

EvilP 更新于 2024-12-05 23:14

“Thine proceedings may continue.” — they said, their voice dispassionate — “Speak, young sapling. Thou beheld thyself in quiet this entire time — a feat I do not remember you for.” Elder Tss'kish was a massive creature, the tips of his crown gently touching the top of Oracle’s dome, like the canopy of a forest beneath the calm sky. Very few treants could reach the size he did, but not many of them stayed in the world long enough for that to happen. To have him referred to as a young sapling was very amusing to Ylwari. The Elder’s steps shook the ground a little bit as he approached the rest of the envoys alongside his escort.


“Our Mycelium sings, my friend. It speaks of pain, of sorrow and of nothingness. It sent me to remind the sproutlings of the consequences. I bring that song with me so that you may grant it your voice, old friend.” As soon as the ancient treant was done talking, the Oracle put their hand on its bark and started chanting, their body not their own but rather an extension of something greater.


“A tyme of stryfe and woe shall follow the ‘Aege of Shefar,’ and in this Aege, all shall fall to naught as the gates of chaos are opened unto Enroth. And this shall be a sygn unto ye — when the elemental forces of the Earth, the Wind, the Fyre and the Water shall freely roam your lands, to usher death and destruction upon theyr wings, ye shall have entered the fynale Aege, ‘the Aege of Purification.’ Once this Aege hath begun, there shalt be no recourse. For lo’ the lords of the Earth, the Wind, the Fyre and the Water both giveth lyfe unto thee and stryketh lyfe from thee. In tymes of stryfe the cycle of destruction cannot be avoided and thyne only repose shall be death. However, in tymes of harmony those that gather in allyance shall stand the possibility of surviving the purification and warding off the end of the ‘Aege of Shefar’ to enjoy a prolonged era of peace.”


崩塌 - Cave In - 3阶原初魔法

A barrage of rocks falls from the sky upon a target enemy, dealing damage to them and creating rocks in the empty spaces around them that last 1 round and can be destroyed. At higher levels it deals more damage and costs less mana to cast.


冰环 - Ring of Frost - 4阶原初魔法

A blast of ice shards and chill wind erupts from the selected hex, dealing damage to adjacent enemies and pushing them away if possible. At higher levels it deals even more damage.


赫克斯米拉的狂暴 - Hksmilla's Rampage - 5阶原初魔法

A primal rage infuses target ally, granting them double strike and making them deal and take more damage. At higher levels the amount of damage dealt and taken 1S increased, and it costs less mana to cast.


末日审判 - Armageddon - 4阶原初魔法

All life must come to an end, but sometimes such destruction begets a birth of a phoenix. ALL units on the battlefield receive massive amounts of damage. At higher levels it costs less mana to cast.

