EvilP 更新于 2015-06-29 23:32
The Elves are graceful and patient souls who live in close harmony with the lands and forests. They are in tune with Sylanna, the Dragon of Earth. Her deliberate nature and ancient wisdom are reflected in their approach to life and worship. They view the forests and living things as their responsibilities, and do not shrink from punishing those who defile them.
- 核心兵种 - Core Creatures
- Faery Woods: Allows to recruit Sprites.
- 迷踪树/迷踪林:允许招募花妖;
- Sacred Grove: Allows to recruit Oak Dryads.
- 瑞木野/神木野:允许招募橡木林妖;
- Hunters Lodge: Allows to recruit Master Hunters.
- 猎户树屋/猎户宿所:允许招募猎手大师;
- 精英兵种 - Elite Creatures
- Stone Ring: Allows to recruit Druid Elders.
- 石环/石阵:允许招募德鲁伊长老;
- Blade Dance Arena: Allows to recruit Blade Masters.
- 剑舞庭台/剑舞擂台:允许招募剑舞大师;
- Sun Garden: Allows to recruit Sun Deers.
- 月光草坪/日光花园:允许招募日鹿;
- 冠军兵种 - Champion Creatures
- Treant Sanctum: Allows to recruit Ancient Treants.
- 树精幽谷/树精乐土:允许招募远古树精;
- Dragon Shrine: Allows to recruit Emerald Dragons.
- 地龙圣坛/地龙圣祠:允许招募翡翠龙;
- 战术单位 - Warfare Units
- Garden Of The Sacred Seed: Allows to recruit support warfare unit.
- 育种园圃:允许在这里招募支援(治疗)军备单位;
- Blacksmith: Allows to recruit attack warfare unit.
- 铁匠铺:允许在这里招募攻击(远程)军备单位;
- 英雄建筑 - Heroes Buildings
- Hall of Heroes: Allows to recruit Heroes
- 英雄殿堂:允许在这里招募英雄;
- Magic Guild: Allows Heroes to learn spells (4 levels)
- 魔法行会:允许英雄在此学习魔法,总共分4级(无限制/新手/专家/大师);
- Thieves Guild: Provides the town screen window to spy enemies and give overview of the game status
- 盗贼公会:提供敌方玩家的信息和游戏信息总览;
- Town Portal: Allows Heroes to be teleported to this town (only if it is the closet town and with dedicated spell
- 城镇时空门:允许英雄传送回这个城镇(最近的城而且有习得回城魔法);
- Embassy: +20% chance for negotiations with neutral armies inside the town`s AoC.
- 大使馆:本方英雄在本城镇控制区域内对野兵的交涉(外交)机率增加20%。;
- Fountain Of Restoration: Provides bonuses to visiting heroes (increases the morale of units in the visiting hero`s army by 5 for the next 3 battles).
- 回春泉:访问该城镇的英雄的兵种士气增强5点,持续3场战斗;
- Golden Path: Doubles movement points of caravans departing the town.
- 金色小径:离开本城镇的篷车的移动力增加;
- Dream Forest: Creates magical illusions around the town that lead enemy heroes in dead ends. All enemy heroes in the town`s area of control have their movement cost over land increased by 25%.
- 梦境之森:在城镇周围创建魔法幻像,使敌方英雄迷路。敌方英雄在该城镇控制范围内移动力消耗增加25%;
- 资源建筑 - Resources Buildings
- Marketplace: Provides the town screen window to trade resources
- 市场:可以在这里交换资源;
- Sylanna`s Infinite Gift: Provides one unit of wood and one unit of ore per day.
- 西莱纳的厚赠:每天提供一单位木材和矿石;
- Mystic Pond: Provides a daily random rare resource to the owner.
- 神秘池塘:每天随机提供一单位稀有资源;
- 城防建筑 - Fortifications:
- Castle: Equips the town with walls and gates in siege combats. Equips the town with level 3 local guards
- 城堡:在守城战中给城镇增加城墙和大门;使城镇有驻城部队(就是只会在守城战才会出现的守兵,无法带走,坑偷城的,有数量上限,被破城后会清空,然后以固定数量慢慢恢复到上限);
- Archery Platform: Provides the town with 3 towers in siege combats.
- 箭术平台:在守城战中增加3个箭塔;
- 市政建筑 - Town Hall Upgrades
- Capitol: Raises the daily income to 4000 gold / day. There can be only one Capitol per player and per map
- 国会:每天给王国提供4000金的收入,每个玩家只能建造一个国会;
- Sylanna`s Perfect Balance: Provides 5000 gold / day and additional great bonuses.
- 西莱纳的至臻之衡:奇迹建筑,每天给王国提供5000金的收入,然后就是不告诉你特殊功能是啥;