

EvilP 更新于 2013-08-21 01:02


Your journey starts in Sorpigal, a former smuggler`s nest full of surprises.


时间 - Time

The beginning of time / dawn, day, dusk and night


The game starts at 8:00 a.m. Good morning! From now on, your party is subdued to a permanent alteration of dawn, day, dusk and night. Dawn currently starts at 08:00, day starts at 10:00, dusk starts and 18:00 and finally night starts at 20:00. It`s hard not to notice, because when a new day is dawning, you hear a cockcrow, while nightfall is indicated by wolves howling. Also, there`s a short text message telling you when the day begins or when the night closes in. However, if your party is resting during the transition, there will be no explicit signal. Dawn and dusk may only be kind of a (shorter) time - transitions between day and night, but they stand out visually and there might be some quest which can only be accomplished during a specific time.


Sorpigal has an interesting nightlife (and even an underground scene, which is not shown in this picture).


时间的流逝 - The passage of time

Time is measured in minutes and hours. 60 minutes equal one hour, 24 hours equal one day. Sounds familiar, doesn`t it? Time passes every time your party enters a grid tile. Depending on the whereabouts of your party, this consumes different amounts of time. Entering a tile on the world map costs 15 minutes, while one step in a dungeon or city costs only five minutes. Other actions that cost time are travelling and resting. For travelling, it differs, while resting takes eight hours each time. (I wish I would get that much sleep!)


旅行 - Travelling

探索 - Exploration

The content of each tile (terrain or objects) on the mini map is blank by default. Only when your party gets closer, the map and mini map surrounding them will reveal their content. Once a tile has been revealed, it will stay that way for the rest of the game. The exploration range can be increased by hirelings.


地形 - Terrain

The content of each tile (terrain or objects) on the mini map is blank by default. Only when your party gets closer, the map and mini map surrounding them will reveal their content. Once a tile has been revealed, it will stay that way for the rest of the game. The exploration range can be increased by hirelings.


快速旅行 - Quick Travel

Your party can travel quickly from traveling stations to travel destinations.


There are three modes of transport in the game:


Travel stations consist of an NPC together with a travel destination. You have to discover them first before you can use them. By talking to the NPC, your can select a travel destination and teleport there. Each travel route has a gold price and a duration, and you can only travel from travel stations to travel destinations of the same type.


Please note: Quick Travel is not yet implemented in the Early Access Version of MMX. We`re still working on it, and it will come with the release of the full version.


任务 - Quests

Your party can do quests in order to gain experience, gold, items, or to unlock a travel destination. Quests are issued by NPCs you meet along the way. Each quest consists of one or more quest steps, and several quests can be tied together into a quest line. If your party accepts a quest, it will stay in the quest log until you complete it. No need to hurry!


Besides, there are situations in which you can choose which quest you want to approach next, so if you find a quest too hard at that moment, you might like to do a different one first and get back to the other one at a later stage.


Dunstan is one of the nice people of Sorpigal who will give you a quest.


任务类型 - Quest Types

There are different types of quests, which have different priorities and are sorted by priority in your quest log:


  • main quest (always on top position of lists): completing steps of this quest line advances the story
  • 主线任务(永远在第一位):完成主线任务会推动游戏进程。
  • promotion quest: complete such quests to be promoted to an advanced class
  • 晋升任务:完成这类任务来晋升为进阶职业。
  • grand master quest: complete such quests to be allowed to unlock the grand master tier of a skill
  • 宗师任务:完成这类任务以解锁技能的宗师级别。
  • side quest: general quests of all kinds
  • 支线任务:一般类型的任务。
  • ongoing quest: long term quests spanning the whole story and world
  • 长期任务:贯穿游戏始终的长期任务。

史诗拾取、物品和背包 - Epic Loot, items and inventory

There are four general ways to get items in the game: monster drops, quest rewards, NPCs and treasures. And once you get an item, you have to put it somewhere. Your characters probably don`t want to carry lots of stuff in their hands while exploring the world. That`s when the inventory is for. Your four party members share it among them. Are you a pack rat who needs a big backpack? There`s a hireling for that!


Each item you get can be stored in a single slot of the party inventory, however consumable items (like potions) are stackable. Most items can only be equipped in the dedicated slots of the character equipment, and some require a certain tier of a certain skill in order to be equipped.


Some items can be bought from and sold to NPCs, some can break and be repaired. Some items can be consumed, but they can`t be dropped to the ground. (However, you can decide not to pick up loot from a chest if you don`t want to. And if your inventory is full and you kill a monster, the superfluous loot will stay on the ground until you pick it up.)


Some items hide their attributes except for class, type and subtype until they get identified. Before that, they cannot be equipped, and they will only sell for a very small price. There are several ways to identify an item; one of them is to pay an NPC to do it.


物品类型 - Item Classes

  • armor (increases armor value)
  • 护甲(增加护甲值)
  • jewelry (no general effect)
  • 珠宝(没一般效果)
  • shields (increases armor value)
  • 盾牌(增加护甲值)
  • melee weapons (add melee damage and critical melee damage)
  • 近战武器(增加近战伤害和近战暴击伤害)
  • magical foci (increase critical damage for spells)
  • 魔力聚焦(增加法术暴击伤害)
  • ranged weapons (add ranged damage and ranged critical damage)
  • 远程武器(增加远程伤害和远程暴击伤害)
  • potions (consumed upon usage)
  • 药水(使用后消失)
  • scrolls (consumed upon usage)
  • 卷轴(使用后消失)

物品附魔 - Item enchantments

Except for consumable items, all items can have up to two enchantments. Different item classes and types have different pools of possible enchantments. Enchantments are indicated in the item name by a prefix (e.g. Fire Dagger) or/and a suffix (e.g. Dagger of Might).


Prefixes relate to one of the magic schools and their effects. They can for example add elemental damage, or increase protection against the corresponding school. Suffixes on the other hand are more versatile, they can consist of any combination of several conditions, a chance and an effect.


神器 - Relics

In contrast to the ordinary generic items, relics are unique. They are assigned to a certain class, type and subtype, they can have more than two enchantments, and they can level up, which also has an impact on their attributes. While equipped, relics receive the same amount of XP their wielders are receiving.


silent_wind 回复于 2013-09-03 16:27:
牛顿他二叔 发表于 2013-9-3 16:09

牛顿他二叔 回复于 2013-09-03 16:09:
silent_wind 回复于 2013-09-03 15:28:
安戴德耐特 发表于 2013-9-3 14:19

 不会呀,初期拿着新手训练剑的冒险者,开箱子开到一把华丽的精钢宝剑会不想马上换掉手里的垃圾货么?矮人 ...
p92 回复于 2013-09-03 15:12:
安戴德耐特 发表于 2013-9-3 14:19

 不会呀,初期拿着新手训练剑的冒险者,开箱子开到一把华丽的精钢宝剑会不想马上换掉手里的垃圾货么?矮人 ...
安戴德耐特 回复于 2013-09-03 14:20:
安戴德耐特 回复于 2013-09-03 14:19:
silent_wind 发表于 2013-9-3 13:53

 但如果只能当成一把普通剑来装备,就没有意义,需要鉴定的装备证明这装备有特殊的附加效果,如果附加效果 ...
silent_wind 回复于 2013-09-03 13:53:
牛顿他二叔 发表于 2013-9-3 11:58

 traveling station 竟然翻译成旅行站了,稍微有点别扭。
 物品的那个 they can`t be dropped to the ground ...
牛顿他二叔 回复于 2013-09-03 11:58:
traveling station 竟然翻译成旅行站了,稍微有点别扭。
 物品的那个 they can`t be dropped to the ground. 真的是说不能往地上扔么?
wudevils 回复于 2013-09-02 15:17:
邪翼 回复于 2013-09-02 11:23:
安戴德耐特 发表于 2013-9-2 08:32


安戴德耐特 回复于 2013-09-02 08:32:
zxcvbb 回复于 2013-09-02 08:30:
