

EvilP 更新于 2013-04-12 20:41



  • How does the race/class system work? Will some races have special units, like elves will always have archers, goblins will always have bombs? Or is every race/class special on their own, like elf/rogue will have units more like the dark elves in aow sm and elf/archdruid will have more like the elves? Or is the race just artistic?
  • 种族/职业系统怎样运作?是有些种族有特殊单位,就像精灵有弓箭手,地精有炸弹一样?还是每个族的不同职业下部队有差别,像精灵/盗贼所指挥的单位类似于暗影魔法里的黑暗精灵,精灵/德鲁伊指挥的部队则类似于原本的精灵?又或者所有种族单位都差不多?
  • Every race has a set of core units: think skirmishers, infantry, cavalry, pikemen, ranged and priests / support units, all units having abilities and/or statistics coming from the race. Then there are racial units coming from the classes (like an assassin and bard from the rogue class) – these class units merge base traits from the race with additional functions from the class unit. Additionally there are summoned creatures and constructs.
  • 每个种族都会有一系列核心单位:突击手(skirmishers)步兵(infantry)骑兵(cavalry)长矛兵(pikemen)远程(ranged)牧师/支援(priests / support)单位,所有部队的技能和属性都和其种族有关。其次,还有一些职业特有的单位,像盗贼指挥的部队里就有刺客和诗人,这些单位会在种族特性基础上加入额外的职业特性。此外,还有召唤生物和构装生物。
  • Will you be able to toggle blood so it splashes on the ground? (like AoW 1).
  • 可以像AOW1一样切换血腥模式么?
  • The all new 3D battles feature plenty of violence with units being knocked around and battered corpses littering the battlefield, but it`s unlikely we`ll have the huge blood pools as it feels a bit over the top in a more realistic looking battlefield.
  • 全新的3D战场特效可以支持多种暴力效果,像单位被击倒在地或是战场上遗留的尸体,不过不太可能出现像现实战场一样的大量鲜血场面。
  • Will the nymphs and lady of pain be as err.. revealing as they once were?
  • 水精灵(nymph)和痛苦女士的穿着还会像以前一样......清凉么?
  • There will be nudity where it`s appropriate: no chainmail bikinis for warrior females, but nymphs, succubi or berserkers are more revealing as it fits their function or background.
  • 会有适当的裸露:不会出现穿着比基尼链甲的女战士,但是水精灵、魅魔和狂战士的着装都会和背景设定中一样清凉。
anso 回复于 2013-04-16 22:42:
白莲酱 回复于 2013-04-16 18:04:
战神4、圣战群英传3、英雄无敌6 全都失败了,所以奇迹时代3也不可能成功,那么多年了制作组人都换了,100%狗尾续貂
胖枪兵 回复于 2013-04-16 17:40:
climate 发表于 2013-4-13 00:22

climate 回复于 2013-04-13 00:22:
