EvilP 更新于 2024-07-02 09:00
- Fanstratics Troop: Manticore
- 兵种介绍:蝎狮
- Like most Troops in the Chimeran roster, the Manticore is a versatile warrior. Able to fly, this fearsome fighter can occasionally shoot stingers from its scorpion’s tail. With both its melee and ranged Assaults, the Manticore can also inflict a Paralyzing Venom, and through this terrible toxin, repeatedly still Enemy Divisions. Keeping the Enemy out of the fight, for prolonged periods of time, is a Manticore’s forte, making them an especially valuable Troop in every battle. When we started work on the Manticore, I was cautiously optimistic. Overall, I was confident Justin would realize what I had in mind, but I worried the process would be more difficult than other Troops. With this particular concept, we were in largely unknown territory. While visual reference for a Manticore was easy to find, visual reference for an anthropomorphic Manticore was near non-existent. To my delight, Justin took the task very seriously and breezed through our standard operation of thumbs, to rough, to final render. Very happy with one. Another favorite. For those who want to see Justin create the drawing, you can always watch a VOD of his Twitch stream.
- 和Chimeran的其他部队类似,蝎狮也是一种多用途战士。这种可以飞行的恐怖斗士会偶尔使用蝎尾远程蛰击对手。无论是近战还是远程攻击,蝎狮都能释放麻痹毒素,这种恐怖剧毒可以反复控制一支敌方部队。蝎狮的特长就是将敌方部队排除出战斗,并以此拖延战斗时间,这使得其在每场战斗中都极具价值。
- Fanstratics Question: Is there is a chance, if you put any controversial features in the game, they will be optional for the player to check or un-check the rule? (similar to what HOMM 4 did for Neutral creatures moving around)
- FST问题:是否会在游戏中设置某些争议性特性,并让其作为玩家可选的特性?(例如H4中大地图的野怪是否可以移动)?
- Not sure how to answer this question, but if a specific feature is ‘controversial’, it will more than likely be optional. Darkest Dungeon did this with their ‘corpse controversy’.
- 不确定如何回答这一问题,不过如果某项特性具有争议,那一般都会是可选的。
- HoMM3 Question: Regnan pirates are alluded to throughout the MM series and occasionally encountered until finally arriving in full force in MM8. Later in HOMM4 there was also a pirate kingdom represented by Asylum. Through modders did we eventually get Cove. Was a pirate faction ever in the talks?
- H3问题:魔法门世界一直有提到Regnan海盗的故事,在8代里也最终遇到过。之后在H4里也有以混乱组为代表的海盗王国。而在mod里也有港口组。所以当初是否讨论过海盗种族?
- At one point, I had considered such a faction, but it never got past a line or two in my brainstorming notes. Had I stayed at New World Computing (NWC), it may have been elevated for discussion, but this is pure speculation on my part.
- 我曾经一度考虑过这样一个种族,不过它在我的头脑风暴笔记中没有过多着墨。如果我一直待在NWC的话,或许这个想法会最终进入讨论环节,不过这也只是我个人的推测罢了。
- HoMM3 Recollection: E3 1998 (part 3 of 3)
- H3拾遗:1998年E3