This month, I have four topics concerning the Ogre Mage, Hero spell casting, the name for the HoMM3 Dendroid, and the first part of three HoMM3 Recollections relating to E3 in 1998. I also have an update regarding the frequency of these Newsletters. Going forward, they will no longer be monthly, but quarterly (January, April, July, and October). Why? My ‘personal bandwidth’ continues to be limited, stemming from my ongoing health issues. Doing this will free up more time to focus on Fanstratics development, while overlapping nicely with the HoMM3 Recollections. Previously, I touched upon this subject in Newsletter #38.
- Fanstratics Troop: Ogre Mage
- 兵种介绍:食人魔法师
- Amongst Ogres, the Ogre Mage is revered. Amongst all other wizards, the Ogre Mage is disregarded. With knowledge and limited castings of only one spell, the Ogre Mage has the ability to Enrage a separate Allied Division. At first, this may not seem significant, but the effect is cumulative and persistent for the remainder of Battlefield Combat. Furthermore, under specific Battlefield conditions, this effect can be applied to an entire Army, making the Ogre Mage a surprisingly effective, albeit limited, caster. This was a fun one. Initially, Justin rendered his typical four thumbnails for me to choose. All were excellent. I picked a foundation, and a couple of elements from the others. After a second-round line drawing, I found myself gravitating back to one of the original thumbnails, and told Justin to put it in reverse, and run with foundational thumbnail. Very happy with the end result. Just like last month, there is no VOD from Justin. Christmas commitments took priority. So, no stream. Maybe next time.
- 在食人魔眼中,食人魔法师备受尊重;但在各类巫师眼中,食人魔法师却经常被人忽视。只通晓并能够释放一个法术的食人魔法师掌握了能让单个友方单位获得激怒效果的能力。这一能力初看并不起眼,但其效果可以叠加并在后续战斗中一直持续。特别是在机会得当时,这一效果可以覆盖全军,从而让食人魔法师成为了一种能力有限却又惊人有效的施法者。
- Fanstratics Question: Will a hero be able to cast more than one spell per turn?
- FST问题:英雄一轮能放几个法术?
- In Fanstratics, like HoMM3, Heroes can only cast one spell per 'turn' unless special circumstances dictate otherwise (like an artifact).
- 和H3一样,一轮只能放一个法术,但在特定情况下(如神器)可以超出限制。
- HoMM3 Question: Why are Dendroids called Dendroids?
- H3问题:枯木卫士的名字来源?
During one of my sessions with Jon Van Caneghem (JVC), we were finalizing the roster for the Rampart. At the time, Dendroids were named Treants, as derived from Dungeons & Dragons. At the time, I did not know there had been a copyright issue between Dungeons & Dragons and the Tolkien estate, as Treants were originally named Ents (referring to anthropomorphic tree creatures from Lord of the Rings). Regardless, JVC didn’t like the name Treant. I offered up ‘Ent’. Didn’t like it. Treefolk? Nope.
After retrieving a paperback Thesaurus from my office, I sat in front of Jon and read all the synonyms for Treant, Ent, etc. Woodfolk? Nah. Grove Giant? (shakes head). Tree Spirit? No.
- Me, “Dendroid?”
- JVC, “What’s a dendroid?”
- Me, after retrieving a paperback Dictionary from my office, “Dendroid... resembling a shrub or tree.”
JVC shrugged his shoulders.
- Me, “I like Treefolk, but I could live with Dendroid,”
- JVC, “Let’s go with Dendroid, until we think of something better.”
Well, we never thought of anything better, and to be perfectly honest, the name grew on me.
As a bonus, in hindsight, we probably avoided a potential copyright issue with Dungeons & Dragons.
- 其实是在和JVC的讨论中来的,起初用的是DND里的名字Treants,不过当时还不知道版权问题。后来JVC不喜欢这个名字,我又提了Ent(出自指环王)、Treefolk、Grove Giant、Tree Spirit等,最终在办公室的平装字典里翻出了Dendroid这个名字,原本是作为备选方案的,不过最终由于没有其他新的方案,就选定了这个,同时还幸运的避开了DND的潜在版权问题。
- HoMM3 Recollection: E3 1998 (part 1 of 3)
- H3拾遗:1998年E3