EvilP 更新于 2023-02-01 16:09
- Fanstratics Troop: Reaper.
- 兵种介绍:死神
- Only the Necrotics enlist a Troop considered to be ‘death incarnate’. Draped in ethereal robes, this skeletal Reaper wields a two-handed scythe and seeks Enemy Troops to 'harvest'. Able to diminish Enemy Troop Health with a cutting assault, the Reaper can also empower itself by 'reaping' the spirits of Enemy Troops upon their death. Its presence discourages enemy armies and creates misery among the living. Unironically, upon its own demise, the Reaper does not leave a corpse. This one turned out to be mildly more challenging than anticipated. While the thumbnails were fine, when it came to the initial rough, the Reaper didn't have enough 'personality'. After a bit of back-and-forth with Justin, he tweaked a few things (head tilt, hand position, scythe position, etc.), and it all came together. It's surprising how a few minor adjustments could have such a significant impact. Justin has managed to survive the holidays. For those who want to see Justin create the drawing, you can always watch a VOD of his Twitch stream.
- 只有Necrotics的军队中能出现这种被视为是“死亡化身”的兵种。这种身披缥缈长袍的骷髅死神挥舞着双手巨镰,在战场上收割敌人的部队。死神的切割攻击能够削减敌人部队的生命,同时也能从敌人部队的死亡中“吸取”其灵魂并增强自身。它们在战场上的现身便会使敌军丧气,让生者苦痛。
- HoMM3 Question: I have got to ask, Why has no one ever tried to remake The HOMM 3 with hires graphics and modern Computers in mind?
- H3问题:为什么没人推出一个更高画质与更先进机型的H3重制版?
- Well, Ubisoft did make an HD Edition, but I suspect you are asking for a 'true remake'. A 'true remake' would involve recreating the game from top to bottom, much like Blizzard recently did with Diablo 2: Resurrected. Firstly, this would take a considerable amount of time and money. Secondly, what could the ‘remake’ possibly offer you couldn’t already get with the community version of HoMM3? With Fanstratics, I know I can embrace the spirit of the original while delivering something new, different, and more. With a remake, Ubisoft is strictly limited to embracing the original. From a business perspective, if you are charging $40 a copy, it's risky.
- Ubi出过H3的高清版,不过如果你所说的重制版是类似于暗黑2那种的话,一方面,成本太高;另一方面,重置版不会比现在的社区版有更好的表现。
- Fanstratics Question: What I didn’t quite like after many years in Heroes 3 the lack number of skills for me and also the lack number of really useful skills. In that way I think Heroes 7 is may be the best from the series.
- FST问题:我不太喜欢H3那种数量较少并且有用技能更少的设计,更喜欢H7那样的。
- While I know where you are coming from, for me, as FST’s game designer, this particular subject is a no-win situation. If I maintain the H3 system, people complain, “Not enough useful skills.” If I adopt the H5, H6, or H7 system, people complain, “Too complicated.” In the end, I must remind people, I didn’t design H4, H5, H6, or H7. I designed H3, and I’m making a spiritual successor to H3. So, at this time, my intention is remain relatively close to home.
- 我作为FST的设计师,这个问题怎么回答都不讨好,如果保留H3的系统,人们会抱怨有用技能太少;如果用H5,6,7的系统,人们又会抱怨太复杂。不过我要提醒大家,我没设计过H4567,我是H3的设计师,而我做的是H3的精神续作,所以FST的系统仍然会接近H3.
- HoMM3 Recollection: The Game Manual (part 1 of 2).
- H3拾遗:游戏手册