EvilP 更新于 2012-04-24 00:34
Yongfish 回复于 2012-09-20 04:05: LS稀客啊 | |
蝶舞飞扬 回复于 2012-09-20 03:10: 路过,最近此游戏公测了
| |
兄弟玩 回复于 2012-05-23 11:26: 史诗般的卡片战斗 | |
necins 回复于 2012-05-13 09:52: 求客户端下载链接啊,官网上那个链接不知为什么我下载不了 | |
monith 回复于 2012-05-06 10:34: 有漢化版麼? | |
ybfed 回复于 2012-05-04 02:40: 发现一艘小潜艇
法语小潜艇 | |
咖啡豆 回复于 2012-04-30 17:09: 貌似很好玩,希望有中文-。-!
卡牌游戏大爱~ | |
ShadowLich 回复于 2012-04-27 19:59: 法语专业路过……毫无压力 | |
pingmianjihe 回复于 2012-04-26 22:53: 这个挺想玩的。。。 | |
狼啸 回复于 2012-04-26 16:21: 要是中文的桌游版,可以考虑 | |
邪翼 回复于 2012-04-26 05:42: 二了,是默认法文,游戏文件里到是有英德法意西韩日的语言文件,不过貌似不知道是不是没进入游戏模式不给点游戏选项还是怎么着,结果是用改文件包的文件名切换文种进的。。WTF.. | |
邪翼 回复于 2012-04-26 05:31:
目前版本客户端是288M,貌似只有法文。。。 难怪只开放法国的BETA申请了。。 | |
Yongfish 回复于 2012-04-25 12:38: 市面上卡牌游戏满天乱飞,估计疼熏都懒的山寨了。。。
不过一破卡牌还不能直接上浏览器必须用端的奇葩到还真稀罕 | |
恶魔之父 回复于 2012-04-25 12:19: 现在是UBI的MM,不是NWC的MM了 = = | |
塞勒斯 回复于 2012-04-25 11:40: 求疼熏山寨一个…… | |
邪翼 回复于 2012-04-25 00:00:
客户端。。 | |
Yongfish 回复于 2012-04-24 23:00: 可以用浏览器玩么,还是一定要客户端的? | |
邪翼 回复于 2012-04-24 21:56: 有BETA KEY的表示飘过。。
BETA没NDA..不过这会网站没好,我连下载都没看到。。 | |
Yongfish 回复于 2012-04-24 20:49: 哦也,都洗洗睡吧。刚在FB上看到的:
Might & Magic Dear Heroes, Discover Might and Magic Duel of Champions, the brand new online card game taken from the Might & Magic franchise. Register now on the website for a chance to win a beta key ([color=Red]currently only available in France[/color]) : [url]www.duelofchampions.com[/url] 4 hours ago · 1 | |
零风少 回复于 2012-04-24 19:59: | |
chenxh123 回复于 2012-04-24 19:43: 像战锤那样,还是万智牌?集换式?套牌构筑? | |
Yongfish 回复于 2012-04-24 13:43:
理论上说只要打得开2楼的网址就玩得上。。。 个人经历是Uplay登录失败+注册新号报错 | |
塞勒斯 回复于 2012-04-24 12:45: 依然是没有瀛洲,学院,壁垒,地牢,森林……
这又是一个被榨干的半成品游戏么…… | |
塞勒斯 回复于 2012-04-24 12:43: 这货中国应该不会有吧…… | |
wudevils 回复于 2012-04-24 12:38: 史诗般的卡片战斗 | |
Yongfish 回复于 2012-04-24 11:59: 已转微博 | |
邪翼 回复于 2012-04-24 02:16: | |
邪翼 回复于 2012-04-24 01:08: Might & Magic Duel of Champions is the free online card game set in the fantastic Might & Magic universe. Choose a hero and build his army with Unit, Spell and Fortune cards to defeat your opponents in epic card battles. Experience the time-tested factions of the Might & Magic universe in a completely new format. Discover a wealth of beautifully illustrated game cards, featuring all the well-known characters, spells and heroes from the Might & Magic series of games. 《魔法门:精英对决》是一款魔法门系列的免费在线卡片游戏。 选择一个英雄,用兵种单位、魔法和资源卡片建立你的军队,在史诗般的卡片战斗中击败你的对手(……)。 体验魔法门久世界中久经考验的种族势力的新面貌。 游戏拥有大量出色的插图卡片,来自魔法门的知名角色,魔法和英雄等待你的探索。 BECOME A GAME MASTER - 成为一个游戏大师 Objective of the game : Bring your opponent hero's life to zero before your hero is defeated. You can use a variety of means to do this: deploy units, cast spells and take advantage of fortunes and events. Get to know your cards and build your army: There are 5 different card types (unit, event, hero, spell and fortune). Each card holds special powers and opportunities that help you win the game. 游戏目标:在你的英雄被击败前清空对手的英雄的生命。你可以用各种手段达到这个目的:部署军队,施放魔法,利用事件和资源。 你有5种不同的卡片:单位,事件,英雄,魔法,资源。每张卡片都有独特的能力,你可以在合适的机会中利用以获得游戏的胜利。 Pick your hero: The hero you choose will determine what spells you can use and which faction your army hails from. Your hero also determines your starting level and life. Each hero can also access a specific number of schools of magic. 选择你的英雄:使用的英雄决定你可以使用的魔法和兵种,以及初始等级和生命,每个英雄可以选择几个特定的魔法系学习。 Pick your events: Each player brings five event cards to the match. Two are chosen and placed on the battleground. You will need to choose your events carefully as they can help your opponent too. 选择你的事件:每场比赛每个玩家可以带5个事件卡片,其中2件是可选而且放置于战台。你必需谨慎的选择事件,否则它可能是在帮助你的敌人。 Build your army for battle: Every army consists of at least 1 hero card and 5 event cards and can grow from 50 to 200 cards when you add your mix of units, spells and fortunes in. There are 16 positions on the battlefield for your units to be deployed to. 为战斗建立你的军队:每支军队至少包括1个英雄和5个事件卡片,可以通过添加单位、魔法和财富发展到50-200张卡片。战台上可以部署16个兵种单位。 SOCIALIZE AND COMPETE ONLINE - 社交化和完全在线 Chats and forums to discuss the game are directly accessible from inside the game 在可以游戏内直接聊天和访问论坛 Social features including Twitter feeds and Facebook updates 社交内容包括twitter和facebook Online tournaments & leaderboards 在线联赛和排行榜 Messaging system and guild creation 消息系统和行会系统 |