EvilP 更新于 2016-02-18 19:09
一般 - General
- Removal of Level cap in skirmish maps.
- 对战地图的等级上限调整到999
- Readjustment of Main menu Screen.
- 重新调整了主菜单界面
- [Fixed] Targeting of certain creature armies.
- 修复了选择特定部队时会出现的问题
- [Fixed] Mini-map Settings are now saved.
- 修复了小地图设定不能保存的问题
- [Fixed] Camera automatic height adjustment is smoothed and doesn`t fall into "holes" on the map.
- 修复了镜头在地图的某些地点会掉落到坑里的问题
- [Fixed] Camera clipping issues.
- 修复了镜头卡住的问题
- [Fixed] Human Player UPlay names are now only displayed in online Multi-player matches
- 玩家Uplay名现在只会在多人匹配时出现
- [Fixed] Double click purchases the leftmost artifact at the artifact merchant .
- 修复了双击宝物商店会直接购买最左面宝物的问题
- [Fixed] Artifact set bonus are not applied to units
- 修复了套装效果不起作用的问题
- [Fixed] Equipping and un-equipping artifacts causing stat gain to be negative.
- 修复了连续装上取下装备后会导致属性降为负数的问题
- [Fixed] Stats do not update real time when exchanging artifact between heroes.
- 修复了在英雄之间交换装备时属性没有实时变化的问题
- [Fixed] Hero movement bonuses are not highlight in stats from Hero Screen.
- 修复了英雄移动力加值没有在英雄面板上高亮显示的问题
- [Fixed] Artifacts giving bonus hero damage per level will sum current damage with the bonus and then multiply it with the hero level, instead of adding the multiplied bonus to the current damage.
- 宝物提供的伤害加值模式更改为=(基础伤害+额外伤害)*英雄级别
- [Fixed] A crash when trading item from equip to equip.
- 修复了交易装备中的宝物时会出现游戏崩溃的问题
- [Implemented] New key-bindings:
- 一些新的快捷键
- Browse towns with left and right key (works in town screens and all town pop up’s)
- 新增快捷键,可以在城镇界面内通过左右键在不同城镇间浏览
- Toggle combat map grid with "G"
- 新增快捷键“G”,可以显示战斗地图网格
- Escape can now be (re-)assigned as key-bind
- 可以重设“逃跑”的快键键
- Warfare Units now wait or skip turn, when pressing the wait or defend keys
- 军备单位现在可以通过快捷键选择等待或是跳过回合
- [Implemented] Rendering on Wide-screen: Aspect ratio management has been improved in council hub (adaptive FOV) and adventure + combat modes (uses still a fixed FOV to avoid rendering glitches and image stretching in the edges caused by a low FOV but adds instead an unzoom offset).
- 宽屏分辨率调整
游戏性 - Gameplay
- [Fixed] A bug that the upgraded Firewall did not stop creatures stepping on it.
- 修复了高级火墙无法阻挡生物行动的问题
- [Fixed] a bug that Drain Life of Vampires controlled by Lucretia would not work.
- 修复了Lucretia控制的吸血鬼无法吸取生命的问题
- [Fixed] a bug that the Implosion spell from a scroll or an artifact would ignore creature immunities.
- 修复了通过卷轴或宝物释放Implosion魔法时会无视部队的魔法免疫效果的问题
- [Fixed] Units cannot move on moral turn if the enemy unit was killed.
- 修复了当敌方部队被消灭后导致单位在高士气的额外回合中无法行动的问题
- [Fixed] Heropedia button not available in combat PopUp.
- 修复了英雄百科在战斗中无法打开的问题
- [Fixed] Stats not updating when moving item from hero1 equip to hero2 equip in trade window.
- 修复了在英雄之间交换已经装备的宝物导致英雄属性无法实时更新的问题
- [Fixed] Sweep Retaliation.
- 修复了扫击反击的问题
- [Improved] Sylsai`s second starting skill to "Warcries" in order to fix the issue of him starting with "Warfare" on expert level.
- Sylsai的第二个初始技能调整为Warcries
- [Fixed] Recruit all from outside Dwellings.
- 修复了从野外兵营中招募所有部队的问题
- [Fixed] Hero Selection available when specific hero was set
- 修复了当地图已经设定了特定英雄后,仍然能够选择英雄的问题
- [Fixed] Arcane Knowledge not correctly transitioning between Campaign Heros.
- 修复了Arcane Knowledge没有在战役英雄之间正确传递的问题
- [Improved] Extended third level span of "Shrine of the Seventh Dragon" to the new level cap of 999.
- 增加了Shrine of the Seventh Dragon的级别幅度以对应现在的999级别上线
平衡性 - Balancing
- [Improved] Reduced the resurrection rate of the "Eternal Servitude" ability to 25%.
- 将Eternal Servitude技能的复活比例降为25%
- [Improved] Gnoll Hunter`s "Opportunity Attack" is only triggered once per combat round.
- 豺狼人猎手的借机攻击能力调整为每个战斗回合只能触发一次
- [Implemented] Diminishing returns - When the "Incapacitated" de-buff wears off, it applies the "Immune to Incapacitation" buff for two combat rounds.
- 增加了收益递减效应,所有限制行动的效果在失效后,该部队都会获得一个在接下来的两个战斗回合内免疫该效果的buff
- [Implemented] A cap to the number of raised creatures for the Necromancy skill and the "Ghost Ride" ability.
- 对役亡术复活生物的数量设定上限
多人游戏 - Multiplayer
- [Fixed] Combat getting stuck for one of both players in some cases.
- 修复了两个玩家在战斗时,会出现其中某个玩家卡住的问题
- [Fixed] An Issue in Sim Turns that would un-toggle end turn when just accessing the town screen.
- 修复了在同步回合下,进入城镇界面导致结束回合被取消的问题
- [Fixed] An Issue where you could not deploy your units in a combat against AI in some situations.
- 修复了在与AI战斗时会导致玩家在某些情况下无法部署部队的问题
- [Fixed] Game getting stuck when attacking an empty AI hero in sim turns.
- 修复了在同步回合下,进攻AI没有部队的英雄时会导致游戏卡死的问题
- [Fixed] Game going out of Synch when surrendering an combat to AI.
- 修复了在与AI的战斗中投降导致游戏失去同步的问题
- [Fixed] An issue where a hero could get stuck interacting with a caravan in sim turns.
- 修复了在同步回合下,英雄与篷车相遇时会卡住的问题
- [Fixed] Random skill window opens for all the player in a session of normal turn.
- 修复了在一般回合下,玩家英雄升级时的随机技能窗口会被所有玩家看到的问题
- [Improved] The ability for players to connect to each other (NAT-Punchthrough).
- 玩家之间可以相互直连
- [Improved] Host enters in the Map even if the Client quits the Game on the Map Loading screen.
- 如今主机的玩家可以在分机玩家于载入界面时选择退出游戏后仍然能够进入地图
- [Implemented] Inviting friends through the UPlay-Overlay now works properly when the invited already has a game open himself.
- 修复了通过UPlay界面邀请朋友时,如果对方已经进行游戏会导致邀请无法正常运作的问题
- [Implemented] Inviting friends through the UPlay-Overlay now works properly if you try to invite the same friend twice.
- 修复了通过UPlay界面连续两次邀请同一个朋友时出现的问题
关卡设计 - Level Design
- [Implemented] Lost tales of Axeoth: Unity.
- 新增战役Lost tales of Axeoth: Unity
- [Implemented] Created CM_Academy_Garden combat map.
- 新增战斗场景CM_Academy_Garden
- Dungeon Map 4: [Fixed] Game progression gets stuck when user pass the turn just before conversation of Merikh,Gloria and Wilhelm appears.
- 地牢战役第4关:修复了玩家在Merikh,Gloria and Wilhelm的对话出现前跳过回合会导致游戏进程卡死的问题
- Necropolis Map 4:[Fixed] Necropolis map 4 crashes after taking over the enemy city for the main quest.
- 墓园战役第4关:修复了占领主要任务的敌方城镇后导致游戏崩溃的问题
编辑器 - Editor
- [Fixed] Combatmap templates not including all tileset paint layers.
- 战场地图模版将不包含所有的地表涂刷;
- [Fixed] Combat Map Obstacles placed outside the Grid keep their position.
- 战场地图旋转在格子外的障碍将会保持在原来的位置;
- [Fixed] Removed duplicate and imprinted spells from all spell lists.
- 从所有法术列表中移除重复的和卷轴魔法;
- [Fixed] That FPS drops to approx 4-6 if the user switches to underground surface and clicks on create new combat map.
- 修复当用户上下切换地下地表并创建新战场地图时帧数下降的问题;
- [Fixed] Destroyed teleporters don`t appear as repaired after save/load on custom maps.
- 修复自定义地图摧毁传送器并存档读档后没有显示修复选项的问题;
- [Fixed] Minimap not focusing on underground when using the "switch layer" button.
- 修复小地图卡在地下层图无法切换的问题;
- [Fixed] Quest rewards do not carry over between campaign maps when a hero as a persistent item equipped and other persistent items for the same slot in the inventory.
- 修复任务奖励物品无法带过关的问题;
- [Fixed] Editor crashes if the user deletes any Hero/Creature from the map and then changes its property from the
- 修复当你把英雄/生物从地图上删除后又在物件编辑器中修改其属性导致的编辑器崩溃;
- [Fixed] The Visual drop-down list is displayed empty in the Hero Tool.
- 修复英雄工具的外观下拉列表显示为空的问题;
- [Fixed] The user is unable to add text to the line of a dialogue.
- 修复用户无法在对话中添加文本的问题;
- [Fixed] Battle-sites with multiHero enabled tooltips.
- 修复某些战斗地点多英雄的提示信息;
- [Fixed] Custom Artifacts do not display bonuses in-game.
- 修复自定义宝物无法在游戏中显示奖励属性的问题;
- [Fixed] The user can`t create artifact sets.
- 修复用户无法创建新宝物套装的问题;
- [Fixed] The Editor crashing when opening the Random Fort properties.
- 修复当打开一个随机的要塞属性界面时导致的编辑器崩溃;
- [Implemented] New Script Editor Condition "Has Resource Percentage".
- 新的脚本触发器"Has Resource Percentage";
- [Implemented] +15% Saturation LUT to the Combatmap templates.
- 战场地图模版增加15%的饱和度;
- [Implemented] RMG: lights are no longer created for Artifacts and Resources in the underground
- 随机地图将不再对地下的宝物和资源增加光源;
- create new combat map.
- 允许创建新的战场地图;
- [Implemented] Made BattleSite properties accessible in the Map Editor.
- 编辑器现在可以自定义更多的宝屋的属性;