EvilP 更新于 2015-03-26 01:06
- The Vampire Knight: Timeless and heartless, this aristocratic warrior has adopted a dark and twisted code of chivalry. But beneath his noble appearance lies the undying thirst for fresh blood.
- 吸血鬼骑士:超越时间与心灵,这些贵族战士逐渐发展出一套黑暗扭曲的骑士道。不过,在他们的高贵外表之下,潜藏着对鲜血的渴求。
- The Night Lady: Pale and gaunt, yet eerily beautiful, she uses her otherworldly charms to obtain the blood she craves. But when war comes, she proves a deadly foe on the battlefield.
- 暗夜淑女:苍白憔悴,却又有着一股怪诞的美感,这些美丽的淑女运用超凡脱俗的魅力来获取自身渴求的鲜血。但是,当战争来临时,她们则会成为战场上最致命的敌人。
- The Blood Monster: This Vampire has abandoned the pretense of aristocracy and embraced his bloodlust with feral abandon. Who needs a sword when you can rip your enemy’s throat with your bare hands?
- 血腥妖兽:这些吸血鬼抛弃了那些虚伪的贵族气质,转而拥抱自身残忍狂暴的嗜血本能。当你可以随意撕开敌人喉咙的时候,谁还用得着那些累赘的武器呢?
- The Priest of Death: Reading unholy scripture from the pages of some ancient Book of the Dead or Libram of Last Rites, this priest of Asha invokes the darkest aspect of his Goddess.
- 死亡祭祀:在阅读过出自远古死亡之书与终末仪式圣契的不洁断章之后,这些亚莎的祭祀开始向其女神最黑暗的一面进行祈祷。
- The Undead Sorcerer: Having transcended the rules of Life and Death, this dark Wizard has forsaken flesh to the point of becoming a cadaver himself, in exchange of tremendous powers.
- 不死术士:在超越了生与死的法则之后,这些黑暗法师们为了获得无与伦比的力量,而遗弃了肉体,将自身转化成死尸。
- The Ancient Mummy: This Undead priest has been around since the early days of the Spider Cult. Only bandages and rituals keep his rotten body in one piece, and he hides his desiccated face under a mask.
- 远古木乃伊:这些亡灵祭祀出现于蜘蛛教派成立初期。只有绷带与仪式能将他们腐朽的身体勉强连在一起,而他们干枯的面容则隐藏在面具之下。