EvilP 更新于 2011-01-13 18:12
wokunnima 回复于 2011-01-20 19:32: 34# [i]pcgame[/i]
。。。没关系,现在这个视频遍地都是了。直接去BAIDU就可以了 | |
pcgame 回复于 2011-01-20 13:22: 看不到啊 | |
wokunnima 回复于 2011-01-19 16:20: 快了,邪翼说快了,我倒是期待今天晚上的截图。 | |
platonsky 回复于 2011-01-15 21:14:
一點也沒錯 獨眼的攻擊動作一點都不符合獨眼應有的狂暴 殘忍 一點都不野蠻 只是輕輕的敲了CC一下 還有 不是說 這個禮拜就會把所有蠻子兵種的原畫都公布嗎? 再不公布都要一月底了 | |
金属发条 回复于 2011-01-15 12:54: 看得出制作人偏爱ORC,兽人在H6里可以大喊声WAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! | |
geminiroy 回复于 2011-01-14 21:48: 独眼的攻击看起来完全不给力啊 | |
wokunnima 回复于 2011-01-14 14:32: 28# [i]skass[/i]
像不像拜娅拉? | |
skass 回复于 2011-01-14 14:27: 伊丽莎白和slava生的儿子怎么谁也不像…… | |
phinex 回复于 2011-01-14 14:17:
伊丽莎白 | |
咖啡豆 回复于 2011-01-14 14:05: 伊萨贝尔很PP的说 | |
wokunnima 回复于 2011-01-14 13:30: 萨尔现在是新一代的守护者了(艾罗林挂了)
好了,说道据点。。。。 骑兵啊!不能少啊!不要以为人马能满足我! | |
skass 回复于 2011-01-13 20:49: 怎么又和魔兽扯上关系了,其实暴雪教徒爱怎么叫随他们便,只要别到眼前来传教就行。 | |
安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-01-13 20:46: 11楼不是有人贴链接了吗~ | |
yshhero1 回复于 2011-01-13 20:16: 视频怎么刷新不出来? | |
安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-01-13 20:09: 萨尔已经不是酋长了~!现在的酋长是地狱咆哮之子~叫啥来着...好久没看WOW相关了...
白马非马~咱们就叫他酋长WOWER也说不出啥来~ | |
wokunnima 回复于 2011-01-13 20:05: 只要不和萨尔挂边什么都好。引来WOWER就天下大乱了——跑题向 | |
安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-01-13 20:05: 也可能只是个代称...人类的头都是国王大公啥的,也没有过英雄职业就叫大公呀... | |
skass 回复于 2011-01-13 19:55: 介绍说桑铎在红髅岛上了成了一名warchief,所以我想应该会有这个职业或者基础职业。 | |
安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-01-13 18:23: 16# [i]heavenk[/i]
纳垢爸爸救我! | |
heavenk 回复于 2011-01-13 18:20:
来人啊,以帝皇的名义,把这个伪装成IG的绿皮党拖出去烧掉=。= | |
三头凯勒斯 回复于 2011-01-13 18:12: 桑多的丑脸还真来自他老娘...
遗传不佳么?? | |
安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-01-13 18:09: 纯恶搞~~~ | |
吸血公爵 回复于 2011-01-13 18:00: 酋长。。政委是哪来的翻译啊 | |
安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-01-13 17:39: WARCHIEF?政委?? | |
skass 回复于 2011-01-13 17:29:
[url]http://www.56.com/u90/v_NTc3ODcyMTU.html[/url] 野蛮人职业里有warchief | |
安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-01-13 17:25: 打...打不开...HW上有了么? | |
zym32167 回复于 2011-01-13 17:15: 桑多他娘长的很漂亮啊 | |
leelovefss 回复于 2011-01-13 15:40: 很好! 简单暴力~ | |
skass 回复于 2011-01-13 15:15: 美洲豹战士是不是能击退? | |
wokunnima 回复于 2011-01-13 14:40: 刚才更新小说,又打了一堆吐槽文。。实在是抽筋不愿意翻译了,等待各位大师出现。 | |
三头凯勒斯 回复于 2011-01-13 14:33: 依然有血怒 依然没有脑 赞!! “你,识字,废。” “俺,文盲,强。” 这就对了...有文化哪能叫蛮子... | |
chenxh123 回复于 2011-01-13 14:21: 没什么惊喜啊...... | |
吸血公爵 回复于 2011-01-13 13:47: 一丽莎白要是能瘦一下脸就更好了 | |
邪翼 回复于 2011-01-13 13:27: Erwan: Welcome back to the world of Ashan, the setting of all our Might and Magic games. Let us take you back in time, 400 years before Heroes V, at the time of the second Bloodmoon Eclipse. Once again, Demons are swarming out of the bowels of Sheogh. To repel the invasion, the various nations of Ashan will have to put aside their petty quarrels and unite their forces. The Knights of the Holy Empire and the Necromancers of the Seven Cities will get help from the most unexpected of allies - THE ORCS.
Kurt: Way back during the first eclipse, the peoples of Ashan were in really bad shape. Demons were pouring out of Sheogh and they were being overrun. What they eventually did was they called upon the Wizards of the Seven Cities to come up with a solution, and they got this kind of un-kosher idea and started injecting Demon blood into criminals. These criminals ended up turning into what we now call the Orc, and the Orcs were... Demon-bashers. And these Orc armies then pushed the Demons back into Sheogh, and there was a relative time of peace, and the Wizards were extremely proud of what they'd accomplished. The Orcs had won the war. And so they decided to keep the Orcs as slaves. Now, Orcs will be Orcs - they didn't really like the situation, so they eventually rebelled and they fought and they won their own freedom, and by the time you get up to Heroes VI, there's still a lot of animosity in people that preferred them in chains. Erwan: Sandor is the bastard child of Duke Slava Griffin and his first love, the beautiful Lady Elizabeth. A political burden since birth, he soon became a troublemaker, and found an outlet for his frustration and anger alongside his father's master-of-arms - the Orc, Kraal. Kurt: Imagine the Duchy of Griffin and the Duchy of Wolf - they've been feuding for decades. Sandor's that son that just finally can't put up with it any more. He stands up to Duke Gerhart, the Duke of Wolf, and gets himself in trouble. It leads to exile. Kraal takes Sandor into the Redskull Islands; this is where Kraal was born, it's Orc country, right? Think dancing with jaguars, bloodlike rituals... Sandor's confronted with everything that it means to be an Orc, and he becomes a warchief. He's popular, he amasses a huge horde - a giant army - and goes back into the Holy Empire. Whether he becomes the saviour of the Empire or the conqueror - that's really up to the player to decide. Erwan: The Orc strategy on the battlefield is pretty straightforward: rush now, think later. The Stronghold creatures are fast, highly mobile, brutal and tough. Their melee damage output is simply the best in the game. They have thick skin, brutal determination, high pain threshold and an innate resistance to magic, and their faction ability - the Blood Rage - improves their already-impressive offensive capacities. |