

EvilP 更新于 2013-05-25 00:02












  • 你的英雄必须达到一定等级;
  • 你必须有足够的资源;
  • 你的城镇大厅必须达到足够等级;
  • 你需要有空的建筑位置;




  • 升级:每个建筑都可以升级,你应该注意这一点。升级城镇大厅可以解锁新的建筑空位和新建筑,升级兵营可以增加其容量,此外还可以减少招募新兵所需要的时间。
  • 建筑:就像之前提到的,你的城镇里总共有以下几种建筑。
    • 兵营:你可以在这里招募新兵。每种单位都有自己的兵营。你没法在一个城里建设所有的兵营,你必须作出选择,在每个城里修建哪些兵营。新兵会不断的出现,但是其容量是有限的。如果你想建立一支更大的部队,你需要经常招募可用的单位。兵营升级可以增加其容量并减少等待时间。
    • 工人大厅:这些建筑可以在城镇所在的行省里采集金子、金属和木头。在大地图里,工人们可能会被npc袭击,所以你需要去解救他们。但是他们没法百分百的安全,所以你要经常检查一下。生产时间和储存容量取决于建筑的等级。如果你没法经常收集资源,但还想取得收支平衡,就需要升级工人大厅。
    • 城镇大厅:你的城镇大厅控制者你的城镇的规模。所有建筑都取决与城镇大厅的等级。如果你升级城镇大厅,可以解锁新的空位和新的建筑。不仅如此,其它建筑可以升级的等级也取决城镇大厅的等级。最后,你的城镇大厅也能收集一些金子。这不受所在行省的金矿状态的影响。
    • 城镇驻地:游戏过程中,你会经常性地更换部队组合。你需要将一些部队放到城镇防御里,留到以后再用。在城镇防御里,你总共有6个部队的空位,以及总部队数量的上限。你可以升级城镇防御以存放更多部队。




Teldrassim 回复于 2013-06-10 18:00:
 1. 战场为六边形组成
 2. 每回合每个单位行动一次(主动性决定先后次序)
 3. 英雄跟随最快的单位行动
 4. 等待不消耗回合, 主动性越高, 等待后排越后面
 刚刚收到一封邮件, 送了个码给我, 就上去玩了会, 刚刚开始造城镇.
 和其他网页游戏一样, 战斗消耗体力, 15分钟回复10点体力, 也就是一场体力, 不知道后续是否需要更多.
塞勒斯 回复于 2013-06-01 21:21:
邪翼 回复于 2013-05-25 13:24:
zeroieme 发表于 2013-5-25 13:01

 黑暗弥赛亚(Dark Messiah),王国(Heroe ...
zeroieme 回复于 2013-05-25 13:01:
 黑暗弥赛亚(Dark Messiah),王国(Heroes Kingdoms),英雄交锋(Clash of Heroes),[color=Red]新英雄无敌在线[/color](Heroes Online),精英对决(Duel of Champions)
邪翼 回复于 2013-05-25 03:02:

 Like in other Heroes games, towns are the key elements for the recruitment of new troops. And like in other Heroes game, you will be able to build and expand more than one town in Might & Magic Heroes Online as well.
 There are three possible directions you can build your town for. You can build a town specialized on recruitment, a town for gathering new resources or a combination of both types.
 Unimportant which strategy you have for your towns you should never forget that you need dwellings in your towns; otherwise you will probably run out of troops and have no place to recruit fresh troops.
 The first steps
 You will get your first troops from the emperor of your faction. But once you fought your first fights and finished some quests you will need fresh troops to reinforce your army.
 The towns are represented on the province map by a gate. Once you clicked on it the town screen will open and you will have an overview of your town. However, if you haven’t founded a town yet you will be asked to enter a name and found it.
 The amount of building slots is limited by the level of your town hall. You have one free building slot in a new founded town. You can upgrade your town hall to unlock additional slots.
 Your new town already contains 3 buildings; a dwelling, a town hall and a garrison.
 Add a new building
 To add a new building you have to meet some requirements:
 - Your hero must have the necessary level or above
 - You need the necessary resources
 - Your town hall must have the necessary level
 - And you need a free slot
 As MMHO is in real time all buildings need a certain amount of time to be constructed.
 If you built a dwelling the storage will be full of fresh troops once it is finish and you can recruit them immediately.
 If you build a worker’s hall you should have a look on the map and locate the fellow on the map. It could be under attack at the moment and you have to free it. You should recheck those locations regularly as those can be raided again.
 Despite the town hall and garrison you can tear all buildings down. You can do this to create a free slot for a new building or too change the focus of your town.
 Each building can be upgraded and you should consider this option. While the purpose of a town hall upgrade is to unlock additional slots and new buildings, you will increase the capacity of the dwellings with an upgrade. Furthermore you will reduce the enlisting time for new troops.
 The buildings
 As mentioned before there are several buildings you can choose for your town.
 Here you can recruit new troops. Each unit type comes with an own dwelling. As you can’t build the dwellings of all unit types in your town, you need to decide which troops you want to recruit in this town.
 New troops will arrive over time and the capacity is limited. If you want to build a huge army you should recruit the available units regularly.
 An Upgrade will increase the capacity of a dwelling and reduce the enlisting time.
 Worker’s halls
 Those buildings collect gold, metal or wood in the province the town is located. The fellow parts on the province map can be attacked by NPCs and you have to free them. But they are never 100% save and you should recheck them regularly.
 The production time depends on the level of the building and so does the capacity do. You should upgrade the worker’s hall if you can’t collect the outcome regularly but still want to have a good balance.
 Town hall
 Your town hall controls the size of your city. All buildings are depending on the level of your town hall. If you upgrade your town hall you will unlock additional slots and new buildings. But that’s not all; it also depends on your town hall level if you can upgrade your other buildings.
 Last but not least; your town hall also collects some gold over time. This is not depending on the status of the gold mine in the province.
 From time to time you want to change the combination of your army. You can transfer the troops to your garrison and save them for later.
 You have 6 slots for troops and an overall capacity for the garrison. You can upgrade the garrison to save more troops for later.
 While your town growths the appearance of it will also change; from a small village to a big town.
 You can click on every building on your town screen and the interface for the building will open.
 Your town can’t be attacked by other players or NPCs. But this doesn’t mean you don’t have to take care of your towns. Your worker’s halls can be raided by NPCs and your buildings won’t produce anything once the storage is full.
 You will be able to build more than one town. But there is a limitation by one town per province. As you will discover more and more provinces over the time you will be able to found more than one town. Each town has to build up from scratch. That means that your other towns will not affect each other.
 As you can see, we put a lot of effort into the towns. As MMHO is in real time we had to change the mechanics of the towns and adjusted them so they would fit the needs we have in MMHO.
 What do you think about the towns?
