

EvilP 更新于 2013-06-03 05:18


  • [Ray:] 各位好友以及旅行者们, 大家好! 欢迎来到福祉之地, Altha。 我是Ray Bingham,一位作家, 一切和AoW相关的事都是我的写作题材, 这次的博客就由我来为大家汇报吧。 还有个小插曲, 我有幸请到了游戏中的一个嘉宾。 他会主导这次的访谈, 而我将尽我所能地配合他。我的嘉宾可是大家的红人, 一个传奇的半身人英雄。 他为了精灵公主Julia的一个香吻, 不惜以Aldor岛为代价。 他撰写各种奇闻异事, 喜欢冒险却又裹足不前, 也是一个骑马的好手, 尤其是逃命的时候, 他天生好运总能化险为夷。 他就是Ham Binger!Ham. 欢迎来到博客!
  • [Ham:] 嗨,Ray。 非常高兴再见到你。 要我说, 你还挺帅气的。
  • [Ray:] 彼此彼此, 我的半身人伙计...
  • [Ham:] 你发福了吗? 对我们半身人来说,发福是好兆头啊! 半身人有句谚语:“ 身摇地不晃, 继续吃个胖。”
  • [Ray:] 当真? 顺说根据你的震级来看, 我猜你现在还是一天吃7顿?
  • [Ham:] 这是个危险的世界。 每一顿饭都可能是你最后的一餐, 我可不想死时还饿着肚子。
  • 历史点滴

  • [Ray:] 我们应该聊些什么话题呢?
  • [Ham:] 我们聊正经事前, 不如你先告诉我自你写第一个游戏以来到现在, 你的一切都发生了什么变化吧?
  • [Ray:] 好吧, 我开始为Triumph写游戏的时候, 我的第一个女儿正要出生。 现在她都开始自己开车了。 我有4个女儿和一个儿子。 越来越忙了。 我还搬了几次家, 并且。。。
  • [Ham:] 不错, 过得挺滋润啊, Ray。 但是我指的是游戏, 游戏的写作发生了什么变化?
  • [Ray:] 哦, 好嘛。 总的来说, 从第一个游戏以来, 变化的还是挺大的。 我们刚开始做游戏的时候, 没几个游戏有真实而且流畅的3D画面, 但是现在好多的玩家都不愿意读游戏的故事文本了。但是我想AoW的玩家都是聪明又伶俐的, 他们肯定希望有个有深度的故事, 可以挑战他们的才智。AoW的原版的剧情受到了很高的评价。 我们制作的分支战役可以有不同的结局, 玩家可以自由选择。 并且玩家可以选择善良和邪恶路线。 我写剧情的时候就像在写一部有六种不同结局的小说。巫师王座对我来说是个大挑战, 因为整个游戏世界的机制改变了。 所以Lennart和我想办法在故事中把巫师引入到原来的世界中。 不过不幸的是这个战役显得有点儿平淡。 有些玩家是最差的剧情。
  • [Ham:] 你能谈谈 "Julioch" 吗? (以下几个名字不是打错, 而是在调侃半身人发音不准。)
  • [Ray:] 啊? 哦好。 在第一代中, Inioch是个很牛逼的反派, 我们忍不住。。。
  • [Ham:] 可怜的Julia。 她从来都不消停一下, 是吗?
  • [Ray:] 在《暗影魔法》 提上日程的时候, 我本来是打算不再写剧本了, 因为我想写自己的小说。 但在AoW:SM alpha 版本完成前的数月, 我接到了Lennart 的电话, 说他们写剧本的人撂挑子了, 现在他们进退两难。 所以我同意回去接手, 主要是因为我对我来自那片以木鞋, 风车, 大堤和郁金香驰名的国度(指荷兰)的朋友有着深深的敬意。 而且也因为这件工作很有意思, 即使这意味着我要牺牲我所有的业余时间。暗影魔法很有意思, 但我还是觉得我们完成的太仓促了。 总的来说, 我还是很喜欢暗影魔法带给我的感觉的。 我又回顾了些我原来些的剧本, 有时还会为之会心一笑。
  • [Ham:] 你还在玩老奇迹时代吗?
  • [Ray:] 肯定的! 那可是经典啊! 我开始些写AoWIII的剧本时, 有把3部前作的战役从头至尾的玩通了一遍。 从gog.com上买老游戏价廉物美。 只是有些地图我作弊了才打过(比如AoW:SM的最后战役就是蛋疼到了极点!) 因为我知道怎么编辑战役地图, 所以我把我的主帅弄得高统御力, 高防御, 还会霹雳闪电, 不过这一切都是以研究游戏为目的。。。至少我老婆让我帮她洗盘子的时候, 我是用这个理由拒绝她的。3部前作的可玩性依然相当高, 让人不忍罢手。
  • [Ham:] 对啊, 研究。 所以你玩了这些前作, 现在开始怀旧了?
  • [Ray:] 我是说我们始终在发展, 创造新的方式来呈现一个生动的故事, 但是我们从来没有忘记我们是怎么起步的。 这个游戏的元素是如此的丰富, 和大多数好的故事一样, 我们没法一一讲述所有发生的事, 我们把这些故事相互穿插。 我们本来有数以百计的故事可供讲述。 游戏背景有近2000年的历史, 且按时间线被仔细的记录, 这为我们提供了丰富的素材。我期待这将新的剧情呈现在玩家的面前。 尤其是战役, 包含了前作的所有的有点。 因为我们获得了足够的时间保证它的品质。
  • 团队创新

  • [Ham:] 你不断提到“我们” 。 剧情是你们合作完成的吗?
  • [Ray:] 完全正确。 我试着在剧情里面加入尽可能多的游戏元素--因为游戏里面的准则就是背景世界的准则。 但是我玩游戏的时间不如开发者那么多, 所以我是基本依赖开发者来提供信息。 Lennart和Godwin做的很棒。
  • [Ham:] Godwin?
  • [Ray:] Godewijn Perizonius. 我把他的名字弄得更英语化了点。因为“偶说不勒荷兰语”, 还有他的名字长的过分了点儿。 Godwin是单关剧情图和战役的构架师。 我和他合作很密切。 他和Lennart做事都相当认真严谨, 防止我收不住笔, 把每个战役章节都写成一部小说。他们始终把主力放在剧情的核心元素上, 因为我写东西常常是写着写着就离题千里了。 AoW的世界有如此多的让人着迷的素材。 他们让我自由选择, 同时帮我抓住重点。
  • [Ham:] 那说说重点是啥?
  • [Ray:] 好叻。 我刚才说了, 战役的剧情是相当棒的。 故事是从两个对头的不同的角度来讲述的。 玩家来决定他们扮演的角色:精灵王庭, 或是联盟国度。 两个分支的剧情里面都会有一个重大的抉择点, 这意味着你的选择会影响最终的结局。 因为这次战役剧情比AoW1稍短, 所以我想玩家会渴望体验不同的分支剧情, 来得出他们自己的结论。战役的另外一个好的地方就是几乎每张地图都有一个不同的领袖--他们都是你在战役中可以召集到的人物。 他们开始也是英雄, 但你可以选择他们成为领袖, 每个领袖都有一套不同的技能。 这是AoW一个主要的新功能。总的来说, 新的战役让我振奋不已。 你也看得出来, 我们尽其所能的善用我们的每一份预算与每一点时间, 把以前战役的优点都应用到了新的战役里面, 我想AoW3会是个巨大的成功。
邪翼 回复于 2013-06-03 21:34:
胖枪兵 发表于 2013-6-3 21:18

胖枪兵 回复于 2013-06-03 21:18:
安戴德耐特 回复于 2013-06-03 15:54:
邪翼 回复于 2013-06-03 05:12:

 Dev Journal: The story so far… (part I)
 Posted on May 29, 2013 by Raymond Bingham in dev-journal news
 Age of Wonders writer Ray Bingham performing the delicate art of script writing in his stairwell.
 [Ray:] Greetings fair friends and fellow travelers in the World of Athla, home of the Blessed Continent! It is I, Ray Bingham, the humble writer for all things related to Age of Wonders, happily reporting for blog duty! I have an exciting twist for this blog entry. I invited a guest from the game to join us. He’s going to conduct my interview and I will answer his questions to the best of my abilities.
 The well-groomed halfling Ham Binger.
 My guest is everyone’s favorite, a Halfling hero of legend. He traded the island of Aldor for a kiss from then a young Elf princess named Julia. He’s a writer of tall tales, a reluctant explorer, an expert pony-rider especially when fleeing a battle and extremely lucky to still be alive. His name is Ham Binger.
 Ham. Welcome to the blog!
 [Ham:] Hi Ray. Nice to see you again. Might I say, you’re one handsome fellow.
 [Ray:] As are you, my fine Halfling friend…
 [Ham:] Gained a little weight? Among my people, that’s a sign of good fortune! There’s a Halfling saying, “If no jiggle when you wiggle, then get a little biggle.”
 [Ray:] Biggle? Really? By your jiggle, I assume you’re still eating seven meals a day?
 [Ham:] It’s a dangerous world. You never know when it will be your last meal, and I’d hate to die on an empty stomach.
 A little bit of history
 [Ray:] So what topic should we start with?
 [Ham:] Before we get into the actual story, tell me a little about how things have changed since you wrote the first game.
 Since the first AoW game, Ray’s family has also expanded quite a bit.
 [Ray:] Well, when I started writing for Triumph, it was around the time my first daughter was born. Now that daughter’s driving a car. I have four daughters and a son. Life just gets busier. I’ve moved a number of times, and…
 [Ham:] Yeah, that’s nice Ray, but I was talking about the game. How has game writing changed?
 [Ray:] Oh. Right. That. Well games in general have changed quite a bit since the first game. Back when we first started, few games had blazing fast photorealistic 3D, but today reading a story makes most game fans flee in terror. I think Age of Wonders fans, besides being terrifically good-looking and intelligent people, want a story to go along with a game that challenges their enormous intellects.
 The original Age of Wonders received high marks for its story. We created a branching campaign that had different endings depending on your choices, and two starting points: good or evil. I actually wrote that story like I was writing a full novel with six different endings.
 The Wizard’s Throne was a huge adjustment for me. The whole mechanic changed, so Lennart and I worked out a story that would account for the arrival of Wizards into the world. Unfortunately the campaign was pretty linear and some say that story was our weakest.
 [Ham:] Can you say ‘Julioch’?
 [Ray:] Ugh. Yeah, Inioch made such a great villain in the first series, we couldn’t resist that…
 [Ham:] Poor Julia. She just never gets a break, does she?
 [Ray:] By the time Shadow magic came around, I originally opted out of writing that, because I wanted to do novels. A few months before the alpha for AoW:SM, I get call from Lennart saying their writer had backed out, leaving them in dire straits. I agreed to come back, mostly because I have a deep respect for my friend from the land of wooden shoes, windmills, dikes, and tulips, and because it really is fun, even if it sucks up every last ounce of my free time.
 Shadow Magic was interesting, though I always felt we were forced to rush it. Overall, I like the whole feel of Shadow magic, I go back and read a lot of my old description work and they still make me laugh.
 [Ham:] So you still play the old games?
 [Ray:] Oh yes! They’re classic. When I started writing for AoWIII, I went through and played all three games over again, from start to finish—all the campaigns. With sites like [url]http://gog.com[/url] the games are cheap. I may have cheated on a couple of the maps (That final AoW:SM campaign map is a killer pain!), because I knew how to edit the campaign maps, and I gave my leaders Dominate, High Defense, and Lightning Strike, but it was all for the sake of research… at least that’s what I told my wife when I wasn’t helping her with the dishes.
 All three games are still very playable and addicting.
 [Ham:] Right. Research. So you played all these games, and then you came to the point of your reminiscing, right?
 [Ray:] My point is that we’re continually evolving, creating fun ways to bring an engaging story, but never forgetting where we came from. This game is so rich in source material, and like most good stories, we don’t tell all of them, we layer them one on another. We have hundreds of stories we could’ve told. We’ve got nearly 2000 years of game history to draw from, carefully recorded in the world’s timeline.
 I’m really excited about how we bring the story to the players this time around. The Campaign, specifically, is a mix of all the best aspects of prior versions. We’ve had the time to do it right.
 The AoW team innovations
 [Ham:] You keep saying “we”. Is this story process collaborative?
 [Ray:] Absolutely. I try to inject as many of the game elements into the storyline—because the rules of the game are the rules of the world. But I don’t play the game regularly like some of the developers, so I rely heavily on the developers to clue me in. Lennart and Godwin have been great.
 [Ham:] Godwin?
 [Ray:] Godewijn Perizonius. I anglicized his name, cuz I don’t “sprecken zee Dutch” and he has way too many letters in his name. Godwin’s the architect behind the scenario maps and campaign. I work very closely with him. He and Lennart are very thorough and keep me from writing novels into every chapter of the campaign. They focus the story to the core elements, as I have a tendency to want to elaborate on tangential sidestories. The AoW world is so ripe with fascinating ideas, alas, they make me choose. Again, keep focused.
 [Ham:] Speaking of focus.
 [Ray:] Right. So as I was saying, the campaign story is epic. It’s told from the point of view of two rivals. The player choosing which rival they will play: the Elven Court, or the Commonwealth. The story in both branches will have one major decision point, which means the campaign will different endings depending on your choices. Because the campaign’s slightly shorter than AoW1, I think players will feel greater motivation to play all the branches to their respective conclusions.
 Another nice feature of the campaigns is that nearly every map is a different leader—characters you collect as you progress through the campaign. They start out as heroes, but then you give them a chance to lead, and each leader has a different set of skills, which is a major new feature of AoWIII.
 All in all, I’m thrilled by the features in this campaign. As you can tell we have taken the most popular aspects of each campaign and applied them here within the confines of our budget and schedule, and I think it’ll be a real hit.
 What has happened with Merlin and Julia since Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic? Read about it and more in the next development journal.
