英雄无敌7#Trial by Fire资料片6月2上线
“Five years have passed since the battle of Horncrest and the victory of Ivan Griffin, first emperor of the Holy Griffin Empire.
Tension is growing with the neighbouring Dwarven Kingdom of Grimheim and Ivan is ready to go to war to protect his people once again, but he knows a new global conflict could bring the Empire to an end.
Hoping to prevent such tragic escalation, Vilma "Stoneshield" Bjornsdottir, leader of the Sudgerd Dwarves, comes to Ivan`s court as an ambassador. Her tale will shed light on some of the darkest chapters of the Dwarves` history and reveal the key to save both their peoples.”
- 上线日期将会在6月2号;
- 新加种族为堡垒,种族技能为符文魔法;
- 新战役依然是和伊凡讲故事,另外还有两张单关地图和之前的两个DLC同一系列作者所留;
- 另外虽然这里没说,不过之前提过的技能系统改动将会在资料片中上线;