
Q/A@Heroes Community@Elvin#Cepheus@xhane

EvilP 更新于 2010-11-19 22:45

来源:Heroes Community@Elvin#Cepheus@xhane

  • 第四个种族会在12月初公布。
  • 能给点兵种消息么?哦,可以啊,Facebook的MM页面每周都有公布。
  • 能给点魔法的消息么?不行的哟,不过很快就会有的哟。
  • 关于魔法和阵营的关系能透露点喵?啊,关于这个嘛,每个种族都有一个偏好的魔法系,当然其它的系也可以用。(咳,话说这和我知道的有点不一样啊,请大家对此条保持怀疑)
  • 啊,那个,有消息说关于英雄自定义的,请问还会有独特的传记、初始能力、特别能力的酒馆英雄么?这个当然有的啦,所谓的英雄自定义是在多人游戏里,而且指的是初始英雄,其它设定好的英雄你仍然可以从酒馆里招募。在单人模式中,英雄自定义是受到限制的。
  • 6的兵种线更近似于5还是1-4?这个,其实都有点。
  • 会有一些经典的怪物没有指定阵营,而作为怪物存在么?这个嘛,你会看到新面孔和老面孔,比如T恤上那只凤凰。
  • 进阶职业像H4么?关于这个,之后会有细节公布。现在能说的是每个进阶会有两个职业能力,其中一个是终极能力。
  • 英雄的冒险地图移动力呢?会有英雄能力和宝物以及地形影响英雄的移动力,所带生物不会,类似于H5。
  • 魔法怎么学的?魔法行会还在么?不在的话用技能树来点?这个这个这个,6会有一个新的能力系统,细节上以后会慢慢公布。
  • 城镇内的种族特殊建筑机制呢?4选2,建筑的功能和种族的策略有关。比如,圣堂有Statue of Revelation,每周可以有一次机会让一个区域内的战争迷雾消失。亡灵有Altar of Eternal Servitude,可以用钱复活一些战斗中阵亡的兵力。
  • 发行时大约会有多少张地图?24个战役,10个多人地图。
  • 既然很多兵种招募建筑物矿藏便当了,你们准备用啥来替代?用啥来使冒险地图保持新鲜和有趣?这,有区域控制系统啊,另外宝屋啊,宝物啊等其它一些建筑啊都还在的嘛。
  • 原版发行时会不会有像TOE那样的混合野兵?当然有的啦。
  • 声誉系统呢?这个等稍后再谈。
  • 战役故事的表达方式呢?战役中会有像H5一样的过场,像更前代的消息框,不过不会有像H4那样长的。对于那些剧情控们,你们可以从英雄传记,生物介绍,城镇介绍等里得到满足。当然,制图者可以在地图里扔海量文本。
  • 在背景介绍中,亡灵势力从YSD461年开始提及,不过亡灵的崛起是在H6剧情约50年后的YSD610年,那为啥亡灵在H6剧情中如此强大?在H6剧情的时代,亡灵只是法师中的一部分,不是一个完整的国家,而是七城联邦的一部分。不过他们的仪式已经有了百年历史,H6正是他们崛起的转折点。
  • 可以在地图编辑器中自定一场动态战斗么?这个也要稍后再谈。
  • 会有旧世界的名人登场么?2011年是MM的25周年,会有惊喜的。
  • 剧情会不会又是其它势力围攻地狱?所以恶魔是H6的主要敌人?1、是,恶魔们又入侵了。2、不是,这并不是剧情中最重要的部分。虽然每个人脑子里都装着恶魔入侵这件事,亚山大陆政治层面所围绕的中心要比这个问题深远得多。
星野有希 回复于 2010-11-21 22:54:
英雄无敌L 回复于 2010-11-20 20:11:
安戴德耐特 回复于 2010-11-20 19:08:
skass 回复于 2010-11-20 19:05:

phinex 发表于 2010-11-20 19:01

安戴德耐特 回复于 2010-11-20 19:04:
phinex 回复于 2010-11-20 19:01:
skass 发表于 2010-11-20 18:48

skass 回复于 2010-11-20 18:48:
phinex 回复于 2010-11-20 18:32:
安戴德耐特 发表于 2010-11-20 16:51

Jaina 回复于 2010-11-20 18:22:
安戴德耐特 回复于 2010-11-20 16:51:
tumblepop 回复于 2010-11-20 15:50:
akmdtbdnw 回复于 2010-11-20 15:32:
aghar 回复于 2010-11-20 11:09:
Statue of Revelation感觉好废哦
金属发条 回复于 2010-11-20 09:43:
冰雷魔导师 回复于 2010-11-20 09:18:
chenxh123 回复于 2010-11-20 08:53:
金属发条 回复于 2010-11-20 08:52:
21941danG 回复于 2010-11-20 01:16:
tumblepop 回复于 2010-11-19 23:46:
skass 发表于 2010-11-19 23:24

  被抓住的可以放出来的,只要你占领关押他的那座城,或者是盟友占领也可以的 还是信徒好,直接杀了变墓碑插大地图上
ladios 回复于 2010-11-19 23:33:
skass 回复于 2010-11-19 23:24:
tumblepop 回复于 2010-11-19 23:17:
信徒 里的 英雄 是可以永久消灭的,这个偶最喜欢,最讨厌杀了偶那么小弟的英雄还给逃了,然后又来r/h不能这么无齿啊
tumblepop 回复于 2010-11-19 23:12:
skass 回复于 2010-11-19 23:02:
lancky 回复于 2010-11-19 22:59:
skass 回复于 2010-11-19 22:55:
tumblepop 回复于 2010-11-19 22:51:
邪翼 回复于 2010-11-19 22:47:
Some here probably know I had communicated with xhane for a new Q&A some time back but unfortunately a number of setbacks delayed its release. At long last the Q&A is here, kudos to cepheus for helping organize this and a big thanks to xhane for her time
 - When can we expect news on the two unknown factions?
 It should come very soon. I think you could expect an update in December.
 - Could you reveal some units from the announced factions? Any pictures would also be appreciated.
 Indeed, they are now being presented on our Facebook page [url]www.facebook.com/MightandMagic.[/url] The last ones will be presented in the coming weeks.
 - We know there will be 7 magic schools, the 6 elemental schools (including light and darkness) plus primordial. Anything you could share on them, like new twists or descriptions to an idea of what to expect?
 Not yet. But it will come soon?
 - While at that, how many will be accessible to each faction? Some will of course favour specifics schools but will the other ones be available and/or effective?
 All schools will be accessible. Each faction will favor a specific Magic school among the others.
 - There have been mentions of hero customization. We still get "tavern heroes" with their unique bios, skills and specialties, right?
 Yes. Customization is in multiplayer, for your starting Hero. You can still choose other heroes and recruit them in town. In solo mode, the customization is limited.
 - Will the creature lineups of H6 remain mostly race-based (like in H5) or will they be based around a common theme (like in H1-4)?
 Heroes VI is more balanced about this. You will get a bit of both; some race-based creatures and some about the theme.
 - Will any of the classic units not assigned to factions return as neutrals?
 About neutral creatures, you will see new ones and old faces. For example, the phoenix you might have already seen on the dev T-shirts.
 - What can we expect from the advanced classes? Will they work like in H4?
 Not really, it is different from Heroes IV. We will soon go in more detail about this. What we can say so far is that each advanced class have 2 unique abilities, including one ultimate.
 - How will hero movement be affected on the adventure map?
 You will have skills and artifacts linked to movement. Creatures in your army won't affect your movement. Terrain will also have an effect.
 - How will spells be learned in Heroes VI? Are Mage Guilds returning? If not, will the skill tree be used instead?
 Heroes VI will have a new skill system we will talk about soon? (see question 3 for reference )
 - What type of race-unique buildings can we expect in Heroes VI?
 You will be able to build 2 out of a choice of 4. Buildings are linked to faction strategy.
 Here are exclusive examples of unique buildings:
 - For Haven: the Statue of Revelation which removes fog of war in a targeted area, once a week.
 - For Necropolis: the Altar of Eternal Servitude, which gathers the remains of the players Necropolis Creatures that fell in combat, so they can be recruited again (for a price).
 - What is the estimated planned map total (campaigns, single scenarios and multiplayer maps inclusive) for the initial release of Heroes VI?
 We have 24 campaigns and 10 multiplayer maps.
 - If many of the mines and creature dwellings are being retired for Heroes VI, what will take their place? How will the adventure map be kept interesting and fresh?
 You still have treasures, artifacts and places to visits. Also, re-centering the game on areas of control and strategy will make the adventure map appealing.
 - Will mixed neutrals ala Tribes of the East be returning? Pretty please
 - Can you elaborate on the Reputation system which was mentioned? How does it work? How will it affect gameplay? What actions determine your reputation? What are the benefits of having one type of reputation or the other?
 We will develop on this later on
 - Are the beloved dialogue and text boxes from Heroes I-IV returning in Heroes VI? Will the campaigns contain a lot of juicy narrative as in H3 and H4, or just cutscenes like in H5?
 In the campaign mode, you will have some cut scenes, dialogue boxes. You won't have big texts like in H IV, but for curious players, there will be plenty of very detailed text to read in the bios of heroes, creatures, cities, etc.Also map makers will be able to put all the boxes they want in their maps.
 - According to the timeline, necromancy was only discovered in 461 YSD and the rise of the Necromancers took place almost 50 years after H6, in 610. How is it possible the Necromancers are such a strong force at this point in time?
 At the time of Heroes VI, Necromancers are just a group of wizards, not a full Nation. They are part of the 7 cities. But their cult is 100 years old. Heroes VI is the turning point where Necromancers come to the foreground.
 - Will it be possible to create custom dynamic battles in the map editor?
 We will communicate on the map editor details later.
 - The press release claimed "Might & Magic Heroes VI will include all the characters and features that have made this brand a worldwide success". Is it possible that any classic heroes from the Might and Magic franchise will return in some form for Heroes VI?
 This is a request that has been strongly expressed by the VIP fans. As you know, 2011 will be the 25th anniversary of M&M, so surprises are to be expected.
 - We are worried that the storyline will ultimately just rehash the Everyone VS Demons plot yet again. Will the Demons be the main antagonists of Heroes VI?
 Yes, there is a Demon invasion in Heroes VI. No, it is not the most important plot element in the storyline. Even though most factions have the Demon invasion in mind, the political face of Ashan is evolving way beyond this threat.
