EvilP 更新于 2013-03-27 08:20
- What is the estimated release date?
- The game will be released within the year.
- 啥时候发行?
- 今年。
- Is there a multiplayer option and how will it work?
- No. We will not have any mulitplayer features. It`s a straight forward single player game.
- 有多人模式么?
- 没有,纯单人。
- Will movement be tile based?
- Yes, the movement is tile based. It`s a WASD walk with QE turning you left and right. Holding the right mouse button enables you to use the "free-look" but when you move it snaps back to the default camera position.
- 游戏是一格一格移动的?(嗯,其它还有不管是否战斗都是全回合制/不可切换即时制已然确定)
- 是的,这游戏用WASD移动,QE转左右,右键以人物所在点为中心拖拽视角。
- Will there be an online aspect of the game?
- No. Buy, download, play. Depending on a the distribution platform we probably have achievements. Aside from this Uplay is required like in all other Ubisoft titles. However, Uplay needs you to be online for a ONE time activation.
- 有在线方面的东西么?
- 没有,买游戏,下载,玩。某些平台上会有成就系统(诶诶?没翻译/理解错的话,准备多平台么)。UPLAY那当然还是需要的,并且需要联机一次激活游戏(不用反人类全程在线?)。
- Can you arrange party formations?
- No, not in terms of "melee in the front, casters in the back". What you can influence is the turn order of your party members like "who acts when". Aside from this we have certain abilities/skills which have an impact on the combat flow. Think of crowd-control, stun, aggro reset. etc.
- So it`s more about what you decide to do with your characters instead of the formation: If you have a meat shield make him take the hits due to his abilities/skills.
- 可以调整队伍队形吗?
- 不可以,没有啥近战在前,法师在后的事情。你可以支配的只有哪个先动手。除此以外还有些技能对战斗能产生举足轻重的影响。 比如群体控制, 击晕,吸引仇恨。所以不如在角色培养上下功夫,比如点个肉盾型人物。
- Will the wizards have a magic book? How will learning of spells work?
- Yes - casters have spellbooks. You need to raise your magic skills (aka spell school) with skill points from level-ups. Then you have to find the right trainer to get access to a higher tier. Finally you need to locate the right person to buy new spells. Sounds complicated? Well, noone said it`s easy to be a caster! ;)
- 法师有魔法书么?法术如何学习?
- 有魔法书,你需要先用技能点提升你的魔法系技能,寻找训练师提升技能等级,然后寻找相应的人购买魔法。
- How is this RPG different from “Dark Messiah”?
- Uhm, that`s probably a long list... Please don`t make me explain it in detail. "Might and Magic X: Legacy" is a turn-based, tile-based, 4-party, story-telling, non real time cRPG. "Dark Messiah" is "Dark Messiah" - an awesome game but really something different.
- 这货和黑暗弥赛亚有啥区别?
- 说来话长呢,所以不要在意细节!总之这货是个基于回合制,格子,四人小队,讲故事,非即时的cRPG。黑米就是黑米,一个不错的游戏但是不一样的。
以上来源:Celestial Heavens。另外还有两段preview:strategy informer,polygon,摘录如下: