阴魂 - Wight
A person so dear to someone, they were brought back to life against their will. Dissolving, confused, they claw at others' memories, desperately trying to remember-or-steal their names and identities back.
幽灵 - Wraith
Sometimes the spirit of a risen person is strong and focused enough to realize their predicament is forever. This is not a happy notion for anyone involved.
幻鬼 - Phantasm
Not every will'o'wisp is friendly - some of them are misguided souls disturbed by magic and fading.. fading... slowly losing themselves to oblivion and flickering away...
Please keep in mind that the blood effects are already being fixed.
- 非最终数值,仅供参考;
- 本代墓园目前的兵种产量设置:35、22、15、10、5、3、2;(吸血鬼据说不是强7级,所以大概会是基础产量)
- 目前做了大约140个宝物,剑10,盾13,头11,胸10,鞋7,披风10,戒指13,项链18,杂物52;
- 伤害修正值据说是(20+攻)/(20+防);
- 英雄移动力和兵种速度相关;最低速125移动力,然后10点/速;至于这里的最低速实际是几速不太清楚;
- 每点士气幸运5%机率,上限5点;如果第一回合没触发,那么下一回合每点加20%(5变6%),触发后加成清零;
Just wait a little bit longer, music will be anounced soon and you guys will not be dissapointed!