| pikaq 回复于 2011-03-21 10:56: 发现游戏设计者有帅哥 |
| 资源真的只有1种了 |
| 必不可少不至于,没了减少乐趣是一定的了~!大家对续作的看法就是“前作有的你要有,前作没有的你还是要有!”嘛~
安戴德耐特 发表于 2011-3-6 14:06
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-03-06 14:06: 必不可少不至于,没了减少乐趣是一定的了~!大家对续作的看法就是“前作有的你要有,前作没有的你还是要有!”嘛~ |
| skass 回复于 2011-03-05 21:51: 那么一种凌驾一切的顶级兵对于游戏真的必不可少,没了就减少乐趣吗?也不见得吧。 |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-03-05 21:27: 对战图里没有不就得了~H的所有地图都必须能拿来对战吗?
其实还是要归结到“普通玩家制作地图的能力”问题上来,官方要是能弄出个BOSS生物招募地的话,俺就没有怨念了~ |
| skass 回复于 2011-03-05 21:03: 50# skass
安戴德耐特 发表于 2011-3-5 20:56
所以你觉得h6会弄出来这种兵吗,连吸血鬼的吸血能力好像都削弱了 |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-03-05 20:56: 50# [i]skass[/i]
精英和冠军谁家都有呀,人家要的是H3圣龙之于普通兵的那种“超越一切的存在”哑~! |
| 估计达成若干条件可招募boss级生物,谁能爆些料 |
| skass 回复于 2011-03-05 19:40: 还嫌精英和冠军不够强嘛,光看描述和技能,根本是前所未有的强吧…… |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-03-05 19:24: 小灯神同学遗憾的是没有可雇用的强大存在了吧~毕竟各BOSS再强那也都是不让你招募的~ |
| 那个蛛母目前已知的相当强大的存在啊,除了那个水龙,其他龙应该也会出现在中立boos中,而且不会很单调 |
| 总觉得还是不安逸。。。。
魔法那么麻烦,中立那么少,没有圣龙那种强悍的存在了。。。 |
| 45# [i]胡老邪[/i]
动态2D,我觉得很好喔~ |
| 胡老邪 回复于 2011-03-05 06:24: 大部分改动都挺好,不拘泥于3代但又给人似曾相识的感觉,基本满足我对H6的期待。看来这次制作总监总体的尺度把握的比较好。唯一的遗憾就是h3六角形的战斗还是被换成了h5正方形的样子,不过问题也不大。剩下的一些愿望就是城内建筑能够更漂亮些,音乐更好听些,魔法更绚丽些,联机模式能更人性些。呵呵,但愿吧,我会入正的! |
| 说实话我并不喜欢H3那样的回城,我一直觉得发挥机动性,声东击西、迂回包抄、攻其不备才是“战略”的精髓,当然由于H系列的战争迷雾是一次性的,所以想攻其不备挺难的,对于回合制游戏,弄成H4那样也讨好。H系列“战略”层面上主要就是考虑要培养几个打架的英雄,如何分配兵力这些东西,不过好歹聊胜于无。H3有了高级回城术,再加上高级异次元门,一个英雄满世界飞,基本就是纯战斗了,这让游戏失去了很多乐趣。当然没有回城跑路经常跑得挺蛋疼的,不过我觉得像H5那样的回城术和招兵术已经很强大了,估计H6里回城应该消耗一天的移动力吧,搞成H3那样一天飞N个城,有点imba了。 |
| 42# [i]绵羊心[/i]
。。。和五代一样的只有3D模式和英雄无敌这个名字- -其他部分换汤换水很多了 |
| 绵羊心 回复于 2011-03-04 00:13: 感觉风格和5代差不多啊,野外还是太过于华丽...审美疲劳,玩H5就总是不知道是摆设还是可以访问的,经常点来点去的...发现全是装饰.. |
| 我一直想知道经典是怎么形成的?当东西很缺乏的时候它就很可能变成经典 |
| skass 回复于 2011-03-03 22:33: 如果一个人养的毛毛虫变成了蝴蝶,他还要抱怨“如今的蝴蝶已经不是毛毛虫”了吗?抱怨是他的自由,喜欢毛毛虫还是蝴蝶是他的喜好,但是他无力改变自然规律。
你不可能指望一个孩子永远十岁,哪怕他多么早熟。 |
| 毕竟是一个新一代游戏...不搞点儿创新怎么过得去呢?不过制作组应该也挺有压力吧....如果搞的太H3化那很多人就会说没创意还不如玩H3,如果变味儿太重就像LS那样有的老鸟又觉得蛋疼吧。 |
| 刁民四 回复于 2011-03-03 22:22: 从某个意义上讲,这个整体的概念设定已经不是《英雄无敌》鸟。老玩家可能会觉得有点蛋痛~~~ |
| 四围到底怎么样?物攻防和魔攻防一共4个?power和知识没了吗 |
| 29# [i]lancky[/i]
呃,忘了BOSS了。。。 |
| 把对方的矿占了之后,里面驻一个兵,不知道这个矿会不会自动收走 |
| 看来现在抢地盘已经是定局了,难道说不需要担心守矿的野怪过于强大了(会有守矿的野怪么)?对方英雄想来没事干占片矿也不容易了。不过个人觉得幸运几率太低了,个人呢的建议是几率高点但是加成减少,比如只加50%的伤 ...
Jaina 发表于 2011-3-3 18:30
另外上面说的就是50%加成啊 |
| Jaina 回复于 2011-03-03 18:30: 看来现在抢地盘已经是定局了,难道说不需要担心守矿的野怪过于强大了(会有守矿的野怪么)?对方英雄想来没事干占片矿也不容易了。不过个人觉得幸运几率太低了,个人呢的建议是几率高点但是加成减少,比如只加50%的伤害等等 |
| 魔法值八成是英雄等级和类型决定,一堆技能可以影响这样的没跑了
至于回城,3代确实爽,但是爽过头了。偷袭了半天就只能逼对方放弃MF而已,所以不断弱化,这次多半也有较大的限制(消耗的行动力、MANA、建筑价格和建造时间等等) |
| 这次的QA竟然不是视频,换成文字了,不过仔细慢慢看也挺好。
还有这次的物理攻击/防御,魔法攻击/防御,都没提到法力值的问题,是跟魔法攻击有关呢,还是看英雄等级固定上限呢~ |
| 应该是凤凰 |
| 冠军中立兵种应该就是那条水龙了吧,其他的除了4系元素,木乃伊什么的大家猜猜
MYLORD1986 发表于 2011-3-3 12:59
水龙是boss不是中立生物,冠军就是凤凰吧 |
| 保留了4代的设定,有药剂和卷轴太好了 |
| 冠军中立兵种应该就是那条水龙了吧,其他的除了4系元素,木乃伊什么的大家猜猜 |
| 12# [i]晓雾星河[/i]
还是喜欢H3那样,地系专家可以随便选城堡 |
| 魔法力和英雄魔法不挂钩了,太好了,期待怪物魔法的增强 |
| 吸血公爵 回复于 2011-03-03 11:52: 中立生物就是7元素+。。。凤凰? |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-03-03 11:29: 21# [i]仙_雾[/i]
是可预见的士气,幸运还是随机的吧,就是几率和加成都降低了。 |
| skass 回复于 2011-03-03 11:28: 所以说这样才叫策略。或者可以弄个超强反回城,让对方的副手英雄直接传送到自己城,然后灭掉哈哈哈哈 |
| 仙_雾 回复于 2011-03-03 11:27: 可以预见的幸运 不错 |
| 19# [i]skass[/i]
然后就看见一只脱光光的牛从天而降- - |
| skass 回复于 2011-03-03 11:16: 要是发明个反回城系统才好玩呢。可依在策略控制点上安装,然后导致地方英雄回错城或者直接被传送到野外 |
| 12# [i]晓雾星河[/i]
高级是使用后回到最近的城,并且回到城内再互相城传送 |
| 不错,看起来还是比较好 |
| 晓雾星河 回复于 2011-03-03 11:07: 那就是回城一般两天了,没有H3方便,但比H5还是快多了 |
| 比如亡灵有Tomb of Heroes可以免费复活英雄并给予一段时间内的属性加成。
果然是亡灵巫师的风格, 死人比没死之前的厉害, 决战之前先自杀再复活拿加成..... |
| skass 回复于 2011-03-03 10:47: 回城的设定的怪怪的,基础可在任意城飘,高级反而只能回最近的
晓雾星河 发表于 2011-3-3 09:56
基础只能在城镇之间迁移,高级可以在城镇外回最近的城。 |
| 最有营养的一期Q&A |
| 晓雾星河 回复于 2011-03-03 09:56: 回城的设定的怪怪的,基础可在任意城飘,高级反而只能回最近的 |
| skass 回复于 2011-03-03 09:28: 意思是魔法就是能力了,H5共有多少魔法和能力呢?
alldda 发表于 2011-3-3 08:38
其它的特殊能力太乱,分布还不均,保守估计一下,每系的特殊能力约四个到七个左右,取平均值认为每系有五个,则是共育技能数量乘以五,四十种。即总数约为184种(不算专家大师这种升级技能)。我记得说h6的技能数量要贴近三百个或者超过,不知道是按那种方式计算的,不过从任何角度来说,应该h6的魔法+能力总数不会小于h5 |
| 改变英雄的外观,应该只是服饰吧,不会把容貌都改了
wudevils 发表于 2011-3-3 09:22
特殊英雄应该没形象改变问题 |
| 改变英雄的外观,应该只是服饰吧,不会把容貌都改了 |
| 亚山是个幻想世界,不是地球的历史或者神话世界。我们参考了现实世界的神话和传说的象征意义,不是百分百的照抄,而是使其更符合亚山世界的规则,使其更加的独特。(这句话必须让所有人都明吧)[color=Red][/color] |
| 哎,我还是想知道冒险地图上有没有收破烂的奸商 |
| 挑错字中- - |
| 意思是魔法就是能力了,H5共有多少魔法和能力呢? |
| 这个Q/A比之前的都详细多了 最开心的是回城术 几乎能够像三代一样了 终於阿 !!!!! |
| 士气和幸运的效果减弱了 |
| Heroes VI Interview (Q&A)
Answering: Gabor Szabo (Boci) - lead game designer of Black Hole.
Unfortunately Istvan Zsuffa (Isti) - creative director had some urgent business
and couldn't appear, but he helped to answer some question by email.
Questions from Vologya Mester:
We divided the questions into two part:
At first Vologya Mester (leader of Heroes of Might and Magic Hungary) asked his personal questions,
then he asked the questions of the fans from the Hungarian Heroes of Might and Magic Forum and Sg.hu forum.
1. Tell me something about yourself! When did you start working at Black Hole and what is your job?
Isti: We both are founders of Black Hole Entertainment. The company was formed in 2000. My job is to supervise/manage the game development (gameplay, graphics, sounds, music, animation).
Boci: My task is the gamedesign (design + gameplay), I make and put the game design ideas together, plus its also my job to make maps or to find the correct balance between each faction.
2. What do you do to make each faction as balanced as possible? You do a lot of testings, you use your instincts, or is there a special method?
Boci: Of course its not up to our instincts. We have some pretty complex table containing the stats and abilities of every creature. These sheets of course not only about numbers, some of them include serious formulas. They help us to calculate each unit's "value", and the effect/impact of their abilities. Each unit have its unique "Army Power" value that's calculated based on all the abilities and stats of the unit. This value represents the unit's overall strength, this serves the base for our balance calculations. Of course we still need to test it out in the game, and if it needs any fine-tune, we changing things. Right now the development is in this phase.
3. We've read about the reputation system in some gaming magazines, but could you tell us about this and the basics of the skill system? Anything that we should know?
Boci: The reputation system have two side: Blood and Tears (was mentioned in the previous Erwan interview). It functions similar than the XP from the previous games. If you gathered enough reputation point, you can advance to higher class that will also affect the look/appearance of your hero on the adventure map. Ability tree is a parallel system where you have full control spending your points from the levelups on any ability you desire. Its up to You how you form your hero! Lets see an xample: You are following the path of Tears and you learn the Cure spell at basic level. After that you reach the first level of the Tears resulting a power increase in Cure (and in all other Tears-based ability).
4. How does the new area controll system works exactly?
Boci: There are territories with borders (marked with signs). Each territory have a town or fort that controls the area. Every single mine and dwelling is attached to it therefore if you capture the town you gain control over all external mine/dwelling in its territory. IMPORTANT, you must capture the mines/dwellings or the town will not have authority over them. If a wandering enemy hero takes one of your mine or dwelling then no need to rush out to retake it, since it will become yours again when the hero leaves it (assuming the town/fort that controls the territory is in your hand).
5. We know that there won't be any mage guilds in the game. Then how will the heroes learn new spells from the 7 magic school and how will those be placed in their spell books? Any approximate info on the number of available spells?
Boci: Every hero will have some selectable (magic and might) ability. Heroes will gain points after each levelup that they can spend on available abilities. These abilities either passive (for example: Logistics) or active (for example: Fireball). Active ones goes to the respected hero's spellbook and they can be used on the battlefield. You can choose between magic schools (only if they are available for your faction). There are more than 200 spells (active + passive).
6. How will Luck and Moral work? What changed in these skills compared to the previous games?
Boci: We changed their mechanic too. Luck and morale in the previous games was too random and strong. Lets talk about morale first: when it's a creature's turn to act, you can foresee if it will have a morale so you can use that knowledge to plan what to do, making it easier to tactic. However after the first attack the second one will be less powerful. After morale the second movement will be limited and the creature's attack power will be lower too (we still balancing its %). Now some word about luck: heroes and units will have their own luck-factor where 1 luck point = 1%. An advanced hero will have around 6-7% luck, while the luck of creatures will top at 6-7% as well. A fully upgraded (level 30) hero + creature will have a maximum of 15% chance for a lucky attack that can be increased further with spells, abilities and artifacts. Its also important to mention that lucky strikes will do +50% more damage than in normal case.
7. You've changed the primary skill system (Attack, Defense, Spellpower, Knowledge), they've been separated into magic attack/defense, might attack/defense etc, why?
Isti: In the same line as the game's name change from HOMM6 to MM: Heroes 6, the answer to this question is related to the unification process Ubisoft is undertaking for all its Might & Magic games. There's a common "umbrella" brand name (Might & Magic), a common setting (the world of Ashan), a common set of rules (the 7 schools of Magic, the revised stat names and meanings, etc.). In this world (Ashan), magic power and affinity are not related to knowledge (for instance). Moreover, it makes sense that the stat names echo the Might & Magic dichotomy :).
Every hero will have magic/might attack and magic/might defense, and the same goes for the creatures (the hero's stats will be added to the creature's stats upon calculating the final value). For example a might (Crossbowman) creature's attack will be increased by the hero's might attack value while a caster unit's (Priestess) attack will strengthened by the hero's magic attack stat (it will also increase the power of the unit's healing ability). This change was necessary because of the new ability-tree system. In previous games magic heroes were stronger than might heroes. In Heroes VI might hero abilities will have the same power and effectiveness as magic hero abilities, making the game even more balanced.
8. What kind of special abilities the different hero classes will have and how will they work?
Boci: During fights there is a progressbar filling up on the console that has 4 level. Each faction charges it differently, Stronghold creatures for example gains a point with each attack while Necropolis gains a point when enemy/own creatures receive damage. After it reached level 1, you can use the ability anytime. Since the hero can act anytime during the fight (but only once per round similar than in Heroes III), you can use it whenever you want. Its power increases by its level, and the effects is different per faction: Necropolis can reanimate and heal the dead, Stronghold gets overall attack bonus (rage).
9. How will initiative bar work? What determines the creature's order?
Boci: Every creature have an initiative value (it differs from speed!). This determines their acting order. It can be changed with spells and artifacts. There are rounds, a creature can only act once per round (unless morale kicks in, but that will be visible before it happens).
10. What kind of special things/events will we encounter on the battlefield during a fight?
Boci: There are some, campaign and non-campaign specific. One example: rally flags are no longer adventure map-only, we will meet them on the battlefields too. If a creature stand next to it, will gain increased luck.
11. Will we meet any special things during sieges (like the ditch in front of the walls from Heroes III)?
Boci: Yes, you will. Their effect will be different per faction: Inferno town's ditch will cause continuous fire damage to an unit when its turn comes (in the beginning) unless it moves out.
12. If everything goes as planned, the game will be shipped with a map editor? Can you share any info about it, what it is capable of? Is there a plan to add a Campaign editor or a Random map generator?
Boci: Yes, we plan to ship it with the map editor included. Our goal was to make it hard-coded meaning no scripts needed (unlike in Heroes V mapeditor). Our main priority at the moment is to make it user-friendly. We might add a campaign editor later, and about the random map generator: its too early to talk about it.
Fan questions:
1. Are you planning an open/closed Beta test before release? If yes, then approximately when?
Isti: Yes we are planning a closed BETA before release. Date is still to be determined. We?ll let you know of course!
2. Rob and Paul will return with their music. What kind of themes will be there in the game (combat, terrain, factions, siege, etc.) and how long they will be? Any info on their extension (mp3)?
Isti: Yes, there will be different themes... The music together is about 2,5 hour long, approximately 50 tracks (to main menu theme, special menus theme, fraction themes, terrain themes, battle scenes, faction siege battle themes, boss battle themes, campaign themes, AI turn themes, "event" themes and credit theme) and their format probably will be mp3.
3. How many unique buildings will be in the game per faction?
Boci: 4 per faction, each will be different per town and per faction. For example Necropolis will have the Tomb of Heroes building that will make hero resurrection free and will give temporary bonuses a certain period of time.
4. In the previous episodes the maximum number of players on the map was 8. Based on a previous pic from the mapeditor it will be 12, is that true? And any info on the size of the adventure maps?
Boci: The editor is Black Hole Entertainment's own development. It is capable to handle 12 player (it was written for a different multiplayer game) but for Heroes VI the maximum number of players on the map will be 8.
5. Could you tell us something about the AI? In hard modes will the AI "cheat" or will play fair?
Boci: In my opinion the game AI will be quite smart. On easy and normal difficulty the computer will not cheat at all. Of course on Hard difficulty some cheating is necessary to give pro players enough challenge, but will not be as noticable as in Heroes V's case.
6. How many new and old artifacts (and combo/set artifacts) will be in the game, and any info on their quantity? Will be there scrolls and potions?
Isti: There will be around 150 artifact in the game including 8 combo/set artifact, each will have 6-6 part. The ratio between old and new artifact will be around 50-50%. And yes, there will be scrolls and potions as you could see on some picture of the day.
7. If there will be a Town Portal spell, how will it work? Like in Heroes III or in Heroes V? Or if not, then how will the heroes travel?
Boci: There will be basic and advanced Town Portal spell, but they will act differently. They are buildings that you must build first. Basic town portal will help heroes to move from town to town. With advanced town portal heroes could portal back to the nearest town with town portal building from the adventure map. Combining this two they will work as the Town Portal from Heroes III (first jump to the nearest town then portal to the destination town using the portal building).
8. On some 'picture of the day' we saw different colored marks under the heroes/units. What's that? Each hero/creature will have its own colormark on the battlefield and on the adventure map?
Boci: Don't get confused by the early pics, they are from the alpha version, and sometimes they've been made with the map editor. In the final game aura colors will be the same as the player's color. The aura under creatures will change based on which player controls the territory.
9. In Marzihn's second Q&A video he told that there will be 8 boss and 8 neutral creature. The number of bosses is satisfying, but I think there should be more neutral creature since the main game will start with only 5 faction. Do you plan to increase their numbers before release, or will you add more in later explansion(s)?
Boci: There were no more neutral creature in the previous games at launch and we don't feel its not enough.
10. How strong the neutral units will be?
Boci: 0 Core, 7 Elite, 1 Champion Neutral unit.
11. Is there any chanche that you will change the name of some creature before release? For example the Cerberus in the greek mythology is a 3 headed dog, but in the game he only has two head that's a bit confusing)
Names won't change. Ashan is a Fantasy world, not our historical or even mythical Earth. We use references to our own mythologies and folklores for their rich - and immediate - symbolic meaning, but we never copy them 100% - rather we adapt them to Ashan's own laws to make them more unique. Our Vampires, for instance, are nothing like Dracula, or the Cullens from Twilight :)
Thank you for your answers and we wish you good work
and expert Four-Leaf Clover luck! |