

EvilP 更新于 2024-09-20 22:59



  • 现在创建游戏时可以选择混兵,效果为攻击敌对城镇后不再有占领摧毁转化的选项,而是直接占领,并可以招募非你初始种族的英雄和兵种混合使用。
  • 然后野怪现在可以是多族混合。
  • 所有种族现在都可以招募中立兵种,但是中立兵种兵营不再可以掠夺。
  • 新地图“Under One Banner”就是张展示混兵的地图。
  • 现在战后失败方失去的宝物最多三件,但是是系统价值最高的三件。
  • 战败方也会获得在战斗中杀死的敌军应有的经验。
  • 现在每个城镇或者聚居点每回合最多只能出售一个建筑。
  • 所有的行使者视野加2,视野建筑视野增加;
  • 侦察技能视野从加2/4/5格变为加3/6/6格;3级从加1移动力变为加2移动力;。
  • 法夜的建筑资源消耗调整,一些兵种的研究数据调整,一些兵种的主动调整,一些英雄的初始属性和技能修改,技能池改动这些就不细翻了,具体回头更新到对应内容的修正记录里。
    • — Faey Grove upgrade costs 5 less Glimmerweave and 5 more Ancient Amber
    • — Faey Grove generates an additional Faey Spirit
    • — Faey Court upgrade now costs 10 Glimmerwave and 10 Ancient Amber, was 15 and 5
    • — Faey troop research now costs 5 Ancient Amber and 5 Glimmerweave instead of 10 Glimmerweave
    • — Aurelia’s Vigor now gives 2/4/5 hp +1 dmg final tier
    • — Feed the Rats gives 1 dmg, 1 move, stealth
    • — Invoke the Empress to give Arcana, 10 def, 5 init
    • — Hearty meals give 2/4/5 hp +1 dmg final tier
    • — Nature’s blessing gives 2/4/6 damage and 2 hp final tier
    • — Sword and Shields give 1 dmg, 10 init, 2 dmg
    • — Artificers lowered to 19
    • — Hellroar from 28 to 27
    • — Shamans/Sage’s initiative lowered to 13/14
    • — Crawler raised to 35
    • — Eth’dra dmg raised to 9-14 to give that unit a bit more viability on its own
    • — Scarred Brutes now have defend ability
    • Wielders skill pools have been reworked to make sure some overlooked ones are more viable in a competitive environment
    • — Remove prepared from Freeblade starting pool
    • — Remove Raider from Awakened skill pool, march is now pre-req for eager
    • — Raider skill pool re-built, making archery and positioning harder to get
    • — Scouting removed from Erudite skill pools above level 5
    • — March was removed from Reaver skill pools above level 5
    • — Reaver skill pool 1-4 added magic resistance if you have Order
    • — Raider removed from Magus skill pool 1-4
    • M’sugna has long been one of the strongest wielders, with a very strong starting army backed up with excellent skills and spec. This has been changed, she’ll still be strong just not quite as strong.
    • — Starting army is now 1 Tremor, 2 Guard, 5 Shaman
    • — Starting skill is Positioning
    • P’chas starting skill changed to Creation since he stole it from M’sugna
    • Ambertinas starting army changed to 1 scavenged bones and 5 toxicologists to give her more destruction to start out with
