

EvilP 更新于 2013-04-18 22:33


  • Do you think that AoW 3 will surpass the cult popularity of the original? What popular aspects of the previous games will we see return to the stage?
  • 你认为奇迹时代3的普及会超过之前几代么?有哪些之前游戏里受欢迎的部分会在这一代中出现?
  • Age of Wonders 3 is a sequel staying true to the genre`s roots with many improvements to gameplay, presentation and interface. Although we hope to reach new people, we haven`t dumbed the game down – on the contrary!
  • 奇迹时代3作为一个续作,继承了前代的传统,并在游戏方式、表现和界面上做个大量改进。虽然我们十分希望能够吸引新的玩家,但是我们并没有因此降低游戏的品质,我们的做法恰恰相反!
  • Will you be able to pre-order? And when? Is there gonna be a physical copy or downloads only?
  • 游戏会进行预售么?什么时候开始?会有实体版,还是说只有数字版?
  • The game should be available for pre-order, details will follow closer to release. The game has a digital release in multiple international digital stores, as well as physical copies in certain territories where there`s still a healthy demand for PC games on disc.
  • 游戏会进行预售,细节很快就会放出。数字版会在多家电子平台销售,同时你也可以购买到实体版。
  • Will there be plenty of time to explore, research & build an empire or will you have to hurry before enemies get too strong?
  • 游戏中会有很多时间进行探索,研究和建造帝国么?还是说你必须速战速决,以免对手发展壮大?
  • This really depends on the scenario type. Some might be more focused on battle where you quickly need to get to action. Other maps focus on adventure or empire building giving you more time. The totally rewritten random map generator allows you to generate scenarios according to your wishes at the click of a button.
  • 这取决于所选的对战类型。有些会专注于战斗,你必须很快行动。另一些地图则注重冒险或是帝国建设,并给予你充分的时间。完全随机地图则可以在开始设定的时候由你自主选择游戏类型。
yszayyf 回复于 2013-05-27 22:14:
安戴德耐特 回复于 2013-04-24 08:46:
胖枪兵 回复于 2013-04-21 11:30:
yzy052010 回复于 2013-04-20 20:16:
