EvilP 更新于 2014-08-14 00:45
相关来源:Heroes Community,Gamestar.de,,4Players.de,Rock Paper Shotgun
- 游戏由开发魔法门十和英雄无敌六DLC的德国Limbic开发,预计2015年下半年发行;
- 城镇音乐之类依然由保罗和萝卜王制作;
- the game uses the Unreal Engine 3
- 游戏使用虚幻3引擎;
- they only have money for 6 factions, the two loosing faction won`t come as dlc
- 原版仅有六族,也就是已确定的圣堂、学院、据点、墓园,和堡垒/森林,地狱/地牢的投票胜者在原版出现,另外两个负者在DLC/资料片中出现;
- townscreens confirmed, every building will be shown, Town screens are 2D
- 有城镇界面,全屏2D,每个建筑都会出现;(吐槽:大家有没觉得学院快要修仙去了,事实上这个据说是UBI成都做的,所以画风上……)
- an editor will be shipped with the game
- 原版发行时就会自带地图编辑器;
- 7 ressources (the new ressources won`t be named sulfur, gems and quicksilver because those don`t fit Ashan)
- 七种资源,但是稀有不是以前的硫磺水银宝石水晶;
- warmachines are back (ballista, first aid tent and catapult are mentioned)
- 战争机器归来,弩车、帐篷、投石器,每族的战争机器表现形式还不一样;
- the skillsystem is a skillwheel as in H5
- 技能系统基本类似于H5的技能轮;
- caravans are back, Caravans are no longer re-directed when a town is captured
- 篷车回来了,当目标城镇被占领后,篷车不会重新定向;
- you won`t be able to change a town to another faction after you conquered it (no town conversion)
- H6的那种城镇转换功能没有了;
- no global growth
- H6那种全局兵种池也没了;
- 7 nonlinear campaigns with 4-6 maps each
- 七章非线性的战役,每章4-6关;
- you can do the last campaign of the game whenever you will, but this will result in an increased difficulty because you missed things from the other campaigns
- 你可以随时进行最后一关战役,但是缺失的章节会增加终章的难度;
- you have to choose which of the two champion creatures you want to build (similar to H4)
- 冠军兵种是二选一,像H4那样只能造一种;
- the current interface is a prototype and not final
- 现在截图上的UI不是最终版本;
- there will be more objects (especially obstacles) on the battlefield
- 战场上会有更多的物件,尤其是障碍物;
- Certain map object like bridges will be "interactive" in the sense that you can destroy and rebuild them (might be campaign only)
- 地图上的桥啊那种东西会有访问点可以选择破坏或者修复(有可能只有战役里能用)
- On the multiplayer side, Skirmish and Duel modes are already in, and Hot Seat support is confirmed.
- 遭遇战,对决模式,热座模式均确认存在;
- ====================8-14增加====================
- the sector control system with its forts as in H6 will return although there will be some changes to the system
- 区域控制系统和fort建筑依然存在,细节不过有改动;
- there will be a new flanking system for the battle system, attacks from the side and from behind will do more damage to a creature
- 战场上有侧翼攻击系统,在侧面和后面攻击会造成更大的伤害(其实之前新英雄无敌在线就有了);
- spells are no longer permanently learned as skills as in H6, you have to buy them in a town or find them on the adventure map (it`s not worded that clear in the article but to my understanding they simply return to the old spellsystem)
- 魔法不再和H6一样从技能盘选择学习,而是需要从城镇的魔法行会购买或者从大地图上寻找;
- permanent changes to the adventure map will be possible (they mention an avalanche from a mountain that can block a path and they mention destroying a statue in the underworld to drain a sea in the world above which then results in a new explorable area where the sea was before)
- 会有永久性的改变大地图的事件(其实是干掉堵路的石头啥的);