“With or without Demon blood, all Stronghold troops seem to share the Orcs’ fighting spirit. Their eagerness for battle makes them incredibly fast and powerful at the start of a battle.”
- Novice: Each friendly creatures start a combat with a "Bloodrage" buff increasing their attack value by X. At Novice rank, this value is set at 6 at the beginning of the combat and is decreased by 2 when a friendly creature defends or waits and by 2 at the end of one turn. If Bloodrage gets 0 or less, the buff is removed.
- 新手:所有本方军队在战斗开始时带有血怒状态,该状态增加X点攻击力。新手级时血怒值(X)为6,每当有支本方部队防御或者等待,以及回合结束时血怒值减2。如果血怒值小于1则该状态移除。
- Expert: Expert Bloodrage starts at X = 9
- 专家:血怒值的初始值为9。
- Master: Master Bloodrage starts at X = 12
- 大师:血怒值的初始值为12。
怒不可遏 - Fiery Rage - (新手) | ||
All friendly creatures` initiative is increaded by X. 所有本方部队主动性增加X点。 |
军阀之怒 - Warlord`s Fury - (新手) | ||
The hero also gets a Bloodrage buff, increasing his default attack damage by 10*X.(Min and Max) 英雄也获得血怒状态,其直接攻击造成的伤害上下限增加10*血怒值点。 |
怒气冲天 - Bursting Rage - (新手) | ||
When the Bloodrage buff is removed, friendly creatures deal [75 * Druation of Bloodrage] might damage to all adjacent enemy creatures. 当血怒状态被移除时,所有本方部队对其临近的所有敌方部队造成75*血怒持续时间的物理伤害。 |
狂怒冲锋 - Rush - (专家) | ||
Bloodrage increases the movement points by 1.(as long as the buff is active) 当兵种身上的血怒状态还存在时,战场移动力增加1点。 |
压魔之力 - Might Over Magic - (专家) | ||
Damage dealt to friendly creatures from direct damage spells is decreased by 50% as long as Bloodrage is active. 当兵种身上的血怒状态还存在时,敌方的直接伤害魔法造成的伤害减半。 |
嗜血狂欢 - Bloodlust - (大师) | ||
All friendly creature`s morale is increased by 3*X. 所有本方兵种的士气增加3*X点。 |
天父之怒 - Father Sky`s Fury - (宗师) | ||
Bloodrage starts with +2 and everytime a (friendly of enemy) creature stack is killed, Bloodrage is increased by 2 if still active. 战斗开始时初始血怒值上限增加2点,只要血怒状态还没被移除,每当战场上有任意一支部队全数阵亡时血怒值上限增加2点。 |