙之国 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1822 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1822 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426396 hoe Sat, 14 Dec 2024 15:19:01 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><p class="eo">“There are as many opinions among dragons as there are scale colours shared between them.” - Ylwari’s mention of dragonkind spurred hushed whispers that quickly died off as she continued - “Yet the one thing I believe they all have in common is their pride and belief that few beings on the continent can threaten them. To have them in Garrote Gorge sending calls for aid to Her Majesty — whose ideals they had considered beneath them — alerted Her near immediately. Our investigation into the matter has revealed that many eggs were stolen — Her Majesty’s brethren slain or driven mad by old magic. Whether this is the work of some higher intelligence or just a series of accidents remains to be seen, but it is clear to us that it’s an act meant to throw the region into disarray and shatter the alliance we’ve worked so hard to achieve.”</p> <p>“龙族们有很多种不同的观点,就像它们鳞片的颜色一样。”——伊尔瓦里提到龙族时,传来一阵低语,但很快便消失了,她继续说道——“但我相信它们都有一个共同点,那就是骄傲和信念,即大陆上很少有生物能威胁到它们。它们在加洛特峡谷向女王陛下发出求助,考虑到它们曾认为女王陛下的理想不值得它们尊重,这种反差几乎立刻就引起了女王陛下的警觉。通过调查,我们发现许多蛋被偷了,而女王陛下的兄弟们则被杀或被古老的魔法逼疯了。这究竟是某种更高智慧的杰作,还是一系列意外,仍有待观察。但我们很清楚,这种行为让该地区陷入混乱并破坏了我们努力建立的联盟。”</p> <p class="eo">A new emotion entered the plaza: fear. Dragons were thought to be immense juggernauts capable of destruction, whilst near impervious to it. To learn that not only many of them had been destroyed, but that their precious eggs were taken? A few hours ago Ylwari would have been called a liar, a fraud, but now? After everything that had been shared between the council, the terror of something slaying dragons in droves was just another tune of the cataclysmic choir the Oracle had presented them with — and yet Ylwari wasn’t done relaying the dire findings.</p> <p>一种新的情绪进入了广场:恐惧。人们认为龙是巨兽,能够造成破坏,但几乎不受破坏的影响。得知不仅许多龙被毁灭,而且它们珍贵的龙蛋也被拿走了?如果是在几个小时前,伊尔瓦里会被称为骗子、欺诈者,但现在呢?在议会分享了所有这些事后,成群结队的龙被某种东西杀死的恐怖只是神谕呈现给他们的灾难合唱团中的又一曲调——然而伊尔瓦里还没有将这些可怕的发现全部传达完毕。</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241214.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>龙之国 - Dragon Utopia</h4> <p class="eo">In the eyes of most people, it&apos;s rare for dragons to put their animosities aside long enough to build a city. For that reason alone commonfolk call such places a utopia, as they&apos;re both marvelous and mythical. Grants a very large amount of gold and valuable artifacts after defeating its guard.</p> <p>在大多数人眼中,鲜有巨龙能长时间放下敌意去建造城市。正因为如此,凡人称这些地方为乌托邦,因为它们既奇妙又神秘。击败守卫后,可获得大量黄金和宝物。</p> <div class="ac playerwrapper"> <div class="playmask" data-bid="BV1yvB7Y4E98"></div> <img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241214-DragonUtopiaBattle.webp" alt=""> </div> <h3><a href="https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1yvB7Y4E98/">bilibili</a></h3></div> 上古纪元#Prophecy#13#地牢全揭晓 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1821 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1821 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426394 hoe Fri, 13 Dec 2024 15:27:12 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><div class="ac playerwrapper"> <div class="playmask" data-bid="BV1uUBuY1Ey1"></div> <img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241213-01.webp" alt=""> </div> <h3><a href="https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1uUBuY1Ey1/">bilibili</a>,<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LQznkeUQYcI">youtube</a></h3> <p class="eo">“My dearest envoys,” - Ylwari’s words were woven with great care, each syllable a note meant to deliver the exact tone and message she wished to convey - “I hear your concerns and I must admit the situation seems to be far more serious than even our lieges believe it to be. It is even more imperative, then, that we stand united against the oncoming storm.” - she paused for a moment, then continued - “When I’d stood before Her Majesty Amelchia, She spoke to me not from the position of a monarch or a ruler but of someone who was willing to sacrifice their own dreams if it meant that Jadame — and everything it has to offer — is preserved for the generations to come.” - Ylwari stopped for a second to reveal a scroll with what appeared to be a mix of draconic runes, elven writing and minotaur seals - “In order to do so She, alongside the rest of Triumvirate of Alvar, has permitted me to provide any of you and your lords with full military, civilian and magical support our people have to offer should you join our cause. She has also granted me the right to share the call for help we have received from Garrote Gorge.” </p> <p>“我最亲爱的使者们,”——伊尔瓦里的话语非常谨慎,每个音节都传达着她想要传达的准确语气与信息——“我听到了你们的担忧,我必须承认情况似乎比我们的君主们认为的更加严重。因此,我们更需要团结起来,共同对抗即将到来的风暴。”——她停顿了一下,然后继续说——“当我站在阿梅尔奇亚女王面前时,她不是以君主或统治者的立场对我说话,而是以一个愿意牺牲自己梦想之人的立场对我说话,即便这意味着需要牺牲贾达梅以及其上的一切,才能守护我们的子孙后代。”——伊尔瓦里停顿了一下,展示了一张卷轴,上面似乎是巨龙符文、精灵文字和牛头怪印章的混合体——“为了做到这一点,她与阿尔瓦三头同盟的其他成员一起,允许我为你们和你们的领主提供我们人民所能提供的全面军事、民事和魔法支持。同时,如果你们愿意加入我们的事业。她还授予我分享我们从加洛特峡谷收到求助的权利。”</p> <p class="eo">The sight of the decree from the Triumvirate surprised the envoys. While it wasn’t uncommon for different missions to carry direct missives from their lieges, the Alvar Pact, as a nation, has rarely — if ever — invoked their laws on what could have been considered a countrywide scale, preferring to let local powers form treaties and then relay the results of such negotiations to the capital city, effectively forming a flexible network of fiefdoms. However, the diplomats’ musings had to wait as Ylwari continued her speech.</p> <p>看到三头同盟的法令,使节们大吃一惊。虽然不同的使团直接携带来自其领主的信函并不罕见,但阿尔瓦以国家名义签署的条约很少,即便个别情况下,它们也不愿以国家整体签署法律条约,而是更愿意让地方掌权者签署条约,然后将此类谈判的结果传达给首都,从而有效地形成了一个灵活的封地网络。然而这次,外交官们陷入沉思,等待着伊尔瓦里继续她的演讲。</p> <div class="ac"><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241213-01.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241213 01"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241213-01.webp" alt="20241213 01"></a><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241213-02.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241213 02"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241213-02.webp" alt="20241213 02"></a><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241213-03.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241213 03"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241213-03.webp" alt="20241213 03"></a><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241213-04.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241213 04"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241213-04.webp" alt="20241213 04"></a><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241213-20.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241213 20"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241213-20.webp" alt="20241213 20"></a><a href="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/20241213-21.webp" rel="colorbox" title="英雄无敌:上古纪元 - 20241213 21"><img src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/screenshot/hoe/thumbs/20241213-21.webp" alt="20241213 21"></a></div> <hr> <p>本次展示的英雄只有7个,伊尔瓦里还是已经公布过的。</p> <ul> <li>术士:伊尔瓦里(Ylwari,外交特长战役英雄),格拉斯托(Glastor),修女黛拉(Sister Deira)</li> <li>领主:克里塔,纳瓦尔之女(Creta, Daughter of Navarr),德维尔(Devir),瑞亚(Rhea),背叛者泰拉里斯(Tellaris the Betrayed)</li> </ul> <p>兵种线中之前展示过的环刃舞者没出现,有可能在重做。有些兵种比起上次的展示的名字有所改变。</p> <ul> <li>穴居人(Troglodyte):数量众多,可以使用比近战伤害低的短距离远程攻击(Viscous Spit,喷口水);</li> <li>地狱穴居人(Infernal Troglodyte):两种升级模式的可以选择削弱目标的攻击或者防御;</li> <li>剧毒穴居人(Toxic Troglodyte):(大概应该是主动远程技能的附带效果);</li> <li>渗透者(Infiltrator):可以传送攻击,同时可以选择是否攻击后返回原位置(会降低伤害);</li> <li>诡计渗透者(Guile Infiltrator):可以隔空攻击(全图?暗影打击,Shadowstrike);</li> <li>阴冷渗透者(Bleak Infiltrator):可以隐身?(阴影面纱,Veil of Shadows);</li> <li>三级兵暂缺;</li> <li>牛头怪(Minotaur):产量低,数值高,士气永远为正,可以使用1X3格的线性伤害(大满贯,Grand Slam),但是会降低伤害;</li> <li>牛头怪领主(Minotaur Lord):对自己使用buff(不屈意志,Unyielding Will)</li> <li>牛头怪先锋(Minotaur Vanguard):可以抢先反击?(先发制人,Pre-emptive Strike);</li> <li>美杜莎(Medusa):远程兵种,无射程惩罚,降低伤害的散射(箭雨,Arrow Barrage);</li> <li>美杜莎雕塑家(Medusa Sculptor):近战伤害不减,近身石化目标(Petrification);</li> <li>美杜莎女王(Medusa Queen):更强的远程伤害;</li> <li>九头蛇(Hydra):普通攻击可以同时击中前方三格的敌军,主动技能可以打身边所有的敌军(降伤害,旋风打击,Whirlwind Strike);能力随回合数而增强?</li> <li>冥府九头蛇(Chthonic Hydra):可以自行回复生命值;</li> <li>地狱九头蛇(Infernal Hydra):可以降低被攻击目标的攻击力;</li> <li>赤龙(Red Dragon):强力飞行兵种,魔法免疫,龙息攻击两格;主动技能可以攻击更大范围(硫磺袭击,Sulphurous Assault);可以振奋友军(加攻击或者士气?心灵之火,Inner Flame)</li> <li>黑龙(Black Dragon):可以俯冲敌军?(dive into)</li> <li>灰龙(Ashen Dragon):龙的技能看后面是三个都能用心灵之火和大范围的硫磺袭击,但没有dive的演示;</li> </ul> <p class="eo">Fighting Styles are a series of abilities that are specific to Dungeon units, yes - they act as alternate attacks at the cost of damage.</p> <p>战斗风格是地下城单位特有的一系列技能,以降低伤害为代价充当替代攻击。</p> <ul> <li>洞穴人是隔一格的远程吐口水;</li> <li>渗透者是攻击后返回;</li> <li>牛头人是三格的大满贯攻击;</li> <li>美杜莎是散射箭雨;</li> <li>九头蛇是是全邻近的旋风打击;</li> <li>龙是前方大范围的硫磺袭击;</li> </ul></div> 上古纪元#Prophecy#12#宿命 中立生物 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1820 http://www.heroworld.net/news.php?id=1820 http://www.gamerhome.com/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=426388 hoe Thu, 12 Dec 2024 15:11:37 GMT <div style="width:640px;"><p class="eo">“Thine temper betrays thee. Hath thee no land to protect? Hath thee no kin to shield? Apply thyself. ‘Tis no time for pettiness. Aeons ‘fore thine lives had begun, this world had seen many calamities.” The Oracle waved their hand and the mirror next to them had begun to ripple, as if they had disturbed a water surface. Images of spherical contraptions that seemed both mechanical and magical in nature appeared to watch as many enemies clashed against one another, undead dragons among them. The constructs seemed both alien and familiar in shape, as if subconsciously they were known to the envoys on some fundamental, core level. Once the vision was gone from the mirror, the Oracle continued.</p> <p>“你们的脾气已经失控。难道你们没有需要保护的土地?难道你们没有需要保护的亲人?接受现实吧。现在不是小题大做的时候。在遥远万古,你们的生命开始之前,这个世界就已经经历了许多灾难。”神谕者挥了挥手,他们旁边的镜子开始泛起涟漪,仿佛搅动了水面。球形装置看起来既像是机械,又像是魔法造物,它们似乎在观看着许多敌人的冲突,其中就有不死的龙。这些构造物的形状看起来既陌生又熟悉,仿佛使节们在某种核心层面的潜意识中认识它们。当镜子里的景象消失后,神谕者继续说道。</p> <p class="eo">“Order must be maintained. Thine quarrels shall only lead to thine ancient protectors deeming you as part of mayhem thine lords wish to eradicate — if this convocation fails.” Silence reigned once again. What had been a warning the first time, now almost seemed like a threat from forces far older than anyone else gathered there, including the ancient treant. Finally, after what had felt like an eternity, Ylwari addressed everyone in the plaza.</p> <p>“必须维持秩序。如果这次集会失败,这些争吵只会让你们的古代保护者认为你们是其希望消灭的混乱的一部分。”沉默再次笼罩了整个世界。这是他们第一次收到这种来自比聚集在那里的其他人(包括那位古老的树人)更古老力量威胁的警告。最终,在渡过了一段像是永恒般漫长的时间后,伊尔瓦里向广场上的所有人发表了讲话。</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241212-1.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>宿命 - Impending Fate - 3阶奥术魔法</h4> <p class="eo">A wave of temporal energies bursts across the battlefield, dealing damage to all enemies. At higher levels the amount of damage dealt is increased.</p> <p>一波时间能量爆发穿过战场,对所有敌人造成伤害。当魔法等级提高时,造成的伤害量增加。(也就是之前提过用来清场单队极小量杂兵的魔法)</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241212-2.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>世界观察者 - Worldwatcher - 6级中立兵种</h4> <p class="eo">These constructs often accompany Sentinels一perhaps they are made by them. They claim their mission is simply to observe the world and report to their makers, to see if anything needs to be fixed. But why are simple observers so well equipped for battle?</p> <p>这些构造体通常与哨兵一同出现——也许它们就是由哨兵制造的。他们声称他们的任务只是观察世界并向他们的制造者报告,看看是否有什么需要修复。但为什么执行简单观察任务的观察者会如此擅长战斗?</p> <video width="100%" height="465" loop autoplay muted><source src="http://heroworld.gamerhome.com/images/news/20241212-3.mp4" type="video/mp4">您的浏览器不支持Video标签。</video> <h4>龙巫妖 - Lich Dragon - 8级中立兵种</h4> <p class="eo">Undead dragons come to existence in places where enormous amounts of necrotic energies radiate close to their resting places. As such, for all the power they have, risen dragons are surprisingly simple and unambitious一more beasts guarding their graveyards than rulers.</p> <p>不死巨龙出现在死亡能量聚集的地方,这些能量源靠近它们的安息之地。因此,尽管它们拥有生前的一切力量,但复活的龙却出奇地简单且没有野心——它们更像是守卫墓地的野兽,而不是统治者。</p></div>