

EvilP 更新于 2023-12-01 17:03


  • ​​Fanstratics Troop: War Hog
  • 兵种介绍:战猪
  • Charging into battle, wailing, grunting, and squealing, the Krasadox War Hogs are literal brute force grunts. Wielding crude clubs with serrated teeth, these filthy soldiers attack with the intent of bleeding their target. When successful, their enemy quickly loses all life, while the War Hogs absorb their diminishing assaults. As a battle progresses, under specific circumstances, this tactic can transform a bleed into a rupture, and turn an Enemy’s speedy demise into a hasty death. Not much to relate concerning the visual development of this Troop. Shortly after emailing a description, Justin followed up with four surprisingly detailed thumbnails. I picked one of the four, and this past Monday, Justin delivered an awesome pig warrior. It was almost too easy.
  • 冲入战场,随后就是哀嚎、呼噜与尖叫,Krasadox战猪就如同字面意义一般,是一群残忍野猪人。挥舞有着锯齿的残忍棍棒,这些卑鄙的战士专注于给敌人带来流血。一旦成功,它们的敌人便会很快失去生命,而战猪则可以汲取对方剩余的攻击。随着战斗的进行,在特定条件下,这种战术可以由流血转变成破坏,立刻消灭那些快死的敌人。
  • Fanstratics Question: Are you going to be making hero portraits the way they were done for homm3? (taking pictures of real people and adding them to the game) Because if you are then I would like to sign up :D. It has always been a dream of mine.
  • FST问题:英雄头像还会是像H3那样由真实照片转化来的么?如果是的话我想报名,这一直是我的梦想。
  • Probably not. I’ve never been a fan of ‘self-inserts’, and would prefer more artistic portraits. Ultimately, it will be an art direction issue. However, I have considered a possible crowdfunding option for an alternate set of Heroes. It would be akin to a mod, on a first-come-first serve basis, where players who contribute a certain amount could define the name and picture for a specific hero. We’ll see.
  • 可能不会,我不是这种“自我投射”的爱好者,更偏好于绘制头像。不过我也考虑过将头像作为众筹选项的可能性,具体我们以后再看。
  • HoMM3 Question: Regarding HoMM3, I take it orcs are "pig-faced" (maybe less that in HoMM1, rather like HoMM2, MM3 and MM5), it's just that their face on the in-game sprites is rather blurred? The Stronghold puzzle shows this more clearly.
  • H3问题:H3里的兽人为什么是“猪脸”?
  • Might and Magic (MM) drew heavily on Dungeons & Dragons, and originally the orcs were very ‘pig-like’. You can see an example here (https://tinyurl.com/5x3kt3xe) and here (https://tinyurl.com/2p8cpfhb). So... yes, in MM, the orcs were supposed to be ‘pig men’. This is very apparent in MM2, HoMM1, and HoMM2. Personally, I always thought the Gamorrean Guard (https://tinyurl.com/mryvdr4j) from Return of the Jedi was the best example of an ‘orc’.
  • 魔法门系列受到龙与地下城很深的影响,而DND里的兽人就很有猪的特征,所以是的,MM里的兽人可以认为是“猪人”。
wudevils 回复于 2023-12-04 09:24:
