录入时间:2011-10-09 21:42:48 最后修改时间:2013-05-04 11:19:17
- 等级I:1级;
- 等级II:5级;
- 等级III:15级;
- 等级IV:25级;
- 当充能点达到100点时可以使用等级I种族能力;
- 当充能点达到200点时可以使用等级II种族能力,英雄等级必需达到5级;
- 当充能点达到300点时可以使用等级III种族能力,英雄等级必需达到15级;
- 当充能点达到400点时可以使用等级IV种族能力,英雄等级必需达到25级;
- 圣堂:当本方兵种受到伤害或者本方兵种士气获得充能点,士气时增加70点充能点,受到伤害时为『伤害÷友军总生命值×750』,其中友军总生命值以开战时的数量计算;
- 地狱:当本方兵种幸运一击或者不幸一击时获得50点充能点;.
- 墓园:当本方兵种造成伤害,或者本方兵种有损失时获得充能点,造成伤害时为『伤害÷友军总生命值×600』,受到伤害时为『伤害÷敌军总生命值×250』,总生命值均为战斗开始时的数量;
- 据点:当双方兵种受到伤害时获得充能点,持续性伤害不算,敌方受到伤害获得16点,本方受到伤害获得8点;
- 瀛洲:当本方兵种攻击敌方某支这一回合还没被攻击过的军队,每次获得80点。
- 地牢:当敌方兵种无法反击时被攻击时充能条增加,每次获得40点。
英雄直接攻击 - Heroic Strikes
本代的英雄和5代一样可以直接攻击对方兵种,但是不会受到攻击。英雄直接攻击的伤害范围为300-340(+指数加成, +等级加成),依照种族的不同还会有不同的附加效果。
异端印记(Mark of the Heretic) N/A 圣堂 英击 平衡 被动 | |
英雄的攻击将目标标记为异教徒,部队攻击目标时造成+power的额外伤害,只能同时标记一队敌军。 All creature attacks deal [percentage] increased damage to the marked stack. | |
灼热一击(Scorching Strike) N/A 地狱 英击 平衡 被动 | |
地狱英雄会提前知道他们默认的攻击是否为暴击,力量等级会增加暴击的伤害。 Inferno heroes know in advance whether their default attacks will be critical hits. Might increases the damage bonus of the critical hits. | |
摄魂者(Soulreaver) N/A 墓地 英击 平衡 被动 | |
英雄的攻击为目标加上摄魂者标记3回合,如果目标在此效果下死亡,英雄获得+power役亡术充能点,对建筑无效。 The Hero`s attacks mark the creature with Soulreaver for [duration] turn. If a stack dies under the effect of Soulreaver, then the Hero gets [number] Necromancy Points. Constructs are not affected. | |
血之召唤(Blood Calls Blood) N/A 据点 英击 平衡 被动 | |
英雄攻击时增加+power点怒值。 The Hero`s attack increases Rage Points (Current) by [number]. | |
致命一击(Coup de Grace) N/A 瀛洲 英击 平衡 被动 | |
当敌生物总数量降低到30%时,增加+power英雄攻击的伤害。 Gives +[damagebonus]% damage to hero attacks against targets under [percent]% of their original stack size. | |
马拉萨的祭品(Offering to Malassa) N/A 地牢 英击 平衡 被动 | |
被英雄攻击的目标会标记上祭品状态3回合,3回合内目标每次行动会受到+power点的黑暗系伤害。目标被本方兵种攻击时充能点增加20点,只有一个兵种能被标记。 The Hero`s attacks mark a target enemy creature stack as an "Offering" for 3 turns. The marked stack is dealt [hpdamage] Darkness damage every time it is about to do an action for [duration] turn(s). Moreover, the faction gauge fills by [gauge] points every time the target is attacked by a friendly stack. Only one creature can be marked at a time. |
守护天使 I(Guardian Angel I) 1级 圣堂 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
使选定的核心单位免受所有伤害,持续1回合。本方兵种被攻击或者本方士气时获得充能点数。 Target friendly Core stack becomes impervious to all harm for [duration] turn(s). The gauge is filled when friendly creatures are dealt damage or they gain good morale. | |
守护天使 II(Guardian Angel II) 2级 圣堂 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
使选定的核心或精英单位免受所有伤害,持续1回合。 Target friendly Core or Elite stack becomes impervious to all harm for [duration] turn(s). The gauge is filled when friendly creatures are dealt damage or they gain good morale. | |
守护天使 III(Guardian Angel III) 3级 圣堂 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
使选定的本方单位免受所有伤害,持续1回合。 Target friendly stack becomes impervious to all harm for [duration] turn(s). The gauge is filled when friendly creatures are dealt damage or they gain good morale. | |
守护天使 IV(Guardian Angel IV) 4级 圣堂 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
使选定的单位免受所有伤害,持续1回合,并回复23%的生命值。 Target friendly stack becomes impervious to all harm for [duration] turn and is also healed for [percent]% of its health. | |
异端印记(Mark of the Heretic) N/A 圣堂 英击 平衡 被动 | |
英雄的攻击将目标标记为异教徒,部队攻击目标时造成+power的额外伤害,只能同时标记一队敌军。 All creature attacks deal [percentage] increased damage to the marked stack. | |
狂热(Fervor) 1级 圣堂 战争 平衡 被动 | |
所有友军获得一个增益状态,增加1点士气和3%的物理伤害。 All friendly creatures benefit from +[morale] Morale and +[mightdamage]% Damage (Might). | |
殉难者(Martyr) 3级 圣堂 战争 泪系 被动 | |
每回合结束前受到最多伤害的单位在下回合按声誉等级分别获得+9/10/12%的物理防御和生命值加成,效果持续1回合。 At the end of each turn the player`s most damaged stack will benefit from +[mightresistancehealth]% Might Resistance and Health for [duration] turn. | |
神圣审判(Divine Justice) 4级 圣堂 战吼 泪系 主动 一场战斗一次 | |
按声誉等级分别对目标造成它在战斗中所造成的总伤害的22/25/29%(+指数加成)的伤害,上限3000点。 Target stack is dealt [percent]% of the overall damage it has dealt since the start of combat. (Max [limit] damage.) | |
咒逐(Anathema) 3级 圣堂 战吼 血系 主动 3回合冷却 | |
所有敌人受到一种全面的负面状态,按声誉等级分别减少6/8/10%(+指数加成)的伤害和防御,4/5/6(+指数加成)点士气和幸运,状态无法被驱散,效果持续3回合。 All enemy creatures suffer from Anathema for [duration] turns. (-[damage]% Damage, -[moraleluck] Morale and Luck, +[mightmagicvulnerability]% vulnerability to Might and Magic effects) Cannot be dispelled. | |
审判时刻(Hour of Judgement) 4级 圣堂 战吼 血系 主动 一场战斗一次 | |
回合内本方军队对带有异端印记和咒逐状态的的敌军伤害按声誉等级分别增加21/26/31%(+指数加成),被攻击后目标身上的状态消失。 In the current turn all friendly stacks deal +[damagebonus]% damage against all enemies affected by either Anathema or Mark of the Heretic. | |
祝福(Bless) 1级 圣堂 光明 平衡 被动 | |
所有友方单位增加2%(+power)的魔法伤害和魔法防御。 All friendly stacks benefit from [magicdamagemagicresistance]% increased Damage (Magic) and Magic Defense. | |
复活(Resurrection) 3级 圣堂 光明 泪系 主动 一场战斗一次 55Mana | |
按声誉等级分别复活目标 960/1104/1370(+指数加成, +英雄等级加成)点生命值,只能对尸体使用。复活的生物在当前回合既无法攻击也不会受到攻击。 Resurrects target stack with up to [hphealing] hit points. Only dead bodies can be targeted. Resurrected creature cannot attack and cannot be attacked for [duration] turn. | |
神圣介入(Divine Intervention) 4级 圣堂 光明 泪系 主动 一场战斗一次 70Mana | |
按声誉等级分别治疗目标生物970/1115/1282点生命值,驱散所有负面效果,下回合增加20点主动。或者也可以对亡灵、恶魔、兽人造成679/781/897点的伤害。 Target stack is healed for [hphealing], cleansed of all negative effects and benefits from +[initiative] Initiative for [duration] turn. | |
神圣之刃(Holy Blades) 3级 圣堂 光明 血系 被动 | |
所有友军攻击时按声誉等级分别附带2/3/4%(+指数加成)的光属性伤害。 Adds [percent]% damage (Light) to all friendly creatures` attacks. | |
光明圣言(Word of Light) 4级 圣堂 光明 血系 主动 一场战斗一次 70Mana | |
按声誉等级分别对所有亡灵,恶魔和兽人造成1000/1150/1322(+指数加成, +等级加成)点光明伤害,治疗友军所有生灵500/575/662点生命值。 Deals a total of [hpdamage] damage (Light) to enemy undead, demons and orcs. All living creatures in Hero`s army are healed for a total of [hphealing]. | |
异界门 I(Gating I) 1级 地狱 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
选择一队恶魔和一个区域,召唤相同类型的恶魔。一道召唤门会出现,召唤的单位会在1回合后出现,如果门被摧毁则召唤失败。可以召唤核心生物。召唤的数量大约为整支军队战斗开始时总生命值的3.43%。当兵种暴击(幸运一击)或者拙击(不幸一击)时获得充能点数。 Select one of your demon stacks and then an area to summon a stack of demons of the same type. A gate will appear first: the summoned stack will come out that gate after [duration] turn. The gated stack is returned to Sheogh if your selected stack is destroyed. Can summon Core creatures. The gauge is filled when creatures perform critical or fumble hits. | |
异界门 II(Gating II) 2级 地狱 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
选择一队恶魔和一个区域,召唤相同类型的恶魔。一道召唤门会出现,召唤的单位会在1回合后出现,如果门被摧毁则召唤失败。可以召唤精英生物。召唤的数量大约为整支军队战斗开始时总生命值的6.875%。 Select one of your demon stacks and then an area to summon a stack of demons of the same type. A gate will appear first: the summoned stack will come out that gate after [duration] turn. The gated stack is returned to Sheogh if your selected stack is destroyed. Can summon Core and Elite creatures. The gauge is filled when creatures perform critical or fumble hits. | |
异界门 III(Gating III) 3级 地狱 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
选择一队恶魔和一个区域,召唤相同类型的恶魔。一道召唤门会出现,召唤的单位会在1回合后出现,如果门被摧毁则召唤失败。可以召唤冠军生物。召唤的数量大约为整支军队战斗开始时总生命值的10.31%。 Select one of your demon stacks and then an area to summon a stack of demons of the same type. A gate will appear first: the summoned stack will come out that gate after [duration] turn. The gated stack is returned to Sheogh if your selected stack is destroyed. The gauge is filled when creatures perform critical or fumble hits. | |
异界门 IV(Gating IV) 4级 地狱 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
选择一队恶魔和一个区域,召唤相同类型的恶魔。召唤的单位会马上出现而且能行动。可以召唤核心,精英和冠军生物。召唤的数量大约为整支军队战斗开始时总生命值的11%。 Select one of your demon stacks and then an area to summon a stack of demons of the same type. The gated stack is more powerful, appears instantly and can also act in the current turn. The gated stack is returned to Sheogh if your selected stack is destroyed. | |
灼热一击(Scorching Strike) N/A 地狱 英击 平衡 被动 | |
地狱英雄会提前知道他们默认的攻击是否为暴击,力量等级会增加暴击的伤害。 Inferno heroes know in advance whether their default attacks will be critical hits. Might increases the damage bonus of the critical hits. | |
地狱火环(Hellfire Aura) 1级 地狱 战争 平衡 被动 | |
英雄手下的生物有50%的机会在攻击和反击中造成4%的额外火属性伤害。 Creatures under the Hero`s control are granted a [chance]% chance to deal additional [percent]% damage (Fire) on attacks and retaliations. | |
强力呼唤(Irresistible Calling) 3级 地狱 战争 泪系 被动 | |
按声誉等级分别增加 17.1/19.7/22.7%异界门召唤的生物数量。 Increases the number of creatures summoned by Gating by [percent]%. | |
力量之印(Seal of Power) 4级 地狱 战吼 泪系 主动 | |
命令异界门召唤的生物留在英雄的军队里,在战后替代死亡的恶魔,不会超过战前数量。上限按声誉等级分别为1252/1440/1656(+指数加成, +等级加成)点生命值。 Orders creatures in the target gated stack to stay with the Hero`s army. Creatures from target gated stack replace dead demons in the player`s army after the combat for up to [hphealing] hit points. Will not increase stacks above their original maximum. | |
魔鬼之幸(Demonic Luck) 3级 地狱 战争 血系 被动 | |
按声誉等级分别增加22/25/29%的暴击效果。 The damage of critical hits is increased for the hero`s army by [percent]%. | |
混沌标记(Mark of Chaos) 4级 地狱 战吼 血系 主动 一场战斗一次 | |
按声誉等级目标接下来的5(+指数加成)次攻击都会变成暴击。 The next [number] attacks on the target stack will automatically be critical hits. | |
混乱魔法(Chaos Magic) 1级 地狱 源力 平衡 被动 | |
英雄施法时有50%几率降低20%魔耗。 When channeled by the servants of Urgash, Magic is tainted by Chaos, which makes it less stable and predictable. All spells cast by the Hero have [chance]% chance to get their Mana cost reduced by [percent]%. | |
联动界门(Linked Gating) 3级 地狱 源力 泪系 被动 | |
在本体和召唤生物间创造链接,按声誉等级分别将本体受到的35.5/37.3/42.9%的伤害转移到召唤生物上。 Creates a link between the original and the gated stack. [percent]% of the damage dealt to the original stack is transferred to the gated stack. | |
深渊之门(Abyss Gate) 4级 地狱 源力 泪系 主动 一场战斗一次 70Mana | |
让自己的单位回到深渊1回合,然后带着援军回来,期间深渊之门会存在战场上。门能抵御3次攻击,如果被摧毁,则单位只能在战后回来。带回的援军生命值按声誉等级分别为1873/2154/2477(+指数加成, +英雄等级加成)。 Currently acting friendly stack returns to the Abyss, then comes back reinforced in the next turn. The gate remains on the combat map and can be destroyed. If the gate is destroyed the stack can only return after the combat. Will not increase stacks above their original maximum. | |
地狱烈焰(Inferno) 3级 地狱 火系 血系 主动 一场战斗一次 55Mana | |
按声誉等级分别对目标造成622/714/822(+指数加成, +英雄等级加成)点火属性伤害,并且会跳跃伤害两格内的其它敌军。 Target enemy creature suffers from Inferno. Inferno deals [hpdamage] damage (Fire) to its current target and jumps to another enemy target within two squares. | |
末日审判(Armageddon) 4级 地狱 火系 血系 主动 一场战斗一次 80Mana | |
闪耀的流星雨降临到战场上,按声誉等级分别对所有非地狱单位造成556/640/736(+指数加成, +等级加成)点的火焰伤害,对障碍和城墙造成2点伤害。 Incandescent meteors fire down upon the combat map, damaging all non-demon creatures for [hpdamage] damage (Fire), and walls and obstacles for [structuraldamage] structural damage. | |
役亡术 I(Necromancy I) 1级 墓地 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
复活一支选定的本方亡灵军队,复活生命值取决于这个军队在开始时的总生命值,比例为 2.75%,只能复活核心单位。当生物造成伤害时获得充能点数,当本主军队阵亡时获得更多的充能点数。 Raises friendly undead creatures based on the size of your army. Can raise Core creatures. The gauge is filled when creatures are dealt damage. Friendly losses generate more points. | |
役亡术 II(Necromancy II) 2级 墓地 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
复活一支选定的本方亡灵军队,复活生命值取决于这个军队在开始时的总生命值,比例为5.5%,只能复活核心和精英单位。 Raises friendly undead creatures based on the size of your army. More powerful than Necromancy I. Can raise Core and Elite creatures. The gauge is filled when creatures are dealt damage. Friendly losses generate more points. | |
役亡术 III(Necromancy III) 3级 墓地 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
复活一支选定的本方亡灵军队,复活生命值取决于这个军队在开始时的总生命值,比例为8.25%,能复活核心、精英和冠军单位。 Raises friendly undead creatures based on the size of your army. It can be used on any stack. More powerful than Necromancy II. Can raise Core, Elite and Champion creatures. The gauge is filled when creatures are dealt damage. Friendly losses generate more points. | |
役亡术 IV(Necromancy IV) 4级 墓地 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
复活3×3范围的本方亡灵军队,复活生命值取决于这个军队在开始时的总生命值,比例为每支11%,能复活核心、精英和冠军单位。 Raises friendly undead creatures based on the size of your army. Healing is distributed among friendly undead in targeted area. More powerful than Necromancy III. Can raise Core, Elite, and Champion creatures. | |
摄魂者(Soulreaver) N/A 墓地 英击 平衡 被动 | |
英雄的攻击为目标加上摄魂者标记3回合,如果目标在此效果下死亡,英雄获得+power役亡术充能点,对建筑无效。 The Hero`s attacks mark the creature with Soulreaver for [duration] turn. If a stack dies under the effect of Soulreaver, then the Hero gets [number] Necromancy Points. Constructs are not affected. | |
死之面容(Face of Death) 1级 墓地 战争 平衡 被动 | |
每当一队敌人死亡时,所有存活的敌人受到一个负面状态影响,减少5%(+指数加成)的伤害和防御,士气和幸运-4(+指数加成)点,效果持续1回合。 Each time an enemy stack dies, all surviving enemies are confronted with a vision of their own death. Reduces Damage by [damage]%, decreases Morale and Luck by [moraleluck] and increases vulnerability to Might and Magic effects by [mightmagicvulnerability]% for [duration] turn. | |
死之束缚(Bound By Death) 3级 墓地 战吼 泪系 被动 | |
当亡灵单位附近有生命体的尸体时(无论敌我),他们会吸取部分的生命力量用于再生,吸取比例按声誉等级分别为1.32/1.52/1.74(+指数加成)%。当单位离开尸体时该效果消失。 Friendly undead stacks standing adjacent to corpses drain a portion of their departing lifeforce to regain [percent]% of their Health. | |
死非终结(Death is not the End) 4级 墓地 战争 泪系 被动 | |
当友方单位被消灭时,按声誉等级分别从所有临近的敌人单位处吸收394/338/390(+指数加成, +英雄等级加成)点生命并立即复活,一场战斗有效一次。 When a friendly undead stack is destroyed, it drains [hpdamage] Health from all adjacent enemy stacks to instantly revive itself (with the amount of Health drained). Each stack is raised only once per combat. | |
吸血之拥(Vampiric Embrace) 3级 墓地 战争 血系 被动 | |
所有友军攻击生灵时按声誉等级分别将所造成杀伤的4.1/4.8/5.5(+指数加成)%恢复为自身生命值。 Attacks of all friendly stacks drain the lifeforce of living targets. Restores their Health by [percent]% of the damage dealt. | |
毁灭(Doom) 4级 墓地 战吼 血系 主动 一场战斗一次 | |
目标核心或精英生物按声誉等级分别在14/12/10(-power)回合后将死亡,除非战斗胜利。 Target Core or Elite stack is doomed to perish within [duration] turns, unless the combat is won first. | |
一切归于亚莎(Asha Uses All) 1级 墓地 源力 平衡 被动 | |
战斗中,每支部队被杀死后(无论敌我),英雄获得6点魔法值。 Your Hero gains [number] Mana for each stack (ally or enemy) destroyed during combat. | |
亡者不息(No Rest for the Wicked) 3级 墓地 源力 泪系 被动 | |
役亡术效果按声誉等级分别增加3/5/7%。 Increases power of Necromancy by [percent]%. | |
牺牲(Sacrifice) 4级 墓地 源力 泪系 主动 一场战斗一次 80Mana | |
选定一队部队为另一队部队承受伤害,持续2回合或牺牲的部队死光,减少33%受到的伤害。 Target friendly stack channels all damage done to friendly creatures to himself. Lasts for [duration] turns, or until the sacrificed stack is destroyed. Damage taken is reduced by [damageresistance]%. | |
役亡师印记(Mark of the Necromancer) 3级 墓地 源力 血系 被动 | |
按声誉等级分别使血系能力对敌方部队的效果增加15/17/20%。 Makes all enemy creatures [bloodvulnerability]% more vulnerable to abilities from the Path of Blood. | |
冥府诅咒(Curse of the Netherworld) 4级 墓地 黑暗 血系 主动 一场战斗一次 70Mana | |
对战场上所有生命体造成1322(+指数加成, +等级加成)点暗系伤害,一半伤害平均分配用于治疗亡灵单位。 Deals [hpdamage] damage (Dark) distributed over all living creatures on the combat map. Part of this damage is evenly added to the Health of all undead present. | |
血怒 I(Bloodrage I) 1级 据点 战吼 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
本回合所有据点单位获得+5主动。当兵种攻击时获得充能点数,本方兵种攻击时获得的更多。 All friendly Stronghold creatures gain [initiative] Initiative for the current turn. The gauge is filled when creatures perform attacks. Friendly creatures generate more points. | |
血怒 II(Bloodrage II) 2级 据点 战吼 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
本回合内所有据点单位获得+5主动和+10物理攻击。 All friendly Stronghold creatures gain [initiative] Initiative and [mightpower] Might Power for the current turn. The gauge is filled when creatures perform attacks. Friendly creatures generate more points. | |
血怒 III(Bloodrage III) 3级 据点 战吼 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
本回合内所有据点单位获得+5主动和+10物理攻击和额外1次反击。 All friendly Stronghold creatures gain [initiative] Initiative, [mightpower] Might Power and [number] Retaliation for the current turn. The gauge is filled when creatures perform attacks. Friendly creatures generate more points. | |
血怒 IV(Bloodrage IV) 4级 据点 战吼 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
本回合所有据点单位获得+10主动和+15物理攻击和额外1次反击,以及攻击将不会受到反击。 All friendly Stronghold creatures gain [initiative] Initiative, [mightpower] Might Power and [number] Retaliation for the current turn. They also inflict a brief stun when attacking, which negates retaliation. | |
血之召唤(Blood Calls Blood) N/A 据点 英击 平衡 被动 | |
英雄攻击时增加+power点怒值。 The Hero`s attack increases Rage Points (Current) by [number]. | |
第一滴血(First Blood) 1级 据点 战争 平衡 被动 | |
当第一滴血产生后(即友方据点生物受到伤害)所有友方据点生物获得10%的伤害回和1点移动力加成,持续2回合。 Increases Damage by [damage]% and Movement by [cmovement] for all Stronghold creatures in the Hero`s army when the first blood is spilled (ie: when the first friendly creature is wounded in a given combat). Lasts for [duration] turns. | |
无拘无束(Unfettered) 3级 据点 战吼 泪系 主动 3回合冷却 | |
驱散所有部队身上全部与移动力,主动,士气和物理伤害相关的负面状态。 Dispels all negative effects affecting Movement, Initiative, Morale and Might Damage from all friendly creatures. | |
压魔之力(Might Over Magic) 4级 据点 战争 泪系 主动 一场战斗一次 | |
根据英雄力量按比例减少敌方魔法伤害,持续2回合。算法为(本方英雄物理力量+物理防御-敌方英雄物理防御)×比例,按声誉等级比例值分别为 1.7/2/2.3(+指数加成)%。 Decreases all damage (Magic) dealt to friendly creatures for [duration] turns based upon the Hero`s Might. | |
狂暴之血(Blood Fury) 3级 据点 战吼 血系 主动 4回合冷却 | |
目标单位增加2血怒等级和2轮持续时间。 Increases target friendly Stronghold stack`s Rage by [number] levels and extends Rage duration by [turn] additional turn. | |
部落之力(Power of the Horde) 4级 据点 战吼 血系 主动 3回合冷却 | |
英雄从他的所有部队中吸取能量,对目标发射出破坏性的吼声,造成物理伤害。算法为英雄直接攻击伤害+本方所有军队总量分×比例,按声誉等级比例值分别为4.5/5/5.9%(+指数加成) 。 The Hero attacks target enemy creature with increased damage, based on the size of his current army. Deals [hpdamage] damage (Might). | |
天与地(Earth and Sky) 1级 据点 源力 平衡 被动 | |
战斗的第一回合,增加所有友军5点的主动和1点的移动力,降低敌军5点的主动和1点移动力(敌人飞行单位不受影响)。 In the first turn of combats, all friendly stacks benefit from +[initiative] Initiative and +[cmovement] Movement, and all enemy non-flyer stacks suffer from -[initiative] Initiative and -[cmovement] Movement. | |
大地之灵(Idol of Earth) 3级 据点 土系 泪系 主动 只能存在一个 45Mana | |
在战场上创造1个大地之灵,大地之灵有2点生命。5×5范围内友军按声誉等级分别减少21/24/27%(+指数加成)受到的伤害,幻灵对远程攻击提供掩护。 Creates an 1x1 idol at the target location which blocks all movement. All friendly stacks within two squares of the idol are dealt [damageresistance]% less damage. The idol also provides cover to ranged attacks. | |
地母祝福(Mother Earth's Blessing) 4级 据点 土系 泪系 主动 5回合冷却 70Mana | |
所有友方据点单位数量1回合内增加23%(+指数加成),当效果消失后,单位回合到之前的状态,期间受到的伤害首先由增加的单位承受。 Increases the amount of all friendly Stronghold stacks by [percent]% for [duration] turn. When the effect ends, stacks revert to their previous state. Any damage dealt to them in the meantime is first deducted from the bonus creatures. | |
风暴之灵(Idol of Storms) 3级 据点 气系 血系 主动 只能存在一个 45Mana | |
在战场上创造1个风暴之灵,风暴之灵有3点生命,持续1回合。增加5×5格内友军10点的主动,每回合开始随机对区域内的敌军释放连锁闪电,造成的伤害按声誉等级分别为276/318/366(+指数加成, +英雄等级加成)。闪电攻击最多3个目标,每次跳跃伤害减半,幻灵对远程攻击提供掩护。 Creates an 1x1 idol at the target location which blocks all movement and lasts for [duration] turns. All friendly stacks within two squares of the idol benefit from [initiative] Initiative increase. At the beginning of each turn the idol casts Chain Lightning dealing [hpdamage] damage (Air) on a random enemy creature within two squares. Chain Lightning hits up to three targets and damage is halved by each jump. The idol also provides cover to ranged attacks. | |
天父之怒(Father Sky's Wrath) 4级 据点 气系 血系 主动 一场战斗一次 80Mana | |
一个强大的飓风攻击敌人,所有生物按声誉等级分别受到321/399/495(+指数加成, +英雄等级加成)点的气系伤害并晕眩1回合。 A hurricane-strong wind strikes the enemy deployment area. All creatures are dealt [hpdamage] damage (Air) and are "Dazed". | |
荣耀 I(Honor I) 1级 瀛洲 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
本回合所有瀛洲单位获得7点物理和魔法防御。当敌方军队在本回合中第一次被攻击时获得充能点数。 All friendly Sanctuary creatures gain [mightmagicdefense] Might Defense and Magic Defense for the current turn. The gauge is filled when enemy creatures that have not been hit in the current turn yet are attacked. | |
荣耀 II(Honor II) 2级 瀛洲 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
本回合所有瀛洲单位获得7点物理和魔法防御和14%最大生命值。 All friendly Sanctuary creatures gain [mightmagicdefense] Might Defense and Magic Defense and +[maxhealth]% Maximum Health for the current turn. The gauge is filled when enemy creatures, that have not been hit in the current turn yet, are attacked. | |
荣耀 III(Honor III) 3级 瀛洲 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
本回合所有瀛洲单位获得7点物理和魔法防御和14%最大生命值,获得冰霜护甲,反伤2点水系伤害/生物。 All friendly Sanctuary creatures gain for the current turn: [mightmagicdefense] Might Defense and Magic Defense, +[maxhealth]% Maximum Health and a frost shield dealing [hpdamagepercreature] damage (Water)/creature to attackers. The gauge is filled when enemy creatures, that have not been hit in the current turn yet, are attacked. | |
荣耀 IV(Honor IV) 4级 瀛洲 源力 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
本回合所有瀛洲单位获得7点物理和魔法防御和14%最大生命值,获得冰霜护甲,反伤2点水系伤害/生物。攻击带有霜冻护盾的生物将被霜冻,主动-5(+指数加成)和移动力-1(+指数加成)。 All friendly Sanctuary creatures gain for the current turn: [mightmagicdefense] Might Defense and Magic Defense, +[maxhealth]% Maximum Health and a frost shield dealing [hpdamagepercreature] damage (Water)/creature to attackers. Attackers are also inflicted by the "Chilled" effect. | |
致命一击(Coup de Grace) N/A 瀛洲 英击 平衡 被动 | |
当敌生物总数量降低到30%时,增加+power英雄攻击的伤害。 Gives +[damagebonus]% damage to hero attacks against targets under [percent]% of their original stack size. | |
蓄势待发(Calm Before the Storm) 1级 瀛洲 战争 平衡 被动 | |
当单位不攻击时,下回合主动性+5和物理伤害+28%,伤害加成在反击时也有效。 When Sanctuary creatures do not attack in a turn, they gain [initiative] Initiative and [mightdamage]% Damage (Might) for [duration] turn. | |
八瓣莲花(Eightfold Lotus) 3级 瀛洲 战吼 泪系 主动 3回合冷却 | |
按声誉等级分别目标单位无限反击1/2/3回合。 Target friendly stack retaliates no matter what and does so any number of times each turn. | |
风暴之眼(Eye of the Storm) 4级 瀛洲 战吼 泪系 主动 一场战斗一次 | |
目标按声誉等级分别完全闪避接下来的1/2/3次攻击。 Target friendly stack completely evades the next [number] incoming attacks. | |
准备就绪(Prepare for Strike) 3级 瀛洲 战争 血系 被动 | |
剩余的移动力点数按声誉等级分别转变为1/2/3%的伤害加成。 All friendly stacks` melee attacks deal [damagebonus]% increased damage for each movement point unspent. (Saved movement points increase damage during their attack.) | |
孪生尖牙(Twin Fangs) 4级 瀛洲 战吼 血系 主动 一场战斗一次 | |
目标生物能额外攻击一次,持续3回合。(连续攻击目标2次) Stack gets an additional attack for [duration] turns. | |
心眼(Inner Eye) 1级 瀛洲 源力 平衡 被动 | |
瀛洲单位一回合不攻击时,下回合获得28%的魔法攻击加成和14(+指数加成)点的魔法防御加成。 When Sanctuary creatures do not attack in a turn, they gain [magicdamage]% Damage (Magic) and [magicdefense] Magic Defense bonus for the next turn. | |
安抚(Serenity) 3级 瀛洲 水系 泪系 主动 4回合冷却 45Mana | |
魅惑敌人令其变平和,敌人无法移动,攻击及使用主动能力(可反击),受到伤害后魅惑失效,效果按声誉等级分别持续1.4/1.8/2.2(+指数加成)回合。 Target enemy creature is charmed and becomes peaceful. It cannot move, attack or use any abilities for [duration] turn(s). Serenity is dispelled when the creature is attacked. | |
海啸(Tsunami) 4级 瀛洲 水系 泪系 主动 一场战斗一次 70Mana | |
一道巨浪冲击敌方,所有敌军湿透。敌军所有小型生物被推后2格,按声誉等级分别眩晕0.85/1/1.15(+指数加成)回合。 A tidal wave rises from the caster hero`s deployment area, then swells and crashes on the enemy`s side. All enemy stacks are "Soaked". All enemy small sized creatures are pushed back by two squares and "Stunned" for [duration] turn. | |
水墓(Watery Grave) 3级 瀛洲 水系 血系 主动 3回合冷却 45Mana | |
受害者将立刻淋湿(受到的闪电伤害将增加)并按声誉等级分别受到1001/1152/1325(+指数加成, +等级加成)点水属性伤害。只对生灵有效。 Summons a geyseer under target enemy stack dealing [hpdamage] damage (Water). Victim is also inflicted by the "Soaked" effect. Only living creatures are affected. | |
季风(Monsoon) 4级 瀛洲 水系 血系 主动 3回合冷却 70Mana | |
招唤雷云覆盖5×5区域。区域内所有生物首先淋湿,然后受到闪电攻击,按声誉等级分别受到445/512/589(+指数加成, +等级加成)点气系伤害。该魔法同时受到空气魔法和水系魔法的加成。 Summons Thunderclouds to target 5x5 area. All creatures standing in the area of effect are first "Soaked" by the heavy rain, then dealt [hpdamage] damage (Air) by lightning forks. | |
马拉萨之遮蔽 I(Shroud of Malassa I) 1级 地牢 力量 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
使选中的地牢核心兵种变的隐形,直到当目标攻击敌军或者有敌军移动其临近格子。隐形攻击时增加10%的伤害,不受反击,受到的伤害减少50%,战场移动力+1,持续2回合。当敌方兵种无法反击时被攻击时充能条增加。 Target Dungeon friendly Core stack becomes invisible. It is revealed when it attacks an enemy or when it becomes adjacent to an enemy stack. When invisible, the stack causes [addDamage]% additional damage, avoids retailation, and receives [reduceDamage]% less damage, +[movement] Movement. Lasts [duration] turn(s). The gauge is filled when enemy creatures that cannot retaliate are attacked. | |
马拉萨之遮蔽 II(Shroud of Malassa II) 2级 地牢 力量 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
使选中的地牢核心和精英兵种变的隐形,直到当目标攻击敌军或者有敌军移动其临近格子。隐形攻击时增加10%的伤害,不受反击,受到的伤害减少50%,战场移动力+1,持续2回合。当敌方兵种无法反击时被攻击时充能条增加。 Target Dungeon friendly Core or Elite stack becomes invisible. It is revealed when it attacks an enemy or when it becomes adjacent to an enemy stack. When invisible, the stack causes [addDamage]% additional damage, avoids retailation, and receives [reduceDamage]% less damage,+ [movement] Movement. Lasts [duration] turns.The gauge is filled when enemy creatures that can not retaliate are attacked. | |
马拉萨之遮蔽 III(Shroud of Malassa III) 3级 地牢 力量 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
使选中的地牢核心和精英或者冠军兵种变的隐形,直到当目标攻击敌军或者有敌军移动其临近格子。隐形攻击时增加10%的伤害,不受反击,受到的伤害减少50%,战场移动力+1,持续2回合。当敌方兵种无法反击时被攻击时充能条增加。 Target Dungeon friendly Core, Elite or Champion stack becomes invisible. It is revealed when it attacks an enemy or when it becomes adjacent to an enemy stack. When invisible, the stack causes [addDamage]% additional damage, avoids retailation,and receives [reduceDamage]% less damage,+ [movement] Movement. Lasts [duration] turns.The gauge is filled when enemy creatures that can not retaliate are attacked. | |
马拉萨之遮蔽 IV(Shroud of Malassa IV) 4级 地牢 力量 平衡 主动 充能条 | |
使选中范围内的地牢兵种变的隐形,直到当目标攻击敌军或者有敌军移动其临近格子。隐形攻击时增加10%的伤害,不受反击,受到的伤害减少50%,战场移动力+1,持续2回合。当敌方兵种无法反击时被攻击时充能条增加。 All Dungeon stacks in the chosen area become invisible. They are revealed when they attack an enemy or when they become adjacent to an enemy stack. When invisible, these stacks cause [addDamage]% additional damage, avoid retailation,and receive [reduceDamage]% less damage,+[movement] Movement. Lasts [duration] turns.The gauge is filled when enemy creatures that can not retaliate are attacked. | |
马拉萨的祭品(Offering to Malassa) N/A 地牢 英击 平衡 被动 | |
被英雄攻击的目标会标记上祭品状态3回合,3回合内目标每次行动会受到+power点的黑暗系伤害。目标被本方兵种攻击时充能点增加20点,只有一个兵种能被标记。 The Hero`s attacks mark a target enemy creature stack as an "Offering" for 3 turns. The marked stack is dealt [hpdamage] Darkness damage every time it is about to do an action for [duration] turn(s). Moreover, the faction gauge fills by [gauge] points every time the target is attacked by a friendly stack. Only one creature can be marked at a time. | |
阴影条约(Shadow Pact) 1级 地牢 力量 平衡 被动 | |
当战场上至少还有一队本方兵种隐形时,所有本方地牢兵种造成的伤害增加6%(+指数加成)。 When there is at least one friendly invisible stack on the combat map, all friendly Dungeon stacks benefit from [damagebonus]% increased damage. | |
诈死 (Feign Death) 3级 地牢 力量 泪系 主动 4回合冷却 | |
标记一队本方部队,如果该目标被攻击时,该目标免受伤害,并且诈死从而不会被其它敌军的攻击,当目标起来时下回合受到10点的主动性加成和2点的战场移动力加成。 Marks one target friendly creature stack. Once attacked, the stack evades the damage, pretends to be dead and cannot be the target of enemy creature stacks` attacks. When the stack gets up, it benefits from a +[invBonus] Initiative and +[movBonus] Movement bonus on the next turn. | |
转移(Diversion) 4级 地牢 力量 泪系 主动 4回合冷却 | |
在选定位置创建一个诱饵(一个由影钢制作而成顶上有眼睛的尖塔),所有临近的敌方军队会失去控制攻击尖塔,尖塔有2点生命,存在1回合。 Create a 1x1 lure (An obelisk made from shadow steel with an eye on the top) at the target location. All enemy creatures within one square of the lure will lose control and walk to the lure to attack it. The lure lasts 1 turn. | |
寻找弱点(Find Weakness) 3级 地牢 力量 血系 被动 | |
所有被本方隐形队伍攻击的敌方部队将受到减少点3/8/18(+指数加成)点物理防御力的惩罚,效果持续2回合。 All enemy creature stacks attacked by a friendly invisible stack suffer from a -[mightdefence] Might Defense penalty for [duration] turn(s). | |
灵魂印记(Soul Mark) 4级 地牢 黑暗 血系 主动 4回合冷却 | |
标记一队敌军1回合,所有本方部队对其造成50%的额外黑暗伤害。 Marks an enemy creature stack for [duration] turn(s). All friendly creature stacks deal an additional [percent]% Darkness damage on the marked stack. | |
阴影佑护(Shadow Blessing) 1级 地牢 力量 平衡 被动 | |
只要场上还有一队本方部队处于隐形状态中,英雄获得+15%(+指数加成)的魔法力量加成。 As long as there is one friendly invisible creature stack on the battlefield, the Hero benefits from a +[percentage]% Magic Power bonus. | |
阴影面纱(Shadow Veil) 3级 地牢 黑暗 泪系 主动 4回合冷却 45Mana | |
创建一个3×3的黑暗阴影区域,所有范围内的本方部队获得60/66/72%(+指数加成)的远程伤害减免和52/56/60%(+指数加成)的近战伤害减免,阴影存在2回合。 Creates a 3X3 dark fog. All friendly creatures standing in it get [rangedBonus]% reduced damage from enemy shooters as well as [meleeBonus]% reduced melee damage. The fog lasts for 2 turns. | |
纠缠之影(Stalking Shade) 4级 地牢 力量 泪系 主动 4回合冷却 55Mana | |
在选定本方目标旁创建其幻像,幻像可以行动,但是只有15%原队伍的生命值,而且无法造成伤害和使用技能。在幻影临近格子的敌军无法使用主动能力并且造成的伤害减少30%。幻像存在持续到其被摧毁或者原队伍被消灭。 Creates an illusionary copy of target friendly creature stack beside the original. The illusion can act like a normal stack but only has [percentage]% of the original`s Health and cannot deal damage or use abilities. Any enemy creature stack adjacent to the illusion cannot use abilities and suffers from [damageReducePercent]% reduced damage. The illusion disappears when it is destroyed or if the original stack dies. | |
阴影内爆(Shadow Implosion) 3级 地牢 黑暗 血系 主动 4回合冷却 45Mana | |
目标敌军立即受到250/260/270%(+指数加成)的其身上的存留的持续性伤害,然后清空所有持续性伤害状态。 Target enemy creature is instantly dealt [percentage]% of all of its remaining damage-over-time. All damage-over-time is dispelled. | |
黑暗转移(Dark Transfer) 4级 地牢 力量 血系 主动 4回合冷却 | |
牺牲当前行动中的兵种的行动机会使目标本方队伍获得立即行动的机会,不可以用在已经行动过的目标身上。 Sacrifices current friendly creature stack`s turn to allow target friendly stack to act instead. Dark Transfer can be used on a stack that has already acted this turn. |