
视频中后一段配乐为Protectors of the Earth,1080p版本的视频截图
In Heroes VII the Holy Empire has been ripped apart by a gruesome war of succession. The Duke Ivan calls together the Shadow Council for putting an end to it. Take part in this adventure now: your vote matters to help Ivan Griffin to take the throne!
Their time has come. The Griffin is rising.
Civil war is ravaging the Holy Empire. The Empress’ murder has left an empty throne, a realm in flames and too many hungry rivals intent on claiming it. Duke Ivan calls together a prestigious council of six trusted advisors in search of a viable path for putting an end to this war of succession.
Join the Shadow Council website right now to discover all about Heroes VII and vote for the next faction in the game! Fortress or Sylvan, it is your call!

Elves have mostly kept to themselves since the Day of the Tears of Fire. The forests of Irollan have become hostile to foreigners, a green maze you do not enter uninvited. But they have always kept a vigilant eye on the Holy Empire - their big, noisy, intrusive neighbour. The Dukes of Stag have long been nibbling on Irollan’s borders, and there have been skirmishes in the past. The Elf High-King, Alaron, might consider sending an ambassador to Ivan’s council, if only to ensure the Empire won’t be ruled by someone he can’t trust.

From a military point of view, Elves would add adaptability to Ivan’s strategies. Elf warriors are designed for speed and striking power. They hate a stand-up fight and prefer guerilla tactics. Maneuverability is the key to Elf tactics - they are past masters of retreating to draw the enemy into an advantageous position for them. In a fight they concentrate on picking the enemy army apart. To an Elf general, the perfect battle is one in which the enemy never sees a single Elf…

The Dwarves are only just recovering from Hathor Orlandsson’s tyrannical rule, a reign that strained the relationship between Grimheim and the Stag Duchy after Hathor’s warbands raided several Stag towns. Despite the truce that followed Hathor’s death and the election of a new King under the Mountain, Seamus has made no mystery of his desire to get his revenge against Arkath’s people. While we can be sure the Dwarves would rather stay in their mountains and leave Humans to their own devices, backing Ivan might be their only chance to avoid a full-fledged war with the Holy Empire.

Dwarves would make reliable allies as Dwarf warriors, while ferocious, are possessed of an uncanny discipline. They fight to the death, even when the odds are hopelessly against them. Dwarves particularly excel at sieges, with their engineers and sappers working relentlessly to undermine any fortifications they face. Which would be definitely become an asset if Ivan must conquer the impregnable walls of Horncrest, the Stag’s capitol.