The Elves are graceful and patient souls who live in close harmony with the lands and forests. They are in tune with Sylanna, the Dragon of Earth. Her deliberate nature and ancient wisdom are reflected in their approach to life and worship. They view the forests and living things as their responsibilities, and do not shrink from punishing those who defile them.
A few years before the Second Eclipse, his head turned by a band of flatterers, High King Arniel decided that Elf power was too decentralized, and that the traditional way of electing the supreme ruler (through a vision shared by the Druids) was unreliable. His solution was to usurp the powers of the local Elf kings, strip the Druids of their authority, and make his own title hereditary.
Among the various rebels that clashed with him, the most tragically famous is Queen Tuidhana. The conflict between Arniel and Tuidhana escalated into open war, until Brythigga, the Mother of Trees and home of the original royal dwelling, was burned to the ground, leaving a blackened scar on the earth where nothing would ever grow again. High King Arniel was caught inside the conflagration and burned alive.
The place where Brythigga had stood was stricken from the maps, and to this day no Elf will go there. Another Mother of Trees has been consecrated, hidden deep within the forests, but no Elf will speak of her to outsiders.
Centuries have passed, but tensions remain high between the Elves and Tuidhana’s people, now known as the Dark Elves. The current High King, Alaron, is now slowly re-establishing stronger ties with the other nations.
自然复仇 - Nature’s Revenge
The Elves never forgive those who harm Nature. Once an opponent has been marked as an enemy of Nature, the Elves will stop at nothing until he is utterly destroyed and his corpse turned into fertiliser.
和谐守护者 - Guardians of the Harmony
The majority of Elves still seek protection from the Dragon of Earth. They in turn have become guardians of the Earth, and especially all of the life, whether plant or animal, that grows from it.
游击战大师 - Guerrilla Masters
Manoeuvrability is the key to Elf tactics – they are past masters of retreating to draw the enemy into an advantageous position for them. The archers and Druids will fire from cover, move on, and fire again. The more confusion they can sow with arrow fire and long range spells, the better.
森林军备 - Forest Warfare
Elf armies are also composed of a fluid array of allied spirit units: Pixies and Sprites from the Fair Folk, Treants and Dryads from the deepforest, Sun Deers and Moon Does, all join the Elves willingly in their battles.
猎手 - Hunter |
猎手大师 - Master Hunter |
In times of peace, the Hunters supply the Elven communities with food, and they are respected for their skills and prowess. Wandering Irollan, they live in harmony with Nature and its unwritten laws. They will never kill a living being without purpose. In times of war, however, they have no compunction about using their talents to strike down enemies from afar. 在和平时期,猎手主要负责森林社区的食物供应。他们以其精湛的技巧和勇猛而受人尊敬。猎手们在艾罗兰各地巡游,他们过着一种与大自然及其各种不成文的规则相和谐的生活。他们不会无意义的杀生。但在战时,他们也不会对利用自己的天赋从远处痛击敌人这种行为感到后悔。 |
Master Hunters are dedicated to the defense of the woodland realms and rise to protect them from any invader. Their enchanted bows allow them to shoot twice before the enemy even knows they`re there. 猎手大师致力于维护森林国度的防御,并愿意起身阻止任何入侵者。他们的附魔之弓可以让他们在敌人反应过来前连发两箭。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“It may come as a surprise, but no, Elves are not vegetarians. Although many Druids choose to be.” 或许有人认为艾罗兰会出现猎手是件很突兀的事,但其实不然,精灵们并不是素食者,尽管有许多德鲁伊选择吃素。 |
“The Master Hunter receives his title during a special ceremony, in which an elder Treant offers the Elf one of his branches to be carved into a bow. The Master Hunter uses this bow until his death, and is buried with it.” 猎手会通过一个特别的仪式得到自己的猎手大师称号,在该仪式上,一位远古树人会给这位精灵一枝取自自身的枝桠,并将其雕刻成一张弓。这位猎手大师会一直使用这张弓直到离开人世之时,而这张弓最终也会和他一同下葬。 |
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兵种能力 | |||
双重射击 - Double Shot - (仅升级) | |||
Master Hunters are so swift that they can shoot two arrows when lesser men would only shoot one. 猎手大师是如此迅捷,可以在一般人射一箭的时间内连射两箭。 |
林妖 - Dryad |
橡木林妖 - Oak Dryad |
Upon dying, an Elf can request to be entombed inside the living trunk of a Treant. It goes without saying that close ties must exist between the Elf and his chosen vessel to make this unusual funeral ceremony possible. The living heart of the tree cradles the Elf’s remains, transforming it over a period of months. The spirit of the Elf then returns to Ashan as a forest spirit known as a Dryad. 在临去世之时,精灵可以要求将其葬在活树精的树干之内。不用说,这需要精灵和他选中的容器之间有着紧密的联系,才能使这一罕见的葬礼仪式成功。树木鲜活的心脏会将精灵的遗体包裹起来,形成胎儿的形状。精灵的灵魂随后会回到亚山世界,成为一种被称作林妖的森林之灵。 |
Dryads take on the image of the Treant that gave them birth. They are attached body and spirit to their progenitors. Oak Dryads, born from Oak Treants, are stronger and more resistant than other types of Dryads, making them great assets in times of war. 林妖的外表受到赋予其生命的树精的影响,其躯体和灵魂都与树精紧密相连。他们会相互保护支持,直到其生命的终结。橡木林妖,诞生与橡木树精,她们要比其他林妖更加强壮坚韧,也因此她们是战时的好帮手。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“Dryads can sing trees into shape to create tools, weapons and even buildings for their Elven relatives. A chorus of Dryads can form an ancient tree into the foundations of an Elven city.” 林妖可以用歌声将树木塑造成工具、武器甚至是建筑,以帮助其精灵同胞们。而林妖们的合唱曲甚至可以将古树塑造成一座精灵城市。 |
“As Dryads are spirits, it is very hard to destroy them for good. Like Nature itself, I suppose…” 林妖就和灵体一样,很难将其一劳永逸地消灭掉。我想,大概就像自然本身一样吧 |
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兵种能力 | |||
树精共生 - Treant Synergy | |||
Close to Treants, Dryads emit a protective shield for all allies, and even heal the Treants by their only presence. 靠近树精时,林妖可以给所有友军提供防御护盾,甚至还能利用自身精华治疗树精。 |
生命礼赞 - Gift of Life - (仅升级) | |||
The Oak Dryads have such a close relationship to Treants than Mother Treants can literality offer their own lifeforce to them, allowing them resurrection. 橡木林妖与树精之母有着极为紧密的联系,甚至可以将其生命力分享给对方,使其复活。 |
花精 - Pixie |
花妖 - Sprite |
A Pixie is a spirit of nature born among flowers whose scent will remain with it throughout its life. The type of flower will determine the aspect, personality and powers of the Pixie. Pixies manifest as miniature, childish humanoids, no more than one foot in size. Elves enjoy the company of Pixies, and druids in particular are often attended by several of these puckish creatures. 花精是自然诞生于鲜花中的灵体,而花朵的气味会一辈子留在花精身上。鲜花的种类决定了花精的类别、个性和能力。花精是微型类人生物,其大小不超过一英尺。精灵们喜欢花精的陪伴,特别是德鲁伊们常常会照料这些喜欢恶作剧的小生灵。 |
Sprites have oddly coloured skin, hair and eyes, and they sport wings that look like a butterfly’s but are in fact leaves or petals from their associated flower. These wings allow them to fly with great velocity and skill. In combat, Sprites can also spread “Pixie Dust”, a form of pollen that causes the enemy to itch, sneeze and cough, preventing him from retaliating. 花妖通常会有各种鲜艳的肤色、发色和瞳色,其翅膀很像蝴蝶,但其实是源自其诞生花朵的叶子和花瓣。它们的翅膀可以让它们高速灵巧的飞行。在战斗中,花妖还会挥洒一种名为“花精之尘”的花粉,可以诱使敌人全身发痒、打喷嚏或是咳嗽,从而无法进行还击。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“It is important to distinguish between Pixies born from wildflowers and those from gardens. The former are rough and solitary and tend to die quickly if they are captured or domesticated.” 诞生于野花的花精与诞生于花圃的花精之间有着显著的区别。前者更为狂野孤僻,一旦被捕获或是驯养之后很快就会死去。 |
“Sprites are closely tied to the turning of the seasons; they are rare in winter and relatively numerous in spring and summer.” 花妖们与季节的变换紧密相连,在冬季很少会看到它们,而在春夏之季则相对数量众多。 |
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兵种能力 | |||
不受反击 - No Retaliation - (仅升级) | |||
The switfness and small size of the Sprites make them impossible to retaliate. 花妖的敏捷与小体型使得没人能够反击她们。 |
德鲁伊 - Druid |
德鲁伊长老 - Druid Elder |
The Druids are the priests of Sylanna, the Dragon-Goddess of Earth. As such they are granted control over the various powers of Nature, which they call upon in times of peril. 德鲁伊是大地之龙神西莱纳的牧师。他们因此获得了控制各种自然力量的能力,从而帮助其渡过各种危难时刻。 |
Before High King Arniel`s rise to power, the process of choosing a king used to fall to the Druid Elders, who had to endure the sweatlodge until they shared a common vision of who the new ruler should be. This tradition no longer exists, but Druid Elders remain the pillars of Elven society and spirituality. 在至高王阿尼尔夺权前,精灵王的挑选职责主要落在德鲁伊长老们的身上,他们必须在闷热的桑拿屋中忍耐,直到他们对于谁将成为新统治者有了一致的意见为止。如今这项传统已经不复存在了,但是德鲁伊长老们仍然是精灵社会与心灵的支柱。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“Monlin, the Elven language, makes no distinction between male or female Druids. They are all called simply ‘Druids’, which can roughly be translated as ‘the ones who know the plants.” 摩林,即精灵语(按MMX的拆法意为大地之歌),德鲁伊这词在精灵语中并没有性别之分,他们全都被称为“德鲁伊”,或者直译成熟知植物之人。 |
“Druid Elders haven’t slain a stag to make their coifs. A dying stag will seek a Druid of his choice and offer him his hide to use as he or she sees fit. It is a great honour to receive such a gift.” 德鲁伊长老们的头巾并非通过杀戮所得。临近生命终点的牡鹿会凭自身的意愿找到一位德鲁伊,并将自身逝去后的皮毛提供给德鲁伊,任凭其所用。对于德鲁伊来说,接收这样一件礼物是件十分崇高的荣誉。 |
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兵种能力 | |||
叶匕 - Leaf Daggers | |||
Channelling Earth`s power, Druids can cast a flurry of razor-edged leafs that cut through cover and armor, unaffected by distance, but only once per battle. 通过引导大地的力量,德鲁伊们可以施展一道由利齿树叶组成的飓风,穿透敌人的护甲与防护,该技能不受距离影响,一场战斗只能使用一次。 |
荆棘 - Thorns - (仅升级) | |||
Calling upon the power of Earth itself, once per battle, Druid Elders can cast a spell on the battlefield, creating an area covered by thorns that slow down and hurt enemies inside it. 每场战斗一次,德鲁伊长老们可以唤起大地的力量,在战场上释放一片荆棘,伤害所有位于其中的敌人并将他们减速。 |
月鹿 - Moon Doe |
日鹿 - Sun Deer |
Among the strangest and most wonderful beasts found in the Forest Maze, the Moon Does and Sun Deers are actually part of the same species, called Twilight Stags. Moon Does are sweet, peaceful creatures – but they are more than able to defend themselves if something or someone threatens their fawns. More than one poacher met a nasty end, trampled to death by vengeful Moon Does. 在森林迷宫中能够遇到的最神秘奇特的生物莫过于月鹿和日鹿了,它们实际上是一种名为暮光之鹿的种群中的一种。这些月鹿是宁静可爱的生物,不过它们仍然有能力保护幼鹿不会受到任何威胁。不止有一个偷猎者最终在月鹿的愤怒中迎来自己悲惨的结局。 |
Male Twilight Stags are diurnal creatures, taking their powers from sunlight. Called Sun Deers, they often sport spectacular antlers that always take shapes reminiscent of the sun or stars. Both males and females are magnificent creatures, but the males especially radiate an appeasing and soothing aura. 雄性暮光鹿是昼生性生物,其力量来源于阳光。日鹿壮美的鹿角的形状类似太阳或群星。无论是公鹿还是母鹿都是神奇的生物,而日鹿周身更是散发出平和的灵光。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“Female Twilight Stags are nocturnal. While they don’t burst into flame when they are touched by sunlight (contrary to what the old nursery rhyme says), they prefer to come out at night, especially when Asha’s Moon is high in the sky, hence their name.” 雌性暮光鹿属于夜行性生物。虽然其在接触到阳光的时候并不会像一些老儿歌里讲的那样烧成灰烬,不过它们更偏好在夜晚出没,特别是在亚莎之月高挂夜空的时候,这也是其得名的原因。 |
“Needless to say, mating is a rather complicated affair for Twilight Stags, as the males and females can only meet during the short periods when both sun and moon are in the sky!” 毋庸多言,对于暮光鹿而言,交配是一件非常复杂的事情,其中一个原因在于雌性和雄性仅仅在日月同时出现在天空的短暂时间内才有机会相遇。 |
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兵种能力 | |||
无拘无束 - Unfettered | |||
The creature`s power and agility makes it resilient to any form of movement reduction, magical or not. 该生物的力量与敏捷使其免疫任何形式的减速效果。 |
激励鼓舞 - Inspiring Presence - (仅升级) | |||
The vicinity of this creature is a blessing for all allies. Morale is increased dramatically, as well as luck. 该生物的出现会对所有友军进行祝福,他们的士气与幸运显著增加。 |
剑舞者 - Blade Dancer |
剑舞大师 - Blade Master |
Elite among the warriors of the silva, certain Elves dedicate their lives to the intricate Elven martial art known as the Battle Dance. Relying on evasion and quick action rather than resistance or brute force, Blade Dancers wear no armour, but often decorate their skin with magical protective paintings. 森林战士中的精英。那些将自己一生投身于精灵武术的精灵们被称为战舞者。他们主要依靠自身的闪避和快速行动,而非抗性或是蛮力。剑舞者不穿任何装甲,但常常会在自己的皮肤上纹上魔法防御纹身。 |
These warriors have been schooled by Irollan`s finest swordsmen. They move with a great agility, akin to feathers in the breeze. In battle, the Blade Masters` swordsmanship is so fast and purposeful that their blade resembles a leaf caught up in a whirlwind, and few are those who can survive the silvery thrust of their weapons. 这些战士跟随着艾罗兰最优秀的剑士学习。他们行动敏捷,如风中羽毛一般。在战斗中,剑舞大师的剑技迅猛精准,犹如飓风中的叶子,只有少数人能从其银光一闪的兵器下幸存。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“There are several forms of Battle Dance. Mastering one of them is already a great achievement.” 精灵们有着不同种类的剑舞,只是掌握其中一种就已经是一个了不起的成就了。 |
“Remember what I was saying about the different forms of Battle Dance? Well these Elves have mastered several of them.” 还记得我之前提到过的多种剑舞么?这些剑舞大师们可是掌握了不止一种。 |
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兵种能力 | |||
警觉 - Vigilance | |||
Blade dancing is a movement-based combat style, allowing the Blade Dancers to never be flanked. 剑舞是一种不断移动的战斗风格,因此剑舞者永远不会被夹击。 |
死亡旋转 - Whirling Death - (仅升级) | |||
Masters of blade dancing at so fast and mobile that they can hit all enemies in range in the same movement: deadly. 剑舞大师行动迅速敏捷,他们可以同时对所有附近的敌人进行致命攻击。 |
绿龙 - Green Dragon |
翡翠龙 - Emerald Dragon |
Avatars of the Elemental Gods, Dragons come in all shapes and sizes. A young Green Dragon’s scales look like sharp stones that often get covered with moss as time goes by, sometimes even vegetation. Green Dragons are the Guardians of Earth and Nature, and will defend the forest with all their might when the Elven war horns start singing among the trees. 作为元素龙神的化身,巨龙的体形和大小各式各样。年轻绿龙的鳞片看起来像是覆盖着苔藓或是其他植被的石头。绿龙是大地和自然的守护者,它们会相应回响在森林中的精灵战争号角的呼唤,并参与防守森林。 |
As it grows older, a Green Dragon’s scales slowly turn into emeralds, until it dies – or rather, until the Dragon’s essence is returned to the Spirit World, leaving only its emerald husk on Ashan. Many treasure hunters and Raiders have tried to enter Irollan looking for these precious shells, never to return… 随着其年岁的增加,绿龙的鳞片会缓慢地转化成翡翠,直到其死亡,或者说其龙类本源回归灵界,只剩一个翡翠外壳留在亚山世界。许多寻宝者或是冒险家试图前往艾罗兰寻找这珍贵的外壳,不过从没有人回来过 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“Because Green Dragons have a rocky hide covered with moss and plants, it’s no surprise that a resting Dragon can easily be mistaken for a mere mound or hill – it’s usually the heavy, gravelly breathing that tips off the unsuspecting traveller!” 由于绿龙的表皮由岩石构成,且表面附着着苔藓和各种植物,因此沉睡的绿龙被错看成土丘或小山的事实在是屡见不鲜。然而那沉重且喑哑的呼吸声则能好好地提醒那些毫无疑心的旅行者。 |
“Like their progenitor Sylanna, Emerald Dragons are among the most patient and measured types of Dragons, rather unlikely to dissolve interlopers with their corrosive breath unless provoked." 翡翠龙和它们的先祖之龙西莱纳一样,是最为耐心和慢性子的一类龙,只有受到挑衅时,它们才会喷吐腐蚀性气体,溶解那些入侵者。 |
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兵种能力 | |||
再生 - Regeneration | |||
Avatar of Earth itself, the Green Dragon draws his strength for the very ground of Ashan, regenerating himself constantly. 作为大地的化身,绿龙可以从亚山表面汲取力量,持续复生自身。 |
土系免疫 - Immune to Earth | |||
The very nature of the Green Dragon makes it impervious to all aggression from Earth Magic. 绿龙的本质使其免疫一切土系伤害。 |
酸液吐息 - Acid Breath - (仅升级) | |||
The Emerald Dragon`s breath is a gigantic flow of acid, burning the toughest armor long after the pain first appeared. Entire armies can be decimated by this terrifying breath. 翡翠龙的吐息由巨大的酸液流组成,即便在第一次攻击之后还能持续灼烧最为坚固的护甲。整只部队都会受到这致命吐息的影响。 |
树精 - Treant |
远古树精 - Ancient Treant |
Treants are rare and exceptional forest spirits that appear as large, walking trees. Living embodiments of the force of Nature and growth, they are the protectors and shepherds of all trees, plants and flowers. They are natural allies of the Elves and share a unique, symbiotic relationship with those who choose to be buried within their trunks and be reborn as Dryads. 树精是稀有珍贵的森林之灵,其外表通常是巨大并可以行走的树木。作为自然繁育力量的化身,它们是其他树木、植物和花朵的守卫者和看护人。它们是精灵们天生的盟友,并且有着一种独特的共生关系,可以把那些资源安葬在其树干内的精灵重生为林妖。 |
The life of a Treant can span hundreds, even thousands, of years. The oldest Treants are slow but resilient, protected by a thick skin of bark hardened by the centuries. They can also animate vegetation around them, turning them into weapons against the enemies of the forest. 树精的生命可以延续百年,乃至千年。最古老的树精缓慢却坚韧,其身躯有着数千年加固的厚重树皮所保护。他们还能活化周围的植物,将它们变成对抗森林之敌的武器。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“Treants are born only on sacred soil deep within the forests of Irollan, near a Dragon vein or nexus attuned to the essence of Earth.” 树精只在艾罗兰森林最深处的神圣土壤上诞生,这片土地接近与大地精髓最为协调的龙脉或是龙络。 |
“Treants are possibly the oldest creatures walking the surface of Ashan. The tales they would tell if only they could talk! Sadly, they can only… bark.” 远古树精恐怕是行走在亚山大地上的最古老生物了。如果它们会说话,它们或许会讲童话的!然而……它们只会咆哮和吼叫。 |
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兵种能力 | |||
活体屏障 - Living Shelter | |||
Treants can transform into a magical trees that protect allies with cover, increase defense and acts as a moat when enemies approach, making enemies trip and stop. The Treant cannot attack or move in this state. 树精可以将自身转变成一颗魔力巨树,掩护周围友军,增加自身防御,并在敌人靠近时具有护城河的效果,阻止敌人前进。在此状态下树精无法攻击或移动。 |
缠绕之根 - Entangling Roots - (仅升级) | |||
The Ancient Treants have such great roots that they can burrow and surge anywhere on the battlefield, grabbing and entangling any target with tremendous grip. 远古树精的根系十分发达,可以出现在战场各处,以强大的拉力缠住任何目标。 |