

EvilP 更新于 2013-06-20 22:36


“Some of the more depressed monsters I deal with often are Ogres. They`re moody, pouty monsters, too large to be humanoid, but they lack the skills of giant kin. They cannot break down city walls, climb mountains or hurl boulders. I try to remind them that they`re still capable of beating anything with their sizable club. I suspect they`d be happier if they didn`t decorate their clothes with bones, but ogres are stupidly fixated on boney décor. I suppose that`s symbolic of something.” – “Happy, Healthy Monsters”, Ziggler Froud, Battlefield Therapist

引言——“我所接触过的怪物之中,食人魔比别的怪物更加抑郁。他们的情绪反复无常,总是一副苦瓜脸。体型和人类格格不入,又缺乏其巨人族亲的技能。他们不能摧毁城墙,翻越山岭,也不能投掷巨石。我试着让他们明白,他们有能力用大棒击败任何对手。我还觉得,如果他们不用骨头来装饰衣着,就能活的更开心。但是食人魔对骨头风格的着迷几近偏执。我想可能这对他们有某种象征意义吧。” —— “《开心,健康的怪物》 作者: Ziggler Froud,战场心理学家

巨人的传说 - Giant Lore

According to ancient scripture, the Giantkin helped the Allfather form the continents, with Fire Giants directing the flow of molten rock, the Rock Giants shaping the solidified rock and the Frost Giants giving the lands their final polish through erosion. The Titans were the master Giants and oversaw the work of their kin.

古老的圣书记述说,天父(Allfather)在巨人族的帮助下创造了这片大陆。熔化的岩石汇聚成流,火巨人将其引导; 固化的岩石由石巨人赋予外貌; 霜巨人让大地风化,磨去它的棱角。泰坦族是巨人之主,高高在上地监督其族亲的工作。

Having finished their job, the Giants rebelled against the Titans and lingered on Athla in order to mate with the women of the Allfather`s newer smaller creations, thus creating the species of Half-Giants such as Ogres (Human) and Trolls (Orcs) and Yeti (Frostlings). The scripture mentions the Allfather became infuriated with the perverse Giants and caused the Great Flood ending the Age of Giants making many of the prehistoric gargantuan creatures extinct.

等到巨人们的工作一完成,他们就起来推翻泰坦的统治,并逗留在阿斯拉(Athla)大陆上,与天父创造的那些较小物种中的雌性相结合,产生了半巨人那样的物种。例如食人魔(人族),巨魔(兽人族)和雪猿人(霜族)。圣书上记载说,天父因巨人的忤逆而暴怒,引发了一场大洪水(the Great Flood),结束了巨人时代 (Age of Giants),也同时导致了许多史前巨型物种的灭绝。

It is said that during the Age of Giants, the Dragons, being the first creatures of creation, became jealous of the giants having a big part in the creation of the world and started to prey on them. This conflict started the First War of the world, fought between the Dragons and Giantkin. The First War was never settled, as the Great Flood ended the Age of Giants. Both Dragon and Giantkin numbers dwindled, to make way for the (smaller) humanoid races.

据传在巨人时代的时候,巨人族在创造世界的时候扮演了重要的角色。而龙,作为第一批被创造出来的物种,眼红巨人的地位,开始捕杀他们。这场冲突导致了第一次大战(the First War),龙和巨人族打的不可开交。由于巨人时代被大洪水终结,第一次大战从未真正意义上地结束。而龙和巨人族的数量都在逐渐减少,并让位于后来出现的人型物种。

巨人要塞 - The Giant`s Keep

Giants and Giantkin live in the Giant`s Keep; a new structure type, which is somewhat similar to normal cities, but is inhabited by monstrous creatures. The Giant`s Keep is home to true Giants and the Giantkin: Ogres, Trolls, and occasionally the Yeti. You can gain control of the settlement by doing quests and improving relations with it. Of course you can also conquer the settlement, but you will need quite a force to do this.


Acquiring the Giants Keep is a real achievement. Now you can start producing Giants that will give you not only very cool units, but also a great advantage, especially in city sieges. Several Boulder hurling and wall crushing Giants bring down the best city defenses.


部队类型和能力 - Unit types and abilities

“When the city of Icefell was taken by Commonwealth conquerors, I fled into the ice floes. Unaffected by cold, my Frostling people made peace with the Frost Giants ages ago. I convinced them to save us. They relished the cacophony of combat, blasting our enemies with an avalanche of icy blows from their massive hammers. Of course, in their zeal to save our city, they broke down the wall, but eventually I got their attention before they leveled everything. Our friendship with these bellicose giants is priceless.” — “Frozen Freedom”, Eccolo III, Iceking

引言——“ 当冰坠城( Icefell)被联盟国度( Commonwealth)的铁蹄征服的时候,我逃往了浮冰带。那里的严寒对我和我的霜族来说不算什么,并且很早就学会了和那里的霜巨人和睦相处。我说服他们帮助我的人民。他们把战斗的喧嚣带到了我们敌人的头上,冰冷巨大的战锤如雪崩一般的落下。当然,他们在拯救我们的城市时过于狂热,推平了我们的城墙。还好我即使的让他们冷静了下来,不然我的城市就要被夷为平地了。我们和这些好斗的巨人的友谊是无价之宝。” -- 《被冰封的自由》,冰之王Eccolo III。

Let`s take a look at the Giant units now. We start with lowly half breed demi-giants, products of the giants mating with the smaller races. Trolls, Ogres and Yeti lack the size and might of true giants and aren`t technically part of the giant group- they belong to the general monster-type and are Tier 3 units. However the demi-giants are still powerful because of their mighty ancestors.


The Troll has Blight Protection, Regenerate, Nightvision and great attack and defence, but they lack high resistance. Ogres are strong brutes who can deal considerable damage in melee combat, but are easily distracted by magic and Nymphs. The frostling heritage makes the Yeti magical and the most versatile demi-giant: it has Regenerate, Frost Protection 100%, Frost Breath, Arctic Concealment, and Mountaineering.

巨魔有衰败防护(Blight Protection),再生(Regenerate),夜视(Nightvision),出色的防御和攻击,但缺少抗性。食人魔是强壮的暴徒,近战伤害可观,但很容易被魔法和林妖(Nymphs)诱惑。冰霜的生活环境让雪猿人天生就有魔力,它们是最多才的半巨人:具有再生,冰冷免疫( Frost Protection 100%),冰霜吐息(Frost Breath),冰原隐蔽( Arctic Concealment),和山地穿行(Mountaineering)。

The True Giants (Frost, Fire, Stone Giants and the Horned God) are all high level tier 4 units and all share, because of their size, Mountaineering, Wall Crushing and a Vision Upgrade. Giants rival the power of Dragons.


The Frost Giant and Fire Giant have Frost or Fire protections & weakness according to their type. The Stone Giant can Hurl Boulder once a combat round, making the giant not just a powerful melee combatant but also ranged.

霜巨人和火巨人都对自己的元素有抗性,但面对相克的元素更加脆弱。石巨人每轮可以使用一次投掷巨石(Hurl Boulder)能力。要善用他的远程能力,不要只局限于其强大的近战能力。

Origins of the Horned God are unknown, but it manifests itself as a giant humanoid. This powerful force of nature can be called upon by the Arch-Druid in the late game. Its many powers include several protections, Control Animal, Strong Will, Free Movement and Call Lightning.


53lm 回复于 2013-06-24 10:55:
安戴德耐特 发表于 2013-6-23 10:26

 巨人那张图我想吐槽“earth storm and fire!”
安戴德耐特 回复于 2013-06-23 10:26:
巨人那张图我想吐槽“earth storm and fire!”
53lm 回复于 2013-06-20 23:27:
