壁垒英雄 — 巡逻兵/德鲁伊
录入时间:2009-12-17 22:28:50 最后修改时间:2021-06-01 23:59:23
巡逻兵 - Ranger | ||||||||
属性增加比例 | ||||||||
2-9级 | 10级+ | |||||||
攻击 | 防御 | 力量 | 知识 | 攻击 | 防御 | 力量 | 知识 | |
35 | 45 | 10 | 10 | 30 | 30 | 20 | 20 | |
技能学习几率 | ||||||||
寻路 | 箭术 | 后勤 | 侦察 | 外交 | 航海 | 领导 | 智慧 | |
7 | 8 | 5 | 7 | 4 | 3 | 6 | 3 | |
神秘 | 幸运 | 弹道 | 鹰眼 | 招魂 | 理财 | 火系 | 气系 | |
3 | 6 | 4 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 1 | |
水系 | 土系 | 学术 | 战术 | 炮术 | 学习 | 攻击 | 防御 | |
3 | 3 | 1 | 5 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 8 | |
智力 | 魔力 | 抵抗 | 急救 | |||||
2 | 2 | 9 | 3 |
孟斐拉(Mephala) | |
早在埃拉西亚军队中接受训练时,孟斐拉就显露出利用地形赢得胜利的天才。虽然她非常喜欢乡村的宁静,但是为了国家,她还是留在了军队里。 Trained in the ranks of the Erathian Military, Mephala was a genius when it came to using terrain to her advantage in battle. She resigned her commission several years ago, preferring the quiet serenity of AvLee to the bustle of the cities of Erathia. | |
技能 领导术 防御术 兵力 12-24 3-5 3-6 攻击:1
防御:3 力量:1 知识:1 |
尤佛瑞汀(Ufretin) | |
尤佛瑞汀是个少见的矮人族骑士。他英勇善战,很早就成为了矮人族的领袖。 It is unusual to see a Dwarven Ranger, but for Ufretin the skills came naturally. He has become an icon to the surface-dwelling dwarven population, and a natural born leader among all dwarvenkind. | |
技能 幸运术 抵抗力 兵力 3-5 3-5 3-5 攻击:1
防御:3 力量:1 知识:1 |
杰诺娃(Jenova) | |
杰诺娃是个心地善良的好人,这使她在埃拉西亚极为受欢迎。 Jenova`s kindhearted nature has made her well liked throughout much of Erathia. Her beguiling charms have allowed her to raise money for whatever cause she chooses to follow. | |
技能 中级箭术 兵力 12-24 3-5 3-6 攻击:1
防御:3 力量:1 知识:1 |
罗伊德(Ryland) | |
罗伊德是一个杰出的埃里骑兵,他的行动极为敏捷,以至于有人认为他是精灵的转世。 Ryland was the first (and to date, the only) human ever fully accepted by the Circle of Elder Dendroids as a Ranger of AvLee. Some joke that he was once an Elf, but that he was killed and accidentally reincarnated into a human`s body. | |
技能 外交术 领导术 兵力 12-24 3-5 3-6 攻击:1
防御:3 力量:1 知识:1 |
索格灵(Thorgrim) | |
索格灵从小就是孤儿,在埃里最北方的森林里长大。整个大陆的人都知道他对魔法具有特别的抵抗能力。 Orphaned as a child, Thorgrim was raised in the northernmost forests of AvLee. He became known throughout the land for his exceptional ability to resist magics of all kinds. | |
技能 中级抵抗力 兵力 12-24 3-5 3-6 攻击:1
防御:3 力量:1 知识:1 |
伊沃(Ivor) | |
伊沃的家族非常古老,所以他具有高贵的血统。不过,他一点也没有高贵的气质,为人非常鲁莽。 Ivor`s lineage can be traced back nearly to the Silence. Though bred as nobility, he has always been a hothead, preferring to lead an attack rather than wait to be attacked. His brashness has so far kept him alive. | |
技能 箭术 进攻术 兵力 12-24 3-6 3-6 攻击:1
防御:3 力量:1 知识:1 |
克兰(Clancy) | |
克兰从小就能与独角兽交流,这一特殊能力使他成为了埃里军队的精锐。 It was by pure accident that Clancy discovered he could communicate with Unicorns, but this unique ability has served him well as he worked his way through the ranks of AvLee`s Military Elite. | |
技能 寻路术 抵抗力 兵力 12-24 3-5 3-6 攻击:1
防御:3 力量:1 知识:1 |
凯琳(Kyrre) | |
凯琳在克里根进攻埃里的最初阶段只是一个侦察兵,但她很快就立下了赫赫战功,成为军队的统帅。 Kyrre served as a scout during the initial defense of AvLee from the Kreegan attacks. Her ability to navigate difficult terrain allowed her to excel in her duties. | |
技能 箭术 后勤学 兵力 12-24 3-5 3-6 攻击:1
防御:3 力量:1 知识:1 |
格鲁(Gelu) | |
格鲁是人类和精灵的混血儿,兼有人类的智慧和精灵的敏捷。他是埃拉西亚最著名的游击战专家。 Little is known about Gelu. Gelu was found and raised by General Morgan Kendal when he was serving under Catherine Ironfist. Gelu now command`s Erathia`s guerilla forces known as the Forest Guard. He is believed to be half human, half Vori elf. | |
技能 领导术 箭术 兵力 6 3 1 攻击:1
防御:3 力量:1 知识:1 |
德鲁伊 - Druid | ||||||||
属性增加比例 | ||||||||
2-9级 | 10级+ | |||||||
攻击 | 防御 | 力量 | 知识 | 攻击 | 防御 | 力量 | 知识 | |
10 | 20 | 35 | 35 | 20 | 20 | 30 | 30 | |
技能学习几率 | ||||||||
寻路 | 箭术 | 后勤 | 侦察 | 外交 | 航海 | 领导 | 智慧 | |
5 | 5 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 2 | 8 | |
神秘 | 幸运 | 弹道 | 鹰眼 | 招魂 | 理财 | 火系 | 气系 | |
6 | 9 | 4 | 7 | 0 | 3 | 1 | 2 | |
水系 | 土系 | 学术 | 战术 | 炮术 | 学习 | 攻击 | 防御 | |
4 | 4 | 8 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 3 | |
智力 | 魔力 | 抵抗 | 急救 | |||||
7 | 6 | 1 | 7 |
克洛尼斯(Coronius) | |
克洛尼斯曾在埃拉西亚的魔法学院中学习过,但他很快就厌倦了那呆板的教学方式,毅然离开学院,到埃里拜一名隐士为师。 Coronius attended the University of Erathia for one semester before he realized that academics were overrated. He left Erathia for AvLee, finding a Druid who could teach by example. | |
技能 智慧术 学术 兵力 12-24 3-5 3-6 魔法 屠戮成性 攻击:0
防御:2 力量:1 知识:2 |
尤兰德(Uland) | |
尤兰德花了他生命中的大部分时间来学习战地医疗技术,之后他决定成为一名术士。他所学的知识在军队中非常有用,这是他成功的原因之一。 Uland spent a great deal of his life as a battlefield healer before choosing to follow the path of a Druid, but the lessons he learned serving in the military have made him into an excellent leader today. | |
技能 弹道术 中级智慧术 兵力 12-24 3-5 3-6 魔法 疗伤 攻击:0
防御:2 力量:1 知识:2 |
艾丽莎(Elleshar) | |
艾丽莎可能是埃里有史以来最聪明的魔法师,年级轻轻就成为了魔法元老院的成员。 Elleshar is perhaps the brightest student of magic ever seen in AvLee. If he maintains his abilities over the next several decades, he will likely be the youngest Druid ever to be accepted into the Circle of Elders. | |
技能 智慧术 智力 兵力 12-24 3-5 3-6 魔法 恶咒附身 攻击:0
防御:2 力量:1 知识:2 |
珍尼(Gem) | |
珍尼是恩洛斯最伟大的女巫,在二次战争中为罗兰德-艾恩法斯特国王效力。当罗兰德国王卫冕成功后,珍尼来到了埃拉西亚大陆,并在埃里建立了新家。 Gem was one of the greatest Sorceresses that Enroth had ever seen, serving King Roland Ironfist during the Succession Wars. Shortly after Roland had secured the throne of Enroth, Gem left for Erathia, finding a new home in AvLee. | |
技能 智慧术 急救术 兵力 12-24 急救帐篷 3-6 魔法 召船术 攻击:0
防御:2 力量:1 知识:2 |
马尔凯姆(Malcom) | |
马尔凯姆是矮人族历史上的第一个魔法师,他的魔法在保卫埃里的战斗中起到了决定性的作用。 Malcom is one of the few Dwarves to show a natural aptitude for magic. Often he can learn new spells merely by watching someone else cast them just once. He was quickly pressed into service defending AvLee from the Devils of Eeofol. | |
技能 智慧术 鹰眼术 兵力 12-24 3-5 3-6 魔法 魔法神箭 攻击:0
防御:2 力量:1 知识:2 |
马洛迪亚(Melodia) | |
马洛迪亚有可能并不是埃里所有术士中最具才能的一个,但她肯定是最幸运的一个。就算是在劣势中,她也能不可思议的获得胜利。 Melodia may not be the most highly skilled Druid ever seen in AvLee, but she is certainly the luckiest. Even in the face of insurmountable odds she has managed to achieve miraculous victories. Troops gladly volunteer to serve in any army she leads. | |
技能 智慧术 幸运术 兵力 12-24 3-5 3-6 魔法 幸运之神 攻击:0
防御:2 力量:1 知识:2 |
艾拉戈(Alagar) | |
据说艾拉戈曾经与凡里雪精灵居住在一起,所以他对水元素的了解无人可比。 Rumored to have once lived among the Vori Snow Elves, Alagar`s command of the element of Water, especially ice, is unsurpassed. He has served AvLee since before the Kreegan invasion. | |
技能 智慧术 魔力 兵力 12-24 3-5 3-6 魔法 霹雳寒冰 攻击:0
防御:2 力量:1 知识:2 |
艾丽斯(Aeris) | |
艾丽斯是埃里最好的训兽师,也是大陆上最出色的术士之一。 Aeris is one of the best animal handlers in all of AvLee. He can sense ideal pairings between elves and pegasi which have made him one of the most sought out Druids in the land. | |
技能 智慧术 侦察术 兵力 12-24 3-5 3-6 魔法 御气奇术 攻击:0
防御:2 力量:1 知识:2 |