EvilP 更新于 2013-04-09 22:16
- When will the closed beta start?
- 啥时候开始内测呢?
- We haven`t revealed the date yet. If you don`t want to miss the start, you should register on www.heroes-online.com. You will get an email with a beta key as soon as you were selected. Furthermore we will announce the date in our blog and on Facebook. So you should check our channels regularly.
- 还没确定,不过如果你不想错过的话,到这里注册,如果你被选中的话会收到邮件提示的。等日期确定时我们会在Facebook上这个BLOG上公布,所以常来看看哦。
- Which languages will be available?
- 游戏会有哪些文种?
- The first closed beta will be in English only. While we will add new languages when we see that there is the need for it, we can confirm that there will be a Russian, Polish, German, English and French version of the game. However, they won`t be released at the same time.
- 第一轮内测只有英文,后面会根据需求添加,已经确定肯定要加的有俄语,波兰语,德语,法语,陆陆续续的加。
- How many factions will MMHO have?
- 开始会有几个族可选?(啊喂这个不是早说过了?)
- There will be 2 factions at the start of MMHO – Haven and Necropolis. But we will add more factions from time by time. At the moment we can`t say which faction will be added the third.
- 人鬼情未了,两个……后面肯定会加, 但是还不确定要先加哪个。
- Will we meet characters from other Heroes games?
- 会有英雄无敌中的人物出场么?
- Yes, you will meet famous characters from previous Heroes games. We know that many of you love the older Heroes games and would like to see all iconic characters in MMHO. The story of MMHO takes place shortly after the third eclipse which means it is between Heroes V and Heroes VI. That said the character must fit into this timeframe. We can`t say how the story of MMHO will develop over the years but we have to say that not every character can be added to the game due to the limitations of the story and era of MMHO.
- 有,游戏剧情大约是第三次月蚀之后,也就是英五和英六之间。(其它废话就不翻,时间段是717年左右,总之能出现的熟脸肯定是长命/不死种族,相对普通的人类角色肯定出不来)
- Will there be a limited time that you can play per day?
- 每天可玩的时间有限制吗?
- No, we won`t limit the time you can play per day. We also removed the movement points in MMHO and replaced it with real time travel. The reason for this is simple; you won`t want to wait until thousands of players moved. There will be a vitality system which causes exhaustion to your hero and troops. But that doesn`t mean you won`t be able to fight or travel anymore once you are exhausted. Your troops will deal less damage once they are exhausted but you can still fight and win the battles. Your vitality will regenerate over time.
- 木有,大地图是实时制的,毕竟不可能等千把号人的回合。有疲劳系统,如果过于疲劳会导致部队攻击降低,疲劳度随时间回复。
- Will we have towns?
- 玩家有城镇吗?
- Of course, MMHO without towns wouldn`t be a Heroes game. We will show you how we integrated them into MMHO in one of our upcoming blog posts.
- 当然有,不过不像英雄无敌那样的,以后会有专门介绍。
- How will you earn money? Will there be pay-to-win features?
- 你们要如何赢利呢?会不会真币碾压?
- This is the second most asked question and we can understand your concerns about the free to play games. There won`t be any subscriptions fees – you can register and play the game completely for free. Furthermore we are aiming for what we call “fair play monetization”. That means that every user should be able to achieve the same goals in the game – unimportant if he is a paying user or not. That said there will be no pay-to-win features as this would mean they are not able to achieve the same things. There will be something like convenience items (e.g. XP booster which allows you to level up faster) but there aren`t any features planned which would lead to pay-to-win.
- 这问题是问的第二多……废话略过……注册账号和玩游戏都不收费,游戏会有比如类似付费加速升级的东西,但是不会导致付费玩家碾压的情况,同时未来还会有“平衡机制”。
- What about magic? Are we just going to spend points when leveling to get new magic power or it`s bound to cities and/or each faction?
- 魔法呢?是升级加点还是从城镇学亦或者是种族相关?
- Well, from time to time you will get an ability point you can spend on learning new abilities. Some of them require another ability and you won`t be able to learn all abilities which are available for your hero. That said you have to think about for which ability you spent your point for. Each faction has their own abilities and furthermore each class has their own abilities. This means there will be difference in the spells you can learn depending on the faction and class of your hero.
- 升级加点学,有些能力还需要前置技能,而且你不可能学会所有允许学的技能,也就是加点要慎重(然后洗点要给钱么?)。每种族有独有技能,每个职业也是。(其实就是和H6一个德性的技能系统了)
- Will there be PVP?
- PVP呢?
- Player vs. player battles are on our agenda but they won`t be in the game at the launch date. At the moment we can`t say when we will integrate them into the game.
- 游戏刚开放时还没这功能,所以现在没啥好说的。
- Will I be able to play with my friends?
- 可以带基友一起战吗?
- Yes, you will be able to fight almost all battles side by side with your friends – but you don`t have to. The battles are balanced that you can win them alone or with a friend. If you fight side by side with a friend the difficulty of the battle will increase. Anyway, we will tell you more about this in another of our upcoming blog posts.
- 可以一起上战场,不过进入战场的玩家越多,敌方也会越强大。