

EvilP 更新于 2014-10-07 00:35


The storm had begun, howling, torrential. And nobody could stop it anymore.


少女之泪 - 846 YSD – The Maiden`s Tears

At first, many still clung to the naive idea that the Unicorn and Greyhound conflict would not spread to the rest of the already fractured Empire. The declaration of war occurred in late Dancing Flames, 846 YSD, and the first skirmishes took place during the months of the Shining Star and the Radiant Crown. Some optimistic fools believed the coming winter would cool the hearts and minds on both sides. But what was then still known as “the War of the Maiden’s Tears” was not to end so easily. That year’s winter proved soft and barely slowed down the armies.


Engurrand knew taking Yorwick was out of the question. His plan was to focus on the territories located on the western and eastern edges of the Unicorn Duchy. Bayworth, on the shores of Tirya Bay, was a tempting prize. And near the Empire’s heartlands, capturing Kilburn would cut off a good chunk of Unicorn land from Rowena’s authority. Rowena, on the other hand, went with a more direct strategy, and started to march on Millfield, the Greyhound’s grain store, hoping to ruin Enguerrand’s supply line.


By the spring 847 YSD, the real battles were about to begin.


三线作战 - A war on three fronts

I won’t detail every single battle here, as they were the theatre of many feats and heroics and each battle could be the subject of a great song.


What you should know is that Enguerrand’s armies, led by Garland of Blackstone, laid siege to Bayworth from Spider Queen, 846, to Azure Tides, 847, but they couldn’t breach the city walls. The defenders, led by Baron Clive Morgan, exploited the old Tirya smuggler routes to their advantage, to bring in food and supplies. When Unicorn reinforcements finally arrived from the North, Garland was forced to abandon the siege and retreat. Rowena’s forces were less lucky in their own assaults. The battle of Millfield, which lasted from the 6th to the 11th of the Laughing Winds, was a disaster, a crushing defeat for the Unicorn Duchy.


Enguerrand had lost at Bayworth, but Kilburn was still within his grasp. However, he had not forgotten that Ivan of Griffin was on his way, to fight at Rowena’s side. When news reached Ivan that Enguerrand was marching on Kilburn, the Lord of Griffin took his cavalry and rode west in all haste, leaving command of the main force to his trusted lieutenant, Justicar Tatyana of Stormgrad, known to her soldiers as the White Lioness. It certainly was a reckless move on Ivan’s part, but you have to understand why he couldn’t let Kilburn fall.


You might have heard stories about Lord Wilfred of Kilburn, the famous errant knight? During the Second Eclipse, this great hero journeyed to the Griffin Duchy and offered his sword to Duke Anton, becoming Anton’s trusted friend and comrade-in-arms through many hardships. Some years later, Lord Kilburn became the new Duke of Unicorn. Duchess Rowena was Wilfred’s descendant.


You understand then that by coming to Rowena’s rescue Ivan was repaying her ancestor’s help. By defending the city of Kilburn from the Greyhound’s hunger he was honouring her ancestor’s memory.


But as Ivan and his riders were joining Rowena’s forces and getting ready to fight Enguerrand near Kilburn, everybody – myself included, I am ashamed to say – had forgotten about Amílcar of Bull.


公牛与雌狮 - The Bull and the Lioness

On the 13th day of the Blood Moon, the Bull forces ambushed Tatyana’s rearguard near Edenbrook, on the southern side of the Rose mountains. The White Lioness fought fiercely – she knew the Griffin army had to keep moving and reach the Unicorn Duchy at all costs. Taking three hundred men-at-arms with her, she did her best to shield the convoy from Amílcar’s attack. Of Tatyana’s brave soldiers, only one survived to tell the tale of her heroic last stand. Her sacrifice allowed most of the army to escape and reach the other side of the mountains.


His arrogance fuelled by his victory over the White Lioness of Stormgrad, Amílcar was quick to set his sights on a bigger prize: he pushed east, towards the Griffin Duchy, intent on seizing a piece of Ivan’s land. On the 4th day of the Radiant Crown, his forces passed the Griffin border. On the 21st, Amílcar began the siege of Voron Peak. On the 25th, the city had fallen to the Bull.


On the 1st day of the White Maiden, Stefan of Wolf entered the war, sending his armies north to counter the Bull’s advance. Far in the North, Seamus of Stag had spent the last months cutting down the forests on Irollan’s border, gathering wood for purposes unknown. His plans were as inscrutable as ever, but it seemed obvious he, too, would soon join the fray…



A quick side-note about the Imperial Calendar

Some of you requested some explanations about the calendar we use in the Holy Empire and the way the months are named. I thought this calendar was widely used, but I guess a recapitulation cannot hurt:


  • Moon Mother (dedicated to Asha as the Mother, Giver of Life)
  • 月母之月:献给亚莎作为母亲的一面,生命赋予者(译注,这个相对就是一月了)
  • Night Veil (dedicated to Malassa, Dragon of Darkness)
  • 夜幕之月:献给暗之龙马拉萨
  • Sun Blossom (dedicated to Elrath, Dragon of Light)
  • 日轮之月:献给光之龙艾尔拉思
  • Emerald Song (dedicated to Sylanna, Dragon of Earth)
  • 翠歌之月:献给土之龙西兰纳
  • Azure Tides (dedicated to Shalassa, Dragon of Water)
  • 碧涛之月:献给水之龙莎拉萨
  • Dancing Flames (dedicated to Arkath, Dragon of Fire)
  • 舞焰之月:献给火之龙阿尔卡斯
  • Laughing Winds (dedicated to Ylath, Dragon of Air)
  • 欣风之月:献给风之龙伊拉斯
  • Blood Moon (dedicated to the fight against Urgash, Dragon of Chaos)
  • 血月之月:献给与混乱之龙鄂加斯的战斗
  • Shining Star (dedicated to Sar-Elam, The Seventh Dragon)
  • 耀星之月:献给第七龙萨-艾郎
  • Radiant Crown (dedicated to the Imperial Dynasty of the Holy Empire)
  • 辉冕之月:献给神圣帝国的皇家王朝
  • Spider Queen (dedicated to Asha as the Crone, Queen of Death)
  • 蛛后之月:献给亚莎作为老妪的一面,死亡之后
  • White Maiden (dedicated to Asha as the Maiden, Bestower of Fate)
  • 皓女之月:献给亚莎作为少女的一面,命运织女

Like most nations, the Empire has adopted the Elven tradition to have weeks of seven days, named after the Dragon Gods: Malda, Elda, Arda, Sylada, Shalda, Ylda and Ashda. Elda is a day of worship and rest in the Empire, while it is Ylda or Ashda in the Free Cities, Sylada in Irollan, and so on.

和其他国度一样,帝国也采用精灵传统,每周七日,分别以龙神之名命名:马达、艾达、阿达、希拉达、莎达、伊达和亚斯达。其中,艾达是帝国的崇拜日和休息日,就像自由都市在伊达或亚斯达,艾罗兰在希拉达进行崇拜和休息一样。(译注:其实就是Asha`s Day这样去尾拼起来,Ashda是周日,事实上按国外的习惯这个才是排第一的,后面按各种元素龙神的长幼顺序为周一到周六)(音译基本如果单独用出来大家没看过解释可能会完全猜不出来是啥,所以以后大约会采用亚莎日,暗龙日,光龙日,火龙日,土龙日,水龙日,风龙日这样的译法)

skass 回复于 2014-10-08 20:45:
iamblackhand 发表于 2014-10-8 03:12

wudevils 回复于 2014-10-08 09:44:
iamblackhand 回复于 2014-10-08 03:12:
skass 发表于 2014-10-7 12:53

游客 回复于 2014-10-07 15:12:
iamblackhand 发表于 2014-10-7 02:51

游客 回复于 2014-10-07 15:08:
iamblackhand 发表于 2014-10-7 02:52

wyd247 回复于 2014-10-07 12:59:
skass 发表于 2014-10-7 12:53

skass 回复于 2014-10-07 12:53:
一个普通人 回复于 2014-10-07 11:54:
skass 回复于 2014-10-07 11:01:
邪翼 发表于 2014-10-7 10:51

邪翼 回复于 2014-10-07 10:51:
skass 发表于 2014-10-7 10:37

 话说这背景 ...
skass 回复于 2014-10-07 10:37:
 white maiden翻成雪女,瀛洲的那玩意叫啥啥啥啥啥啥???就算统一成两个字,玉女一样能行对不?我果然还是天才,呵呵),皓女也行啊,白女根本不用想啊,总之能不能别雪女了……按照背景设定八竿子打不着啊,你就算说那个月下雪这也不是whitemaiden的错啊。
iamblackhand 回复于 2014-10-07 02:52:
iamblackhand 回复于 2014-10-07 02:51:
