

EvilP 更新于 2022-06-30 20:32


着重修正 — Notable fixes

  • Added difficulty levels normal and hard to From the Ashes campaign
  • 为From the Ashes战役增加普通和困难难度;
  • Simultaneous Turns in multiplayer as an experimental feature
  • 为多人游戏增加试验性的同步回合功能;
    • All humans play at the same time and the AI players each have their own turn after the humans are done
    • 所有的人类玩家同步进行回合,如果还有AI玩家,则AI玩家的回合是在人类玩家之后独立进行;
    • If one player enters battle, the other non-battling players will not be able to move or interact until the battle is over (this is because of a technical limitation that we want to remove in the future). However, the “locked” players can still purchase buildings, buy troops etc
    • 如果有一个玩家进入战斗,其它的玩家将会被禁止移动或者访问目标直到战斗结束,但可以建造城镇,招募兵种。(技术受限,寄希望于将来改进)
  • Added the ability to control the hostiles in battle when your opponent attacks them in multiplayer as an experimental feature.
  • 增加一个可以控制被敌方玩家攻击的野兵进行战斗的多人游戏实验性功能;

新内容 — Additions

  • New map settings when setting up a game
  • 为新建游戏增加新的设置选项:
    • Force quick battles (disables manual battles) - Always or against neutral team only
    • 强制对野快速战斗;
    • Disable random events
    • 屏蔽随机事件;

游戏性 — Gameplay

  • Change how disbanding wielders work:
  • 修改解雇行使者的机制:
    • All artifacts carried by the wielder are dropped on the ground
    • 所携带的所有宝物将会遗弃在大地图上;
    • All troops are destroyed
    • 所有携带兵力消失;
    • Wielder is then “killed”, as if it just lost a battle
    • 行使者将和战败一样被标记为“死去的”;
    • Can be revived later as per normal rules for defeated wielders
    • 之后和战败的行使者的复活机制一样;
  • Increase Wielder cost to 3000 gold (was 2500)
  • 行使者的招募价格从2500金提升至3000金;

法术修改 — Spell changes

  • Earth block tier 2 now spawns 1 block at 30 hp, tier 3 spawns 2 earth blocks at 30 hp
  • 大地屏障:2级生成1个30HP的屏障,3级生成2个30HP的屏障;
  • Protection now also grants spell damage reduction
  • 保护:现在也提供魔法伤害减伤;
  • Rally now also grants spell damage reduction
  • 重整旗鼓:现在也提供魔法伤害减伤;
  • Psychic Spears damage changed to 15/25/35 and cost raised to 5 (was 10/20/30 and costing 4)
  • 灵魂之矛:伤害从10/20/30提至15/25/35,消耗从4奥术增至5奥术;
  • Ice bolt t1 damage increased to 30 (was 25)
  • 寒冰箭:1级伤害从25点提至30点;
  • Rupture damage increased to 50/100/150 and cost was reduced to 6+6 (was 40/80/120 costing 7+7)
  • 撕裂:伤害从40/80/120提至50/100/150,消耗从7毁灭7奥术减至6毁灭6奥术;
  • Breath of the Phoenix damage increased to 50/90/130 (was 40/70/100)
  • 凤凰之息:伤害从40/70/100提至50/90/130;
  • Insect swarms damage lowered to 5/10/15 (was 6/12/18)
  • 虫群:伤害从6/12/18降至5/10/15;
  • Boiling blood’s damage changed to 10/15/20 (was 8/16/24)
  • 沸腾之血:伤害从8/16/24变为10/15/20;
  • Arcane storm’s damage changed to 30/50/70 and cost to 16 (was 25/50/75)
  • 奥术风暴:伤害从25/50/75变为30/50/70,消耗从14奥术增至16奥术;
  • Invigorate’s cost changed to 4/4 (was 5/5)
  • 精力充沛:消耗从5秩序5创造减至4秩序4创造;


  • Added trait “Magic Resistance”:Grants the troop 50% resistance to magic-based damage. Added to the following troops: Crawler, Adult Crawler, Brute, Scarred Brute, Scavenged Bones, Blessed Bones
  • 为爬行者、狂兽人、拾荒骸骨及其升级状态增加『魔法减伤』被动能力:受到的魔法伤害减少50%;
  • Scarred Brutes Hp increased to 70 (was 65) Price increased to 1000 gold and 1 ancient amber (was 900 gold and 1 ancient amber)
  • 恐怖狂兽人的生命值从65增至70,招募价格从900金1琥珀增至1000金1琥珀;
  • Stoutheart shall Stand ability now also grants 10% spell damage reduction
  • 吟游诗人的斯托瑟尔特终将崛起技能增加10%的魔法伤害减免;
  • Fear no Foe ability now also grants 5% spell damage reduction
  • 游方艺人的无惧敌人技能增加5%的魔法伤害减免;
  • Defend changed from granting 30 defense to 25 defense and 25% spell damage reduction
  • 防御技能从+30防御变为+25防御和25%魔法伤害减免;
  • Protect now also grants 25% spell damage reduction
  • 保护增加25%魔法伤害减免;
  • Made sure you can build town walls and still exit the town in map Valley Low
  • 修正Valley Low地图建造城墙的问题;
  • Moved a pouch of gold in Death to Diplomacy (so it can be picked up)
  • Death to Diplomacy的黄金堆移动位置使其能被拾取;
  • Skill pools re-worked
  • 技能池系统重做(艹……)
  • Levy bonus increased to 40%/80% (was 30%/60% )
  • 征兵的产兵奖励从30%/60%增至40%/80%;
  • Increase ballista damage to 25-35 for all factions (was 20-30)
  • 所有势力的弩炮伤害从20-30提至25-35;
  • — Baryas ballista previously did less damage than the other factions, this was wrong
  • — 之前巴里亚的弩炮伤害最低是个错误;
  • Change the amount of beacons needed to 70% of available, rounded up to win (was 60%)
  • 能量灯塔胜利的向上取整范围从60%变为70%;

游戏BUG修正 — Gameplay bug fixes

  • Fix bug where, after using the Barya Pipers’ song ability, the next active troop might not be the one with the highest initiative
  • 修正当风笛手使用音乐能力兵,下一行动的兵种不是主动性最高的那一队的问题;
  • Fix Essence Burst skill giving the essence income one extra time at the start of the second battle round. It now applies only once, as intended
  • 修正精华涌动第二回合开始多给一次精华的问题;
  • Fix scenario where the enemy team would receive multiple “momentum” buffs when a troop with multiple damage dealing effects (for example Poison) on it died
  • 修正当一个兵种身上有类似多层中毒状态造成的多次伤害而全灭时敌方获得多次消灭buff的问题;
  • Fix not receiving troops when buying troops for town defense that have max stack size increased by research
  • 修正研究了兵种堆栈上限科技能后买兵防守城镇却无法正常得到兵力的问题;
  • Fix artifacts becoming unequipped on wielders transferred between campaign levels
  • 修正战役章节之间行使者宝物变为未装备的问题;
  • Fix issue where you could press Q to pick up objects even if it was guarded by hostiles without fighting them
  • 修正一个按Q可以不打守兵直接拾取目标的问题;

