| 就是坐着等了。。。其他我无所谓了,,,希望九月了,。。。 |
| 回复 Jaina
wokunnima 发表于 2011-4-29 22:04
很明显这个英雄是浪人吧.........官方没说错= =....... |
| 回复 23# [i]Jaina[/i]
其实浪人和野武士有区别的。。只不过西方人分不出来 |
| skass 回复于 2011-04-29 21:46: [url]http://h6.ubisoft.com.cn/news/view/2011-04-29-1[/url] |
| Jaina 回复于 2011-04-29 21:00: 大名,浪人……恩恩…… |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-04-29 19:28: 做一个全屏城镇的开关会死啊!!!!
iceliu 发表于 2011-4-28 15:48
说得好!!! |
| 怎么连萨科齐都出来了,是我说错话勒马?
话说回来,当年看四风王座和学院城市一模一样,现在这个地狱城市怎么和火源之地长得也这么像,是不是串通好的 |
| 一个普通人 回复于 2011-04-28 18:00: 啊!不好意思,图贴错了。。。。。。 |
| 一个普通人 回复于 2011-04-28 17:59: 今天消息很丰富啊,相信各位为了赶点也累得够呛,在此表示下敬意
热坐(无限感慨啊,咱小学就这么过来的) |
| 估计资料片就是火泪之日,精灵内战了 |
| [color=Red][size=6]做一个全屏城镇的开关会死啊!!!![/size][/color] |
| 回复 15# [i]skass[/i]
我们严格拥护并且围绕在SKASS的光环之下~ |
| skass 回复于 2011-04-28 13:03: 回复 ☆SILENT★
wokunnima 发表于 2011-4-28 12:52
不要相信萨科齐。喇嘛只是个吉祥物。 |
| Hiroshi -博、弘、宏、浩、寛、広、大、博史、浩志、裕、広志、弘司、弘志、博司、浩史、宏司
Okane -冈根(这个姓多出现在日本的东部) |
| 回复 4# [i]☆SILENT★[/i]
中国和台湾的艺术风格不一样╮(╯▽╰)╭再说了,法国支持达赖的。 |
| 其实是不是和风都无所谓了,游戏就是游戏啦!
顶楼上!! |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-04-28 09:53: 瞪大眼睛吐出舌头!来支毛利战舞吧!
我说这个城镇界面既然做出来了弄成全屏的会有什么技术困难么?会影响游戏节奏种族平衡么?这对话框一般的样子完全没有进城的感觉呀!非要在这种无关紧要的地方追求改变吗?完全看不出有进步的意义还会招致习惯性的反感, |
| 连续2帖消息,终于有点看的了。。 |
| Changbo是一个中国名字么
其实世界观根本就是日本的了,大名、浪人都有了 |
| skass 回复于 2011-04-28 08:56: 台湾香港和内地真的不同的,只要人家没说那个是两个国家,一般没什么问题。毛利人……我说怎么 |
| 竟然把中国和台湾分开说,真是不回避政治敏感词啊
☆SILENT★ 发表于 2011-4-28 04:51
和政治问题没什么关系,只是对于欧美人而言把中国大陆和台湾的文化差别还是比较大的,分开说能减少歧义 |
| 地獄的城鎮界面 意外的好看 不錯不錯 請製作人員把握跳票的三個月 好好加油吧 |
| 对了看到热座想起来H6的lan模式不会要学习SC2吧。。。。 |
| 竟然把中国和台湾分开说,真是不回避政治敏感词啊 |
| 慢慢看 |
| 1. We have heard about these Community-VIP-fans and seen pictures on facebook and all that along with some of them talking about testing demos. What is their role?
Ubisoft and Black Hole had a common vision for the game, with new ideas and changes to existing features. We wanted Heroes VI to be an innovative entry in the series, but we had to make sure these changes would still stay true to what the fans love in Heroes. So we presented our ideas to the VIP fans to confront them with their expectations, saying “We want to do this in Heroes VI, what do you think of it?” Their reactions and comments are been immensely helpful to fine-tune the balance between innovation and faithfulness to the Heroes concept. One thing we really wanted was to have members from all over the world. American fans of Might & Magic have a different opinion on what a good Heroes game is, compared to Spanish fans, French fans or Chinese fans.
2. How are our (the fans) questions, ideas etc brought forth to the dev-team?
We read most of the community boards, and take note of interesting suggestions. It’s not as easy as it may sound, because not two fans think alike But at times, global threads are emerging, and we do our best to take them into account. Also the VIP fans themselves are quick to warn us when they think one subject is especially hot for their respective communities. The difficulty is, as in any project, to see what can be done with the budget we have.
3. Will there be townscreens?
There are town windows, and they work as follows:
- The town screen is actually a town window. It is designed to remain the same size whatever your screen resolution is, even if you use a 16:9 monitor.
- The town visuals will be animated and are what could be described as "2.5D".
- Each town has its own musical theme (as usual).
- The town visuals change when you build stuff (although in the current design, not all buildings appear).
- Building and recruiting is done through the window interface, rather than clicking on the buildings directly.
Here is a sneak peek of one of the town windows (the Inferno town) so you have a better idea of what it looks like:
Now, we were talking about “emerging threads” earlier, and it’s clear it’s a hot topic for the communities, so there may be a few changes before release.
4. Are there any expansions planned?
For the moment we are busy with the “vanilla” game, but obviously we have a lot of ideas to improve and expand the game later.
5. Are more factions planned; if so what then are the chances we will see elves and academy back?
It’s too early to tell. Again, we’d really like to add more factions to the game. “How many” and “which ones” are still in discussion. Now if you look at Ashan’s timeline there’s a big upheaval coming right after the events of Heroes VI and clearly there’s an interesting story to tell here.
I’m a big fan of the Wizard/Tower/Academy faction myself, so I too hope that the spellslingers will be back in a future add-on Wink
6. We know the final faction is Sanctuary but there are really no hero-profiles or anything. Could we please have some to aquaint ourself with our newest addition to the M&M universe?
We’ll post more Hero portraits and bios in the coming weeks, but here is an exclusive look at one of our Sanctuary heroes.
Changbo - Once a vassal of Lord Okane, Changbo refused to swear allegiance to his new daimyo, Hiroshi. That day he became two men. Pirate and brigand to those within earshot of the daimyo's soldiers. Hero and defender to those same folk when speaking with hushed voices in private. A Ronin who puts his strict moral code above all other considerations, Changbo can easily give up wealth, power, or status in his quest to protect the weak from the whims of the strong.
Specialization: Blade Master - Increases the effectiveness of Heroic Strikes
(the Heroic Strikes being the "direct attacks" of the Hero)
7. We have seen old heroes stuff becoming available again, like Crag Hack’s helmet. What are the chances he wants it back and will be coming with a vengance?
Crag Hack is definitely around at the time of H6, and I’d really like to tell his story in the future. At the moment, that’s all I can say – we’ll see how it turns out.
8. What culture is each faction based around?
Haven is inspired by both Medieval Knights and the Roman Empire.
Necropolis is mainly inspired by Ancient Mesopotamia, and also Ancient Egypt (the Book of the Dead).
Inferno is obviously inspired by various depictions of hell, with a touch of H.P. Lovecraft on top.
Stronghold has influences from Aztec, Aboriginal and Maori cultures.
Sanctuary is mainly based on Japanese myths (the Kappa, Yuki-onna or Kirin come straight from Japanese folklore) with some Chinese and Taiwanese influences in the art style.
9. Will there be a random map generator? And simultaneous turns.
Unfortunately, not at release.
About the RMG, it would be a great thing to have in the future, but it’s also very complex to create such a tool, since the randomly generated maps need to be: mostly bug-free, reasonably balanced, and look nice. It’s easier said than done, especially with 3D graphics.
By the way I saw some people are still wondering if Hotseat is in the game (something I had actually answered on this very forum a while back) – the answer is YES, Hotseat is in. It wouldn’t be Heroes without Hotseat.
10. How does the AI-run compared to Heroes 5?
I’ll quote what I said on Celestial Heavens a couple of weeks ago: the AI turns are way faster this time around. Also, in H6, the AI will cheat much less and less obviously than in H5. It doesn't cheat at all in Easy difficulty, and not too much in Normal either. In Hard, the AI will lose less troops and will receive some extra resources. That's all. But honestly: the AI always cheats in strategy games - I have yet to see a game where the AI doesn't cheat.
11. Will there be GNU/Linux support?
As far as I know, it is not planned. |