wyd247 回复于 2012-06-22 17:21:
heroes6 发表于 2012-6-22 15:31

 UBI再怎么弄这些视频 出DLC 再怎么去挽救也没意义了 UBI毁掉了英雄无敌系列 现在这已经是无法改变 ...
heroes6 回复于 2012-06-22 15:31:
UBI再怎么弄这些视频 出DLC 再怎么去挽救也没意义了 UBI毁掉了英雄无敌系列 现在这已经是无法改变的事实了 狗日的法国人!
邪翼 回复于 2012-06-22 02:39:
Ulagan didn't lie, his crew has joined my own
 Good. I need all the reinforcements I can get
 Now if only he hadn't taught them all these awful bloody sea shanties...
 Left the Port of Foster's Reach
 On the Jolly Raven
 To become famous and rich
 On the Jolly Raven
 Was a priate and rapscallion
 On the Jolly Raven
 Plundered many a-galleon
 With the Jolly Raven
 To the bottom of the sea
 Went the Jolly Raven
 When the whole Imperial navy
 Caught the Jolly Raven
 The loot was still in the hold
 Of the Jolly Raven
 Brought experience but no gold
 From the Jolly Raven
