

EvilP 更新于 2013-09-05 23:30


龙族溯源 - Dragon Origins

Background: The Scripture tells of Dragons being the first living beings to appear from the crucible of creation. Each Dragon type to emerge represented one element; ranging from metals, gems to fire and frost. As the raw creational forces started to settle other beings appeared on the world. The Dragons became jealous of these newcomers and started to prey on them. This conflict started the First War of the world, fought between the Dragons and Giantkin. The First War is said to have lasted for millions of years, but was never settled. The Great Flood ended the Age of Giants. Both Dragon and Giantkin numbers dwindled, to make way for the humanoid races.

背景: 圣书记载, 龙族是在造物之劫中第一批出现的生物。 每一种龙都象征着一种元素: 金属, 宝石, 火乃至霜。 正当这新生的造物势力着手于其他物种时, 龙族开始眼红这些新的生物, 并开始猎杀它们。 这场冲突导致了大陆上的第一次大战, 龙族和巨人族相互厮杀。 据说这场战争持续了数百万年, 从未终结。 大洪水结束了巨人时代。 龙和巨人的数量都在逐渐减少, 人形种族登上了历史舞台。

Today only a few of the powerful Ancient Dragons are known to exist, often living in remote Dragon Peaks. Dragons born after the Age of Giants are called Wyverns, with undeveloped forearms and limited powers compared to their fore fathers. Wyverns and Dragons are hunted down by entire armies for their precious scales and gem and gold loaded hoards that are the dragon`s primary foods. In order to ensure survival of their kind, Dragons turned to powerful wizards to create a more rapidly breeding humanoid subspecies called Draconians, which they hope will one day will replace the humanoid races.

时至今日, 只有少量强大的远古巨龙为人所知。它们通常栖居于偏远的巨龙峰。 在巨人时代之后诞生的龙类称为双足飞龙, 它们的前肢未完全进化, 力量不及其远古祖先。 因为龙和双足飞龙的鳞片极其珍贵, 且以收集的宝石与黄金为食, 所以常遭到整只整只的部队猎杀。 为了保证种族延续, 龙族向巫师们求助, 创造出了繁衍更迅速, 被称之为龙人的亚种族。 希望藉此有朝一日能取代人形种族。

巨龙峰 - The Dragons Peak

Dragons and Wyvern live on Dragon`s Peak, the highest level Monster Dwelling, often found at remote locations in the game world. Trying to conquer a Dragon`s Peak by force early on in the game is suicide. But completing the Dragons` perilous quests grant high rewards, such as Wyvern Eggs. These eggs hatch after a number of turns to, providing a highly coveted wyvern mount for your Heroes. For more on the interaction with these monster dwellings, check the recently release Gamescom Video.

龙和双足飞龙居住在巨龙峰, 最高级的生物巢穴,只有在地图偏远的角落才能找到。 在早期就妄想靠武力征服巨龙峰纯属自杀。 但若能完成龙族交付的艰险任务, 回报则值回票价, 比如双足飞龙蛋。 这些蛋在几回合之后就会孵化, 诞生出让人眼红的双足飞龙坐骑。 想知道和怪物巢穴互动的更多信息, 可以查看最近放出的Gamescom Video 录像。

龙族分类 - Dragon Types

Fire Dragon: “The desperate folk knew the risks; but the earth was fertile and they had nothing. Within two generations, they were all wealthy for the number of their flocks and herds, bounteous harvest and clean water. It`s all gone now. The mountain did not erupt. It gave birth to something worse. A dragon of ancient days has returned to claim these lands. Its breath left their homes in heaps of ash. It consumed the livestock and villagers alike. What treasure they once had, now belongs to the beast.”–“The Fire Dragon of Cinder Mountain”, Dirk Slate, Commonwealth Claims Investigator

火龙: “这些陷入绝境的平民深知其风险,但这里土地肥沃而他们则一无所有。 整整两代人, 他们都过着富足的生活, 禽畜成群, 风调雨顺, 丰收年年。 而现在却是一片废土。 这不是因为火山喷发, 而是其中诞生了更可怕的东西。 一条远古巨龙将这片土地据为己有。 龙息所到之处, 屋舍皆成灰烬, 人畜无一幸免。 他们曾经拥有的财富, 现在已是物易其主。”--“灰烬山脉的火龙”, Dirk Slate, 联盟国度的理赔调查员。

Frost Dragon: “Beginners in the dragon slaying business should start with a frost dragon. They are strong flyers, but their brittle frosty scales are susceptible to fire attacks or the blunt strike of a good dragon slayer. Of course there`s a technique to learn and their frosty breath will freeze you solid if you don`t prepare. I`ve lost count of the number of blue-skinned hunters I`ve had to chisel out of glaciers because they had no extra protection from the cold.”–“Fortune Hunter”, Connor Jens, Dragon Slayer

霜龙:“ 猎龙新手应该从霜龙开始练手。 它们是飞行健将, 但是其刺骨的霜鳞在猎龙者的火焰和重击下不堪一击。当然, 一些必要的技巧还是要掌握的, 否则它们的寒霜吐息会把你冻成冰雕。 我都数不清我从冰块中凿出多少个冻得淤青的猎龙者了, 都是欠缺准备才酿出大祸。” --“ 幸运的猎人”, Connor Jens , 猎龙人。

Obsidian Dragon: “Of all dragons, most coveted among those I hunt, are Obsidian Dragons. Their scales are more precious than jewels. I remember the first time I hunted one, the creature attacked at night, but day or night you won`t see it coming without magic. It doused our camp with its inky breath that made us all as weak as kittens. We hid, but it spotted us and slew every hunter. I survived only because a wandering Halfling fell into a well. In attempting to fish him out, in my weakened state, I fell in myself. The dragon could not reach us down the narrow shaft.”–“Fortune Hunter”, Connor Jens, Dragon Slayer

黑曜龙:“在我猎杀的所有飞龙中,黑曜龙最是让人垂涎。 它们的鳞片胜于珠宝。 我记得我第一次猎杀黑曜龙, 它在夜色中袭击我们, 但即使是白天, 没有魔法的帮助你也无法看见它。 墨黑的龙息瞬间淹没了我们的营地。我们如羔羊般的无助, 大家试图躲藏,却被它看见。 猎龙人被一一屠杀。 我能侥幸逃脱, 全赖我看见一个半身人在漫游中掉进了一口井里。 我想救他出来, 却因为体力不支, 也随即掉下, 幸而那龙无法够着我们。” --“ 幸运的猎人”, Connor Jen, 猎龙人。

Bone Dragon: “Despise me if you must, but I live in truth. My way is your way. Even the mightiest immortals fail, and all that remains are the fragments of the greatest lie, the lie called “life”. We are but puppets to the spinning darkness, and my might bone dragon rises to play that role, until the end of days. Mightiest of all undead, let envy be your strength and break the living. Breathe blight upon all that fear and hate and tremble before my beloved mistress Death. Fester. Corrode. All succumb to her call.”—“Shadow Puppets” by Grimber Ambule

骨龙:“ 请随你高兴地唾弃我, 我仍执于真相。 我的宿命即你的归途。即使圣灵也无法不朽, 万物的残骸不过是织成那个最大谎言的碎片, 这个谎言叫做“生命”。 我们只不过是交织的黑暗的傀儡, 而我伟大的骨龙将要崛起, 登上舞台, 直到永远。你是亡灵的极致, 让嫉妒赐予你力量, 让活物在你面前屈膝。 让恐惧和憎恨被你腐浊的吐息所笼罩, 让他们在我敬爱的女主人--死亡,面前颤抖。 腐烂, 侵蚀, 都听候她的差遣。” --“阴影傀儡” 作者: Grimber Ambule

Golden Dragon: “Shadowy twitching corpses surrounded us. I prayed in despair, knowing our corpses would soon join the Necromancer`s army. Then it appeared. The Embodiment of hope! The Golden Dragon burned through the blackness with its fiery breath. Fierce and aware of every enemy no matter how it attempted to sneak up from behind. The Necromancer launched waves of wicked magic that the dragon shrugged off. Its fangs and claws shredded hundreds of undead. We charged in, joining the fight, suddenly inspired by the very honor that we had a moment to fight alongside this noble creature.” – “Second Death” by Derek Shipley, Crusader

金龙: “阴暗扭曲的死尸包围了我们。 绝望中我默默祈祷, 即使知道不久后我们的尸体也会成为亡灵大军的一员。 这时它出现了。 希望的象征! 火红的龙息撕开黑幕, 骁勇而警觉, 敌人千方百计地偷袭也无济于事。 那亡灵巫师一波接一波的邪恶魔法, 换来的只是金龙的不屑。 数百亡灵在它的尖牙利爪下化为齑粉。 猛然间, 一种荣耀激励着我们, 与这高贵的生物并肩而战的荣耀, 于是我们重振旗鼓, 再度冲锋陷阵。” --“第二次死亡” , 作者:Derek Shipley, 十字军。

alldda 回复于 2013-11-30 17:14:
Edwin_Yang 回复于 2013-09-19 23:50:
更正个错误, 以免误导:
 “ 让恐惧和憎恨被你腐浊的吐息所笼罩, 让他们在我的[color=Red]情人[/color], 死亡,面前颤抖。”
 这个mistress是“女主人” 而不是“情人”, 所以应该是:
 “ 让恐惧和憎恨被你腐浊的吐息所笼罩, 让他们在我的[color=Red]女主人[/color], 死亡,面前颤抖。”
53lm 回复于 2013-09-07 20:40:
月亮熊 回复于 2013-09-06 00:07:
