Hey, All. I hope each of you is safe and healthy. This is my last Fanstratics newsletter.
Previously, (Newsletter #44), I touched upon my continuing health issues and the perpetual lack of progress. I have tried numerous approaches to alleviate my collection of conditions, with mild degrees of success, but my accumulated experience and research point to the obvious. My illness is more than likely permanent, and I will likely never again be what I was when I started this project.
While my spirit is willing, my flesh is weak, and I need to be honest with myself and those of you who subscribed to this newsletter. My chances of finishing Fanstratics are remote. Thus, I am concluding development.
As for the future, considering my physical and mental decline, I need to step back and figure out what I can and cannot accomplish. I have enjoyed writing the HoMM3 Recollections, and I think I could turn them into a memoir. We’ll see what happens.
In my welcome email to these newsletters, I said this would be a journey. Not all excursions are successful.
Take care.
- Fanstratics Troop: Crossbowman
- Vulnerable up close, but solid from a distance, Allegiant Crossbowman do not pursue prestige. Tasked with eroding advancing combatants, or finishing off opponents engaged with Allegiant melee Troops, Crossbowman take pride in their ‘implied assistance’. Able to occasionally fire two crossbow bolts, in the time most ranged Troops can only fire one, these stoic marksmen quietly delight when demonstrating their exceptional training. There isn’t much more to say, other than... it’s been a joy working with Justin. Hopefully, we will work again in the future. :-)
- Allegiant弩手在近距离时较为脆弱,但远距离时却十分坚固,他们不追求声望。弩手的任务是消灭前进的战斗人员,或是与Allegiant近战部队交战的对手,他们以这种“默认协助”为荣。这些坚忍的神射手偶尔能够发射两支弩箭,而大多数远程部队只能发射一支,他们在展示自己出色的训练时会暗自高兴。除了与Justin合作很愉快之外,没有什么可说的了。希望我们将来能再次合作。:-)
- HoMM3 Question: You have mentioned Redcaps as an alternative Tower unit. There is also documentation of a Will-o'-Wisp unit for the Fortress that was cut. Were there any other units cut during the development stage?
- HoMM3问题:您提到Redcaps是塔楼城的候选单位。还有文档记录了壁垒城的Will-o'-Wisp单位被削减。在开发阶段是否还有其他单位被削减?
- In the initial stages, when I was creating the factions, numerous other Troops were included in the first draft. Far too many for me to recall. Specifically, I remember the Redcaps and Will-o-Wisps because they were two of the last I cut in the final draft.
- 在最初阶段,当我创建派系时,第一稿中包括了许多其他部队。太多了,我记不清了。具体来说,我记得红帽子和鬼火,因为它们是我在最终稿中最后删掉的两个。
- HoMM3 Question: Why did you replace the Phoenix in HoMM3, prior to the Conflux?
- H3问题:为什么在H3在元素城之前(在壁垒用绿龙)取代了凤凰?
- Thematically, I thought the Green and Gold Dragons were a better fit. This also allowed me to use the Phoenix for the Conflux in the latter expansion, where I thought it was a better fit.
- 从主题上讲,我认为绿龙和金龙更合适。这也让我可以在后面的资料片的元素城使用凤凰,我认为它更合适。
- HoMM3 Recollection: RollerCoaster Tycoon
- H3拾遗:过山车大亨