弩手 - Crossbowman |
神射手 - Marksman |
Common soldiers as well as knights fear the Crossbowmen of the Holy Empire. Their lethal reputation comes from the tremendous power coiled in their weapons. The bolts launched from their crossbows are said capable of piercing Dwarven Dragonsteel. 普通士兵甚至是骑士都会畏惧神圣帝国的弩手。他们致命的声誉来源于其武器的巨大威力。他们的弩发射的弹矢据说可以击穿矮人龙钢。 |
Marksmen have become masters of the crossbow and learned how to make maximum usage of each of their powerful bolts. All enemies fear their piercing shots, even those standing behind their primary targets. 神射手是弩弓的大师,他们掌握了如何最大限度的利用手中强力的弹矢。所有敌人都畏惧其穿刺狙击,即便是在其主要目标身后的那些人。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“Legend has it that it was the power of the first crossbows that allowed Ronan Falcon, high-king of the Falcon clan, to defeat the other clan lords and unite them as one Empire.” 传说中,正是第一支弩的威力使得猎鹰氏族的至高王罗南-法尔肯能够击败其他氏族并建立起一个统一的帝国。 |
“Every year, on the 21th day of the Sun Blossom, the beginning of the spring season, a great archery contest is held in every town of the Empire. The best contestants are offered a position among the Marksmen corps.” 每年开春的烈日之月(3月)21号,帝国每座城市都会举行盛大的射击比赛。其中的优胜者能够跻身于神射手之位。 |
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兵种能力 | |||
穿刺狙击 - Piercing Shot - (仅升级) | |||
The combination of top-quality bolts and improved crossbow power allows the marksmen to shoot through multiple enemies with one shot. 结合了最顶尖的弹矢和改良过的弩弓,神射手可以一发射穿多个敌人。 |
恐狼 - Dire Wolf |
银背狼 - Silverback |
In the Holy Empire, Dire Wolves are among the most feared predators of the wild. The ruthless warriors of the Wolf Duchy have chosen this bloodthirsty beast as their blazon animal, and they have learned to train them into efficient, if somewhat unreliable companions for their hunting parties, and of course, for war. 在神圣帝国,恐狼们是荒野中最为令人畏惧的猎食者。恶狼公国的无畏战士们选择这种嗜血野兽作为其象征,并且他们也掌握了如何有效的训练恐狼的方法,从而将这种被认为是不可靠的伙伴变成狩猎,甚至是战争中的队友。 |
Decades of breeding have produced the Silverbacks, a variety of Dire Wolf that is bigger, fiercer, and generally more aggressive. When they are unleashed on the battlefield, these muscular beasts don’t stop until they have closed their jaws on the enemy’s flesh. 数十年的育种才能造就出银背狼,这种恐狼的变种更加巨大、凶猛并且更具进攻性。当其进入战场时,这些健壮的猛兽在将敌人撕成碎片前永不休止。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“Despite their names, the “Dire Wolves” of the imperial armies are not actually pure-blooded wolves, but are descended from the mating of wolves and dogs. This explains why they are not afraid of men.” 尽管在帝国军队中被叫做恐狼,但是其实际上并不是纯血的狼,而是狼与狗的混血。这也解释了为什么他们不怕人类。 |
“A fellow Necromancer, a Lich in an advanced state of decay, was once attacked by a Silverback. My poor colleague is still looking for his femur.” 曾经有一个晋升为高等级巫妖的亡灵巫师被一只银背狼袭击了,我这位可怜的同事现在还在满世界寻找自己的大腿骨。 |
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兵种能力 | |||
无限反击 - Unlimited Retaliation | |||
The Dire Wolves’ uncanny mobility and ferocity let them retaliate against as many opponents as may attack them at the same time. They are simply relentless. 恐狼不可思议的移动性和凶猛程度让它们能够同时对所有发动攻击的敌人进行反击。它们就是如此冷酷。 |
野蛮冲锋 - Feral Charge - (仅升级) | |||
The incredible speed and aggressiveness of the Silverbacks give them the ability to dash onto any target without a warning and it generally results in devastating damage, even if it lets the beast very vulnerable to counter-attacks for a while. 银背狼难以置信的高速和进攻性使其能够以迅雷不及掩耳之势冲向目标并造成巨大的伤害,尽管这会将其自身暂时陷入容易受到反击的危险境地。 |
哨卫 - Sentinel |
军团卫 - Legionnaire |
The Imperial Sentinels form the backbone of the Empire’s military. Equipped with a shield and a spear, they are often in the frontline, relentlessly advancing on the enemy. 帝国哨卫是帝国部队的顶梁柱。装备有一面盾牌和一支长矛的他们通常位于前线,无情地向着敌人前进。 |
Handpicked from the ranks of the Imperial Guard, the Legion is a veteran corps tasked with patrolling the borders of the Empire and defending its outposts deep within hostile lands, such as the mountains of the Dragons’ Causeway or the Deserts of Sahaar. They are highly disciplined, and show an unwavering resolve on the battlefield. 从帝国护卫中精心挑选出来的军团卫是一支老兵部队,其任务是巡防帝国边境,并防守那些深入敌对领地的帝国要塞,像是巨龙长堤所在的山脉或是萨哈沙漠。他们高度遵守戒律,并在战场上表现出坚定的决心。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“In the old days, Sentinels were volunteers, willing to risk their lives to defend the Empire, especially during Bloodmoon Eclipses. Nowadays, Sentinels are professional soldiers, and as a result, they rely less on faith and more on their training.” 在过去,哨卫通常是志愿兵,愿意为了防御帝国而牺牲自己的生命,尤其是在血月之蚀时期。不过如今,哨卫已经是专职的士兵了。因此,如今的哨卫更多依赖着刻苦训练而非坚定的信仰。 |
“It has been mostly forgotten, but the first Legion was trained by Lifsten “Ironskull” Jarnsson, a famous Dwarven Master-of-Arms. This is in his honour that the Legion’s trademark tactics is called the Dwarven Turtle. The Legion presses forwards, keeping their allies safe behind a moving wall of shields.” 人们可能早就已经忘记了,其实最早的军团卫是由著名的矮人武技大师李弗斯坦-钢颅-强森所训练出来的。为了纪念他,军团卫的标志性战术被称为矮人龟阵。军团徐徐前进,将盟友安全地保护在移动的盾墙之后。 |
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兵种能力 | |||
举盾 - Shielding - (仅升级) | |||
Their perfect discipline and large shields allow the legionnaires to create a shield wall and protect their allies on the battlefield, at the cost of their own safety. The tactics has proven to be efficient for large troops. 他们完美的信条和手中的巨盾可以使军团卫组成一堵盾墙,在战场上用自身的安慰来保护其盟友。这一战术在大军团作战中尤为有效。 |
骑兵 - Cavalier |
重骑兵 - Cuirassier |
The Cavaliers are the shock troops of the Holy Empire. Mounted on powerful horses and heavily armoured, they are at their best when they charge the enemy from afar. 骑兵是神圣帝国的突击队。他们骑着强有力的骏马,并身披重甲,竭尽所能地向远方的敌人冲锋。 |
Nothing holds greater fear for infantry troops than a Cuirassier attack. Rampaging their way through armed ranks, trampling enemy soldiers underfoot, these elite knights strike down all who stand in their way with their mighty weapons. 对于步兵来说,没有什么比重骑兵进攻更为令人畏惧的了。利用强大的武力,肆意蹂躏敌方徒步士兵,这些精英骑士们依靠手中的强力武器击败所有矗立在其进攻路线上的敌人。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“I have seen many battles, and my bones still shake when I see the imperial cavalry crashing into the enemy like an unstoppable wave of blessed steel.” 我曾经经历过无数次战斗,但是当我亲眼目睹帝国骑兵如同一波势不可挡的神圣钢铁洪流冲垮对手时,这一切仍然让我感到胆战心惊。 |
“I remember the Sun Riders of old, on their magical golden horses… Not many of them left in this day and age. I wonder why? Anyway, today’s Cuirassiers are a bit more, let’s say… mundane, but you still don’t want to be on the receiving end of their charge.” 我还记得过去的烈日枪骑军,骑在他们充满魔力的黄金军马上。如今已经很难再见到这些人的身影了,我很好奇是为什么。不过,如今的重骑兵更加的,怎么说呢...世俗化,不过即便如此,你仍然不会想要挡在他们冲锋的路线上。 |
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兵种能力 | |||
冲锋 - Charge | |||
Using advantage of their weight and speed, cavaliers can increase their damage dramatically when charging. 利用其重量和速度优势,骑兵们可以在冲锋中获得令人惊讶的伤害增幅。 |
猛击 - Bash - (仅升级) | |||
The addition of reinforced armour gives such tremendous power to the cavaliers’ attack than enemies are simply propelled away and stunned by their charge. 额外的装甲使得这些骑兵的进攻有着恐怖的威力,能够在冲锋中将敌人冲垮并受到震慑。 |
监察官 - Guardian |
诛罪官 - Justicar |
Guardians of the Faith have always been part of the Empire’s military history, but they came in the limelight during Empress Maeve’s reign, earning the reputation of being one of the most dangerous troops of the Holy Empire. Lightly-armoured outside of their trusty shield, they rely on their swiftness and fencing ability in battle. 信仰监察官一直是帝国军事史上的一部分,但是她们直到玫芙女皇统治时期才真正崭露头角,并作为神圣帝国一支最危险的部队而赢得声誉。除了她们可靠的盾牌之外,她们仅仅身着轻甲,因为她们主要依靠自身的敏捷和剑术而战。 |
Afraid of no man nor Demon, the Justicars are always found leading the attack, cutting through the defences of the enemy and opening the way for the rest of the army to advance. In the melee, they will always have their allies’ back and look for opportunities to outflank their foes. 诛罪官不会畏惧任何人或恶魔,她们总是在领导着进攻,切断敌人的防线,并为其他部队打开战线。在近战中,始终守护者盟友的后方,并伺机对敌人进行包夹。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“Elrathian psalms are very clear about the fact men and women are equal under the Holy Light, but in the old times Guardians of the Faith were mostly men. That is, until Irina of the Wolf started to reform her Duchy’s military…” 艾尔拉思圣歌中明确指出圣光之下男女平等,不过在过去,信仰护卫官们基本上都是男性。直到恶狼公国的伊琳娜在其公国内开始了军队改革以后... |
“The word Justicar used to designate the armed forces of the Holy Inquisition. Nowadays the word has lost its original meaning, but still carries a fierce reputation.” 审判官一词最早专指神圣审判庭的部队。如今这一名称已经失去了其本意,不过仍然意指那些勇猛的人们。 |
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兵种能力 | |||
顺势斩 - Cleave | |||
Their swiftness and training allows the Guardian to strike twice as much as other troops, when in favourable situation, making them the spearhead of the attack. 她们的迅捷和所受训练使得监察官可以在有利的情况下连续进攻两次,从而使其成为进攻的矛头。 |
借机反击 - Opportunity Retaliation - (仅升级) | |||
As their name suggests, they bring justice to the battlefield, supporting their nearby allies in retaliation, and adding tremendous damage to their line of defence. They work in perfect synergy with legionnaires, to create powerful armies with strong attack and defence. 正如其名,她们在战场上诛杀敌人,并支援盟友的反击,给敌人防线造成巨大的伤害。她们和军团卫之间配合完美,能够成为一支攻守兼备的强大部队。 |
教士 - Chaplain |
司铎 - Abbot |
Chaplains are battle-priests of Elrath. They fight fiercely against non-believers and any who threaten the Church of the Light. They are more than able to defend themselves on the battlefield, but their main role is to channel the powers of the Light to shield and protect their allies. 教士是艾尔拉思的战斗牧师。他们勇猛地对抗所有无信者或是任何威胁圣光教会的敌人。他们不仅能够在战场上保护自己,还肩负着引导光明的力量守护盟友的重任。 |
Abbots are veteran battle-priests that distinguished themselves among the Chaplains’ ranks. Guided by a higher force, these zealots are the scourge of all those who refuse to bow to Elrath. 司铎是战斗牧师中的老兵,从教士阶层晋升而来。在神圣力量的指引下,这些狂热者们是所有拒绝臣服于艾尔拉思的异教徒们的苦难之源。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“Most priests of the Light are good-hearted men, who do not really enjoy going to war. But make no mistake; they will stand up to defend their homeland if needed.” 大多数光明牧师都是好心人,他们并不真的喜欢上战场。但是别误会,必要时他们一样会起身防御自己的家园。 |
“Once, Abbots would have been called Inquisitors. The Holy Inquisition has been disbanded a long time ago, but its spirit lives on in these fanatics who prefer to punish than to preach.” 曾经,他们被称为圣裁官。不过如今神圣审判庭已经不再是过去的样子了,但是这些狂信者们继承了古老的精神:要惩戒不要说教。 |
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兵种能力 | |||
净化光环 - Aura of Cleansing | |||
The holy presence of the chaplain has a protective effect on nearby allies, shielding them from physical and magical harm. 教士的神圣存在对周围友军有着保护效果,能够减少其受到的物理和魔法伤害。 |
远程反击 - Ranged Retaliation - (仅升级) | |||
More than pillars of light and protection, abbots are powerful dealers of holy punishment. They are able to retaliate against remote enemies like if they were standing nearby. There is no hurting the representatives of Elrath without retribution. 司铎不仅仅是圣光与守护的基石,更能够带来强大的神圣惩罚。他们能够对遥远的敌人发动反击。所有敢于对艾尔拉思的代言人造成伤害之人必将受到惩罚。 |
龙力剑士 - Landsknecht |
卓绝剑士 - Swordmaster |
Landsknechte first appeared in the Wolf Duchy, and their name actually means “servants of the land” in the old Wolf dialect. Protected by heavy armour and armed with double-bladed swords, Landsknechte are without a doubt the greatest warriors of the Wolf Duchy – and quite possibly of the Holy Empire itself. 龙力剑士最初现身于恶狼公国,其名字在恶狼方言中的本意为“国土仆役”。龙力剑士身披重甲的保护,手持双刃巨剑,他们无疑是恶狼公国最强大的战士,甚至是在神圣帝国也是数一数二的。 |
Only the biggest, toughest, most resilient of Landsknechte can become Swordmasters. Trained in the most inhospitable woods and frozen hills of the Wolf Duchy, the fearless Swordmasters are the living swords of Elrath, and the embodiment of the Dragon of Light’s might and ire. 只有最高大、最强劲、最坚韧的龙力剑士能够成为卓绝剑士。在恶狼公国那最险恶的丛林和冰封山脉中受训的这些无畏剑士们正是艾尔拉思之剑,光之龙力量与忿怒的化身。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“We all have the blood of the Dragons in our veins. I believe some are born with a bit more of it. Such men or women are forces of nature, meant for extraordinary things. Some will become great Wizards… others, the most formidable of warriors.” 我们每个人身上都流淌着龙神的血脉。不过我相信,有些人的血脉可能要更浓一些。这些男人女人们掌握着自然的力量,是超凡之人。他们有些成为了伟大的法师,另一些,则成为了最强大的战士。 |
“I have seen a Swordmaster behead a Bloodrage-empowered Cyclops with one single blow of his sword. If these phenomenal warriors were not so rare, Wizards wouldn’t have needed to create Orcs in the first place.” 我曾经见过一个卓绝剑士 一剑就砍下了一只受到血怒加持的独眼巨人的脑袋。如果这些非凡的战士不是如此罕见的话,当年法师们也不需要制造什么兽人了。 |
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兵种能力 | |||
扫击 - Sweep | |||
The uncanny strength of the Landsknechte allows them to trample through enemy lines with large swipes of their gigantic sword, damaging multiple targets at the same time. Their troops can literally cut through enemy lines. 龙力剑士可怕的力量使其可以挥舞手中巨剑任意肆虐敌人的阵线,只需一击便可对多个敌人造成伤害。这些部队可以如字面意义一样切断敌人的防线。 |
不屈不挠 - Indomitable - (仅升级) | |||
The Swordmasters have reached a level of commitment to battle that is unrivalled. They simply fear nothing and never lose hope, even outnumbered hundreds to one. 卓绝剑士已经达到了在战场上无与伦比的境界。他们无所畏惧,永不放弃希望,即便是在以一敌百的情况下。 |
炽天使 - Seraph |
昊天使 - Celestial |
Physically imposing and striking in their perfection, the Angels of the Light are taller than Humans, far more beautiful, and project an aura of power and confidence. Seraphim, on the other hand, are smaller and more Human-like in their appearance. Nonetheless, their presence on the battlefield is enough to fill the hearts of soldiers with hope and resolve. 天使们的完美带来物理层面上的威风凛凛,光之天使们比人类高,并且远比人类更为貌美,它们周身散发出力量与自信。而炽天使,相较之下则更矮小,且偏向于人类的外表。不过尽管如此,其存在本身已经能够给战场上的士兵心中带来希望与决心。 |
Celestials are champions among the Seraphim. It is no coincidence that their given names are often those of legendary Angels fallen during the Elder Wars... Celestials are extremely skilled in battle and fight with an absolute heroism and fearlessness. But they also use their mastery of the Light to heal their allies, even bringing them back from the brink of death. 昊天使是炽天使中的斗士。它们常常得名与那些在长老战争中逝去的传奇天使,这并不是单纯的巧合...昊天使极富战斗技巧,并在战斗中充满英雄主义与无畏。它们同样会利用其掌握的光明魔法治疗友军,甚至能够将他们从死亡边缘带回来。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment | |||
“Many Seraphim were made during the Second Eclipse as a desperate ploy to reverse the Angels’ slow extinction. After the wars of the Second Eclipse, it was revealed that Seraphim are actually the result of the fusion of Angel and Human souls. The revelation caused great unrest within the Empire, until Empress Gwendolyn Falcon decided Seraphim would answer exclusively to the imperial crown rather than the Angelic Host.” 许多炽天使都是在第二次月蚀期间,作为一个应对天使种群的缓慢衰亡的绝望计划的一环,而被制作出来的。战后,真相揭示出炽天使原来是将天使和人类的灵魂融合而制造出来的。这一事件招致帝国国内巨大的动荡,直到格温多琳女皇下令炽天使将直接听命于皇帝而非其天使主人为止。 |
“When a Seraph is created, he or she is still more Human than Angel. With time and training, this balance shifts, as the creature recovers some of his or her long-lost power. The Seraph then becomes known as a Celestial.” 当一个炽天使被制造出来后,他或她的人类部分仍然占据主导。随着时间的流逝以及各种训练,平衡将发生变化,这些生物会渐渐恢复其早已失去的一些能力。此时,这些炽天使就成为了昊天使。 |
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兵种能力 | |||
纯净光环 - Aura of Purity | |||
The very presence of angels has a protective effect on nearby allies, who are protected against their enemy’s spells and abilities. 天使的存在能够给周围友军带来保护,防止敌人的咒语或是能力。 |
复活 - Resurrection - (仅升级) | |||
The Celestials are worshipped by imperial troops, as they have the ability to raise agonizing allies fallen on the battlefield, just before their soul departs to Asha. 昊天使被帝国部队所崇敬,因为它们能够将那些在战场上逝去的悲惨友军复活,只要他们的灵魂还没有归于亚莎。 |
修女 - Sister |
The Sisters of Elrath are devoted to the worship of the Dragon of Light. Chosen for their spiritual gifts, these women have dedicated their lives to bringing light and warmth to all the people in need, and in war times they follow the armies to care for the wounded. Sisters are considered blessed by Elrath and possess great healing powers, sometimes performing true miracles. 艾尔拉思的修女们献身于对光之龙的崇拜。作为神赐天赋的选民,这些女士们将自己的一生致力于给需要的人带来光明与温暖。在战时,她们会随军一起照料伤者。修女们被认为受到艾尔拉思的祝福,从而具备强大的治愈能力,有时甚至能够带来真正的奇迹。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment |
“Many Sister orders were decimated during the wars of the Second Eclipse, making the maidens of Elrath a rare and precious asset nowadays. As a result, Sisters currently set their hospices far behind the front lines, with the war machines and the commanding officers.” 许多修女院都在第二次月蚀之战中被摧毁了,使得这些艾尔拉思的圣女们在如今之时变得尤为稀有珍贵。因此,如今修女们常常将济贫院设立在远离前线的地方,例如在战争机械与指挥部所在的区域。 |
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弩车 - Ballista |
Often described by common folk as the “big crossbows”, ballistae are war machines designed to launch heavy projectiles (usually large arrows, stakes or stones) at a distant target. Ballistae are mostly used on the battlefield to help bring down the most impressive creatures. 弩车经常被平头百姓们称为“大弩”,这些战争机械主要被设计来发射重型投掷物,通常是巨型箭矢、木桩或是岩石,射击远距离目标。弩车主要用来帮助消灭战场上最重要的生物。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment |
“While deadly, the imperial ballistae look rather crude and simplistic compared to their Elven and Dwarven counterparts.” 尽管同样致命,不过帝国弩车与精灵和矮人们的相比还是显得较为粗糙简单。 |
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投石车 - Catapult |
Catapults have been one the main siege engines since the days of the ancient Shantiris. While they vary in design (some rely on the sudden release of tension on wooden beams or twisted cords, others are powered by a counterweight), their purpose remains the same: to hurl a large rock at the enemy’s walls. 投石车自远古杉提瑞时代起就是主要的攻城机械。尽管其设计风格各异,有些主要依靠木质横梁和绷紧的绳索带来的机械推动力,另一些则是依靠简单的杠杆带来的动力,但是其设计目标相同:将巨大的岩石砸到敌方城墙上。 |
卡斯帕的点评 - Kaspar`s Comment |
“The type of catapult currently favoured within the Empire uses a counterweight, but lacks the slingshot characteristic of trebuchets. ...How do I know so much about siege engines? Well let’s just say I took part to a few wars myself...” 如今帝国更偏好的投石车类型是依靠杠杆动力,而非弹弓型的投石车...你问我为什么对攻城机械了解颇多?嗯,就权当做是因为我参加过一些战争吧... |
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