

EvilP 更新于 2024-12-02 01:32


伊尔瓦里 - Ylwari

地牢术士 - Dungeon Warlock

heroSpotlight Ylwari

Ylwari appeared in this world as an albino. Even among those medusae that chose to be loyal to the Triumvirate, it could easily make her an outcast among her kin. Among those that go against the new order, her existence would have been measured in mere days. But to the ruling powers of Alvar, Ylwari was more than a rarity - she was a curiosity with untapped potential.


The snakes on her head, a defining trait of every medusa, carried their own peculiarity: they were subtle and curious. They whispered, not to hector and coerce, but to lure and captivate.


It is hard to say whether Ylwari's rise would have been possible, if her snakes did not possess the ability to entice those around her. While all medusae can petrify with a gaze, her snakes achieve the same effect in a gentler, almost enchanting way - by being literally charming. Friendly and guileless, Ylwari often resolves conflicts without even realizing it. Those round her; drawn by her effortless charisma, are eager to offer help, guidance, and friendship. And she is only happy to return it.


Diplomat: Convinces more creatures to join them through diplomacy with levels.

英雄特长:外交官 - 随着英雄等级的提高增加对野兵的招降数量。(那么假设这代的外交更像H4的外交或者魅惑)

Some can charm snakes. Ylwari's snakes can charm many.


Life in Ravenshore has never looked busier. After rising to prominence, the Loudrin family used their wealth to develop what used to be a small fishing village into a bustling port town that's been quickly becoming the primary trade hub of the continent. It was no surprise to Ylwari to learn that the diplomatic summit would happen there — after all the Loudrins welcomed everyone in their town in the name of commerce.

拉文肖尔(鸦岸)的生活从未如此忙碌。在声名鹊起后,劳德林家族利用他们的财富将曾经的一个小渔村发展成一个繁华的港口城镇,并迅速成为大陆的主要贸易中心。当伊尔瓦里得知外交峰会将在那里举行时,她并不感到惊讶 - 毕竟劳德林家族以商业的名义欢迎任何人来到镇里。

She's finally reached Amelchia's Plaza. It seemed like an odd location for the talks to take place, yet at the same time choosing the very heart of the town was in Benjamin's style — a display of his family's influence and the metaphorical crossroads Jadame has found itself at. The other delegates and their entourage were also present:


  • The Templars were represented by Anastasia, also known as "the Meek" by the commoners: she was a shy, gentle girl with luscious blonde hair knit so tightly as to look like a golden serpent slithering down her robe;
  • 圣殿骑士的代表是阿纳斯塔西娅,平民也称她为“温柔者”:她是一个害羞、温柔的女孩,一头浓密的金发紧紧地扎在一起,看起来就像一条金色的巨蟒在她的长袍上滑行;
  • The Guild chose Oona as their envoy — she was an old, deathly looking witch surrounded by what one could describe as a shroud of sincerity and wisdom;
  • 公会选择欧娜作为他们的使者 - 她是一个年老、面目可憎的女巫,周围包裹着一层可以形容为真诚和智慧的面纱;
  • The Fey sent none other than Elder Tss'kish — a mighty and old treant, whose knowledge spanned centuries, including secrets long lost since the fall of Silence upon the world. Assisting him was a young faun called Gingertail, famous for her common encounters with outsiders.
  • 妖精派来的不是别人,正是长老茨基什 - 一个强大而年长的树人,他的知识跨越了几个世纪,包括自世界陷入沉寂以来早已失传的秘密。协助他的是一位名叫姜尾的年轻牧神,她以与外来者经常接触而闻名。

Ylwari's musings were interrupted by the host's bellowing voice echoing from beneath the centre of the plaza:


"Greetings, my dear guests!" — Benjamin Loudrin uttered as the statue of the Dragonqueen opened itself up, revealing the red-skinned elf as he swiftly emerged from its depths.

“您好,我亲爱的客人!” — 伴随着本杰明·劳德林的致辞,龙后雕像缓缓打开,红皮肤的精灵从其深处现身。

"Charming as always." — she thought. As soon as he got on the ground, Benjamin approached each group of envoys and welcomed them as was common in their lands: a bow with hands joined as if for a prayer for the Templars, a magical sigil representing Naira for the Dead, a hearty whistle for the Feyfolk and a gentle kiss on Ylwari's hand followed by the elf whispering "Alvar Diruil", usually translated to "Peace to Alvar". Afterwards he returned to the statue and said:

“一如既往的迷人。” — 她想。一登上地面,本杰明就走近每一组使节,以他们土地上的常见方式欢迎他们:双手合十鞠躬,仿佛在为圣殿骑士祈祷;为死者画上代表奈拉的魔法印记;为妖精族吹一声热情的口哨;在伊尔瓦里的手上轻轻一吻,然后精灵低声说“阿尔瓦 迪鲁伊尔”,通常翻译为“愿阿尔瓦和平”。之后他回到雕像前说道:

"I wish to thank you all for arriving on such a short notice - my family and I are honoured to be your hosts and to be able to show you the vision of the future that is our beautiful town of Ravenshore" — he continued — "However, the splendour of House Loudrin is not the main concern of this summit. I'll let the real star speak." As soon as these words left the elf's mouth, all eyes were set upon the young medusa. She slithered towards the statue, her mind brimming with the message she carried.

“非常感谢大家这么快赶来——我和我的家人很荣幸成为你们的东道主,并向你们展示我们美丽的拉文肖尔镇的未来愿景” — 他继续说道 — “不过,劳德林家族的辉煌并不是这次峰会的重点。我让真正的主角发言。”这些话一出口,所有的目光都集中在年轻的美杜莎身上。她滑向雕像,脑海里充满了她携带的信息。

美杜莎 - Medusa

Medusas' role in Alvar is an odd one. True dwellers of the underworld, they resent the faction's desire to also have power above ground. Yet some of them still join Alvar's army. Intrigued? Or with an ulterior motive?


美杜莎雕刻家 - Medusa Sculptor

Medusas are best known for their ability to petrify targets. They don't just use it in battle - there is honor and art in picking good targets for turning to stone... How many of Alvar's statues used to walk the streets?


美杜莎女王 - Medusa Queen

They say there is a chthonic life deep underground, below even the passages explored by Alvar. Perhaps it's just a myth. Or perhaps medusas are its children. If so, who are they truly loyal to?


"As all of you are aware" — she stated — "The threat we face is something we have never seen before on Jadame. It goes without saying that should we fail to unite, everything and everyone we love will be lost. However, disharmony and disunity plague us, causing strife where there should be understanding. I reckon that my words could be seen as false charms hurled at you for the sake of Alvar's political interests Alvar. This is why I have asked the esteemed Loudrins to invite the one being on the continent that speaks neither for the rulers nor for the people but for the Forefathers themselves."

“你们都知道” - 她说道 - “我们面临的威胁是贾达姆上前所未有的。毋庸置疑,如果我们不能团结起来,我们所爱的一切和每个人都会消失。然而,不和谐和不团结困扰着我们,在本该相互理解的地方却引发了冲突。我想,我的话可能会被视为是为了阿尔瓦的政治利益而向你施展的虚假魔法。这就是为什么我要求尊敬的劳德林邀请大陆上唯一一个既不代表统治者也不代表人民,而是代表先祖们说话的人。”

Nobody noticed when the Oracle — a slender, fully cloaked, loosely resembling an elf creature that's been veiled in complete mystery to most people living in Jadame — had shown up next to Ylwari, including the young medusa. Next to them was a mirror that gently shimmered with a blue glow, as if it was magically enchanted. Then the Oracle spoke.

没有人注意到,神谕 - 一个身材苗条、全身披着斗篷、有点像精灵的生物,对大多数生活在贾达姆的人来说,它完全是一个迷 — 已经出现在伊尔瓦里旁边,包括年轻的美杜莎自己。他们旁边是一面镜子,镜子散发着淡淡的蓝光,仿佛被施了魔法。然后神谕说话了。

启示之镜 - Mirror of Revelations

A mirror can be a reflection of one's soul. This one reveals much more than that.

Reveals area around other Mirrors of Revelations upon visit.



sun_1939 回复于 2024-12-04 13:18:
塞勒斯 发表于 2024-12-2 06:31

塞勒斯 回复于 2024-12-02 06:31:
