
Public Closed Beta Q/A #3

EvilP 更新于 2011-07-20 00:39


  1. Beta持续到什么时候?
  2. 我们很喜欢关于城镇转化的设定。不过如果能转换区域内的兵营那就赞了。
  3. 为什么不可以在主界面载入热座的存档?
  4. 有些AI没有军队,会导致你在结束回合时卡条。
  5. 你们会在自定义英雄那里默认添加一些英雄么,省的要自己建一堆英雄用于多人游戏?
  6. 核心兵种太强,精英和冠军相对太弱了~
  7. 我的英雄是魔法型的,不过我很快放弃使用魔法,因为直接攻击更有效……
  8. 有些紫色的宝物看起来太强了。
  9. H6的治疗和复活魔法太平常了吧……
  10. 你们有打补丁的计划么?
bedenkenlos 回复于 2011-07-20 19:47:
第6条, 看完翻译后,以为要增加冠军兵种的种类。。一看原文,只是会增强下。。
xynsy123 回复于 2011-07-20 11:54:
冰雷魔导师 回复于 2011-07-20 10:01:
哦 这次1.2的补丁十天后才会放出?
wokunnima 回复于 2011-07-20 09:10:
邪翼 回复于 2011-07-20 00:41:
1/ “Until when the Beta will last?”
 The first phase of the Beta of Might & Magic Heroes VI will end on July 25th.
 After that date we are planning to include an additional content and reopen the Beta within 10 days. The added content will be automatically accessible to players registered to the Beta before July 25th via Ubishop or Steam.
 The date of the reopening of the Beta and the additional content will be communicated lately. Stay tuned!
 2/ “Love what you've done with the faction conversion of cities. It would be nice if this could ALSO convert the secondary barracks dotted about the city's control area.”
 You can actually convert Cities, adventure map Dwellings and Forts.
 When you capture a Dwelling belonging to another faction, you can click on the “convert” button to convert it to your own faction. The creatures it produces are added to the common pool, and can be recruited directly in the Area’s control point (City or Fort). Fort can also be converted, and if a Fort belongs to your own faction it will generates some gold every day.
 3/ “Why it is impossible to load a hot seat game from the main menu?”
 We are still in the process of tweaking the main menu interface. Changes should be visible for the next Beta patch (see below) but we think Hotseat should be accessible through the Multiplayer menu.
 4/ “Some of the AI's have no troops, which causes a stall after you go to your next turn.”
 This is a bug and will be fixed.
 In Heroes VI we wanted to allow the Heroes to move on the Adventure Map without troops. They cannot attack enemies or interact with buildings providing bonuses to troops, but they can pick up resources and treasures, and interact with buildings provining bonuses to Hero stats. However, they can be attacked by enemy Heroes and are then immediately defeated.
 5/ “Will you add a default hero for any faction/random selection as it takes a lot of time to create a hero for the multiplayer mode”
 There will be default heroes available for the AI. However the human player will still have to create his own heroes.
 6/ "The core creatures are way too strong or elite/champion creatures are way too weak..."
 We are mainly in the process of buffing Champion creatures. We will also continue to consider any tweak necessary.
 7/ “My hero was magic based, but I pretty quickly just dropped using magic because the main attack was better.”
 When choosing a Magic hero, the first damage dealing spells the hero chooses should be at least be as powerful as a Heroic Strike. We are currently reviewing and fixing any issue related to this.
 8/ “There are some purple artifacts which seem overpowered”
 Purple artifacts (more commonly known as Relics) are meant to be very powerful and rare artifacts. Some really powerful artifacts are also “legacy”. However we do not rule out the possibility to make changes in the future.
 When found on the Adventure Map, Relics are most often guarded by Champion stacks, making them dangerous to collect. You can also find them when visiting an Artifact Merchant, but they are very expensive.
 9/ “In Heroes VI healing and resurrection are very common. “
 This was a design choice but we may have pushed too far in this direction and are considering possible changes in this area.
 10/ “Are you planning to release a patch?”
 We are planning to release a patch during this week. You can check out what improvements will be made in the dedicated topic:
