EvilP 更新于 2011-12-02 14:14
AI改进 - AI improvements
遭遇战AI - Skirmish AI
- Tries to defend all owned town (previously the AI focused on its starting town)
- AI会尝试防守所有它拥有的城镇(以前只注重于初始主城);
- Previously if a stronger then the AI`s threatened a town, the AI herlet that town undefended. Now the AI calculates all of its nearby hero`s army and creature growth and defends the town if it finds it possible
- 以前当有一个比较强大的英雄威胁AI城镇,AI会直接弃城。现在AI会计算所有附近英雄的兵力和兵种产量,然后演算是否有胜算;
- Always defends the last owned town if it can causes reasonable losses the attacker hero
- 如果可以对攻城的英雄可以造成一定的伤亡,一定会坚守最后一个城镇;
- Huge speed improvement, AI thinking is approximately 2-3 times faster than in the previous version
- AI回合速度大幅度加快,大约是上一版本的2-3倍快;
- Further improvement of cooperation among primary and secondary heroes
- 主英雄和副英雄之间的协作增强;
- Improved exploration and target priority
- 优化大地图扩展和访问目标优先级;
- Pre-calculated army contraction. The AI calculates how many creatures can the target collect (including possible creature growth) before the AI`s can reach it and calculates if it is worth to chase it.
- 当AI攻击一个目标英雄时,会预估攻击到时目标的兵力增幅,计算是否值得追击目标;
- Further improvement of Town portal usage
- 优化城镇时空门的使用;
- In case of an FFA the AI tries to attack and capture towns from a weaker player
- 在混战模式下AI会尝试攻击一方比较弱的玩家;
- Sometimes the AI attacked a much stronger than itself
- 有时候AI会攻击比它强大多的目标;
- Sometimes without reason the AI split its army into 2 and lost against a stronger hero
- 有时候AI会无缘无故的分兵导致对上强力英雄时失败;
- Sometimes the AI miscalculated the cost of a town portal and spent too much points before trying to use it (resulting an undefended town)
- 有时候AI会不计算城镇时空门的移动力消耗,在使用之前消耗了过多的移动力,导致城镇失守;
- The AI ignored some neutral buildings
- AI无视某些野外设施;
- Several bug fixes (Week of Plague, Dynasty weapons, unit abilities, scripts, localization)
- 一堆BUG修正(250+)……;比如瘟疫周、国器、生物能力、脚本、文本……
战斗AI - Combat AI
- General target choice improvement for the units
- 兵种的攻击目标选择优化;
- Improved ability usage
- 优化技能的使用;
- Improved racial ability usage
- 优化种族技能的使用;
- Improved ability selection and different builds for Magic/Might, Tears/Blood heroes
- 优化技能选择,血/泪和魔/武英雄各种有不同;
- Improved creature ability usage
- 优化兵种的技能使用
游戏性改进 - Gameplay improvements
- The unit setup after using the Tactics ability is remembered from battle to battle
- 战术布阵方案会保留;
Intel集显支持 - Intel support
- Fog calculation
- 战争迷雾计算;
- Variance shadow mapping vs. hardware shadow mapping
- 变化阴影映射和硬件阴影映射;
平衡改动 - Balance changes
种族技能修改 - Racial Ability changes
- Rage II-IV gives +10 Might Attack instead of +15
- 2-4级『血怒』的增加的物理攻击从+15减少为+10;
- Rage points generated by attacks reduced t16(friendly)/8(enemy) (from 20/10)
- 『血怒』的种族技能充能点增加方案从原来的20/10减少到16/8(敌/友);
- Guardian Angel: Good moral gives 70 racial points (instead of 100)
- 士气时『守护天使』增加的种族技能充能点从100减少到70点;
技能数值平衡和改动 - Ability stat balance and changes
- Retribution aura cooldown increased to 5 instead of 3
- 『惩戒光环』的冷却回合数从3回合增加到5回合;
- RRetribution Aura damage limit reduced to 30% (from 100%)
- 『惩戒光环』的伤害上限从100%削到30%;
- Haste initiative bonus increased to 12 (from 10)
- 『加速』的主动性加成从10点增加到12点;
- Slow initiative reduction increased to 12 (from 10)
- 『迟缓』的主动性减少从10点增加到12点;
- Mass Haste initiative bonus increased to 6 (from 5)
- 『群体加速』的主动性加成从5点增加到6点;
- Mass Slow initiative reduction increased to 6 (from 5)
- 『群体迟缓』的主动性减少从5点增加到6点;
- Father Sky damage increased to 380 (from 353)
- 『天父之怒』的伤害从353(267/307/353)增加到380;
- Idol of Air damage increased to 276/318/366 (from 240/277/319)
- 『风暴之灵』的伤害从240/277/319增强到276/318/366;
- Martyr Might Resistance and Health bonus reduced to +10.8%/12.4%/14.3% (from +21.6%,24.9%,28.6% Might Resistance, +13%,15%,17% Health)
- 『殉难者』的物理防御生命值加成分别从+21.6/24.9/28.6%和+13/15/17%削弱到+10.8/12.4/14.3%;
- Hour of Judgement bonus damage increased to 31% (from 21%)
- 『审判时刻』的伤害加成从21%(16/18/21%)增加到31%;
兵种属性改动 - Creature Changes
- Hell Hound Might Defense increased to 5 (from 4)
- 犬魔物理防御从4点增加到5点;
- Cerberus Might Defense increased to 6 (from 4)
- 犬魔升级形态物理防御从4点增加到6点;
- Kirin and Sacred Kirin movement reduced to 6 (from 7)
- 麒麟的移动力从7点减到6点;
- Kirin Magic Defense increased to 33 (from 32)
- 麒麟的魔法防御从32点增加到33点;
- Sacred Kirin Might Defense reduced to 31 (from 33)
- 圣麒麟的物理防御从33点减至31点;
- Sacred Kirin Magic Defense reduced to 33 (from 35)
- 圣麒麟的魔法防御从35点减至33点;