

EvilP 更新于 2013-09-19 15:34


Orc Shamans are a strange breed. They act as mediums between the material world and the spirit world, which they refer to as the “Dream World”. To enter this realm, they undergo deep trance rituals, the nature of which is specific to each Shaman. From their journeys into the “Dream World”, the Shamans bring insights that help them draw magical powers from their own demon blood.


Being Orcs, Shamans have raised resistances and above-average Health. Due to their savage nature Shamans do not need to rely on their magic alone - it’s mainly up to their individual taste whether they specialize in the utilization of magical foci, or complement their arcane skills with martial power by wielding spears or clubs. Shamans can control the four magic schools of fire, water, air and earth while excelling the latter three. Shamans are the only class that can reach the Grand Master Rank of the Arcane Discipline Skill making them the most magic resistant class in the game.


种族特性 - Race specialty

The Shaman benefits from the Orcs` Specialties:

  • Additional safety roll (20% chance) to avoid the conditions “Paralyzed”, “Sleeping”, Poisoned”, “Feebleminded”, “Weak” and “Cursed”.
  • Any damage versus demons is increased by 20%.
  • Any critical damage is increased by 20% of the normal damage.


技能级别 - Skill tiers

匕首Dagger- / -闪避术DodgeMaster/大师
十字弩Crossbow- / -奥术规律Arcane DisciplineGrand Master/宗师
锤棍MaceMaster/大师魔法专注Magical FocusMaster/大师
斧术Axe- / -神秘术MysticismMaster/大师
剑术Sword- / -火系魔法FireMaster/大师
长矛SpearGrand Master/宗师水系魔法WaterGrand Master/宗师
双手武器Two-HandedMaster/大师气系魔法AirGrand Master/宗师
盾牌ShieldExpert/专家土系魔法EarthGrand Master/宗师
双持武器Dual Wield- / -光明魔法Light- / -
战斗Warfare- / -黑暗魔法Dark- / -
中型铠甲Medium ArmorExpert/专家源力魔法Primordial- / -
重型铠甲Heavy Armor- / -


Blood Caller - The Advanced Class of the Shaman


Blood Callers are Shamans that use bloodletting rituals to amplify their magical powers and conjure the more devastating spells. They are justly feared by even their Orc brethren, because their magic has a cost that can lead them, or their co-ritualists to succumb to Chaos, or death...


The advanced class can be unlocked by a quest or NPC and grants the individual character access to the Grand Master Skill tiers and improve the character with additional attribute points and additional resistances.


Passive ability “Blood Magic”: The Blood Caller restores Mana for Health lost due to enemy attacks.


Why would you want to have a Shaman in your party? Being less versatile than the Freemage in terms of accessible magic schools the Shaman makes up by higher physical and magic resistance. Should the Shaman run out of Mana she can still deal decent damage with a mace or a spear.


专干坏事 回复于 2013-09-27 15:14:
wudevils 回复于 2013-09-23 09:23:
宇文泰 回复于 2013-09-20 15:08:
Yongfish 回复于 2013-09-19 19:06:
