Unity, the first campaign of The Lost Tales, takes place after the Reckoning; the cataclysmic event that destroyed the world of Enroth, forcing countless survivors to cross mysterious portals into a brand new, unexplored world. The Reckoning not only threw civilization into chaos, but the study of magic as well. Many of the old spell libraries were destroyed before their contents could be saved. Many Wizards who attempted to gather the books took too much time and died. Untold centuries of knowledge was lost. An organized effort to collect and rewrite the lost spells from the memories of those magic users who survived is being met with a little resistance. Few sorcerers want to give up their precious spell books for such a cause, so the process is slow and painful. Too slow for Genevieve Seymour, who embarks on an odyssey through the Broken Isles to create a brand new philosophy of magic: the Theory of Unity.
失落传奇的第一个战役:团结,发生在那场毁灭恩洛斯世界的大审判之后,无数的幸存者被迫穿越神秘的传送门来到一个全新的,未探索过的世界。大审判不只是将文明投入混乱之中,对魔法的研究也是如此。许多旧时代的咒语典籍都没来得及被抢救出来。许多法师花了太多的时间整理自己的魔法书,结果导致自己没能逃过劫难。数不尽的知识就此消失。一个新的法师组织目前正在试图从施法者们的记忆中整理并重写那些失落的咒语,但是他们的努力遭遇了一些抵抗,只有很少的巫师们愿意为了这一目标献出自己宝贵的魔法书,于是,这一过程总是缓慢且痛苦。特别是对Genevieve Seymour来说,他已经无法忍受这一缓慢的流程了,为此他踏上了一段穿越破碎岛屿的冒险之旅,并创造出了一个全新的魔法哲学:团结的理论。