

EvilP 更新于 2013-07-19 23:09


任务 - Quests

Although you can get quests from various sources, the best place to get quests is through interacting with independent dwellings. Quests can give you a tactical advantage because they offer valuable rewards to make your leader and heroes more powerful.


Quests also contribute to the rich lore and story of the game. Each race has its own style and reason to send you on a quest. The purpose of quests is to motivate the player to explore the map and build up and maintain alignments to achieve victory as an alternative to conquering the world by force.


Upon meeting a dwelling they generate quests for the player which are random, so the gameplay experience is different each time you play a map.


不同的任务种类和奖励 - Different types and rewards

There are various types of quests, for example:


  • Capture a city controlled by a rival player
  • 夺取一个对手控制下的城镇
  • Raze a heavily guarded fortress.
  • 摧毁一个重兵把守的堡垒
  • Clear a dragon`s graveyard to recover an epic treasure.
  • 探索龙穴,发现稀世珍宝
  • Slay unclean infidels who are terrorizing the lands.
  • 剿灭威胁大陆邪恶中立势力

Don`t worry, quests don`t require you to collect apples…


When a quest is completed you are rewarded with a combination of resources, units, heroes, items, increased reputation or even a city! The reward of a quest is based on its difficulty.

当任务完成时,你获得奖励可能会是资源,部队,英雄,物品,更高的声望,甚至一个城市! 依任务的难度而定。

Each dwelling has its own set of rewards from which the rewards are randomly chosen, completing quests for a dragon dwelling can give you a dragon to fight by your side while dwarven dwellings can give you strong dwarven crafted weaponry.


Upon completing the quest you also have the possibility to turn the rewards into gold.


随机化 - Randomization

Quests are generated from groups of settings called QuestGenerators. These generators define things like the type of quests to be generated, distance the player must travel, and type of structure to target. It also allows designers to define exceptions to ensure that a Dragon dwelling never asks a player to destroy a draconian city.

任务是由被称为“任务生成器” 的一组设置来生成的。生成器能决定诸如任务类型,玩家要探索的距离,目标建筑物的类型等等。也可以规定一些例外情况,比如确保一个飞龙巢穴不会去要求玩家摧毁一个飞龙城市。

Each dwelling has its own unique quest style which changes based on your reputation with them, a goblin with a nasty scar on its face once told me that if they really hate you they might want you to kill a unit of your own army to prove your loyalty to them!


任务自定和MOD支持 - Quest Customization and Modding support

Some more good news: Level editors can create their own quests and even quest chains containing multiple quests! It is possible to create fully custom quests specific to a certain map, so you are able to create your own story and allow other players to have an epic experience you created.

更多好消息: 关卡编辑器可以创建任务,甚至是包含多个任务的任务链。在指定的地图上创建完全自定的任务是有可能的。所以玩家可以自己编故事,并让其他玩家来体验你的巨著。

If you want to create a highly competitive multiplayer map you can give all players the same quest objective, and make the first one to complete it with the game by applying a script to the quest. Each player needs to make the decision if they want to attack each other or try and complete the main objective.


If you ever quested and thought to yourself “I can make much cooler quests than the developers of this game”, here`s your chance to prove it!

如果你尝试并有过“我制作的任务比开发者做的霸气的多” 想法的话,现在就是你证明它的好机会。

anso 回复于 2013-07-30 22:59:
Edwin_Yang 回复于 2013-07-27 22:59:
anso 发表于 2013-7-21 22:53

 AoW3的领袖系统变了呢, 所以有没有法师塔都是不确定的了。
anso 回复于 2013-07-21 22:53:
胖枪兵 回复于 2013-07-20 20:48:
