
魔法门十CH Q/A#2

EvilP 更新于 2013-04-08 15:23


以下问题由Stephan Winter (Limbic CEO)、Julien Pirou (Writer & Designer) 、Gary Paulini (Producer)回答,由Edwin_Yang翻译。

  • You call this game “Might & Magic X - Legacy”. Why have you chosen this name?
  • 为什么取“魔法门-传承”这个名字?
  • When we started thinking about making a new Might & Magic game, we explored several ideas. One of them was to make a classic, old-school Might & Magic game in the spirit of World of Xeen. Since the aim was to be true to the legacy of the series, we codenamed it "Legacy".
  • 当我们开始做新的魔法门游戏的时候,有几个不同的思路。其中一个思路是制作一个经典老牌风格的,能够传承席恩世界(MM4-5)神髓的魔法门游戏。我们的目标是要延续经典,所以取其名为“传承”。
  • Beyond the reference to the previous Might & Magic RPGs and the old-school positioning, the ideas of heritage and legacies - good or bad ones - are one of the central themes of the story.
  • 新作不止将向前作致敬,定位于怀旧,作为这一作的核心主题之一,还会对前作的优缺点一并的继承。
  • You also call it a “classic” RPG, properly old school What is a classic RPG to you?
  • 你称其为“传统的” RPG,是指它很怀旧吧。对你来说怎么算是传统的RPG呢?
  • As you know, there have been many sorts of RPGs during the last 35 years. Dungeon crawlers, simulation RPG (Ultima Underworld and its successors), action-RPGs, BioWare-style RPGs... For us, Might & Magic X - Legacy hails back to the foundations of the RPG genre. It is first-person, party-based, turn-based, with grid-based movement. It is not a cutscene-heavy, "cinematic" experience, but first and foremost a solid game system allowing the player to live his own story at his own pace.
  • 你看,过去35年涌现了大批的RPG游戏。比如探索地城探秘型的,拟真类型的(创世纪之勇闯地下城及其续作),动作类RPG,BioWare 类型的RPG(大概就是博德之门类型的RPG)等等。对我们来说,魔法门10就是向RPG的奠基之作致敬。它是第一人称,组队游戏,回合制,一步一格。虽然没有华丽的场景和动画,但却能让玩家以自己的节奏来融入游戏。
  • Will there be “paper dolls”?
  • 游戏里会有“纸娃娃”么?(就是人物穿装备的那个全身像)
  • Not in the MM6-8 sense (where all pieces of equipment are shown on the body), but there will definitely be a visual in the inventory showing the character (a bit like in MM9, but better! J). We`ll talk and reveal this later during the development.
  • 不是魔法门6-8那种样式的(能看到所有的装备穿上后的效果),不过在行囊里面你能看到人物的形象( 像魔法门9但比魔法门9要好)。以后我们会透露更多这方面内容。
  • Where does this game fit into the Ashan storyline? Is it a small “side plot” to the bigger story or will it play an important part?
  • 故事是以亚山为背景吗?是对主线剧情的补充还是讲述的重大事件?
  • The game takes place 10 years after the events of Heroes VI, but we wanted the story to stand on its own. So you don`t need to have played Heroes VI to play Might & Magic X, however if you did play H6 and its adventure packs, you might recognize some characters and spot references to past events.
  • 故事发生在英雄无敌六之后10年。不过我们希望这个故事有很强的独立性,所以你不用非得玩了英雄无敌6才能玩魔法门10。不过如果你玩过英雄无敌6和探险包后,你可以认出一些在里面出现过的人物,历史事件的发生地等等。
  • What will the graphics be like? What kind of engine are you using?
  • 游戏图像如何?你们用的什么引擎?
  • The Unity engine is our tool of choice. The art direction is based on Heroes VI and Duel of Champions, to create a sense of consistency between the games.
  • 我们选择的是Unity引擎。美术风格沿用饿了英雄无敌6和冠军对决的,为的是保持风格统一。
  • Does this look like any of the old M&M games and which ones do you think it resembles the most?
  • 新作会和以前的魔法门游戏类似吗?你们觉得它和哪一代最像?
  • We are heavily inspired both by World of Xeen and Mandate of Heaven. Due to our grid-based movement we might be a little closer to the World of Xeen gameplay whereas for instance our skill system is closer to Mandate of Heaven.
  • 我们的灵感主要来源于席恩世界和天堂之令。走格子的系统比较接近于席恩世界,而技能系统则更接近于天堂之令。
  • In summary we tried to focus on the "must-have" ingredients and we asked ourselves "What′s important for a Might & Magic RPG?". In a nutshell it′s about adventuring and exploring a large world, controlling and advancing your party, meeting characters, visiting points of interest and the turn-based combat.
  • 总的来说我们把注意力放在那些“必不可少”的元素上,并不断反思“哪些元素对魔法门是必不可少的”。简而言之就是探索和发现新的世界。带领你的队伍见识众生百态,遍历世界以及回合制的战斗。
  • How many developers are actually working on the game?
  • 开发组有多少人?
  • At Limbic the Might & Magic X core team is 16 people. We are getting support from various partners including other Ubisoft studios and outsourcing partners. It′s really hard to give a reliable estimations but in total we would guess we have around 25+ people working on the game right now.
  • 在Limbic工作室,魔法门10核心工作组有16人。我们得到了很多支持者的帮助。比如育碧其他的工作室和一些外包合作者。很难准确的估计一共有多少人,不过我想大概现在有25人在忙这个项目吧。
  • Since we are talking about old school fans here and not just an old school game, in what forms will the game be released?
  • 因为我们谈论的不止是怀旧的游戏,还有热爱怀旧游戏的玩家,游戏会以什么形式发行呢?
  • We are currently discussing to release both a 5 1/4-inch and a 3 1/2- inch disc version for the ultimate old school feeling! :p
  • 我们正讨论要发行5.25英寸软盘和3.5英寸软盘的版本,来达到终极的怀旧体验呢。:P
  • No kidding: So far the game has always been described as a digital title. But we are discussing about releasing a boxed collector edition. So far, we can`t confirm it as it`s too early. We`ll keep you updated.
  • 好吧,不开玩笑的说: 目前说的是游戏以数字方式发行。但是我们也有发行盒装收藏版的想法。目前就下定论还为时尚早,不过我们会随时告知玩家的。
  • M&M fans love modding. Will this be possible? What can you tell us about it?
  • 魔法门的玩家都喜欢Mod,这个可以有吗?可以剧透吗?
  • Alright, about modding: We plan to release an editor for Might & Magic X. On top modders will get access to almost everything in the game from level building, adding objects, changing textures, adding monsters, modifying values, creating texts, etc.
  • 好的,关于Mod: 我们打算为魔法门10加入编辑器。顶级的修改者可以用它修改游戏里面几乎任何一样东西,比如关卡建筑,添加物体,更换材质,添加怪物,修改数值,添加文本等等。
  • Will it be super easy? No. Why? It′s a tool, it takes time and it takes dedication. It′s 90% the same tools we are using to create the game right now. We are optimizing to make it as accessible as we can but it′s not a "one-button-create-fun" solution. Nevertheless we are confident that we will see user created content for Legacy.
  • 那会非常简单易用吗?不会。为什么啊?因为这是个工具啊,要用好一样工具就要花时间和精力。这个工具和我们现在开发游戏的工具相似度90%。我们会尽可能的让它简单易用,但不会简单到点击下鼠标就能修改。无论如何我们有信心能看到玩家自制的游戏关卡。
  • We`ll talk about and introduce to you this particular topic in more details later during the development.
  • 以后我们还会就此话题详谈。
  • What about editors? Some fans have expressed concern about the short playing time you have outlined – will it be possible to extend this with user-made maps?
  • 那编辑器呢?有些玩家担心你们的游戏时间会太短,有可能通过玩家自制地图来延长游戏时长吗?
  • As said in the previous question we are aiming for user-generated content and want to empower the fan base to extend the game. To us it will be awesome to play user dungeons - and hell yeah, we will be critical. ;)
  • 前面说了玩家自制内容也是我们的期望,我们也希望玩家能让游戏的寿命更长久。对我们来说玩到玩家自制的地城也是件乐事,这可是对玩家吐槽的机会啊。:)
  • Regarding the concerns about the "short playing time": We have a difficult time answering this. What we know is that we want to deliver a quality experience. It has to be fun and entertaining, simple as that.
  • 说到游戏时间短的问题么,这个我们也不好回答。我们想让玩家有高质量的游戏体验。能让玩家感受到游戏的乐趣,就这么简单。
  • We will have players who rush through it as fast as they can. They will optimize their efficiency and we would bet money on the fact that we will see players who finish Might & Magic X much faster than we ever will/could.
  • 总有些玩家会玩极限通关的。他们会发挥极致,我打赌有大把玩家能以我们望尘莫及的速度通关。
  • On the other hand we will have players who want to solve every little riddle, visit every single square, read all dialogues twice and fulfill every task there is. Well, obviously their "play time" will be "more". But at the end of the day we think what really counts is if both player types are happy with the quality we delivered. If they finish the game feeling good and happy about Might & Magic X - then we did it.
  • 换句话说也有些玩家喜欢完成每一道谜题,地毯式的扫遍地图,细读每一句对话,不放过每一个任务。显然他们的“游戏时间” 会“更多” 。不过归根结底,我想重要的是这两种游戏玩家都能从中得到乐趣。如果他们通关后能感到快乐和满足,我们的目的也就达到了。
  • Nevertheless there are concerns and even we are dodging the "how many hours?" we want to explain the following: We have around 20+ dungeons, we have cities/villages to visit and we have the outdoor world. Dungeons vary in (grid) size and amount of overall levels (between 1 and 5 to be exact). Some are more combat focused, some are more riddle focused, and some are mixed. So there is the variety, the quantity and (hopefully) the quality to spend a good amount of time in the world of Might & Magic X.
  • 尽管我们一直避免“游戏时间是多少” 之类的问题,不过玩家还是很关心这点。所以我们这样说吧: 游戏有20多个地城,有城市/村庄和荒野。地城的大小(格子数) 和级别都不一样( 准确的说有1-5个级别)。有些以战斗为主,有些以解谜为主,有些兼而有之。这些多种多样的地城,以及良好的游戏质量(但愿如此),应该能让你在魔法门的世界里读过快乐的时光。
silent_wind 回复于 2013-04-08 23:59:
zeroieme 回复于 2013-04-08 22:41:
宇文泰 发表于 2013-4-8 22:11

 Yves Guillemot会坚守和Erwan Le Breton的基情的
宇文泰 回复于 2013-04-08 22:11:
jackking 回复于 2013-04-08 16:34:
wudevils 回复于 2013-04-08 16:24:
Yongfish 回复于 2013-04-08 16:11:
zxcvbb 回复于 2013-04-08 16:03:
安戴德耐特 回复于 2013-04-08 15:34:
