

EvilP 更新于 2012-04-18 02:40



We would like to take this opportunity to confirm that Black Hole is no longer working on Heroes VI, and I am very happy to introduce you to the studio we are now collaborating with: Limbic Entertainment, from Germany.

官方确认结束与黑洞的合作,H6的后续开发将由德国制作组Limbic Entertainment接手……


在线特性 - Online features

  • Auto-matchmaking: let the game find an opponent for you.
  • 自动配对:帮你自动寻找一位对手;
  • Invite Friends: you`ll be able to invite players from your friend list directly in-game.
  • 邀请好友:你可以从你的好友列表中直接邀请好友加入游戏;
  • Official Map Tags: highlight official maps released by Ubisoft and the others in the map selection screen.
  • 官方地图标签:官方地图在地图选择列表将会高亮显示;

Bug修正 - Bugs fixes

能力/游戏性/战役 - Abilities/Gameplay/Campaign

  • Sanctuary - The "Challenge" ability has no functionality.
  • 瀛洲 - 剑师的『挑战』能力无效的问题;
  • Sanctuary - The "Trail of Clouds" will completely stop the movement of enemy units that attempt to cross its area of effect.
  • 瀛洲 - 圣麒麟的『云迹』能力将会在敌方单位试图穿越影响区域时彻底停下对方;
  • Menu - The tooltips of the Reputation Abilities do not indicate the proper school which they belong to.
  • 主菜单 - 声誉能力上的浮动提示内容没有显示其对应的能力派系;
  • Necropolis - Wasting Grounds does not award the bonus stated in its description.
  • 墓园 - 特殊建筑『蛮荒之地』没有描述中的效果;
  • Campaign -The primary quest "The Choice" will not complete when the user upgrades his reputation after visiting an Arena.
  • 战役 - 主线任务『抉择』(选血/泪系)将不会在访问竞技场后完成;
  • Campaign - The hero cannot interact with a Dragon Nexus near the town of Nar-Heresh.
  • 战役 - 英雄无法访问纳-赫莱士附近的那个龙络(双倍基础魔法值);
  • Campaign – In multiplayer, the resources spawn outside the island on Tree of Plenty map.
  • 战役 - 『丰饶之木』这张地图上的资源生成在中岛外;
  • Campaign - The user cannot select any hero for the Epilogue campaign after previously visiting the other campaign tabs.
  • 战役 - 玩家无法在点击其它战役标签后选择终章英雄;
  • The Unyelding trait the user receives for finishing the Sanctuary campaign does not work.
  • 瀛洲战役结束后获得的王国特性『百折不屈』无效;
  • The Barbarian Hero trait the user receives for the Wormchopper achievement does not work as stated in the description.
  • 据点战役中通过『蠕虫剁手』成就获得的王国特性『野蛮人英雄』没有如同描述中的效果;
  • Create Hero panel`s class specific ability name is not localized.
  • 创建英雄面板中的职业能力的名称没有本地化;

多人游戏 - Multiplayer

  • The player that is attacked during a Multiplayer session by another player can`t complete any Combat Achievements during that battle.
  • 多人游戏的战斗无法完成任何的战斗成就;
  • During Siege, one of the player remains on the map if the other player exit the session.
  • 攻城时有一方会在结束依然停留在战场地图上;
  • If the user is defeated by not completing the condition to re/capture a town or fort in 7 days - he will receive achievements completed by the AI.
  • 如果玩家在因失去所有城镇7天后失败,他将获得由AI完成的成就……
  • There was no confirmation dialog when kicking another player from the lobby.
  • 在大厅中踢飞一个玩家没有确认提示;
  • Some of multiplayer map name is displayed to English.
  • 有一些多人地图的名字固定显示为英文;
  • A previously saved session cannot be finished after being reloaded, if not all the players rejoin the saved game.
  • 在不是所有之前的玩家都重新加入的情况下读取的多人游戏存档,会导致游戏无法结束;
  • The user that does not join a loaded game will still have his assets in the game.
  • 如果玩家没有加入续盘,该游戏将会保留其?;
  • The client remains on infinite loading screen if he joins any Multiplayer server after he lost his internet connection
  • 如果玩家在续盘时掉线将会在无限卡在载入界面;

聚合点 - Conflux

  • The user cannot buy the newly unlocked items from the Altar of Wishes when reaching a new Dynasty rank, until he advances one more Dynasty level.
  • 玩家在达到新的等级依然无法购买新的祈愿坛条目,需要再升1级方可;
  • The information provided when using "Compare" is incomplete.
  • 在对比功能未完成时预备对应信息;
  • The Online Profile displayed is the one of the previous selected friend, if changing the tab to Online Profile after choosing Compare achievements option from the Friends list.
  • 如果在切换到在线资料标签前在好友列表上使用对比成就功能会导致显示的在线资料是之前选择的好友的。
  • The Player statistics transfer from one player to another after using the "Compare" and "Details" .
  • 在使用对比和细节功能后玩家的统计信息会从一个玩家资料上传递到另一个玩家的资料上;
  • When selecting the "View online profile" option for a friend from the friends list, the achievements list shown remains the one of the user.
  • 当在好友列表使用查看在线资料时,成就列表信息会保留给其它的玩家;
  • The confirmation message received when trying to remove an active widget is not localized.
  • 当试图移除一个激活的应用时弹出的确认提示没有本地化;
  • The user cannot see the details and compare the achievements with the other in "leaderboards" and "friends".
  • 玩家无法对排行榜或者好友使用对比成就功能,以及查看详细细节;
  • After losing the connection to Conflux servers on the transition to the Main Menu, a debug text error is displayed and the Main Menu background disappears.
  • 在掉线后转回主界面时,会显示一段debug错误信息并导致主界面背景消失;
  • The user is unable to load any save while in game, after reconnecting to the Internet.
  • 玩家会在掉线重联服务器后无法读档;

其它 - Various

  • None of the artifacts present in the Artifact Merchant menu has a description.
  • 宝物商店的宝物没有效果描述;


  • Haven - The Imperial Griffin creature can use its special ability while frozen.
  • 圣堂 - 皇家狮鹫可以在被冻结的情况下使用其特殊能力;
  • The custom hero changes into Irina at the beginning of Sanctuary 2.
  • 瀛洲战役第二关时自定义的英雄会变回默认的伊琳娜;
  • The sound FX is distorted when modifying the movement of the AI, units and Hero.
  • 在加快AI,单位,英雄的移动速度后,音效变的扭曲;
  • None of the artifacts present in the Artifact Merchant menu has a description.
  • 宝物商店的宝物没有效果描述;
邪翼 回复于 2012-04-25 15:47:
chalienge 回复于 2012-04-25 15:24:
MKII 回复于 2012-04-24 11:15:
nocholson 回复于 2012-04-22 00:22:
回复 25# [i]sunkaifeng00[/i]
sunkaifeng00 回复于 2012-04-21 13:28:
真的?还有这种事。ea感觉出的动作射击类游戏比较多,我对ea不很了解,可否从那一堆毁掉的好游戏中举 ...
nocholson 发表于 2012-4-21 00:18

nocholson 回复于 2012-04-21 00:18:
heavenk 发表于 2012-4-18 22:29

jy02095904 回复于 2012-04-20 21:07:
天朝 的呢,还没上吧
chenxh123 回复于 2012-04-20 00:05:
sishenlingyi 回复于 2012-04-19 17:44:
回复 sishenlingyi
  明显是育碧搞杂的,育碧这点永远比不了动视暴雪 EA
gkm14971 发表于 2012-4-18 22:02

 BH出来哭一下你们就信了,那到时候ubihole出来哭你们是信还是不信呢... 不管谁搞砸,反正是砸了
heavenk 回复于 2012-04-18 22:29:
回复 sishenlingyi
  明显是育碧搞杂的,育碧这点永远比不了动视暴雪 EA
gkm14971 发表于 2012-4-18 22:02

gkm14971 回复于 2012-04-18 22:02:
回复 15# [i]sishenlingyi[/i]
  明显是育碧搞杂的,育碧这点永远比不了动视暴雪 EA
仙_雾 回复于 2012-04-18 21:51:
换人了。。。 感觉要悲剧啊
376845146 回复于 2012-04-18 18:26:
lokizheng 回复于 2012-04-18 16:52:
回复 15# [i]sishenlingyi[/i]
sishenlingyi 回复于 2012-04-18 15:56:
Kindersky 回复于 2012-04-18 15:41:
回复 3# [i]邪翼[/i]
jiangpei7 回复于 2012-04-18 15:27:
霜之白毛衣 回复于 2012-04-18 12:17:
chalienge 回复于 2012-04-18 11:18:
myhorsefsy 回复于 2012-04-18 11:05:
 顺便。这会装上这补丁会 ...
邪翼 发表于 2012-4-18 02:53

Berein 回复于 2012-04-18 10:47:
Limbic entertainment这个公司已经小到了在wiki上都找不到他的资料
sun_1939 回复于 2012-04-18 10:32:
有谁说说 新制作组Limbic Entertainment 比黑洞强在哪里 ???
alldda 发表于 2012-4-18 09:38

alldda 回复于 2012-04-18 09:38:
有谁说说 新制作组Limbic Entertainment 比黑洞强在哪里 ???
sun_1939 回复于 2012-04-18 09:34:
官方确认结束与黑洞的合作,H6的后续开发将由德国制作组Limbic Entertainment接手……
fly0805 回复于 2012-04-18 09:00:
冰雷魔导师 回复于 2012-04-18 08:42:
邪翼 回复于 2012-04-18 02:53:
heavenk 回复于 2012-04-18 02:46:
