EvilP 更新于 2014-11-07 01:01
- The first one, which begins right now, will decide for the scenery and the general setting of the townscreen. Please check below to discover the two options and more details about this vote!
- The second one, which will begin right after this one will focus on the lighting and ambiance of the Townscreen.
- 也是两期,第一期决定总体风格,第二期决定光照和氛围
- The Forest Sanctum: Hidden in the heart of the Forest Maze of Irollan, this Sylvan city is a majestic temple dedicated to the Earth Goddess. The temple melds with the surrounding wildlife, a true example of the harmony Elves strive to achieve.
- 森林圣所:隐藏在艾若兰的森林迷宫中心的这座森林城市是奉献给大地女神的宏伟神庙。这座庙宇与周边野生环境相融合,是精灵们为之奋斗的和谐共生的真实写照。
- The Tree Island: This gigantic, millennia-old tree shelters many life forms, and the Elven city was built directly in its branches and roots, becoming part of its ecosystem. This proposal is very similar in spirit to the Heroes V Sylvan townscreen.
- 树岛:这一巨大的千年古木承载着诸多生命,而精灵城市就直接建筑在其枝叶与根茎上,成为其生态系统的一部分。(请参照H5)