

EvilP 更新于 2014-03-27 19:18

以下由Edwin_Yang翻译,来源: http://ageofwonders.com/classes/warlord/


Warlords rule by the Law of the Sword, establishing a chain of command based on battlefield glory. Their armies consist of highly specialized, mobile troops and powerful beasts. Warlords are master tacticians, and often legendary warriors unto themselves. Though they tend to trust the power of their hardened armies over supernatural forces, Warlords have mastered arcane skills that strengthen their armies.


部队和技能一窥 - Unit & Skill samples

Below you will find several examples of units and skills that are exclusive to the Warlord.


骑射手 - Mounted Archer

I was good enough with my bow to join a company of archers, but my heart has always been on my father`s ranch. Unfortunately ranching isn`t so profitable. When Romoro the Warlord inherited our city, I was able to train as a mounted archer. We now ride around the battlefield with the speed of cavalry, launching volleys while moving out of range of pikes and swords. —— Plight of the Common by Orson Macdonner, Rancher

我优秀的箭术足以跻身于射手团队,但我内心总向往我父亲的农场。可惜耕地不如战事有利可图。当军阀Romoro接管了我们的城市后,我作为一名骑射手参加训练。现在我们能像骑兵一样驰骋战场,泻下箭矢,在刀枪面前全身而退。——《平民的宣誓》作者:Orson Macdonner, 农场主

怪物猎人 - Monster Hunter

Nippling County`s swamp was filled with undesirables. Every winter when food got scarce, the swamp`s denizens would leave the swamp to snack on the villagers. Their Warlord decided he`d train them to be Monster Hunters. The next winter when the hungry creatures shambled from the bogs, the villagers used their newly acquired skills in slaying monsters with their crossbows and great swords. —— Catch Them All by Ashley Katsun, Shepherd Scholar

Nippling郡的沼泽里遍布着不速之客。每逢冬天食物稀缺之时,一些生物就会越过沼泽,拿村民当点心。他们的军阀于是决定把村民们训练成怪物猎人。 又是一个冬天,当这些生物再次从沼泽里蠢蠢爬出时,村民们手持弓弩大剑,用新学到的技能斩杀了这些怪物。——《一个不留》 by Ashley Katsun, 牧师学者

战嗣 - Warbreed

Gerta was the Warlord`s favorite concubine, a beastly woman, more ogre than person. I used to be jealous. Until I saw his adolescent children, and realized female seduction would never give the Warlord what he wanted. Gerta`s children were huge destructive beings, more intent on walking through a door than figuring out how to open it. Inhumanly strong, huge and they scarcely noticed when you beat them. His Warbreed were born to destroy. —— The Warlord`s Harem by Scarlet Mallow, Concubine

Gerta,野兽般的女人,比起人类,更像是一个食人魔。她是军阀最喜爱的宠妾。我一开始嫉妒不已,直到我看到他那些毛头小子时,才意识到女色并不是他真正的渴求。Gerta的孩子都是个头巨大的破坏狂,破门而过比学会开门更对他们的胃口。巨大,非比寻常的怪力,对踢打毫不在意,战嗣就是为毁灭而生。——《军阀的后宫》--作者Scarlet Mallow, 宠妾。

狮蝎骑手 - Manticore Rider

They came from the sky. Men riding great flying cats. It sounds absurd when you state it outright. Cats have no business flying. Did I say they were lion sized cats with spiky tails? They flew right over the walls of Lily Town. The men that fought became their food source. I surrendered. I mean... Flying Cats! —— "Conquest Interviews" by R.L. Stinton, Battlefield Auditor

骑着飞猫的人从空中袭来。这话说着自己都会觉得荒唐,猫怎么可能会飞。我有提到那些是尾带尖刺,体如雄狮的大猫吗?他们径直飞跃Lily的城墙。那些抵抗的人都枉自填了猫腹,我只能投降。我说。。。会飞的大猫啊!——《征战访谈录》--作者R.L. Stinton. 战场点记员

大开杀戒 - Killing Spree

Target friendly unit gains additional movement and action points upon killing an enemy unit in combat.


稳流结界 - Steadfast Ward

Steadfast prevents a unit`s health from dropping below 1 hitpoint for a limited amount of time.


征服者盛宴 - Conquerer’s Feast

The `Enemy in domain` and `Enemy at the gates` morale penalties are twice as effective against the caster`s enemies. In addition, the caster`s units require less upkeep cost outside of their Empire`s domain.


不倦之兵 - Relentless Army

Bestows all friendly units with Tireless. Tireless units don`t spend action points for attacks of opportunity or retaliation.


全面袭击 - Global Assault

All your units gain Charge, First Strike, and are promoted to the gold medal rank. All units produced in your cities gain gold medals as well.


塞勒斯 回复于 2014-03-31 08:50:
胖枪兵 回复于 2014-03-31 08:34:
不倦之兵 - Relentless Army
 Bestows all friendly units with Tireless. Tireless units don`t spend action points for attacks of opportunity or retaliation.
Ravenpaw 回复于 2014-03-30 21:59:
 要改工作量比较大, 肉E又比较懒哈。
月亮熊 回复于 2014-03-30 14:03:
不是浏览器问题 我们也都看不见 话说基础势力里有龙人 楼上可以欣慰了……
安戴德耐特 回复于 2014-03-29 13:51:
anso 回复于 2014-03-28 18:33:
